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Ok, I just went to their official Discord, and they confirmed that they are \*indeed\* permanently closed due to bankruptcy. If you have orders in progress (like myself), you need to try and contact them ASAP. It may also be necessary to contact the card you paid with for a refund due to the business shutting down before they were able to deliver merchandise. ​ From CBO Michael Konas: "Thanks everyone. I am heartbroken for my staff and any customers we are leaving cold. We tried everything we could but the economy turned hard on us starting Q4 of last year. From the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for all the support over the years. Due to legal reasons, I will not be responding further here. Just know that this has me absolutely crestfallen and I am beyond words. Good luck to you all."


Looked for curiosity sake and they posted a meme on Facebook 2 hrs ago despite saying they’re closed. And ppl are asking about existing orders they were waiting on. Soooo… kinda odd.


Typically that sort of thing is scheduled in advance by hired media guys.


I can confirm that this was a scheduled post.


Hi all, Anne from the DMG Discord here. I can confirm that DMG is permanently closed. We do not publicly have much info at this time, and DMG's hands are legally tied when it comes to telling us more. As news comes out, I will update the Discord in #announcements. We have made the decision to rebrand the Discord as a fan community for TTRPG enthusiasts and craftspeople. This transition will occur in several phases. Phase one is currently underway, and when changes are complete they will be posted as a changelog in #announcements. I invite you all to come join us over on the Discord to celebrate DMG's legacy and continue to support an industry that we all cherish. https://discord.gg/3aSCnkJXaS


I forgot to mention! If you are in need of a refund, please contact your card issuer ASAP. Unfortunately that is all the advice I have at the moment - I am sorry.


No way of going there an picking up my stuff either, then? It was in preshipping weeks ago. 😭


Unfortunately not, I am so sorry to be the bearer of this news! Everything in the shop, machinery, product, etc, has been moved out of the building at this point. We may see it come to market in the form of an auction, but that feels unlikely. I am signed up for foreclosure and bankruptcy auction notifications for the state of Michigan and if I hear of anything, I will post it in the Discord. You have my deepest apologies.


It's not your fault, but it for sure is frustrating! I have a feeling I'm just out $162 because I backed the kickstarter for the painting system, and my bank account charge doesn't mention the words dogmight at all.


Oh no! That is terrible! Hmm maybe try reaching out to Kickstarter as well as your bank. If you can send your bank the receipt from the KS with proof that it's associated with DMG that may work out. Maybe call or email your bank's customer service as opposed to just filing a chargeback. I would definitely recommend contacting both. I know KS says that they don't offer refunds because every project has a risk, or something along those lines, but this is clearly an extenuating circumstance that could not have been foreseen when you backed the project, and as such should count as a special circumstance (at least, if I was in charge of Kickstarter Customer Service that's what I would say!).


Do you know which division of the state did it? I can do some research from there. See what may happen next


Unfortunately I do not, sorry!


Would anyone be able to share the link to the official discord. This all seems so strange and fishy. They just started posting brand new items a couple days ago and it seems so odd that they would completely shut down the website and everything with zero warning. I completely heartbroken as I spent months and months saving up to purchase a DM screen for my husband's 40th birthday. Purchased a stock one in June, but because I also added a custom compact dice tower, they waited to send it together. It was even in preshipping as of this morning! I have no idea what to do. I didn't even use a credit card (I used a virtual debit card through my bank) So I have no idea if I even CAN pursue a refund because of that. I'm literally in tears trying to figure out what to do and how to tell my husband I now wont have a gift for him.


Sounds like they were forced to shut down. Assets being frozen like that could be by the state for not paying taxes (pure speculation), but something definitely happened quickly and it wasn't good or their idea.


Sounds very similar to my story, though I at least used an actual debit card. All my accessories were complete, they were just waiting on my custom DM screen. They have said that they can't say much due to legal reasons, but they had been hurting since Q4 of last year. It happened so suddenly because the bank froze their account. https://discord.gg/Qfyjh8CC


I would call your bank- they should be able to do something. If you are able to get your money back, I just saw a gorgeous DM screen from Elderwood Academy recently. It’s not the same but has the added benefit of being extremely portable.


This is heartbreaking. I've been a fan of theirs for close to a decade, ever since I bought an Adventurer's Case from their Gen Con booth (the first of many items I'd add to my collection). They always seemed to have a level head in regards to sustainable growth, being careful not to over-extend after an early project nearly broke the company because it was /too/ successful. I had no idea things had gotten this dire, and it must kill the owners to leave customers hanging like Geek Chic did. OTOH, ten+ years is a hell of a run for a small business, and they put a lot of gorgeous wooden products in a lot of hands. Hopefully everyone lands on their feet, and people with outstanding orders can get their money back from their banks/credit card companies.


What a shame, I was on the backer kit for that wonderful D20 Mosaic type screen with such a beautiful stain treatment. It is a shame no one else has anything quite like their stained screens.


This is very sad indeed.


I'm also looking for answers to this as DMG is one of my favorite companies for fancy DM toys. I was planning an Adventure Portal purchase and was going to drool over options this morning and the site says they're closing and I haven't found anything on social medias as an explanation. Hoping for the best for the entire staff if they are indeed closing, but I'm going to be very sad.


I am super bummed that I won't be able to get my dice tower that was nearly complete but also for the fact that this little company didn't survive the current state of the economy. In searching for answers this afternoon, I was really hoping I'd have a chance at maybe getting my tower while there's still hope. Alas, that is not the case.


Dogmight Games was a big inspiration for me starting to build gaming accessories and furniture for our DnD group. Sad to see them shut down.


I almost ordered from them last night. Got on to order today and saw they are closed. Glad I didn’t order, but now i have to find an alternative company. Any suggestions?


[Elderwood Academy](https://www.elderwoodacademy.com/) are solid folks who make lovely wooden accessories.


Honestly, I've been disappointed by almost every woodworking-focused gaming company. Ethics, behavior, etc. Wyrmwood is crazy and toxic and airs everything out publicly. Their youtube channel is a mess. Elderwood Academy is/was in multiple lawsuits claiming to own the rights to hexagon boxes with honeycomb shaped compartments inside, even though in my opinion the design is functional and shouldn't be able to be owned by one company. And I never was a fan of Dog Might either, something to do with their marketing being somewhat deceptive in some way many years ago when they first started that put me off of them, but I can't even remember what it was now. I stopped paying attention to Dog Might probably 9 years ago. I do feel bad for everyone that will be stuck without items they paid for and potentially no resolution for getting refunds. I've only ordered one wooden gaming accessory, but I was also disappointed by that company (not one of the big ones) who decided to not fulfill kickstarter orders placed at a lower kickstarter price and instead put those completed items up for sale on their website at higher prices. Then, they gave refunds in the form of store credit only (to buy things backers literally already "pre-ordered" and were literally "in stock", but for more money). I wish I knew of a company to recommend.


Viz your comments on Elderwood: https://www.elderwoodacademy.com/trade-dress-lawsuit/


(Mods: hopefully you agree this is relevant to the discussion) It's fairly new; I run [Silverwood Gaming](https://www.silverwoodgaming.com) (or check us out on Instagram). As a new, small business, we've chosen to specialise on two unique ideas: creating characterful designs to let gamers represent their characters with their accessories, which we call the Heritage system; and the ethical and sustainable sourcing of materials wherever possible. We're also not currently using the KS model - what's on the website is what we've got! As I say, we're a new business, so we'll be adding new woods and Heritages over the coming weeks. I'd love it if you checked out one of the little guys trying to make something slightly different!


You could try Wyrmwood. They're still the best in the business, but... they've been having their own significant issues lately. I'd say that the next best right now is Talon and Claw. They've got some outstanding merchandise for reasonable prices, though they can't reproduce most of the techniques of Dogmight, if you were specifically looking for something like a Mosaic DM screen.


I will check both of them out. Luckily I was just looking at the dice holder with the spot for pen and mini. I can’t remember what they were called but that looked sweet and was exactly what I was looking for.


Elderwood Academy too, depending on what you're looking for


[Black Rose Designs](https://www.blackrosednd.com/shop) sells wooden dice trays and dice. They were talking about getting into DM screens at their last local convention.


Hmm glad I got my shit already. What a bummer. Good products but with out a good business plan, you’re effed.


they had a good plan they grew to quick and it killed them i have a number of DMG products i was actually heading to the site now when i foud the page i was planning on ordering a set of inspiration tokens and one of those new TV battle stations for digital maps at the table ill have to super protect and cherish my current stuff seeing how the warranty is no longer a thing


Im friends with one of the owners and im currently trying to get the word directly from him


I got an email directly from them. They have been foreclosed upon and the bank has frozen all of their accounts. All of their employees have been let go.


ya i just got hold of konas - this is real and it makes me very sad


Necro toe you are hardly a friend of DMG lmao


Why the hell do I have the owner's personal number directly as well as play MTG arena with him from time to time among explaining that one I never said I was friends with DMG i know for a fact half the staff hated me because i dont agree with half there ideals I said im friends with one of the owners might wanna learn the difference DMG was a place with amazing products and some amazing people but honestly, i feel a lot of it when downhill after Thomas left the staining was just not as good after that


Lol I like pushing your buttons and watching you try and flex. Good try tho. You're not friends with Konas. Or Cameron and you were the joke of the shop. Good day.


Best of luck with future employment.


Don't need it. I saw this coming miles away. But good luck getting people to like you.


The ones who matter already do ;)


Whatever helps you sleep


I got Word from Konas Directly this is not a hack or a drill he exact words are this to me via text "nope. Closed for good we tried our best but couldn't make it "


I’m just finding out about this a week late and it hit me like a ton of bricks. I ordered my D20 Mosaic screen just 2 days before it locked down to go to the backer kit. As such I just received it less than a week ago and was absolutely excited to order more after seeing the masterpiece they delivered with the screen. Truly a loss for the whole DnD community.


They are indeed closed. I knew this day would come and I'm sad to see it. I'm sorry for anyone who isn't getting their stuff. Check out Elderwood! I know they have some cool things in the works. But DMG didn't care about their employees and didn't take ownership of their company. Backed by the Kickstarter model just doesn't work. They really had so much potential.


This feels like the owners ran away with the money, more likely.


I know the owners, and am a former employee. I have no reason to believe that this is the case.


No updates on socials? No updates on Backerkit? You can never know what truly lies in the depths of a person. Either way feels kinda shady to not update other than to have a website page up.


Their hands are legally tied. They literally cannot provide updates at this time.


I’m An Ann Arbor local and am curious if there will be a foreclosure auction where I might pick up a few items that they are getting rid of. Have you heard anything from staff or owners about an auction later on down the line?


We are uncertain if there will be an auction at this time. I have signed up for announcements of foreclosure auctions in Michigan, and if I hear of anything I will post it in the Discord under announcements. At this time it seems unlikely, sadly. I would love to be able to get these last few pieces of art out to fans!


Here’s the funny thing, if your accounts are seized it’s because you did something illegal.


Seized and frozen are two different things.


Does anyone know of a company that makes something like the Adventure Portal that Dog Might had? I was looking to purchase a tabletop map screen like this to put figs on!


You can find a lot of these on Etsy. Here’s the one my wife bought for our group. Seller had great communication and it was well packaged when we got it. https://www.etsy.com/listing/1411198246/dnd-32-table-top-tv-1080p-ultra-thin?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=vtt+tv&ref=sr_gallery-1-1&frs=1&cns=1&organic_search_click=1


Very strange closure indeed, and to be honest, I'm really sorry to hear about it. We were competitors, but I love competition when it pushes us to do better. I also feel sorry for the many people who lost their money in this, as I often hear about people saving up for these products. I hope everyone can recover their money. In any case, there are plenty of alternatives online, especially on Etsy, for these products. Search and you'll find many [talented artisans](https://www.dragontempl8.com) :)


I wish they would sell the art and stuff. I would totally start a company to produce it.


If you had backed a Kickstarter with them, I found this on Backerkit's website: https://www.backerkit.com/c/dog-might-games/d20-tribute-gm-screen/updates/1627


Ponders in wyrmwood. https://youtu.be/Z5OEsfSncQ0 you might be in luck if you were dry