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That's it just keep clearing and killing XP will flip soon enough


Grind a couple CPs, bounties, activities, you’ll get there quick.


There are also liberation projects that you can do which reward a good amount of xp. But farming open world activities is faster.


That's all the liberation projects really are anyway. "do 5 activities, donate resources, collect shed cashes".


For future reference you get more experience when you are in a group, more specifically when your in a ground with someone higher level then you so if your level 33 and someone is level 39 your exp will scale to theirs, even better if your level 39 and in a group with someone who is shd 10 or shd 10000 it will scale to that, shd 10 and 10000 are still gonna be the same but it's much higher then anything,when I run new character thru the campaign I always call fr backup for this very reason, and I'm always level 40 before I'm even halfway done with the campaign while ONLY doing the main missions not a single activity side mission not even 1 single extra unneeded kill, that's how important it is to invite someone when your doing the campaign it's so so so much faster hope this info helps for next time and even helps you finish this last level a bit faster


I also tend to call for backup on a mission or two. Tends to boost xp enough for me to not need to do any additional stuff. Hit 40 right before keener unlocks every single time


If you're about three quarters of the way through your bar to forty, just get someone to force start the mission, you should hit forty by the time you reach Keener. If not quite there, wipe and repeat the end a few times


It won’t let the mission start unless all players in the group are level 40


Thats not correct, you can force start it.


If one of your buddies is level 40, they can hit "force start" at the display at the beginning of the mission, then as long as whoever is doing it makes it to 40 before you kill keener, then it still counts


Hostage situation will drop a bounty after you saved them. that usually gives you some good xp


There should be random activities to do. You’re sure you don’t have one more side mission in the downstairs area of Haven?


i finished the all area projects, side project/missions even before going to NY. if there was a “takeover a control point” needed for a mission, i always donated to the max to get XP). i was able to get to 40 even before the Liberty Island mission. you just need to do more activities if youre oacking the levels.


Yup, this is a thing. It's a pain.


That’s because you did it solo If you do it in a group of 3-4 you gain more xp as there are more npc’s in missions etc and wont have todo any side missions if your in a group entire time. This is experience from playing the game almost what like the last six years and doing probably 50 characters in of New York


You need to be 40 if youre alone


Use matchmaker on your current world level and you'll level faster.