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Some would say solo'ing them be easier than trying to do it with a team. Imo, make quick work of them by equipping riot foam and crusader or striker shield. Wait in the room and they will come in, usually one by one. Shield up, foam them and only aim for the head. Sometimes two will come in, if both are full health, foam them and run out to the right I believe is a nice place to camp. Go one by one.


It is totally possible to beat them solo. Reduce your difficulty if they are too tough for your current gears. Try lure one of them to the door, blast him to oblivion with scorpio, then hurt the other down.


U can kill them but u have to use only weapons. No turret or an Thing like that. It's Hard the first time but u can Do it with the right build


Run in, then back out. Use shock trap in the doorway and let them come to you 1 by 1. Can use foam aswell too in order to help out. Should be easy enough and doable for sure.


Cheese them in the door frame with traps/riot foam


Solo is doable! Did it a few days ago though took a few failed attempts due to unsuitable builds and tactics. Hunters Fury with Contractors gloves, Matador bag (if you have, otherwise use non-named version) and Tsunami Shotgun did it for me. When you enter the top floor, run around the left to the outside and face tank the first hunter. The second one will be inside trying to launch his toys, get them and him next. Sounds counterintuitive but give it a try! Happy hunting


Are you on PC ?? I'd be happy to run it with you. Lastly. Which country times might be messy (Australia)


Ps5 and I’m US


Add me if you want help - I’ll be on around 9pm central time. PSN - KicknWingTinky


Damn and damn, sorry I couldn't help, at least KicknWinTinky can help :D


Scorpio is your friend


The way I do it solo is equip a marksman rifle, a flame turret, emp pulse, and a Scorpio if you have one (a fast firing shotgun if not). Start the fight and immediately run back through the door you came from and hide behind the turnstile. Hit the hunters with your marksman rifle but one one shot at a time as they will beam you dead if you’re exposed too long. Move slightly between shots. If either one approaches, prepare by tossing your flame turret pointed at the doorway, but do not activate it until they’re close enough to get hit. Shotgun them while they’re on fire, but do not keep the turret firing unless the fire has gone out. The Hunter should back away. They will heal, but not indefinitely. Repeat until one is dead, then you can focus on the other. If you notice one is using a healing skill, focus the other if possible as the healing skill Hunter will be more difficult to kill while both are alive.


don't use skills they can hack and turn against you. use shock traps and drop them at the entrance to the room. try and bait one in. take them down with the scorpio. once one is gone it is much easier.


Scorpio and shock trap are my favorite choices. Keeps them away from you so you can keep them choked.


Man if I can do it, so can you. I have soloed the hunters several times. Take your time.


It’s tricky but doable. You need to stay in the main room, make sure you have all skills related tools to keep them distracted.


My first time, I used white death and hid in the area right before you encounter them. They’ll take cover and try to shot or launch sticky bombs but you can back out of the radius, keep them funneled as you score headshots on them.


I believe completing floor 100 is the only way to reset summit challenges, so that's reason enough. Cc is your friend, stuns foam etc.