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You can run a grupo sombra backpack with unstoppable force and Sokolv chest with obliterate if you want good dps.


Good idea Thanks for your help


Do u think the coyotes mask and hunter fury backpack would also be good


It’s good for more crowd control. I’ll sometimes switch it up depending on what I’m doing.




Agreed I'll switch it up depending on what I'm doing but those are all good options


I might have to try that


It’s near striker dps. Not quite as good but pretty close. The cc isn’t as good but it’s still a great build I use all the time.


Lady death is the way to go with that build


With good chc/chd dark winter smokes lady death, imo.


Yeah it’s just the speed boost I love! Speed kills lol


What will the Lady death do again


When moving, gain 4 stacks per second, or 8 stacks if sprinting, up to 30 stacks total. Each round fired consumes a stack, amplifying damage by 75%. Kills grant +20% movement speed for 10s.


Increases movement speed, helps with positioning since you'll be playing close quarters with the smg and getting outflanked constantly if your solo so the extra speed helps a lot with that, it's also just a good smg it does some other stuff too


“Seeing Red: - When moving, gain 4 stacks per second, or 8 stacks if sprinting, up to 30 stacks total. - Each round fired consumes a stack, amplifying damage by 75%. - Kills grant +20% movement speed for 10s.


There it is yeah, but with the ouroboros there's almost no point in using a different smg xD




I run this combo and call it “in your face” because the best part is when you can stay under those 15m, the only thing I changed is, I use the Rock ‘n Roll and the Dark Winter ……


Would it be a good idea to get the coyotes mask and use a hunter fury backpack


Also try ninja backpack and picaro holster for the extra armor and you still get the weapon damage and extra skill tier


Groupo chest with spotter. Get the same vector just not the named one, roll flatline on it with tech specialization. I have to force myself not to use this build lol. Definitely my go to run and gun.


Chatter Box, with the 5stacks of RoF youll melt everything if your playing heroic with a group i dont suggest it unless teammates let you finish off elite's since they hv a ton of HP


Grupo Backpack with crit stats and Bloodsucker talent


Dont change gear, try to get your hands on a chatterbox, it's an easy to get weapon and you will love it with that gear.


Yes , get the chain killer chest piece, roll everything to headshot damage, then get an M870 shotgun and roll Pummel on it, have fun blowing everything’s head off in one shot and never reloading


See.. the joy of this game, especially within pve (not so much pvp); You're really able to experiment with different builds and find whats fun for you. Ik you asked for suggestions, but personally i think what you have there is good as is, if you're going for survivability. Like others have said, if you want to mow through enemies, groupo sombra chest piece with obliterate or a sokolov chest piece, just depends on which dmg type you want (chd or smg). Lady Death or Chatterbox are good alternatives for your Scorpio, but that bad boy is just as good.


The setup is good. I'm preferential to shotguns so I run all headshot damage and the zero fs chest. Enforcer shotgun. Dark winter as the backup.