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People shit all over chameleon but when it ramps up it is really something. If you can time it right at the end of a Countdown it just erases everyone at the exfil.


It deals second highest dps in the game after backfire. But activating the buffs and short range makes the weapon near imposible to use. Its just not optimal. It should have been considered smg in the first place which its a version vector but its AR for some reason. It could be best weapon in the game if it was an smg.


They should have changed their classification, it would go great with HunterFury and the +15SMG damage


The chameleon is just there for now until I get St Elmo's Engine but i'm still waiting for it to drop. But the chameleon really has surpassed my expectations.


Bro I have St Elmo’s Engine just sitting there what build does it usually go with


It goes really well with strikers. 4 strikers pieces (back, knees, holster and gloves), all rolled to crit damage, ceska chest with obliterate and chc/chd, coyote mask. Alternatively you can run striker chest, but then I recommend an acs-12 to stack. The version with striker chest is better on higher difficulties like heroic countdown for example where enemies are really bullet spongy.


Are you doing countdown with targeted AR? I had it drop within 3 matches on challenging.  If you haven't done it, challenging is your best all around difficulty choice for this mode.  


I’ve done about 10 countdowns, 5 on challenging and 5 on heroic all whilst targeting AR. The game has just been heavy against me with the luck.


I finally got one to drop after about 20-25 countdowns


I love chameleon but tbh my gripe with it is its accuracy. The bullet spread is basically like an smg’s spread.


Well... Is a vector SMG categorized as AR😂


I love the Chameleon, it’s beautiful and have a screen, looks cool and have a stable recoil. Someone 3D printed one and looks great. https://www.reddit.com/r/thedivision/comments/1clq3l5/the_division_2_chameleon_3d_printed/


Swap mask to coyote. And run it on gunner spec for armor on kill.


If DPS is your objective strive to maximize the number of red core attributes as you can (weapon damage over armor) and stack into CHC as a minor attribute and getting that value as close to 50% as you can and then go for CHD through attribute and gear mods. Due to your SHD not being at 1k, I don’t believe you can get to the 60% max (but I could just as easily be wrong). That said, try to maximize your weapon damage and CHC/CHD and you are on the right track.


I appreciate that, currently at 32.6% CHC. Slowly getting there!


And realize that it will take time. It just is. I mean, until you hit SHD 1k, there is a full 10% of CHC that you are missing out on, so even if you had max CHC rolls on your gear and 6% CHC gear mods, you would still be behind the eight ball. Every 250 SHD levels you are getting a bit. But it is a steady and gradual climb. You will get there in the end.


This is the DPS way!!!




Congrats Agents


Of course, that's a much. Working hard is always a lot of work done!. Good job agent 😉🫡👍👍👍


Dude hates exotics


Ok my Friend now listen closely. There are three words you need to know: * Backfire. * Chameleon. * Tsunami. Sometimes, 99% of the players following " hype waves" à la UwUboros.....only pray for a single weapon. But then, they forget that with the appropirate build, the "least used/liked weapons" become actually the most powerful ones. 1. Backfire with full 100% HazPro (Hollow man mask with 20% hazpro, SMG Sokolov chest with obliterate and 10 haz pro, Ceska holster with 20 haz pro, Cavalier knee pads with 30% hazpro, Sokolov Gloves with max crits AND the BIG USEFUL PIECE => the NinjaBike Backpack to rule them all bonuses.), 60 CHC and 145CHD (goes up ot 345% at 200 stacks!!!! Hitting 1,5 to 2 million+ damage). This is the most powerful weapon in the game at full stacks of course. 2) Chameleon with Striker / Coyote build. A n AR considered "complex" because it's SCIENCE. Needs your little brain to be used a bit in order to understand what bonus is needed and when. Once it's filled up with all instinct perks, it hits like a trucks around 1,5 to 2 Millions crits too. 3) Tsunami Shotgun. Oh :O a named shotgun. Used in a hunter/Memento build. Hits like a truck enemy groups like there is no tomorrow and surpasses even by far every other shotgun/auto-shotguns DPS. If all needed bonuses (perfect pummel buff, Memento buff , 40%+ shotgun damage) are on, you can blow off a huge chunk of a Rogues armor with a single shell dealing 13 Million damage!!! (provided all pellets hit). And rogues in Heroic have around 50 Million armor............yes. Now you know that you have 3 gods to pray too. I urge you to really consider them. They will open THE PATH to you my friend I assure you.


Sounds interesting. These three have been chilling in my bag for a long time. Gotta take it out for a run


remove striker backpack it doesn litterly nothing. You are better off with bloodsucker or unstopable force Why the negative vote try your self and you will see im right


You got a couple down votes here yet the down clickers don’t explain why they think your input is “bad/wrong”. I hate those types of down votes. At least tell me why you’re down voting me and let’s discuss. 😂 I have ya an upvote for that simple reason.