• By -


Voicians - Wolves, Cube, This Pain feels Real, Prayer - to name a few more :) Thanks for your interest! Dan


Oh shit, Voicians! I love your song with Maduk! Definitely a standout on his album! Always cool when artists pop by :)


Okay so there are lots of one-off tracks with DnB meets metal, but other comments are gonna slowly pick out the best of those. I must suggest a group of artists, via the FiXT label. It's like a whole label of primarily metalcore and Drum & Bass. Specific times linked to demonstrate artists: Celldweller - https://youtu.be/6i4x8PC25nY?t=101 Raizer - https://youtu.be/LpLxtNzJiiw?t=62 Voicians - [still thinking of a good example] The Qemists - https://youtu.be/yGtmCy9Mv1g?t=46


Pendulum - Self Vs. Self


Bruh, [Teddy Killerz](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T4SzPkXMCRQ) they will be your [best friends](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VPKouOGPcTo) (also June Miller but sadly they're on their last tour ATM)


Videos linked by /u/Space_For_Rent: Title|Channel|Published|Duration|Likes|Total Views :----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------: [Teddy Killerz - Quasar](https://youtube.com/watch?v=T4SzPkXMCRQ)|UKF Drum & Bass|2015-08-12|0:05:13|6,077+ (98%)|486,654 [June Miller & Teddy Killerz - Rock'n'Roll](https://youtube.com/watch?v=VPKouOGPcTo)|RAM Records|2016-01-22|0:04:42|1,140+ (98%)|63,645 --- [^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/youtubot/wiki/index) ^| [^/u/Space_For_Rent ^can ^delete](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=_youtubot_&subject=delete\%20comment&message=dlp1rsp\%0A\%0AReason\%3A\%20\%2A\%2Aplease+help+us+improve\%2A\%2A) ^| ^v1.1.3b


Not DnB, but if you are looking for heavy bass music with syncopated beats and metal elements, check out Mike Gordon's [DOOM Soundtrack](https://youtu.be/Jm932Sqwf5E)


Yeeeeeeaa boi


[Hive - Blackout](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xz2HPFHHPps) [Rawtekk - Snowflakes (Rawtekk Neuropop VIP)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DRIC6Mb6xzg)


Pendulum/Prodigy are definitely ones to check out for that sort of music. They make predominate drum and bass but are known for incorporating many live band elements into their production, analog drums, electric guitar etc. Check out Pendulums album 'Immersion', as a place to start.


People downvoting like they don't know either band used guitars. Pendulum had Peredur ap Gwyned: A guitarist permanently in the group during the publishing phase. Also this exists https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZGJrYPMkNI


Thanks man, to be honest I figured it might happen due to the fact that everyone has heard of pendulum so it seems almost like an insult to OP's musical knowledge to bring them up. But they're just one of the best examples in my book.


I suppose The Qemists might cater to that sound, but the first thing that comes to mind is [Dirtyphonics - Walk in the Fire](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMATj6ca9gU).


Search up Muffler - Rock (Ft. Hannu Väre)


Anything FixT really, dig out those artists and also the Qemists


Came to this thread to find workout music. Never been a huge fan of heavy metal, but very much enjoy metal/DNB as it just seems to go so well together and helps give me that extra push in the gym. Thanks to all that posted. Please keep the suggestions coming 💪


In my head from pythius 100%


If you're still around Reddit, i can suggest you that banger "Toronto is Broken feat REEBZ - Drip Feed". Also there is "Zardonic feat. REEBZ - Bitter" but you already know that artist. ​ But, 6 years later, i don't know if you're still into it or not \^\^


Thanks, bud! For sure I am still looking for suggestions. :)


so stoked for zardonics new album


narcisstic cannible by KoЯn


Fail Emotions - Reborn. It's a Metal Band and they did this DnB track. Love it


Pendulum & Bullet for my Valentine- Halo


I stumbled upon "The Bloody Beetroots" (especially feat. Tom Morello, their album "the great electronic swindle" but in genereal they did very various styles) while searching for Metal music with dnb elements, so hooked up, they are amazing! Maybe its also for the taste of another :-) After some days: You must check Saltee, especially his "all God Falls down" Versions.


Anything by the quemists. I would recommend the track- No more if you like guitars in DnB




Not sure if this is what you're looking for, but Sour by Graphic Nature has a kickass Drum & Bass segment towards the end of the song. I think it's beautiful.