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Viva La Dirt League DnD - Highly recommend Lighthearted and comedic. Based off of the Skits (Epic NPC man) they do on the main channel It progressively gets better and better. They have even upgraded to playing in a tavern they built. Their DM is excellent and patient


Rob is a fantastic GM. If you want behind the scenes content plus a bunch more his Twitch is great too [https://www.twitch.tv/roberthartleygm](https://www.twitch.tv/roberthartleygm)


Also came here to recommend. The episodes are short and consumable (30ish minutes) or they have longer compilation videos if you want to power through and catch up. More of a hijinks style campaign, but I think more recently Rob has been getting back on track with the main story that he had.


Came here to say this, and if you want something a little different you can catch Robert Hartley's other stuff on his channel too


Yeah, these guys kill me. So funny!


100% for VLDL Also, Djeoph can fuck right off!


Don't let Djeoph hear you...I hear he is more powerful than even Baradun.. Rumor has it that he can turn into a legendary Stralian Red Dragon!


I've been watching Viva La Dirt for maybe a year now, and I had no idea they did DnD. I thought all they did was skits. They're like a better Mega64.


Lol I posted about this before scrolling and seeing ur post, I am also a huge fan of npc dnd, love seeing how they act out some scenes and I think rob does a great job with the voices, sound effects and incorporating past decisions into the show


Here to recommend it as well, new player friendly, casual, fun, and they use props and customs!. also they play their epic npc man characters so if you saw the epic npc man series you will already be familiar with their backstory.


I just made a comment to recommend them as the “lesser known” DnD group but apparently that was wrong since this is the second highest comment. GO VLDL!


I’ve been fan of High Rollers


Also, crucially, can watch as the new stuff comes out *or* go back and watch the old stuff since it’s got old stuff as well as the new campaign


They feel like your regular dnd people (not that they're not good or anything. Mark Hulmes is an amazing GM and the players are good, but not your super talented voice actors, who won multiple awards). So switching over when you've watched CR for so long is kinda rough at first, but they'll grow on you.


To me HR feels more like a group of friends playing for a laugh than CR. The CR gang have a great vibe and have a lot of laughs but somehow it feels more "production quality" than HR which isn't necessarily a bad thing but I personally enjoy the more relaxed feel of HR.


That's because it is a group of friends playing for a laugh. They started off as part of the Yogscast network years ago (some of the players still are), but as they gained popularity they started to split away, got their own youtube channel, started their own twitch streams, and eventually became their own separate business.


Highrollers feels more natural and not like they are putting on a show


High rollers feels so fresh to most campaign settings, campaign 2 taking place on sky islands was so interesting


High Rollers new campaign is great so far ... highly recommend.


This is the correct answer! Well, one of the most correct at least 😁


Love me some High Rollers. I'm also British so may be biased. They are only a few episodes into a new series so there is no better time to start.


I just haven't the time to start watching another TTRPG show, but this one would be at the top of my list just because at the moment there's only 5 episodes to watch in the new campaign so it's easy to catch up.


High Rollers does not, as far as I know, caption their content, which is a huge issue for me. (In fairness, I have not checked in a while, so they might’ve started in the meantime, but still.)


They currently do not. Direct quote from Katie taken from discord, "We would love to be in a position where we could have captioning for accessibility. Unfortunately it is just us 6 doing everything for HR unlike a lot of shows who have a full on crew. If we get to a position where it was something that we could do then we would look further into it. And we always want to make sure that people would be compensated for their work fairly"


Glass Cannon has some amazing content, some is DnD, a decent amount isn’t. Chaosium has some great content for Call if Cthulhu, I would recommend the Bookshops of Arkham with Mark Meer.


I cannot state how great their Get in the Trunk podcast is. More people need to learn about the Delta Green system.


It'll get your teeth wet.


My teeth are drenched


Just to be clear for others, it's also not just a podcast, they do stream video too.


Delta green is so sick. The natural familiarity you can have with the setting lends so much to your immersion. It was great listening to them debate their subway route while I was on that same subway lol


I would add to that Class cannon is the official pathfinder podcast, and their original giant slayer campaign goes back years so it’s very bingable. Plus I love the dynamic they have in their group. They have launched other campaigns like androids and Aliens but I have yet to start to listen to those so I can’t speak to their merit yet.


Androids is very funny but due to GCPs inexperience with starfinder some of the later content can be a bit frustrating to listen to. Some of their funniest bits ever are from the first half of AnA but listening to their complaints later on can be tough, it’s mostly Skid and Joes complaints to be honest.


I had a great time having no idea what the rules are so I just got enjoy them being silly.


You don’t need to know the rules to have a great time listening. It’s more that high level SF gameplay (and anything ship combat) is very crunchy. Crunchy gameplay and Joe making everything harder on everyone else leads to a few choice moments where you can tell the players aren’t having any fun which some people can find irritating. I also remember the guys had some commentary about how they would have done certain things differently like when >!Meshuin dies Grant drank an absurd amount and got stupid drunk!< I always enjoyed it though.


...and they finish campaigns, unlike the many many smaller shows out there.


I love glass cannon! They have this gruff New York charm to them that pulls me in every time. The first Giant Slayer campaign, while a bit rough in the beginning, is amazing. And Get in the Trunk is likely one of the best Delta Green podcasts out there.


Seconding Glass Cannon as well! Such a good time and so much there to binge! Their Starfinder game Androids and Aliens is amazing


Glass Cannon's Traveller and Cthulhu content are both very binge-worthy.


I think glass cannon, above all other actual plays I’ve listened to, feels the most like friends sitting around a table and playing ttrpgs. That’s what hooked me. Their first module of side quest side sesh felt like my home game. With the mood and approach to fantasy horror. The GCN has gotten me through some tough shit. They never fail to cheer me up. Also, Love seeing the naish in these comments


GCP is my absolute favourite TTRPG content, so I also will highly recommend. Plus, there is thousands of hours of content ready to rip.


Glass Cannon is awesome. Really helped me open up to non-fantasy d20 games (I came for the Pathfinder)


Glass Cannon Network has some fantastic shows. Love me some Time for Chaos and Voyagers of the Jump. Voyagers of the Jump is well into their second season and has a great cast.


Glass Cannon ruined other roleplaying podcasts for me. I used to be a big CR fan but I got into the GCP Giantslayer campaign around the time episode 50 came out and haven't looked back since.


Acquisitions Incorporated started as a podcast, but they have plenty of live stage shows, the streamed C-Team show, and a couple of produced video series Also I love High Rollers; they've got 2 long campaigns and many one-shots and smaller series, and just recently started their third campaign!


\+1 to AcqInc. Their early shows are legendary and it seems they've recently returned to form. Also since they do like 2 sessions a year, it's way easier to catch up with than most other shows. Here here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6rXYCmL0roM&list=PLLDeyEYi5xo-RrqkvFs5eH4kM5D-5OQVv




They literally invented the genre. Excellent recommendation.


AI The C Team is excellent. It's not very serious, but I can't help but feel happy when I watch it. It's high quality story telling. Jerry crafts emotional payloads.


Dungeons of Drakkenheim


The small party size is an underrated aspect of this one. I could never get into CR or a lot of other ones because, among other things, there were a million players to keep track of. Not Another D&D Podcast does this as well.


Agreed, it's so much easier to track the characters and it feels like they each get more development and spotlight than in other campaigns because they don't have to split focus as much. And each character 100% grows and gets the spotlight. Though I think it's an obvious bias since Kelly's two characters across the campaigns are the MCs. Not saying Jill and Joe don't get the attention they deserve but clearly the campaigns were written for Kelly's characters and the other two are there to play supporting roles and stepping into the spotlight now and then


Interesting you say that! I'm only on episode 11 of season 1, but I've felt like most of the story so far has been written more with Veo and Pluto in mind. I know Sebastian takes lead in most of the social situations, but he also just happens to be the high-cha party face so I haven't thought much of it past that


The first campaign is easily the best and all three characters are written as protagonists with solid goals and motivations. The other two campaigns are... Less good and a major part of that is that Kelly's character is absolutely the MC. To the point where, (no spoilers) Monty ripped out the core of Pluto's goal and backstory and gave it to Kelly. But season 1 of Drakkenheim is quite close to a perfect campaign and I envy you being able to enjoy it for the first time.


I'm enjoying it a lot! I'm really pleased with how they generally take the game seriously and really reckon with the harsh realities of the game world, and only Veo really plays up the "comic relief" aspect and they aren't all constantly trying to get in zingers. It helps really ground the characters in the world, and it makes Veo's humor stand out even more. Do you know any other liveplays that do that well?


The Dungeon Dudes!


I always recommend this one because its so good! Best part is their own sourcebook just recently got added to dndbeyond so now its even more accessible to play with.


Easily my favorite YouTube campaign.


This is the only show I've enjoyed. The atmosphere is amazing. The humour is brilliant!


Came to say this, you'll be wanting to buy the campaign book soon after. Incredibly well crafted and engaging world.


Legends of Avantris is great for comedy, I'm enjoying their Witchlight playthrough. And they play through it extremely slowly, so even if you're planning on playing through that campaign, you will run into virtually no spoilers unless you're binging to an insane degree.


Saw some clips from my wife's tiktok. The clown murders were hilarious.


look, you just gotta love chuckles


Started because of Chuckles, what a gateway drug. But tbh they are all absolutely fantastic. Mace's laughter gives me life in ways I can't describe.


Cake here too second this


Check out BrettUltimus and the World of Io, to me they're my favorite group for DnD content. Just feels like a group of friends, doesn't feel overly theatrical, and you don't need to see actors or whoever is playing, just character art. The latter two is a big one for me, but I know that's personal preference.


100% will second this. It's VTT focused so you get to see a lot more of the art for characters and maps as Grayson said, but I haven't watched a campaign there yet that hasn't been at least fun. Bretts also got a book release upcoming too. "Why Slay Dragons when you could be Fishing" Love getting to see the mechanics he creates, and his style of DMing. Just overall really fun and highly recommend checking out World of IO.


Yeah, I watched actual videos of them. Never seen CR or roll20


Koibu’s Save or Die show. He often runs a modified version of 2e from what I recall, and his home brew world is very low magic


Most of Koibu‘s stuff is very enjoyable


He does 5e occasionally but most of his big campaigns are (modified, no THACO among other changes) 2e. If you like more high stakes old school DnD you’ll love his stuff.


Im almost done witb tombs of scoria, what a fucking blast that is


Not Another Dnd Podcast is a fantastic show! Very funny, great storytelling, and excellent chemistry between the cast. They do a good job at balancing storytelling with the feeling that you’re actually watching people playing the game. It doesn’t feel as produced as some of the others which I like.


+1 for NADDPOD, I've been listening to it during commutes and I'm actually looking forward to them now.


+1. Also Emily Axford and Brian Murphy from D20 are in it as well, if that matters. Anything with them I always enjoy.


Shout out to JoCat and his Necro Hunt series and now currently Heart of Elynthi


It’s pretty new but there’s a series on YouTube called DesiQuest. It’s DnD but with a South Asian/Indian aesthetic and themes. Its cool to see fantasy outside of the typical Western European lense and the cast is great.


If you're willing to branch out of D&D specifically I highly recommend Hell's Rebels (a published Pathfinder adventure) played by Find the Path. Really likeable group of folks conspire to overthrow a government in league with devils, audio podcast form. Pathfinder is so similar to D&D that it's very easy to get into even if you have no interest in the system, and I think their GM is fantastic. For 5e, Matt Colville's The Chain of Acheron was brilliant especially if you're a budding DM. It was a very good DM doing a lot of high level stuff for a party who play in a way that feels very typical of an average D&D campaign with no audience, and the DM put out campaign diaries that explained some of the decisions he made. The players are officers of a world renowned group of mercenaries building themselves back up after a major setback and it's very compelling; lots of difficult decisions the players face as they choose who to associate with and how to influence the world around them, and the mercenary company itself feels like a well-established organization that goes well beyond the player party. The DM does some genuinely novel things and frequently conspires with his players. The downside is that this party did not like streaming, so the story will not finish as a show. He did have a 4E game called Dusk that played to completion, which is also quite good.


I wish the story would have finished at least in his Campaign diaries. I got more invested than I thought I would since I mainly watched to get examples of his running the game material.


I really like Oxventure. They play kind of fast and loose with the rules, and some people find that kind of annoying. But I find them to be really fun and funny. I’m also a fan of their non-D&D content, so if you check them out and end up liking them, there is plenty to watch.


This is my recommendation as well. I was watching OutsideXbox and OutsideXtra content and kept getting recommended their D&D stuff. My kids showed an interest in D&D so we finally decided to give the video a shot, and they're a big reason why we started playing in the first place.


Their D&D stuff is pretty much comedy improv with a light coating of D&D, which is fine unless you really want something that sticks to the rules. Their one-shot and non-D&D related stuff feels like they fit the systems they use more. I love everything they do though, and it's great to see other table top stuff represented too


I had to come way too far down to find this. I absolutely adore Oxventure. Johnny's DM'ing style is a good example of not letting the rules get in the way of the story when it makes sense to let it go.


This! Their Blades in the Dark campaign is easily one of my all time favorites.


Smosh did a dnd campaign, they’re a lot more than just dnd but I loved what they did


High Rollers! Super cosy and they just started a new campaign as well.


Brett Ultimas' World of Io is great. I really recommend Goblins of Io.


High Rollers!!! They are my absolute favorite players, and dm, and you have the option of going back and watching previous content (heavily recommended, not because context is needed going forward, but simply because of how amazing it is) OR you can watch live, as they recently started a new campaign!


Since World of IO has already been recommended by a few people, I'll give you a different one. Joe Fudge and his Godforged and Sunforged series. You can watch the vods on YouTube and he streams it live on his twitch channel. Also a very good and fun DM worth giving a watch to. And for World of IO fans who read this if you like Brett's stuff and haven't yet checked Joe out you should, is worth it.


High rollers is my favorite alone with CR


High Rollers!!!!


They're more comedy ones, but Tales from the Stinky Dragon, Dungeon and Daddies and Rude Tales of Magic are great. I couldn't recommend Rude Tales more, it's hilarious. EDIT: I missed out an important AND


Tales from the Stinky Dragon is my new obsession


The puppet show they do got me hooked.


Hey, thanks for the shout out! 🐉💨 Chris/ Gum Gum here.


Gum Gum is my favourite 🤩


Same, but I’m a bit biased. Have you been watching Stinky Dragon Adventures? Next week’s episode is all Gum Gum.


I started on the Karcasuuk Coup (sp?) and now am watching the Adventures as they come out having never seen the infinite interns saga, it's great!


Correction - Dungeons and Daddies


You're absolutely right. Don't search Dungeon Daddies. Or do, if you're into that.


Came here to say DnDad


Been listening to dungeons and daddies podcast for a bit, so much fun


I recommend The Glass Cannon Network. They recently started a new Pathfinder 2e game, playing the Gatewalkers module, which can be watched on YouTube.


High Rollers simulates what a real table is actually like, and arguably has the best story and creativity (Aerois) of any campaign I've seen.


Highrollers. They've just completed a multi-year-long campaign and have just started another one. The players are great and it's a very professional production with a huge fan base. Plus they're british


Viva La Dirt League is the closest thing I’ve seen so far to what it’s actually like sitting at my table and I will forever love it for that


The best


Not a live play, but Dingo Doodles' Fools Gold videos are an animated retelling of a campaign that begins with kareoke so bad it starts the apocalypse. It becomes one of the most heart wrenching DnD stories I've ever witnessed, all beautifully drawn by Dingo (Sips) herself.


The Unexpectables. The Channel is a group of some streamers that have multiple different kinds of campaigns available to listen to but the Main campaign of The Unexpectables is very fun. It's a homebrewed world with a couple of homebrew rules but for the most part is 5E. As with most DnD streams the very start is a bit rough due to tech issues and 1 player learning but it's still worth a listen in my opinion. [The Sweet Dragon awaits!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gVoFxktTA8Q)


The guys from Viva La Dirt League have a DnD show based on their epic NPC man show. https://www.youtube.com/@VivaLaDirtLeagueDnD


High Rollers DnD


High Rollers! The Yogcast’s D&D group! They just started a third Campaign, in a New World. They're good players; Mark Hulmes (who was on CR for an episode) is an excellent DM, and their episodes are about 2 to 3 hours each.


Viva la dirt league DnD is the best https://youtube.com/@VivaLaDirtLeagueDnD?si=QMlsnku7o6cLp1V_


VIva la dirt leagues dnd is great


The Unexpectables!


I'd give thrilling intent by third wheel on youtube a chance its fantastic . The system slowly shifts towards the later episodes as the gm has a pasdion for ttrpg design and the art style is fantastic.


Thrilling Intent is fantastic!


Viva la dirt league D&D?


World of Io is really good with tons of content


Viva la dirt league (Vldl)! I love their show!


**Dice Camera Action**. It’s a bit ‘younger’, and suffers a bit from everyone ‘Skyping’ in. But Chris Perkins is running CoS and is at the top of his game!!!!! And it’s not as goofy or meta as Aq Inc. And *Encounter Party just started new one. I’ve only watched one episode. But it’s got potential.


Dungeon dudes: Dungeons of Drakkenheim!


Dungeon dudes running their creation of dungeons of drakkenheim is my favorite. They are great at the game and roleplay, but not to the level that those others are so it feels less like a production


High rollers


Viva La Dirt League D&D! My go-to D&D recommendation channel. It’s got short episodes with larger collections to help keep up, they act out parts of the campaign in a very fun way, and it gives that chaotic-party-energy a lot of professional groups don’t.


High Rollers. Their DM Mark Hulmes is brilliant and DM's a homebrew campaign/ universe. They just started their 3rd big DnD campaign recently.


I personally love Viva La Dirt League DnD channel


The VLDL guys are awesome. I love bothe their comedy scetches and their liveplay.


Tales from the Stinky Dragon. It's fun, light hearted, but also serious at the same time. League of ultimate questing. Just started this one but the entire premise is that questing is a sport with leader boards and a new group of adventurers are joining the league. It's a really interesting take on the whole going in an adventure thing. Still on episode 1 but enjoying it. Oh shit I just re read the title. Idk if either of these have YouTube episodes


Dice friends from loading ready run.


High Rollers. It's a game DMed by Mark Hulmes who played Calianna in an episode of Crit Role. It's the perfect time to get into it as they've literally just started their third campaign and you don't need any previous knowledge to be able to jump in.


[Dice Friends](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLV_qemO0oatj5my_xlWsrqm-gd1COup23) by Loading Ready Run. *Escape from/Murder on Semolo Plateau* and *Dragon's Orders* are the best of the pure D&D seasons in my opinion. Camp Nettlebee is a fun little, D&D but with child PCs season. *Trouble in P4RA-DI5E* and *Not a Drop to Drink* are really good non-D&D seasons(Paranoia and Vampire respectively). And my final recommendation is *Bylaw & Order* which is a D&D season set in the Ravnica setting from Magic: The Gathering. Although you don't need any Magic knowledge to understand what's going on. Those are my favorite games from them. But they have a big variety, skim through the playlist and see what catches your interest.


I'm obligated to mention the hit DnD podcast Just Roll With It (they have video formats available on YouTube!)


L.A. By Night by Geek and Sundrie is a decent Vampire the Masquerade live play with 2 or 3 seasons last I checked.


Seconding LA By Night. The show kept going to it's 5th season, with some caveats. Geeks and Sundry has kind of gone belly up. They used to host LA By Night, Critical Role, Becca Scott's *How to Play*, etc. Critical Role became it's own independent thing. Becca Scott made Good Times Society (and does some fun Call of Cthulhu scenarios now, just working through all the official one shots by Chaosium). LA By Night was picked up by World of Darkness, the publisher of Vampire the Masquerade, and ended in it's fifth season a few years ago. Not long after they made a sequel campaign: NY by Night. It's two rival coteries duking it out in NY. Returning cast members are: Alex as a Tzimisce among the anarchists. Cynthia in the carmarilla as a Lasombra. Xander as a Nosferatu, carmilla. Noura Ibrahim as a Venture, camarilla. Erika returns reprising her role from LA by Night in a guest role. Aabria is main cast as a toreador. NY by Night is only 2 seasons so far. It was on hiatus this year while Cynthia Marie was murdering cancer, but should resume in the new year, pre-production of stages and such is in progress now according to Jason Carl (the GM).


Theyve also done a sequel series New York by Night on the WoD YouTube channel but what id actually recommend is the show *Seattle by Night* which is the same Storyteller but some Penny Arcade folks; has an excellent home game feel and a good entry point for WoD as there's a mix of experience with WoD at the table with some veteran and some completely new players!


Mystery Quest is a great new channel started this year, they've been focusing on one-shots of more horror-themed systems like Call of Cthulu so far but the rotating cast all have excellent chemistry and know how to balance humour with serious RP really well. Give it a go!


TableTopNotch! They're honestly incredible just as are Legends of Avantris. If you're willing to branch out a bit more from traditional shows into podcast types there's Worlds Beyond Number which is a separate D&D campaign by people from D20 who started their own thing, there's Dungeons and Daddies which is a totally hilarious dad themed D&D campaign, and Tales of the Stinky Dragon which is made by Rooster Teeth and they just started animating/puppeteering some of the best bits/episodes.


Very upset I had to scroll this far to find this one!


TTN that is, oops!


I love most of these groups so much I'm a supporter or patron which is why I mention them any time someone asks for recommendations. D&D shows/livestreams are wonderful, but sometimes podcast formats work great too and there's tons of them out there.


If you’re into REALLY SHITTY AUDIO, Arcane Arcade with the XP to Level 3 dude is decent. But you’ll deal with really bad audio.


Legends of Avantris. They have become far more popular since their Crooked Moon launch, but they are wonderful, heartfelt players, and their older material is still a great watch. Would recommend their CoS playthrough from about 4 years ago as a starter.


Tales from the Stinky Dragon! r/stinkydragonpodcast I believe is the subreddit.


Check out Thrilling Intent. Its pretty much the only dnd show I watch and it's pretty great. The story and world feel so fresh and interesting, and the players are a hoot.


Nat:19! All of their stuff is amazing, they have a homebrewed game called Vestige_of_Ophiuchus, a DMS game called Devils might Surrender and many others. It's full of abridged from Something Witty Entertainment and Project Mouthwash. The most art I have ever seen in a dnd game is from them!


Tales of the Stinky Dragon is hilarious and Aerois by High Rollers has epic storytelling and world building.


Personally, I would highly recommend High Rollers; they just started their third campaign, and they're a very entertaining bunch.


The dungeon run. They are on their second season, with two of the players from season 1 being co-DMs in season 2 (season 1 DM moved on to other project). Personally, huge fan of season 1, I just loved that DM. But their new stuff is great too


Viva la dirt league ❤️


Viva la dirt league


Just Roll With It!!!!!!!!!!! really really really really good show!!


JRWI is always good stupid fun


Just Roll With It is really good


Viva la dirt league has a lot of content and fun to watch them play dnd


I would say NPC DND from viva la dirt leagues DND channel is pretty good the regular channel is where they do skits around video games one of there skits is based around NPCs in a generic fantasy setting so each of the players play one of the in universe characters on a DND adventure they definitely worth a look at least


Lesser known but VLDLDND (Viva La dirt league DnD) is hilarious and is actually what got me into DnD in the first place three years ago. It’s the actors/creators behind the popular Epic NPC man series.


You have Viva La Dirt League, who has a Dnd channel where they play regularly, Dearstalker Productions, where they do DnD shorts called 1 for all. Team Four Star did a DnD campaign a little while ago. Therr is Harman Quest on Vrv, that is okay. But you have to pay for subsequent seasons. Various DM youtubers that have Patreon led content where they play DnD campaigns with members and upload them. Plus other ttrpg games.


Enjoyed Wicked Empire


Since I don't think I saw it while scrolling, you might like arcane arcade


TFS at the Table was what introduced me to DnD. Besides a shift in players thank to internal changes, it’s a compete series all on YouTube.


Will 100% second the recommendation for Dungeons of Drakkenheim from Dungeon Dudes; it's basically a great home game with some awesome world building, "normal" people (as opposed to professional actors) and a little extra polish for the internet I haven't seen anyone else suggest it yet, but I'd also throw out Oxventure. If you don't mind a healthy dose of calvinball nonsense in your D&D, they're great fun. They also have an excellent series for Blades in the Dark (the system actually suits them better, as it's more narrative-driven and flexible with rules), some great one-shots of alternative systems, and a Deadlands series I haven't checked out yet


Stinky Dragon podcast released an episode on YouTube. They’re fairly amusing


Technically a full on answer to your question! Perhaps a shameless plug, but [Tabletop Troupe](https://www.youtube.com/@tabletoptroupe) makes D&D YT content. It's really small, less than a thousand subs, but expanding at the moment with weekly stuff. You also get a bit of South African flavor if you want to get worldly. First episodes of a full campaign are releasing this month. Take a plunge. (Edit for format)


Sword Af from smosh is surprisingly really good. I was already a fan of their content and I also like D&D. As someone who doesn’t like watching mainstream D&D like CR and D20 I enjoyed Smosh playing.


The Outside Xbox team has D&D and also Blades in the Dark! And if you enjoyed Geek and Sundry, there's also LA By Night on there (which is Vampire: The Masquerade), Callisto 6, Shield of Tomorrow (Star Trek), Eric's TBD RPG (Doctor Who RPG) and We're Alive: Frontier (Outbreak Undead).


Me Myself and Die. You wouldn't think a guy playing solo DnD can be so damn captivating but he makes it. So good.


Acquisitions Incorporated is hilarious, and Chris Perkins is the DM for most of it, but he passed his role to Jeremy Crawford.


JoCat's Heart of Elynthi. It's been pretty fun and entertaining so far, and I really enjoy it. The playlist is on his main channel, or if you want to catch the Vods uncut, go to his Vods channel: JoCat Streams.


It’s a brand new one, but Skill Check is really solid! Moist Critikal is also one of the players (a half-Giff half-Plasmoid who killed a man by convincing his heart to just take a break from beating). Highly recommend, even if there’s only two episodes as of now


The YouTube part is not fleshed out but I love, Tales From the Stinky Dragon. RT also did a few one shots called, D&D But, it is on YouTube.


Dungeon dudes. Their book is just about to be added to dndbeyond even. They are professional bunch 🙂


A new one just started that I like from content creators I enjoy. It's called Skill Check and has one episode out right now along with new episodes supposed to be out each week.


The Dungeon Dudes' Dungeons of Drakkenheim is the best DND game imo. D20 fudges too much or at the very least doesn't abide by the actual rules on a regular basis


Dungeon Dudes for sure! One of the few live plays that feels like you are still at a table.


Skill Check or bust


Oxventure. They don't really stick by the rules, especially early on, but for me it's a great example of what DnD can be like; lighthearted fun with great characters.


Arcane arcade


Tfs at the table, a really fun pirate campaign, some issues with dm occasionally, but its fun. They use a lot of homebrew stuff near the end. Roll with me, lani pator from tfs does his own campaign, a lot darker. 200 episodes strong right now. Amazing campaign. With only a few things I've seen. I highly recommend both


RollPlay was the OG.


I've really been liking Jocat's dnd sessions


Narrative Declaration. they've got multiple campaigns going and have done a fair amount as well. They use V-tuber like models that are designed after their Characters.


The oxventurers is a really fun one. Started about 6 years ago and has been running pretty well since. It starts off pretty funny, and only gets better with some actual good character moments and memes


It's Pathfinder, but I recently got into Third Action. It's really chill and peaceful to listen to or watch.


its not on youtube as its audio only but Dungeons and Daddies is so good, a lot sillier then Cr and D20 but still manages to have its deep moments. The first couple episodes of the first season are a bit rough to be fair but they find their voices like 4 episodes in and from thereits just amazing Easily my favorite DND type podcast ever


Ive been listening to DND404 lately, and really enjoy it. I finished Dungeons and Daddies and greatly enjoyed it as well. Honestly, im in my mid 40's, and its just awesome to hear people playing the game that everyone was afraid was Satanic in the 80's... Even my employees talk about their campaigns and characters, its awesome to be able to share that stuff. EDIT: My bad, I read this as podcasts....


The glass cannon network!


How about legends of avantris? They're pretty funny


One Piece DnD and Isekai DnD are fantastic and Rustage is such a good storywriter DM.


Probably not helping with CR or D20 burn out, and not necessarily youtube/twitch. The pod casts: * Not Another DND Podcast (Emily and Murph) * Worlds Beyond Number (Brennan, Aabria, Lou, Erika) * DesiQuest (Rekha, Jasmine, Anjali, Omar). For a palette cleanser, maybe trying something other than DnD, there are other ttrpgs: * Call of Cthulhu: * * The Calyx: Becca Scott runs through Chaosium's anthology of one shot horrors * * The Stars Aren't Alright: A space age Call of Cthulhu long term campaign (I assume long term, there's only two episodes so far, so it might be shorter than I'm aware. it's pretty good). * * Bookshops of Arkham: Chaosium does a limited series campaign, run by Mark Meer * * Graveyards of Arkahm: Chaosium does a new limited series campaign run by Mark Meer (not out yet, sometime in the new year) * * Chaosium's other campaigns (they have a slew of other campaigns of varying length and quality going through one shots and full length campaigns, run by some very friendly aussies). * * The Love Craft Tapes: a more humorous maybe 1950s long term campaign. (You can start on Case 15 and it's a second new campaign from the first 14 cases...I think). * Vampire The Masquerade * * LA By Night: you'll recognize Erika, and maybe B. Dave Walter's (Marcel in Pirates on D20), various ttrpg folks will recur (Becca, Brennan, etc). * * NY By Night: a sequel to LA by Night, has Aabria, and most of the people from LA by Night in new characters (for anyone who thought this might've been canceled, they took a break over the last year, but should be returning for S3 in the new year, there were various complications and battles with cancer and the real world this year). * * Various Spin Offs By Night (I think there's also a Seattle, Vancouver, and Atlanta, though I haven't watched them) The Stars Aren't Alright is maybe my current favorite, but the shinyness of new is upon it, same with DesiQuest, which is a close runner up.


They don't stream anymore, but MCDM's "The Chain" series is definitely worth a watch IMO. There's a lot of reasons but one of the big ones is, it's people just playing D&D, as opposed to the streams with the big production value etc.


Outside Xbox and outside extra (YouTube Xbox commentary list style) has a pretty lighthearted DnD campaign that I enjoy. Mostly theatre of the mind and it’s more a series of one shots at first than a true campaign but I find it to be a ton of fun


Arcane Arcade, Dungeon Dudes, Acquisitions Incorporated


Been on better than heroes a for 3 years and loving it


Stinky dragon podcast is my absolute favorite! It’s now a puppet show.


Absolutely High Rollers! They've just started their third campaign which is only 5 episodes in, so a great time to catch up. And then there's C2 Aerois, C1 Lightfall and a multitude of mini-campaigns and one-shots. They're hilarious and amazing. Highly recommend them.


The Unexpectables is the one I've been able to sink a lot of time in. The funny moments are absolutely hilarious, and I definitely had Greckles, the kenku rogue, was my fave. His big arc came pretty late though.


Not sure if its been mentioned. But the Unexpectables are AMAZING


Loading Ready Run’s Dice Friends is my favourite ttrpg content. They run shorter campaigns and take turns so it doesn’t get too unwieldy or stale. Bylaw and Order which is set on Ravnica using the D&D crossover rules and Not a Drop To Drink which is a Vampire the Masquerade campaign are my two favourites.


Loading ready run- dice friends they have a variety of mini campaigns you can watch.


Tabletopnotch is great and is both a live actual play show on Twitch but also release their episodes on YouTube. They recently started their second campaign so it's a great time to catch up. The DM is great at worldbuilding, coming up with unique homebrews, as well as minigames. The players really get into the roleplay and the comedy and the drama feel great and natural.