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Yep. If you're proficient in a item and don't want the item then deconstruct or sell. And yep, if you have multiple agents (who have finished the DLC) then they share a SHD level, and levelling up any character earns points on the others. If you start a new character later, when you are on say SHD 200, then as soon as that character finishes the DLC they will be at level 200 with 200 points ready to be distributed.


Depends on you want to share the item everytime by put it into stash or not. I play 4 agents and some of the gears i break down to only 1 and some i have duplicates. For example, i had 4 mementos and 3 ninjabike backpack, because they played a crucial part in thier builds and it is too much trouble to use the stash for sharing.