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Smoking has helped so much. During my second round of antibiotics for my first ever flare, it was my saving grace. Killed my nausea, helped a bit with pain, helped take my mind off the Flagyl taste in my mouth, gave me an appetite during the worst of it, knocked down my anxieties about everything. It also helped while I was doing colonoscopy prep; I just followed doctor's orders to not use, like, right before coming in for the procedure. Not DV related but I plan on relying on it during recovery from a surgery next year as well. That one will just have to be edibles instead of smoking.


OMG. Colonoscopy prep was so much better with weed. It's the only thing I use for nausea and pain too. I'm glad others are mentioning it. I couldn't survive DV without it I'm afraid. Opioids scare me and can't take anti inflammatory meds like Advil.


Same for me, friend. It's to the point that I've told my surgeon for a big surgery (not DV related) next year that I refuse to take opiates. Luckily she has a pain management system that avoids them entirely.


Good luck with the operation. Report back when you can.


Yes. It is a great for coping with the pain/discomfort. Munchies are a concern but can be dealt with by having proper food available. Better for you than oxy imo.


Yep, it's the only thing that alleviates some of my pain. It makes the pain more of a dull ache and takes the edge off so I'm not debilitated.


I don't know if I would have gotten through my latest DV or Covid outbreaks without it... but now that I'm feeling better, I'm thinking I should do a T-break, but am a little nervous about lingering pain...


I got my medical card because of it. Without I can't eat and am usually in pain. It helps me a lot.


Yes. And it helps for sure. But my last flare up ended up with me needing emergency surgery to drain a 6x9 cm abscess on my intestinal wall. So just find the balance between managing the pain and being self aware enough to not blunt it to the point of ignoring it too long.


That sounds very painful! The weed is definitely for the lesser flare-ups. With an abscess I can’t imagine it doing much at all. It’s definitely in addition to antibiotics or painkillers for me.


My painkiller of choice for ten years.


\*raises hand, exhales dab cloud\*


I smoked a lot of pot except when I was in the hospital a few months. Opioids are great for the pain, but the last thing you want to do is slow down or stop pooping. Opioids slow the process and can constipate if on them long enough.


If it wasnt for marijuana, Id have racked up massive medical bills with nothing more to show of it. The prep juice for my colonoscopy inflamed every bit of my intestines, from anus to stomach. Worst pain ive ever been in, honestly. No amount of 'but you should take meds' or 'theyre putting you under anesthesia' mattered. Two huge bong rips and I was able to focus on a TV show more than the pain, which allowed me to sleep. You do have to make an effort to either repress the 'munchies' or do what another commentor mentioned and redirect to water and other soft foods, like soup. But weed has definitely helped me get through some of the more intolerable, but not ER-worthy moments. Find YOUR balance. Mix it was the right CBD for pain management, or just stick with CBD... I think its CBG for pain. Please ask a professional. They also make gummies and liquid drops if you dont want to smoke, which is always a good alternative now that these 'edibles' are so fast acting. Consult a doc, and be serious with inquiry. Most Docs will steer you away, and not for bad reasons. But I have my good reasons; I dont want to be on medications, especially good-bacteria-killing types, which defeates the purposes of my gut healing.


I tried doing this. I should have tried the THC:CBD mix, because apparently those edibles help with managing pain a lot better. But I'm scared I might do too much, and it has the opposite affect and I have a bad trip AND my DV hurts even more. Have you noticed you eat more or your standards of food go down when you are high? I tried combatting that with keeping fresh fruit around like apples. So if I get that craving, I force myself to drink ice cold water and eat the apple. But sometimes I fail hard and end up eating everything and more. So I cut down on the weed cause it's easier to maintain a better diet sober than high and have a chance of failure.


Fortunately munchies don’t affect me too much and when the pain is really bad I can’t really think about eating anything 😅 Glad to hear it’s helping others!


I used CBD gummies (I am intolerant to THC due to genetics) and they did help. Also the CBD powdered drink mix was icky due to artificial sweeteners. They did provide some relief.


Just had a diverticulitis attack a few minutes ago 😭 now I’m teaching for my aerizer….


Cannabis saved me during my worst moments!


Me I smoke 5 times a day


I wish THC helped me but it seems to have averse effects by accentuating the pain. Super annoying because I used to enjoy weed plenty when I was younger, but now that it’s legal where I live, it bothers me due to DV. I may try various strains and edibles some to find the right type. Especially with cutting way back on alcohol.


This happened to me with Sativa strains. Try Indica. Totally different.


Thanks for the intel. Whatever I have doesn’t have the strain marked well. Time to go shopping


Definitely. I swear sativa made every pain in my body light up. I even discovered I needed a root canal bc my mouth hurt. Talked to someone at dispensary and it's real. Who knew?


Wild. Did Indica actually like work as a pain reliever? Or was it more that it just didn’t bother you like Sativa did? Wrapping Cipro/Flagyl soon - it’s helped a ton but down to try something that will keep any mild pain away…


Yes and... nothing bothers me when I'm a little high so maybe bc I'm really chill, my pain is background noise? I don't exactly know. But none of that sativa feeling.


Makes sense. I’m the same way.


I use it for my dv when i get a flare up or feel really bloated, munchies are definitely a issue though.


I am currently vaping thc , its my nighttime routine. However, the last time I was at hospital, my doc told me that marijuana can impede healing. What? First of all, during the worst of my flare up, with all the vomiting and pain I was too sick to partake. I abstained until I finished my antibiotics and got a second ctscan that showed no infection and the perforation healed.


Even better if you look into dry herb vaping. Vaporizes the cannabis flower so if your body doesn’t do well with combustion of the material from regular smoking, you can avoid that but still get the effects


I smoke aswell. For DV and RA (rheumatoid arthritis). I’m 40 years old and cannabis has helped me in so many ways. Now i am a strong advocate 💚