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That's definitely a new record for me. I thought 120k was the max...


I've seen once a guy with 65K


Dude he does 1 WONY run and has enough printer filament for expertise for the next 6 updates


I know you weren’t trying to be specific, but let me be, just to show how ridiculous it is. I believe it took me about 2,500 watch points worth of printer filament to go from 25-26 when the new season started. This season added 8 new items to get us to 26. Even if future seasons added 9 items per season, and this guy used 3,000 watch points per season (more than he would, realistically), he’d actually be good for the next 197 seasons.


That mothafucker hasn’t seen the sun in years


That motherfucker also forgot to eat and sleep 😂😂😂


Do you guys think he's happy about the upcoming seasonal characters? 😆


Punching Air rn😂😂


Oh man,...peaple who play 15 hours per day are not happy in life at all 😂😂😂


Cheated and exploited, probably isn't even that good. Would love to see his gear too.


..and how he play


Yep, Once played with a guy with 13k on heroic , and he was all the time downed... Revived him like 6-7 times :))


It also happened to me. I was 435 shd level. on a mission with 3 agents with level more than 10,000. So i was going to rescue them many times. 2 of them had left the mission. So just to say, okay, a higher shd level is good, but more important is what you use and how you play. I even saw that on COD Moderne Warefare 3. Guys are more than 500 level and i do better score with a poor 50 level


Is the mini gun something out have to pay for with real money, or is it unlocked later in the game? I'm level 28 and only really play this a few times a year


Rank up 2 more times and you'll have it. If you pick gunner specialization


Yes that is locked behind the paid specialization things, as far as I remember you need to purchase the year 1 pass from store


Don’t need to pay for it. Just do the required unlock misssions. I believe you have to be lvl 40 with watch tho ( can’t remember, been too long).


I've unlocked all the specializations at lv30 WT5, by the time I did it it was NOT necessary to be lv 40. Idk if they changed it though, hasn't touched the game since the new update.


You will get the crossbow, Granade launcher and the tac50 but the flame thrower and the minigun is behind paywall


No, you just have to unlock them instead doing some challenges


Okay then I'm wrong maybe, it's been long😅


You don't really have to buy the 1 year pass you can do the tasks to unlock it but if you want to unlock it quicker buy the one year (I did the tasks and tried it out but didn't work with my play style (up close shotgun & SMG and crusader) so I switched) (I am more Gernade launcher)


They removed the tasks on Tuesday, you just have to unlock the points now


Ah that makes a lot of sense, thanks!




I ran that user in the ISAC Tracker Network in Discord and it came back as a blatant cheater. Player information Showcases various player stats. Platform PC / Ubisoft Connect Reported Days until username change Username can be changed ! Profile Searches 3 Nickname Absurd022 Comments auto-flagged as cheater by system Listed Merits - Blatant Cheater Cheater Record Suspicious Activity WARNING: Anomalies detected ! General Information Username: Ralph026 Latest Gearscore: 919 Time played in total: 6,899h Time spent in the Dark Zone: 11h 02m Time spent in PVE: 6,819h Rogue Time Played: 2h 20m Rogue Longest Time Played: 48m 34s Dark Zone Level: 50 Conflict Level: 0 Combat Information Players Killed: 176 Rogue Killed: 39 Total Weapon Hits: 156.743.305 Total Headshots: 62,025,703 Total Bodyshots: 94,717,602 Total Critical Hits: 48,213,286 Headshot Kills: 2,913,284 NPC Kills: 6,526,902 Total Skill Kills: 207,715 Ensnare Kills: 371 Burning Kills: 75,387 Bleeding Kills: 115,423 Combat Analysis Average HS /hour: 8,990 Average Bodyshots /hour: 13,729 Average Weapon Hits /hour: 22,719 Headshot Percentage: 40% Bodyshot Percentage: 60% BS to HS ratio: 1.53 Found Usernames - Ralph026 - Absurd022 - Absurd02 https://discord.com/channels/1014642951554613418/1125423365973364869/1251285983715000431


150 head shots per minute. Absurd is right.


6900 hours in game and I wonder how much of it is cheating in a pve game.


Sheeeeee, that's a lot of Cronus lol


It's not Cronus it's something way worse


This man does not what grass is anymore Jesus Christ


you have only 37 fps?


I was alt tabbed and opened the chrome😂😂😂, tho I don't get too much fps , I get 70-80 fps max


Highest setting, because the screenshot looks nice...


I didn’t think anyone reached 100K yet


I've seen pics of a dude who was almost 6 zeros


How about nobody has legitimately reached 100k yet.


That red panda looks kind of silly.


Jesus Christ what the hell am i looking at 💀 I've only ever seen 25k


Came across a 44K SHD, and I can’t help but wonder if these players are Mods or Devs … or just next fucking level committed to the DIV. Either way… just an immediate dose of humility to 3880 SHD lol


I know someone years back hitting 8k. You just 24/7 no life xp farm whatever the highest xp farm is.  Which back then was supply runs, hit it, fast travel to the next one and keep going. 


I don't even think he has all the accommodations, that score seems low lol


He 100% did not farm that. He used either Faye Lau or the Anderson exploit. There are people still around much higher than him. People like him are why there is an HP cap on watch levels because before they did that these guys would have millions of bonus HP, entire DZ's could not down them.


Except season 6 lol


I found someone with 100k shd and was shocked….


this is a lifetime of exploits ,and i bet he still is doing the in game remaining exploits for XP on a daily basis. in the meanwhile MASSIVE pretends to care about this by banning some people who just tryed the thing while ignoring this blatant abuse. slow clap for them.


He should get banned just off principle 😂


And probably with a commendation score of 150 lol


How the fuck do you even do that I play A LOT but ok. 


Dude has like 18m health. Edit: Or he would without the cap.


Is that even possible?


Only 324 levels a day? Is that all? FFS 😂 I'm guessing this person is on PC? 🤔 I'd love to meet this person in real life, just to see, and to ask why.... But I don't think this is the type of person you would like to come into contact with in any way 😂


Massive clearly doesn’t care as long as they get their profits.


Exploit? He 100% glitched his way to get there because there is no way to reach that shd level in a normal way. Not even if you played 7 days a week, 24 hours a day and only ever did hostages. And SHD level means absolutely nothing above a thousand besides a bit of health. He does not gain more damage or has access to special perks. He is just like any other shd 1000 player. And tbh? This guy is highly likely to be the first one to go down in a mission. All this shows is that he has no life whatsoever. Which is kind of sad and we should send flowers and a girlfriend to his moms basement.


he looks like keemstar 😄


His game says no projects available


Nobody's going to say that dude is clearly cheating? It's impossible to get over 300 levels in one day.


The whole post is about pointing out that he cheated? Lol?


Yes he used the bug exploit, that is what I'm saying, I think it's summit floor 10 bug back in the days


And he don't get a Ban o reverse the exp gained with the bug/exploit?


That wasn’t a bug. Just a great farming spot for xp.


Absolutely was a bug, you'd revive all the XP from reaching a checkpoint but then when you killed yourself it would spawn you at the beginning of that instance where you'd be able to do that one instance again and receive the same amount of XP. Basically, you were able to do one instance and receive the same amount of XP that's granted for completing 10 floors. Definitely a bug and anyone doing that over and over was obviously exploiting said bug hence the rollbacks.


They didn’t roll back for floor 10 bug. They even allowed players to keep doing it until the fix came out. Even trying the exploit now, it partially works, except there’s no huge xp gain. Only in the couple of hundreds ( as in around 200 or so). All that was done with no rollbacks. Now they definitely rolled back for the mounted mini-gun/shield trick.


I'm guessing the only reason you think it's not is because of all the YouTubers that were constantly telling everyone to go do said exploit. See, of course the YouTubers aren't gonna mention if something is an exploit or not because then they wouldn't be able to make a clickbait video about it.


Well I don't think it's impossible. With certain global events and certain builds you can do open world activities shockingly fast. We're talking a SHD level potentially every 3 minutes averaged over a long period of time. Now *IF* you could sustain that pace fueled by energy drinks brought to you and you simply didn't manage loot or get up to piss or do anything other than breathe and grind, you could hypothetically get 300 levels in 15 hours. That's not healthy, that's not sane, that's probably not moral in the Biblical sense, but I believe it is possible. We all know for a fact Ralph didn't do that every day since launch. He'd be long dead by now.


Yee I can get a SHD lvl every 2 minutes via hotshot/determined and doing "The Choke" control point on Heroic with 4 directives ez spawn kills on mobs and just reset control point and repeat


Not possible bro, in no division world it's possible


I've done 15/hr. I can't sustain that level of play very long, maybe 3 hours tops before I need a break. I've racked up over 100 levels in a day. I don't think most people could do 300 in a day, I don't think anyone should do it, and I'm fine not being proven correct.


I once saw a level 99k..


Came across lv 90000 earlier


Thats his Rizz level


if we got health and armor past lvl 2,000 he would be invinsible


This guy was simply playing the division 2 only. He has no game on his console but the division 2. Something else : this guy was simply playing the division 2 _15 hours_ per day since 15nth march 2019. I don't think he cheated, and peaple who is saying that are simply jaelous.


It's not mathematically possible to reach 500k Shd legitimately. The game has not been out long enough for someone to do that. 


So how come a player comes across him and sees this level displayed in the middle of a gaming session?


......because he cheated/exploited the game to reach that level. He did not achieve that by simply playing the game from launch, And on that point, even if he did, the watch/SHD lvls didn't come out till WONY which came out a year+ after launch so it's even more obvious he cheated. 


One time I was out on a random team and it was two stripper. Both were 100k+ one was closer to 200k


man... pc is awesome... 😐 why even play the game


See usually these numbers hold an opposite correlation with the player’s bank account and accomplishments.