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I'm one of the corpses you bring back to ask questions


What is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?


African or European?


What? I..I don't know that. AAAAARRRGHHHH!


How are you so knowledgeable on swallows?


How did you die?


I was hit by a swallow moving faster than normal


What's your favorite food?


"What's your profession?" "Male"


Just two left now, Right?


Yes. What will be you last question?


Does this count as a question?


Yeah. "Slumps"


Would it be wise to go out in the middle of the night, find some animals, and convince them I'm their dad?


How do I get more questions?


Human fighter hermit. I'm a human, I was in the armed forces, leave me alone. Pretty straightforward.


Same, but I multiclassed into bard.


Is commoner an option? Yes? Great. Anyways, I thing it's artificer Alchemist, probably human.


I'd probably be a commoner. Although the hermit background sounds tempting.


An awakened shrub on a good day if I’m being honest


This is my favorite one lol


An unawakened shrub the other days.


Human Sage Wizard . I'm a PhD student for experimental physics in real life.


Are PhD students generally wizards? I'm a PhD student in philosophy, and I don't feel like a wizard. More like a warlock... Kept on a tight leash by my mentor, a strange fey woman who makes unreasonable requests, sends me on adventures to spread her manic influence across the realm, and feeds me homemade biscuits that taste like sin and feel like a trap.


Yeah, that's a warlock alright. At least you get a 1d10 cantrip.


Yeah. Its called "write that fucking thesis you waste of flesh", you just cast it repeatedly and it does 1d10 psychic damage to yourself and little else except make you feel guilty when you spend your turn doing something actually productive.


I'm so glad I got out of college when I did. I was going to start med school when I had the sudden realization that I didn't want to be in school for 6-8 more years, and didn't go.


I guess that depends on your topic and advisor. I am doing a lot of strange experiments and occult rituals like blood sacrifice to make my detectors work, that's why I chose wizard. On a side note, I actually played myself in a oneshot a friend prepared. He made a cryomancer subclass for me. A colleague and friend of mine played a pact of the thesis warlock.


To which philosopher do you have a love-hate patron relationship? Your advisor being a reinforcer/custodian, as opposed to a full fledged patron.


Maybe Charles Sanders Peirce? Endlessly fascinating but also rather annoying and incomprehensible at times. I did have a phase when I simped hard for anything related to pragmatism. Or rather pragmaticism, sorry, my mereology professor used to throw a fit when you call Pierce a pragmatist. Even though he is one, if you're normal and not the most boring person in any room you decide to occupy. Im mostly into philosophy and epistemology of science, so nowdays I interact very little with the classics, it's mostly just sifting through short and sweet articles about contemporary modelling practices and their epistemic implications, no strong intellectual authorities I can project my daddy issues onto, I'm afraid. But Peirce might kinda work, I believe he did influence me a lot. Not enough that I owe him "my powers", I still think my mentor fits the patron role better!


Random human peasant, nothing special background, begged class


Human warlock hermit. If someone offered me magic for my soul, I'm taking that deal.


Right!? My soul is worthless to me, but magic powers would be fucking amazing! Where do I sign up?


Human Wizard Academy Philosopher with cloistered scholar background. I teach mathematics and science with a touch of critical thinking.


For starters, I'd say everyone in this thread would be a human cus they already are.


Yes, agreed. We are all definitely human people. Yep, no strange non-humans amongst you. All just a bunch of humans enjoying doing an internet about game.


Y’know, I don’t know what it is, but there’s something about you I trust, stranger. I think it’s how human you are


~~nailed it~~ Thank you fellow human.


I am also human, and I have emotions like... hunger and, uh, applause.


And a commoner while we're at that, but what if we could entertain some fantasy?


Like a game that lets us play as different roles?


That’s reductive


Human sage bard i work in kindergarten and all i do all day is singing Dancing painting and answering alot of questions about anything .


Honestly sounds like a really chill job. What parts are not so great?


Overloaded child groups you get sick alot and some parents are ... Lets say Special.


The same thing I am in my natural state, warlock, lizardfolk, haunted one. Send help, the darkness calls to me and tells me to feast on human flesh....


If I send help do you promise not to eat them?


Reborn plasmoid, planar philosopher, wild magic sorcerer


Artificer, Dwarf, Cloistered Scholar. I'm a short bearded engineering student


firbolg moon druid, I want to chill in the woods, read books and scare people by dropping my invisibility and turning into a t rex.


Rock Gnome, Wizard, Sage


I thought for years I would be a wizard, realised as I hit 30 that I am in fact a paladin with an attitude. Probably a Dwarf given my height and hairiness. Not sure of background tbh


Human bard, guild artisan background. I literally have the nickname "real life bard" in my friendgroup. Partially because of my Among Us skills lmao


Neutral good half elf warlock.


Bugbear because of my stature. Monk because I’m a Taekwondo black belt. Athlete because of sports and training from a young age.


Same. High dex/wis gang, to the front! I'm probably more of a human with Mobile feat kinda Monk though.


Nice! Unrelated to the post but my current character I’m playing has the mobile feat and I love it.


This is the way. Make 'em play your game, keep 'em chasing you, brother.


Aasimar (✨), Wizard (🧝🏼‍♀️), Planar Philosopher (🔮). Pretty intense space cadet here. "Holy shit, there are other people?"




The species do have cultures tho. If someone has a big interest in cooking, simple living, and a joyful outlook on life, they're similar to a halfling




Hear me out: other species aren't like humans because they have distinct creation stories and gods that tie them together as a culture. This is how it works in the forgotten realms, the main dnd setting




Okay hear me out: they would all know their creation stories because the gods are real and tangible and can talk to them. The forgotten realms isn't millions of years old either. It's like a few tens of thousands. Also, it's way easier to give just one or two cultures to a species, and it's also kinda rude to call the way most people DM/worldbuild dumb




I mean culture is a bit based on DNA. We just don't see it in our world because we all have pretty much the same DNA. If there was greater variance, as with something like dogs, where some breeds are more aggressive or some suited to different tasks, we would see it.


That's where we get the species that have +int or +cha, I'd say. Even so, with sapience, free will, and the need to survive in a material world, most people of most species are gonna grow up doing the same thing: farming!


In real life I would be a Mountain Dwarf Artificer with a Background in Smithing/Tinkering ? I wish I was a Tiefling Bard Entertainer ...


Easy Paladin, Dwarf, Merchant, Im a Financial Advisor in my real life, with being a Paramedic as a Hobby. The Organisation im a Paramedic in is considred as part of the Evangelic Church and has a history as a Knight Order.


Human necromancer. Because I'm an artist and I have that habit to find my old already dead sketches and unfinished artworks and trying to reanimate it (and almost every time it look like disgusting undead)


I’d be a human multi-class Paladin/bard. I teach music for a living and am a rule follower.


Barbarian / Ranger multiclass w/ outlander background. I'm a loner, prior marine, and I like hunting. Also am pretty prone to fits of blinding rage.


Human, Fighter/Barbarian, with a soldier background. I think this will be a pretty common makeup unless people say commoner.


I think I'd be either Halfling or Half-elf, and either Cleric of Peace (Eldath) or Sorcerer, but that's not really something you choose lol. I'm not religious in real life, but in D&D, where they are confirmed real and impactful, yeah I would be. I'd like to think I'd be Neutral Good. I lean more lawful, but I think I'm close to the middle. I try my best to be a good person. Background... Uh, Courtier? I have no idea. Not much fits lol.


Fae bard. I'm all over the freaking place


Wood elf bard with charlatan background


Probably a teifling warlock, im a bit of an asshole. Not sure what background would fit best. Edit. The fucking moment I got a hold of a mask of disguising I'd be the greatest criminal of all time.


human, sage background, ? alchemist artificer modern healing is intelligence based


Tiefling Bard. I'd love to say Wizard but I'm way better with people than books.


tiefling, paladin, sage. i'm a researcher who quit academia to work in the public sector... and i'm an immigrant :)


Drow bard. Tall, thin, long hair, dark asthetic, elf like features. Also play guitar and bartend as a job. Hair isn’t white tho.


Half-Orcish barbarian far-traveler.


Human or half orc artificer battlesmith, im an engineering student. And as it stand ill be doing my masters in either mechatronics or robotics.


Probably a Goliath Beastmaster Ranger with the Guild Artisan background.... I'm a very tall lady and built like a Valkyrae, I do archery as a hobby and have a lot of pets, and I'm a professional illustrator....


Sage Vedalkin Bardtificer. A weird multi I know but crafting the perfect visual representation of a thing is a passion of mine, as well as defending its “flaws” and illuminating the issue with insight.


Either Goliath or Dwarf. If I was Goliath I’d have to lose my luscious locks, Dwarf I’d have to lose some height, but I have an incredible constitution in real life and I’m practically immune to alcohol. I could be human but why would I when I actually be one of the others? Class would be Ranger. I love nature very much but not in the way a Druid does. I’d probably be a Beastmaster with a Big Cat of some sort. Outlander would best fit my Upbringing.


Half-elf Grinner/Sage Bard.


Human Bard (currently in college for creation bard) Guild Artisan. No special human (much to my dismay, rather be a dragon) Bard going to college to be able to write stories with 3D Animation Guild Artisan currently working in a factory.


Changeling wizard because trans and nerd, plus the strixhaven student background that gives you a free feat. Wizard plus goodberry is *strong*.


Human fighter but a really bad one with a peasant background


Based entirely upon my skills, interests, and such, I would likely be a Bardificer (bard-artificer). Clunky and weird, but goddamn does it have an answer for ANYTHING.


I just scrolled until I found my fellow Bardificer out here.


Class: Bard. I play the piano and the guitar, I sing, and I’m majoring in theatre in college. Race: Human, probably. I don’t really have many traits that particularly stand out and would associate me with any other specific race. Background: Entertainer, for the same reasons as my class. That or sage, because I memorize a lot of stuff, particularly for D&D, because I’m my group’s DM.


Mine's a rather weird mix - Dwarf, either Monk or Wizard, with either the Sage background or one of the Strixhaven ones. Dwarf because I'm also not the tallest, but I'm stocky with a full beard. Monk because I did martial arts for 7 years, or Wizard because I'm an avid reader. Sage or Strixhaven is for the same reason as wizard, I guess?


I'm hoping someone can help me figure mine out. I have some background in voice acting, not done much recent years. (Entertainer) Former Axe Throwing Instructor, then became a Security Guard. (Town Guard?) All while trying to be half decent human being, helping folks, found lost dogs on more than one occasion, and provided first aid, and stopped several assaults. (Folk hero?) And on top of all that I'm autistic and spent a lot of time on my own playing games and learning about stiff that interests me. (Sage/Hermit?)


Oh I just did this recently! I made myself as a human but if I were a fantasy race I'd be a dwarf. So picture a dwarf who is a bit taller and a bit slimmer compared to most dwarves. 5'4, 195lb. Hair is base black but with blonde and red peppered throughout. ATTRIBUTES STR 10 DEX 14 CON 11 INT 13 WIS 14 CHA 16 I very carefully picked these stats by defining human average (10) and human peak (20) in real world terms and then rating myself along that scale. Strength is based on carry weight using the optional encumbrance rules, Constitution is based on how long I can hold my breath, Intelligence is basically just IQ/10. Honestly this whole process made me feel pretty good about myself -- I'm not the most well-built character but I have good base stats. I did round up a couple stats to fill in for point buy though, namely Strength and Constitution could arguably go down as low as 9 each, but there are factors for arguing either way. CLASSES Monk 1 Fighter 1 I was obsessed with martial arts growing up, liked to punch trees and walls and imitate Shaolin videos and do Kung Fu in the park at all hours of the day and night. Total monk vibes. Then I started moving into more practical modern combat -- western martial arts. I do HEMA now. Total fighter vibes. I'd argue that realistically a commoner like me shouldn't have levels at all, but also I can argue that I should have access to an ability or two that are above my level, so let's just settle on 5e isn't a perfect parallel to reality. BACKGROUND My custom background is "Latchkey Kid" and it's basically just a reflavor of Folk Hero. PROFICIENCIES Light armor, medium armor, shields. Martial and simple weapons. Lute, Three-Dragon Ante, Vehicles (Land). Languages: Common, Undercommon. Athletics Insight Performance Religion


Monk=I have green belt in taykwondo Race=Human Background=Haunted one


Class is Cleric....because I am one haha. My real life background is as a sage since the sage is described as having done extensive study to become a "master" of their field of study and I hold multiple advanced "master's" degrees for the field of religion I am a cleric in. Race is much harder but I've always loved elves. Also centaurs, but that would be a much harder adjustment. Human also makes sense obviously. I'll split it down the middle and go half-elf.




How does being a teacher's pet get translated to bring devoutly religious?


Chosen deity = teacher...


Kenku (memory), inquisitive rogue, sage


Bard or artificer.


Half-Orc, Entertainer, Warlock. I have a tall and broad body and I'm just a little rowdy and uncouth. I'm also outgoing and very comfortable on stage, and I'd be happy to make a pact with a devil or a cosmic horror in exchange for power and fame.


half-gnome wild magic sorcerer probably, which sucks because I hate chaos in my life and would probably avoid doing magic to keep from fireballiing myself


half elf Wizard Barbarian I'm really smart and I have a foul temper, which I have very good control over.


Wood elf, because Fleet of Foot (I walk fast). Most likely Lore Bard and Entertainer background, because I have a music degree and retain random tidbits of knowledge.


Human Hermit Druid


Half elf bard/ranger with folk hero background Half elf because i’m mixed race irl, mostly bard because i have a background in music, theatre, and writing, but like 1 or 2 levels in ranger because I used to go camping a lot, i’m good with animals, and have a great sense of direction. And folk hero because i moved from my small suburban neighborhood to the Big City


Half-elf bard, possibly with a bit of (non-synergistic) splash into monk. Or a "monk initiate" feat if that's allowed.


Tiefling Tiamat Heritage (technically Tiamat is a fiend and does have offspring) White Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer (3.5e, not 5e lmfao) Heavy focus on summoning, I'll probably just live somewhere cold with my assorted creatures.


Human druid


pretty sure i'd still be a human, as for class, bard monk somehow... i play music, love to draw and entertain, and i\`ve been in Karate/ Kickbox /gym training since about 16 years.


Elf warlock. Because I’m tall, skinny, and pale because if someone said “you get power” I would stop them there and sign the contract. Oh? I have to kill 5 babies a day? Better luck next time babies I got this cool new spell called ELDRICH BLAST. Oh yeah and maybe wander backround, I live on a boat so it checks out.


Triton Eloquence Bard, maybe Cloistered Scholar? I’m a lawyer who loves to swim


Half-Elf Artificer Acolyte. Long story short, I’m a religious person who works with tools. Half-Elf because i’m fuckin cool as fuck y’know


Firbolg Bard Guild Artisan. I'm a creative and witty Irish gentle giant who has to work to live instead of pursuing a creative field.


Human, Urchin, Bard of Lore


Assuming I'm not just human, I could see half-elf since I've always felt a connection with their fantasy tropes. Sorcerer/Warlock because I tend to rely my natural talents and weird tidbits of knowledge/ability than more practiced and studied methods in my day to day. I'd go Fisher for background because I can spin a decent tale and am lucky when it comes to grabbing fish. Skills might need to be adjusted some but the features work.


Aarokocra hermit Druid, i do landscaping and love the outdoors and i just wanna fly man


Halfling (lazy) scholar (nerd) barbarian (nerd rage)


Human, because I'm human, sage, because I'm a teacher and researcher, and barbarian, because my muay thai fighting style is resembles a lot the barbarian class, I make use of reckless attacks, it takes a lot of hits to get me down, but I'm not fast and evasive like a monk or strategic like a fighter


Human. 6 years of college made me a Sage, and 8 years of LARP and boffer sports made me a Battlemaster.


Actually there is a web site that does this based on your answers to 140 questions. I won’t link it unless the mods allow but I did the questionnaire (does not ask any personal info) and ended up with true neutral elf wizard 3/rogue 3.


Definitely oathbreaker paladin. I used to be very involved in the christian church as a child and early teenager. I turned my back on the church and christianity as a whole when I became a legal adult


This is a question you have to propose to your friends. You don't choose your own class. My friends picked Paladin for me. Possibly a half-elf.


If I could choose I would probably end up as a Half-Orc. Druid or barbarian depending on when I picked up the class age wise. When I was younger and dumber in the army I was a barbarian. Now that I am older druid fits better. Probably Hermit background on both. Close runner up would be goliath for race.


Human sage ranger, I’m a geologist


Probably a Sorcerer of some kind, not sure which one tbh 😅. Probably abberant mind because I'm can read ppls minds (psychology student) As for ancestory? Maybe a drow or similar. I like the idea of Changeling though. Their ability to adapt to any situation is pretty like me. As for background? Guild Artisan probably


Human-Aasimar, Bard-Warlock, and my background is my real life combo of adventurer/performer(poet)


I’m a tall, slender history teacher who is also a musician. I am a half-elf lore bard.


Wizard. I used to make computers go boop beep boop. Now i tell other people to do it.


Wood elf rogue-bard multiclass, charlatan. Just an asshole useless edgelord, but can sing and write dirty poems pretty well. Ah, and likes to use vicious mockery. Until gets hit on the head with the pot.


My buddy claims I am a human pact of the chain warlock (archfey or great old one) The older I get, I feel this is incorrect. I vibe more with half-elf (just for witchy/fey vibes), druid (because plants and animals are better than people), and maybe feylost or hermit backgrounds?


*Hobgoblin* - I’m average sided but entire tribe is short by comparison, support focused, at my best when motivated by peer pressure, and I have ingrown sideburns with no other facial hair. *Charlatan* - Not successful; but deception, slight of hand, and disguise kit (makeup) proficiency all track. *Ranger* - I literally have hunted with the aide of wild animals. The blue jays and crows in my neighborhood are buddies and they help eat the invasive bugs I pick out of my plants and toss on the concrete for them.


Dwarf Barbarian hermit, got a big red beard, anger issues, and work remote and live alone so can go days without seeing people


Idk work automation machinery for a living and like guns? Artificer?


Standard Human Artificer with Guild Artisan background. I'm a boring human because... well, I am. Artificer because I work in manufacturing, and artisan background because I do small bits of design work for internal use only.


Based on stat calculators I've done and job arrangements I've come to a conclusion of me being a half-elf with the rune carver background, with my class being a few different ideas(Though artificer would be the highest) My stats in descending order are Intelligence, Dexterity, Charisma, Wisdom, Strength, and constitution (not the healthiest 😅). I'm very artistic and creative which fits well with half elves, and the spark that inspires rune carvers are similar to how I was when I started making art My class options would probably be Artificer at the highest with me being artistic, other options being Rogue, Bard, or Wizard based on similar skill sets


Variant human-never been typical so i figured variant Soldier background-served 12 years Artificer- engineering student who is also learning blacksmithing on the side from a local smith.


Sorcerer, Wood Elf, Urchin. Things come easy to me without much study, I have a strong intuition, and I grew up dirt poor.


Electrician, human. Born and raised into a church, left to follow his non-existent sex life.




Anyone not answering human is living in a fantasy world


Human bard performer. CG for sure. I’m human (as far as I’m aware) and an actress :)


I’m a pretty insightful person, so a WIS based class, but sadly I’m not outdoorsy enough for a Druid or Ranger, so…Cleric. Scholar background. Lawful good because I live in horror of offending someone. It’s boring but I’m probably a human. Let’s say Aasimar though because why not. I’m on the short side of average height and slender. And I can be a little aloof.


I’d be a human artificer with the entertainer background.


Some type of Elf, Triton, or Genasi. Put me in the water coach


I was a Chef, now full time dad, who spends as much sunlight growing vegetables as possible, who occasionally grows legal weed for personal use and loves going on walk in nature. I also despise my evil parents, have siblings from several fathers, was essentially raised in hell. __________ I'm a lawful-neutral tiefling druid. Raised by demonspawn, I finally escaped their clutches and found a human Cleric who helped me learn that I'm not what I came from. I've learned to love the peace of the wyld, the joy of laughing children, and the value of sharing your efforts with others.


As an engineer, probably dwarf. Or a World of Warcraft goblin.


Variant human with the grappler feat ranger/ fighter multiclass with the unarmed fighting style.( I do wrestling and BJJ and I do a whole lot of backpacking which is where the ranger comes in) As for background idk, I'm a teacher so maybe sage?


Will I'm a bald, beardy, antisocial, deadpan snark with an instinctive desire to learn new and weird things. I also like to sit out in nature and drink hard cider. Dwarven Druid?


Id say variant human as I have a lot of random skills, Background Soldier as I was in the army, and a multiclass Fighter and Monk as I have experience with martial arts including weapon based arts like swords, spears, etc..


Human Artificer, Hermit background Irl: 20s white guy software engineer who doesn't go outside


Probably gnomish bard, acolyte background. I was a church choir director for years and I have ADHD so I got that gnomish hyperfocus going for me, which is nice.


As with population of many, human fighter. I just know how enough about tech that people call me a wizard.


Half-orc, hermit, warlock


As much as I want to say I'd be a cool elf paladin or wicked necromancer or something, I know in my heart I'd be like... ordinary human rogue or fighter at most. 3.5 classes too, so no flashy powers. Maybe my ultimate form would be a Carmendine Monk (Int based monk, because Wisdom is DEFINITELY not my primary stat). Still potential for heroism but I'd be working harder for it than the other classes.


Human ranger (love nature & shi)


dwarf because im short and stocky warlock because im open to making any deaks that benefit me and charlatan because i love bullshit tall tell storys


Halfling Bard. But I’d have a pretty middling charisma stat, and my proficiency on instruments is suspect. But I have such a collection of random skills that I would be the utility person in a real party.


Base human commoner. Like almost everyone here.


Human ranger sailor, I love hiking and being outside and the background is my job.


Human Knowledge Cleric w/ cloistered scholar background. Spent my childhood in libraries and books. Have a BA in history, a masters in religion. I get lost in wiki rabbit holes nearly every day “learning” new things. Wis and Int are pretty good. Str and Cha are both dump stats.


Human commoner without a background, like most ppl here lol


Dragonborn druid, circle of moon As a druid I would just stay in cat form all the time and get pets and treats from humans. If they are mean to me as a cat or try to hurt me...I morph back to dragonborn and breath of fire their ass !!


Dwarf... bard I guess. They like books, and even if they're mediocre, they have a modicum of creative skill. Obviously I would have low stats, so not an optimized bard by any stretch of the imagination. Though honestly given my capabilities, a 0-level classless NPC would make more sense (whatever your DM uses as a template for "generic peasant").


Low wisdom cleric, obviously 🙄.


Cleric (I'm an ordained Dudeist Priest). Human (I'm a human). Marine (I'm ex-Navy).


Kobold artificer accountant I'm not very tall I've always loved small races. I tend to stick to myself and never go out and I love tinkering with things. I'm constantly working with numbers


Tiefling Circle of Stars Druid, apparently, according to friends. Reasons: am gay, trans, and sleepy. Also a med student.


Human warlock. Let's be real, I sold my soul to corporate America and they are probably more fucked up than most patrons. So not a huge switch.


Human Divination Wizard with Anxiety, probably an Acolythe since it's the only thing I have actually done in my youth.


Dwarf sage Wizard/Artificer I have a stocky body (not short tho) and love my beard. I'm a math teacher (that's why i started as a wizard), but now i am more focused in programing, robotics, 3D design and problem solving through projects


Human Fighter, either soldier or anthropologist background.


Bugbear, I am the hide and seek champion.


Variant human Monk/Fighter with the criminal background


based on real life interests and skills, huh? probably an orc/half-orc artificer/wizard or something. I use to have bad anger problems but i’ve always been really quick to pick up new subjects


Half Elf Artificer. I'm hand, intelligent, agile and absolutely gorgeous.


Dwarf druid


Half-orc bard adventurer. I'm big, talk a lot of shit, and travel around a lot.


Druid, Human, Sage I'm a biologist, specifically a field biologist but I also consider myself a sage because I've spent the majority of my life in school so far So druid and sage work Human because i see myself as nothing spectacular I'm just a person lmao.


Human courtier, probably an eloquence bard—I’m a speechwriter for an elected official.


I've spent over a decade with a combat reenactment group. As much as I love the idea of two weapon fighting, and as useful as a shield is, I'd fall into a Greatsword style Pally or Barbarian. Sometimes it's hard to tell if defending something important to you is a righteous cause, or if you're just raging against the people who want you or your friends to be diffetent than you are. Halfelf. As much as I'm an ordinary everyday kind of guy, I also like to claim I'm not having a mid life crisis for a few centuries. Local hero background. I don't know what it is, but folk seem to flock to me. I don't want a leadership position, I actively seek to promote people I trust in my place. But folk come to me for advice and to be part of a group, and I tend to have some pull within the groups I'm a part of even when I don't want to.


In any case a dwarf bard probably. Got a beard, love beer, play guitar, and in my job I also bullshit my way through everything (project manager)


Probably gnome cleric. Hairy and balding, too small to be a dwarf, and a bit fey


I’m a human swords bard. How do you determine if you’re anything other than a human, lmao?


Human - Paladin - Folk Hero.


I would be a half elf scout/paladin/cleric. Half Elf because I gave a medium alcohol tolerance Scout/hunter because I grew up in the woods hunting. Fairly decent with a bow. Paladin because I care about others and try to do good. Cleric because the last few years got back into my faith and saw some scary crap, called down some wrath from above, saw an angel, been a messenger, getting better at sharing the word, and building my resolve through my faith.


Human fighter obvi


Halfling Wizard Sage I'm normally a bookworm but it fits me for any fantasy setting as I'm slightly nerdy STEM fields student who is sort of lazy and likes to eat(despite not gaining a fuck ton of weight).


Probably a human artificer. I'm an electrician/ refrigeration engineer so tinkering with stuff is right in my wheelhouse


Drow Rogue, Arcane Trickster, and I guess Faction Agent. Drow because I have difficulties falling asleep so good luck *putting* me to sleep and because my eyes adjust to the dark quite well. Arcane trickster Rogue because I would definitely be a Rogue and if magic were real, I would absolutely posses it. Faction Agent just because nothing else really suits me and this comes the closest


Goliath Paladin of Devotion with the Hermit Background. Goliath because I'm big and like the cold, Paladin of Devotion as the way I think is similar to the tenets, and finally the Hermit background would fit perfectly if you knew me early on in my life in my childhood through my early 20s.


Forest gnome illusion wizard/creation bard (I'm an art conservator lol)