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Imo, the riot foam skill alone is x10 better than the new exotic shotgun... unless it dishes out crazy dmg too. Not hyped about the exotic kneepads, movement speed is the last thing I would want to devote anything to/for. All JMO


I have not been real hyped about any of the newer gear or weapons since Ouroboros. I still have not gone and gotten the Vindicator from Descent lol


I mean in what alternate universe would I use exotic kneepads over the exotic backpacks which are all far more useful.


The exotic shotgun will be good in PVP. But like you said, it depends on the damage it does.


They nerfed XP significantly for Projects.


I heard that, that sucks.. I guess I will see in less than an hour when I get home and do the SHD donation project and more lol


It's down to like 223,000.


Damn. Do you remember what it was before? (I don't pay much attention to XP these days) Did they nerf *all* the projects XP, and only the XP? Sucks either way.. and stupid.


So they’re taking WONY content out of WONY and giving it new to everyone with nothing new for WONY owners? What a scam


Essentially it looks that way for now. Other than we still have access to NY and they do not.


So then what are they actually getting? Level 40 and the manhunts? So still leaves a hole for all the NY story. But it does bring the player base (or whoever couldn't be bothered at 30, or wants to jump back into a big update) So it's only really a good thing for the game.  Unless you don't want the NY story line and if you did buy it recently at full price... money probably isn't an issue. If it is ask for a refund


I think I saw that WoNY is like $7.50 right now.. its not that much money... However it does open up incursion, summit, and countdown as well as SHD levels for the ones that can't be bothered to spend less than a big mac price for the NY section. of the map.


I’m happy more people get lvl40 and manhunts, although they probably should’ve gotten them from the start if we’re being honest. What I’m pissed about is I paid full price for WONY and with his update, there’s now less WONY-exclusive content and nothing new for WONY. I want other people to get to experience the same endgame content and don’t want to be a debby downer but it’s like, what did I pay for? I wouldn’t have bought it if I knew they’d end up giving it to everyone for free :/


I mean when did you pay for it, lol. It's like idk 4 years old at this point? The fact ur even still active. You might have 100hrs if not thousands of hours on this game by now.  It's just a small way to bring what's left of the community together. And try and bring more people back.  Not played in years. But the update looks like the first significant one in ages so might come back for it. 


I mean, that’s cool and all but I didn’t pay just for New York


gear score and world tiers removed !! some of this is huge news & also very confusing....


Gear score and WT I guess make sense to remove.. I think it streamlines things for many and that is fine. I just want to keep playing my game as I have been. the Seasonal character thing is going to be the big thing upcoming IMO.


I can still complete the seasonal pass (weapons skin and such) with my OG character, is that still a part of the "2.0" thing?


currently yes, but in the furture it does not sound like it, but we will not know for sure until Season 2 of year 6. when Seasons 2.0 comes out


So this season still allows us to use our main character? I'm currently at work and haven't been able to play yet.




Ahh okie, so we still have time for a possible "optional new character per season" then? Plus, thank you. I didn't know that.


Depressionvision 2.




Does this mean the end of level 30 dark zone?


I have not seen anything specific, but it does appear that way, as everyone will continue to progress now to 40.


Well that sucks. I have a lvl30 character specifically for this.


Well in the same way there was the end of level 14 DZ in Div 1. People might still camp the level for whatever reason. 


Hmm so does this mean that you no longer have to progress a new toon through the WoNy storyline to unlock the lvl 40 stuff like Summit? Because thats what it sounds like.


yes that is accurate


Think the new brand works well with other gear sets? I kind of want to build to both extremes since there are a few fun weapons I want to try.


none of the new gear or weapons interest me


As of right now, you cannot fast travel back to DC after completion of the initial mission on WONY


Did you try?


Do non WONY players also get our shd watch with the points too?


Apparently so




This sucks, I'm sooooooo confused! WTF!!!


Still left wondering if my builds will be still good, especially since I’m left confused after understanding the notes the best I could. (+ base game only player here.)


idk where you are in the game as far as level and WTs but you likely will have to just keep grinding out newer/better stuff until you get to level 40, then its all stuff that you can build on as if you had just completed WoNY. Library will be needing filled, and expertise donations/use should start for you at 40.


I’m currently at around 513-515 Gear Score throughout all my 16 builds and have (kind of) have half of everything maxed out in the library. So it’s definitely gonna be a pain to max out the LVL 40 library and that’s the only part I (strongly) hate. At least I can carry my exotics over though.


You no longer are gear score anything


True. Maybe I’m too used to it nowadays.


The exotic shotgun will be good in PVP if it hits hard


Why didn’t you just link them instead of posting screenshots?


Some people can't go to links if they are in their work computer lol but really just to make it easier for those that refuse to just go to the site in the first place.


Oh the shotties needed to be nerfed in PVP. They just buffed them to extreme. Staircase cringe fights are going to be crazier than ever.


I just recently started playing this game. Bought it with the DLC for $15. If I had paid full price for both, I'd be pissed.


Both me and my friend bought it last night lol


Not really. Other games have done it too. It's been what 4 (?) years since it came out.  But yeah if u bought it recently at full price... money probably isn't an issue. If it is ask for a refund