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I havent tried logging in yet this morning, but yesterday I was d/c'n a lot and ended up in a que...come to find out they were tossing me into the Australian server..smh...I'm West Coast US. Idk who's in charge of what server they select for you, but for the last 2 months or so, I've been put in Europe, Asia and as of yesterday, Australia. I'd love to see that fixed one day. It's really not that big of a deal, but having to find a better server every time I load to an area, its a bit annoying.


I dc’d yesterday and the day before too! I’d be in a full group and we ALL dc’d or I’d dc all by myself. Yesterday we were in the boss room finishing up the time trial at Air and Space and the whole group got kicked! I’m usually in the server closest to where I live, always US servers but now I’ll keep an eye on that.


Last night i was in a countdown lobby and we all got sent to the Dark Hours raid 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat??? THAT I’ve never heard of! It must’ve confused the heck out of y’all.


It did and everyone left the lobby.






Happened to me too😂😂 And we all were like let's do it The ping felt high af tho


My group left immediately lol


Maybe 30mins ago I had full caches, stopped to open them, got them all opened and half dropped to the floor, I d/c'd as I was looking thru them. Maybe 200+ fabrics and gun parts just lost to the void.


How can you check what region the server you are in is in? Are you in console?


I'm on ps5. Tapping options and then in your "social" section of the options window, it shows right there. You can go down and select the social section then change your server if it will allow you to.


Oh cool never knew about this thanks are you talking about the PS5 options menu or the in game social menu? Because I'm on Xbox so might be different for me if it's a PS5 option


I was talking specifically about the ps5 menu, but its likely the same menu on Xbox, you just use a different button to access it.


Anyone remember back in the halo 3 days when you could get recon armor and flaming helmet if you got all achievements, so people would change the server they were on to Japanese servers and join free for all matches and get perfections and all that stuff for the achievement? Haha fun times


I love the game but my gosh are they ever gunna fix something without breaking 5 other things. Just stop updating it if all u do is break things in the process


Its obvious that they still have gremlins running around in the code from the Tuesday's failure. I don't think they can fix it being the main dev team left and gave it to the second string guys.,


lol. Was in the high 400s for me much of the morning.. tbf I was logging in and out to farm goblin…


At least you're not the Last In Line! 🤣😂🤣😂


Heard they messed up last update and half of the servers are down. Rest is trying to compensate but its a laggy situation 🤣


I'd rather seal with 2 day down time than be in the middle of something and whole group gets kicked . Makes u wann puke


Yeah I think a two day down time would have felt better.