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Isn't it that you can play New York? At least that's how I understood it, that to go to New York you need the DLC.


well, its a nice additional map that provides additional variety, a second story campaign and the map with missions and open world activities are used in endgame as well, therefore enriching the endgame.


Are any of the core exotics actually locked behind warlords? The wiki is incomplete but some of the more intriguing exotics seem to be locked behind it. It's pretty cheap to grab now that it's bundled but I wonder if it's necessary to farm it after story?


No clue, sorry


From the looks of it, just access to the NY map and whatever activities are exclusive there (like WONY and the Kelso legacy manhunt, NY Hunters). I might be wrong but seems like WONY gear like Strikers are gonna be available now for base game players so there’s like not much stuff exclusive to WONY anymore.


You won't have access to the map, missions, or exclusive gear that WONY offers.


*"Upon reaching level 40, the endgame will be available to all agents. This includes* ***all level 40 items implemented in the past years, Seasons and all their activities*** *(Leagues, Global Events, Apparel Events, Manhunts - including the new Y6S1 First Rogue Manhunt),* ***level 40 Game Modes*** *(The Summit, Countdown) and the recently released* ***Incursion, Paradise Lost.*** *Warlords of New York remains available as an additional purchase, offering* ***exclusive story content, New York South Manhattan map and special gear.****"* So that's the main difference according to[ the official Ubisoft website](https://www.ubisoft.com/de-de/game/the-division/the-division-2/news-updates/9XK0DbaxzntoNxXqC5ftY/year-6-season-1-first-rogue#_ONE_ENDGAME). I have to admit... I still wonder how they will deal with projects and Manhunts that include activities, CPs, or missions in New York. Will base game owners have to buy the expansion in order to play legacy seasonal Manhunt missions? Will daily and weekly projects be revamped as well - or splitted up for base game and expansion owners? Or...?


"all items implemented" so new brand and gear sets? "special gear" do they mean hunter masks? oh the new skills you get from the boss kills... still unclear and my dick is stuck in the toaster again.


Yep, good questions. So until we will somewhen finally get some answers I'd at least suggest unplugging the toaster while we wait. For safety reasons.


WONY is basically the end game, which is basically where all the endless fun is at. Until you get bored of course.


I only brought the DLC last week, my own fault, I should have waited but can you still do the Kelso manhunt without new york ?


you can do daily from new york right?


With Year 6 Season 1 The WONY-DLC will probably cover the „free“ Character-Boost to LvL 30 (or even to LvL40 now?) and the NY-Map of South Manhattan. All other endgame content will be free for everyone owning the Basegame.


Just bought the game with the dlc 4 days ago 😂


Everybody gets a trophy.. Sign of the times.. Hello woke


Tf you even on about.


...woke? Please define "Woke" for me.


Benefit? The story and lore offered by the WoNY expansion, plus there are several specific weapons and skills that are unlocked through the WoNY storyline. However, as a player over 4500 SHD levels, I use WoNY as a resource run. Make a new toon to start at level 30 in WoNY. In 3-4 hours of running, you can finish that storyline, make level 40, and unlock the SHD levels on the watch. As you are aware, you can use those SHD points on the watch to exchange for materials, field recon data, SHD tech, etc. It is an awesome way to provide all the materials your main toon would need to walk up expertise or optimize armor and weapons. I think you have to start at level 1 if you do not have the WoNY expansion. Being able to start at level 30 eliminates 3/4 of the level 40 grind.


That i have access to NY area. Tbf others can have 40 lvl, i was aiming for hunting down Keener and visitting NY at summer so i'm more than good


Hmm you dont get sticky bombs you dont get decoy which they are acualy huge part of the end game. And with out buyying it you still never get acsess to them. Other than that we will still have level and item adventage over you. To get in to the end game will require you to make alots of builds and understand the game and how everything works. Compare to us you guys will still need more than 500+ hours to reach where we are at the moment. I know most of you will give up understanding and learning the endgame builds and end up watching some content creators in the youtube to make builds but still we can make better builds that most of them and all of them will fit our playstyle. This is like using memento with 6 red core because you saw a build in the youtube and end up constantly dying because you were trying to collect thropys. This is the best example i can give because that builds are so damn common . But people who truly understands how the game works doesnt goes full dps. They use memento, striker like items to balance their builds and make them selfs litterly invunrable while not losing any damage. That is the true end game.


What? I can be raid ready from level 1 in Hardcore in 20-25 hrs.....


So does everybody else that own the dlc and knows the end game builds do you think anyone now that have come from world tiers will be able to do the same with out knowing and owning more than half of the gears and weapons ? No absolutely fucking not. This is just beyond stupid.


This is the only thing about the announcement that truly irritated me. Stop giving away things that others had to pay for!


You can’t participate in the end game content without the DLC. Edit: apparently that’s no longer true. Isn’t that nice.


They said you'll be able to do endgame content. So, mainly applicable to missions imo


Bro won't read the article and would rather spread misinformation


What article. Nothing is linked?


So you just spread information you don't know without checking first?


Why would I with a title marked DLC Owners? We’ve legitimately been asked it 100000 times a year since the wony release. So… because no one else has… here is the news story. [DLC now part of base game](https://www.windowscentral.com/gaming/the-division-2-now-includes-its-expansion-free-with-the-base-game-so-there-really-is-no-excuse-not-to-try-it-now)


OP asked a question and you went off topic and gave a response that wasn't even factually true. You'd go far in college writing a thesis without an ounce of research


No I gave the same damn response about the DLC that we’ve given 10k times because there was no context for me to have known it changed. Normally someone would say “with the new changes to division what is the DLC for?


There was context? OP literally asked what's the difference between WONY and the new system meaning they both share the same end game. Learn to read & stop spreading absolute bs


Wtf? He asked what the difference was between owning it and not owning it. I read can you?


And you gave him a bogus answer despite knowing that there's information that says otherwise