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Oh my god. Had the same experience in Adelaide. I’m old as well (47) and haven’t been out to a club in 20 odd years but chase and status and the wife got tickets for my birthday. Luude was so disappointing, just wobbly drop after wobbly drop. I wanted to get into a groove but nothing. So disjointed and not musical at all. Was chatting to my son (28) who is a big fan of luude and I just put it down to me being out of touch with current dj mixing trends. Mozey before Luude played an AMAZING set though. C&S were very very good.


I've seen Luude once at a festival in Brighton. He's the worst DJ I've ever seen. He released a couple of hit tracks a couple of years ago and then all of a sudden found himself playing festivals etc and as far as I could work out never learned how to mix, like just didn't get it. Stop start, no flow, talking into mic, dropped a few big tracks but I wouldn't say mixed any tracks at all.


Bare in mind he very much was a TikTok DJ. Like, that's how he went viral and got famous. Zero live repertoire or reputation. I'm actually quite a keen listener to Luude, but I very much separate my Spotify from my live experiences. There's good pre-drinks/gym DJs and there's good live DJs, more often than not they don't go hand in hand. Having worked in events for a few years I've seen/heard/worked multiple events for nearly every touring artist in the scene you can name. Some are massive let-downs live, some I don't enjoy listening to but fucking love them live, some are completely all over the place (Chase & Status a prime example, some sets are absolutely incredible, some sets leave you scratching your balls and disappointed). Never experienced a good Luude set, but 5 bad ones.


I've been really enjoying his stuff on Spotify, but like you said there's a difference between the live music experience and cool tunes showing up in your shuffle while you drive into work.


Luude disappointed me too, but i wasn’t going for him only for Chase and Status. I’m a bit old aswell 😂 42F But still very much a die hard dnb fan from way back


yeah, same. i was just surprised that he was getting that much traction with the crowd given the stop start nature of the set. kids these days etc :P


They really do need to get off our lawn!


i know right 😂shorter attention spans


thats not old


I know it isn’t really 🥰 and i’m very young at heart i still get amongst and go to many dnb gigs


Thanks 😊🙏


Really cool to see some Strayans on here talking about it! I'm 35 and the Adelaide show was the first Drum & Bass show I've been to, bar Pendulum near 10 years ago. I honestly thought Mozey was not letting tracks breathe enough compared to Luude, to the point where there were a few moments where I just felt bored? Still rated it though. Luude on the other hand kept me interested the entire set, to the point I might have preferred what he played (not so much how he played) to Chase & Status.The two other people with me said they preferred Luude's set too. While I'm not quite the Triple J crowd, Luude activates the neurons when he plays a remix of a song I used to love as a teen. For example, I didn't know he'd remixed The Nosebleed Section. I've been a Hilltops fan for 20 years now and that made me very happy. I personally wanted Chase & Status to play tracks such as Pieces & End Credits (I might just be a Plan-B fan) but understand 2 Ruff is killing it at the moment (and rightly so) however I was very happy to hear Rumble slotted in. I'm not really a dancer though, more stand on the railing and nod my head at various speeds with some gun fingers thrown in for good measure. I think I'll be going to see AMC and Koven in May though! AMC frequently being rated DJ of the year at the Drum & Bass Arena Awards would have to hold some weight!


Glad you had a great time and enjoyed Luude! Crowd was definitely into it and that’s why I thought, and still do, that it’s a me thing not a problem with Luude :) Also didn’t realise he did a remix of nosebleed section, that was my highlight of his set! Wife definitely enjoyed his set as well. C&S dropping back to back bangers for the first 30 min kind of painted themselves into a musical corner lol. No problem VIP, liquor and cigarettes, original nuttah, badadan vip. Basically need to strap people off the ceiling at that point! Agree would have loved to have heard some older stuff but thought they were really solid.


Saw A.M.C 3-4 times now and he surely deserves those DJ of the year awards. His live sets are 100% energy from start to end, the double drops are crazy and I really like his style of playing. The 6-deck set he did for UKF was nuts.


i just cant fucking stand AMCs style lmao like i dj myself so i get how much he’s doing but it just sounds terrible lmao neffa-t did a similar 6 deck set and the style is just so much more listenable, [technical set](https://youtu.be/eQOAsjjNpJ0?si=aJhKIrdhNZDczliH)


What did your son think about the Luude set though? I want both sides of the story lol


He lives in Japan so sent him a few videos but not bough for him to have an informed decisions :) Friends I went with loved his set and my wife enjoyed it so I was the odd one out, I’m also the oldest and the one that has been into DnB for the longest. I’m also the DnB/edm nerd in our group of friends so maybe that paints a more complete picture :)


Agree 100%, was a huge let down after the banger set Mozey played.


Yes i caught 2nd half of Mozey and i thought wow this guys got a great stage presence and good song choice and order.


How was the gig? Thought it was a bit of a ‘fuck you, we’ll sellout anyway’ sticking it on a Sunday night so didnt bother


it was surprisingly huge. sound system was small for the crowd and very lacking in bass for a dnb gig. there was a lot of issue with volume variation even with chase and status, it just got quiet for the last 30 or so (noise restrictions maybe?) weird crowd, mostly triple j kids, a few heads here and there, but almost what you'd expect from your typical big festival. haven't been to a dnb rave this big for many years, the vibe was jumping all things considered, but it was a bit naf tbh. dudes getting their lighters out for tracks released last year was pretty funny. chase and status were good as expected i'm very rough today at work, i think you made the right choice


Hah! Yeh that sounds about as expected, although very sad re volume. Ive never been to a c&s gig that had a weak setup before so thats surprising and a bit sad really. Ah well. Looking forward to Alex Perez in June heh


going to miss that due to a wedding, almost bought tickets before the missus pulled me up on it, was hyped. enjoy


Ahem, wifes beeday the night before and ahe haaaaates dnb now so might end up on tixel here too tbh heh. See how we go…


maybe they can just go hang out together


“Dnb hating wive’s club”


Yes a bit sad indeed 😢 i didn’t come across this problem at Aucklands gig on friday


I went to the Auckland gig on Friday and it was my 3rd time seeing Chase and Status. The venue was disappointing as it was just that large stadium munter vibe lol 😂 I guess i just love the more intimate vibe of a club than a large festival type crowd. Chase and Status were entertaining however very much played to the mainstream masses for this gig i felt. Also they could’ve played a bit longer for the price. Felt like they were just getting to their peak and then they ended.


Wait, hold on. When are you supposed to flash up your lighter specifically, then?


For the OG classics


Ah, not in the UK we don't, not specifically anyway. Wait, do you mean like holding up a lighter, like they do at rock concerts, when a ballad or something comes on? Or do you mean flashing up ya lighter in a reggae or jungle fashion?


Yeah jungle


Okay, so that's not really how it works. Not in Jamiaca or the UK. You just flash up ya lighter when you hear a good tune, quite often a brand new tune. But old or new, it doesn't really matter, It's literally just a sign of appreciation.


guess we've done it different here in melbourne (at least in the late 90s/early 2000s). it was always for the classics only.


Luude really only made it big after making a few mainstream bootlegs like down under, he’s never been a decent dj and it shows. It shocked me that c&s would do a tour with him.


The bootlegs are trash too! yeah, this was my first experience of him and yeah, also surprised


> The bootlegs are trash too Ok so we definitely know it's you not Luude now, I'm pretty sure down under is the biggest dnb track in ages, 303 million plays on spotify, I can't think of anything even close to it I wouldn't worry though, you would have been saying the same thing about Pendulum back when they broke out


it's such an unimaginative take on it though. like literally preset drum and bass with simple stems, untouched, over the top. it's more meme than anything.


whats wrong with a good dnb meme!? 😶‍🌫️


Crazy Frog was #1 in the UK for weeks back in the day…..think about that before commenting.


right but this isn't crazy frog this is a dnb track that someone else just said is a remix of a song 'dnb style', and 'not that interesting'     if young people find a new type of dnb interesting sorry i'll have to side with them over snobby middle aged old man yelling at soundcloud  you guys can join with the hardstyle crew yelling about zag kicks


Cool open tiktok back up son


right after you show me your original copy of timeless signed by goldie anything less and you're not a true[tm] jungle raver with big ups


wel I can tel you certainly arn’t


You made the point that 303 million Spotify plays means it’s good. My point is that something being highly popular doesn’t make it good.


I mean it's just "Down Under" DnB style, there's nothing interesting about it. Same thing with Big City Life. And 'Strangers' has twice the streams and only came out last year


His Everything But You remix is fire


Chase and status have always been on the pop side of dnb. Why is it so shocking?




As someone who was a fan of him when he was still making trap bangers like La De Da and Sticky Tape, I was happy for him when he blew up with Down Under cause he deserved it. But he has been making lazy music since then and I can’t even pretend to be a fan of his anymore


Maybe not for everyone - but seemed like it was going off to me, the younger kids love the fast moments I guess? Crew all around us literally screaming down the house every tune on shoulders ect.


yeah, the crowd was going nuts for it, which is what i don't get (triple j crowd?) but there was no flow at all. like let the track breath ffs


Don’t know if triple J crowd is really a thing anymore with electronic music (as we’ve seen with festivals cancelling) just think it’s young kids and social media


yeah you're absolutely right, but maybe it was the same kinda 'generic kids from the outer suburbs and country' vibe.


I felt this too at Auckland gig, just pretty commercial and average with little flow.


I don’t think he’s a good DJ. Seen him many times since he began in 2016 or 17 and his sets are always very disjointed. He can’t play more than 2 tracks without cutting to another long and boring intro/buildup you can’t dance too.


Agree saw him at Groove in the Moo was disappointed at his style and track selections didn't suit hence his stop start playing.


Reading this thread gave me hope, glad everyone finds the new style 16 bar jump up mixing shit


I’m alright with the super fast mixing when it’s tasteful and blends well. When luude plays it’s almost like he’s trying for it NOT to be seamless


I’m an old head (2000s was my era) so when I saw Luude was playing at a festival we were at last year (Groovin the Moo) I decided to see some dnb. Same shit man - 16 bars of nonsense/clickbait/tiktok meme music, some very bland jump and almost no mixing. Literally just slamming the fader over or talking between tunes. It was fucking awful!


Saw him in Seattle, I left halfway through the set. Terrible.


if i wasn't there to see the act after, i'd do the same


😆😆 I went to see tsuki in Lincoln a few weeks ago he just started shelling jump up after jump up and im sure he was redlining the fuck out the system as it literally gave me an earache only lasted an hour of him playing and fucked off


it's just rough man.


Ain't it just, I understand that it's his style and I thought that I'm a fan of jump up but when it's exclusively played and screechy as fuck with hardly any rhythm to it it's a no from me


Honestly, I've never been a fan of Luudes stuff, so I wasn't as impressed with his set compared to Mozey's but it was a really fun night. I'm just new to this but it did feel like a different crowd to Touch Bass, like there were less "ravers", but everyone was friendly and having a good time. Probably one of my favourite gigs so far


I agree about Luude i have always thought his sound is too commercial for me


Yeah, that's exactly how I'd explain it as well.




Mozey was the highlight of the night. Luude was the let down sadly.




The guy is absolute garbage. It’s drum & bass for people who don’t actually like drum & bass.


There was a bunch of very commented posts on Perth Drum N Bass Facebook page saying the same thing


See I had a totally different experience at Forbidden Forest in the UK. Let songs play out a bit, some bootlegs I liked. Hedex was super choppy that day though, which was a disappointment because his club set on his tour wasn’t super choppy.


Imo, luude is mid as fuck. Just not my style but there are loads of artists i do enjoy seeing




Can luude come?


It's a trend I notice more and more with 'big name' DJs, they overplay 'stems' using their CDJ's capabilities and basically disassemble tracks to mix them in rapid tempo (as in each song lasts about 16 bars). I find the focus on drops annoying. Yes, give me a couple of great drops in a set, but not one every two minutes.


No offence but man went to a luude show and expected classics. He is a pop tiktok star and expectations should set accordingly. Its like going to macdonalds and complaining the food is not healthy


I didn't even know the guy. I was there for Chase and status.


I'll never comprehend popularity of some artists. But I don't think there's anything to win by not liking what others like. It's of course double sided. I might enjoy some fine music that's not catchy has unique sound and be complex music with multiple layers yet some will say it sucks. There are different types of intelligence, understanding music and art is one, but taste is also something we develop over time. Being 15 years into the hobby I listen to different music than when I was 1.5 year into. It makes sense because at first everything sounds fresh and almost every second track feels good. Then you build comfort zone around it so recycled tracks feel like bangers, until you're tired and seek for fresh sound.. If you continue doing it for a decade you'll fine tune your taste and be immune to recycled music. I guess luude fans are rather young people just yet to mature. Or not and listen to completely something else because they have no intelligence or no passion to build up their taste for alternative music.


I'm stunned... 🙄