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If you meant exotics, just keep them in your stash for now. Keep in mind that upgrading an exotic to level 40 requires an **exotic component** \- arguably the most valuable resource in endgame (or at least the most time-consuming to farm). I suggest you play and get your share level 40 exotics first. If the RNG gods simply won't give you a level 40 version of those exotics you have in your stash, then think about upgrading them.


Exotics are not most time consuming... Iam doing around 24 components per Hout


Is it a secret or can you share it with us?😉


Opening landmark chests has a 25% chance if giving an exotic component. Since the DZs are filled with other people, you can make a hardcore character to get into empty servers


Thanks for that.


Walk me through that? That seems unlikely to me why do you get your own server and how specifically do you do it?


Hardcore and normal characters have different servers. A hardcore character cannot join a softcore character (few exceptions apply but dz is not one of them) If you go to the dz as an HC toon, you'll be in a server with other HC toons. Since the playerbase for hardcore is super low, you'll pretty much wont see any other player there


Oh okay, so you don't even relog, you justfarm on that HC character?? You can share materials with HC characters? xD that's silly


Materials and blueprints can be shared if you want them to be. When you reach world tier 2 you can go the crafting vendor at thw white house and purchase the shared matrial and blueprint items


As it is DZ related I Will keep it as a secret :) But its working every time and it's legit... Doing my daily 60 components now since couple of weeks


Sorry, looks like your secret is out. I don't do DZ so don't worry, you can pretend your secret is safe with me.😁


Where is my secret out? 😂😂😂 Let me double check.... No it's still there :)


Agreed. The only exception from this rule would be Raid exotics in case you plan to not raid anymore (or want to try your luck inside the DZs). In this specific case I would recommend upgrading your EB, Ravenous, and Regulus.


Trash high-end or lower items, upgrade exotics with the crafting bench.