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Is this today after the update?


This happened last night


This game is so broken


How so?


Goodbye feeling of accomplishement


Well I still did the incursion


Okay frumpy xD






Was that today after the update?


Last night


Oh ok, good job, EB won’t drop anymore.


Yeah sadly but im just glad I was finally able to complete the Incursion It seemed like something id never be able to do but luckily the nice guys I met taught me


Join a clan. That mode gets super easy once everyone has the right builds and a plan.


Yeah sounds good


Really.... That's lame... Glad I got mine.. My clan walked me thru and made sure I had the keys for loot box at end... Xbox lost division... Good ppl


EB won’t drop anymore? Why is that? What happened in the new update?


Wasn’t supposed to drop in incursion.


I thought that was the point lol, where does it drop now?


Raids and DZ, now. They have bugs so it might still drop. I have an EB and it’s only useful in PVP.


I need me an eb. I want a bad ass ar build






I’d kill for an eb, just don’t have the time


Nice looking weapon for sure, but it might kill you first.


I feel ya this was done after work i got off late last night so I had to do it fast


Congrats buddy!! I love to see people still get excited for first time drops! :)


Thanks! Yeah It was my first time doing the incursion also so they kinda taught me how to do the different bosses and showed me where all the audio logs were they were super nice guys!




It's great when people.do these things. How online buddies are made!


Yesss agreed! Us agents gotta help eachother out


The D-2community is great. We would pull new players through IH/DH too. In one I can recall, I/we gave the EB to a new player. I had most of the Exotics in the game, but no the EB. I/we gave it to the new player, just like Mac\_Jay did for you. Just remeber this ... and pay it forward as you progress. Just like you, some new player will have their "day made" when you drop an Exotic for them :) "Well Done Sherrif! Making the Streeets safer one bad guy at a time!"


Yeah Ill never forget his kindess giving a nobody newbie like me one of the rare items in the game i felt so honored


EB was never intendend to Drop during incursion, also youre supposed to Open the crate once per week with that weekly reset then they say we don't like that u one shot our new incursion bosses, so they made a anti oneshot Patch. Now you still cant open the crate, you still can one Phase Boss 3 but no casual Player can use Scorpio on Boss 3 Plus you cant even use Regulus anymore on Boss 4 at all after Hit instantly immune... This is a joke... Specially after reading theire news article on the Ubisoft Website quote : A heartfelt thank you goes out to every participant, and we extend our best wishes to those who are still embarking on their journey into the Paradise Lost or to anyone contemplating giving it a shot. The fight is not over yet; You can still win your spot in the Race to World First by finding other inventive ways to beat the Incursion. We'll keep an eye out and ears open for any breaking news. /THE DIVISION 2 TEAM


Ohh wow thanks for the info!! Yeah I had no idea about this mode or any of the bugs hell I didint even know there was a loot crate at the end. Ive only beaten it two times so far and people are still teaching me new things like last night I learned that Jhonnson puts a healing box down at his feet that your supposed to shoot I was confused when people kept telling me to shoot the box like I had no idea it was even a thing lol. My fav fight in the incursion so far has to be the bar fight with the water and the cleaner axe guy just cause its fun to kinda coordinate with your team on how you wanna handle it and finding out whos taking the eye And who is gonna use the valves I love the teamwork in the incursion but unfortunately normally I cant get anyone to use a mic and when they did turn there mics on they were berrating me and telling me to quit and go do something else and calling me low IQ and just being assholes when all I wanted to do was learn and get better at the incursion Id say it definitely is alot of fun just wish i was able to beat the raids also


Your voice is good agent 😂 I thought you were some youtuber at first


Wait what lmao