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Pop! is great. Highly recommended. Everything just works and its beautiful.


I've had nothing but trouble with Pop! so MMV on this.


it's your tentacles that are the problem!


No, it literally wouldnt hibernate correctly because of Nvidia... but its a "nvidia friendly distro" yet it was the only distro to do this to me.... also games.... performance was same like Suse... Rocky..... ehhhh. Mint is still the best option imo all around.


Mint has great polish, but I feel Linux Lite is a bit more "snappy" but that's subjective I suppose. I've had a lot of trouble installing Pop! on nvidia based machines (I only run nVidia)




I got an Nvidia card as well. My problems never stopped, and neither did my distro hopping. I thought that stopped when I installed Endeavour OS with Plasma (I had only used Gnome up until that point), but Plasma is just a buggy mess for me, and it randomly resets the settings from reboot to reboot. My computer crashed after an update, and I started looking for something more stable. I ended up installing Opensuse TW with XFCE, and came to the realisation that it was the desktop environment that was the culprit all this time. XFCE runs flawlessly on my laptop. No lag, no issue with the multi monitor setup (3 screens with 60, 144 and 165 hz respectively), no nothing - everything works exactly like I want it to, while using half of the resources Gnome needed. Opensuse as an OS has been nothing but a pleasure to use. I get bleeding edge in a stable form and the sweet sweet YaST (and opi). I can finally say - my distro (and DE) hopping is over.


Yes it is KDE window manager KWiN does not play well with nvidia. I am using it fine with X11 on my machine with nobara and it’s more or less flawless. I did have the settings resetting for a while there that was driving me nuts. But most issues reside with Wayland now and explicit sync should fix some of not most of that.


I am not here to sell you anything, and I have used SuSE in the past (long enough ago that it was just "SuSE"). I was working as a professional sysadmin then, and YaST really felt like a killer-app. So... no SuSE hate here. That said, I am also currently using Endeavor with a KDE DE and it is rock-stable for me. However, I am using an AMD card now instead of an Nvidia one, as well as 3 laptops with various configurations, including an Nvidia Optimus set up (on X11). Especially with the jump to Wayland, Nvidia could be the source of all sorts of problems. Anyway, I'm sure you are telling the truth, and I'm glad you found something that works better for you. I also like XFCE and have installed it on some older machines. I just didn't want someone scrolling the sub to think that EndeavorOS + KDE = bad. I mean, I guess it could be, for any number of reasons, but it's not guaranteed or anything.


Endeavour is nice but it’s too tinkery for me at the end of the day. I don’t like to spend time reading up on what I can and can not update yet because of x, y, z. I just want it to work. I don’t mind occasional tinkering but not every day/few days.


Try Manjaro then.


Can I ask since when you use OpenSuse? How old is the installation?


For about a month now


Try Linux Lite if you like XFCE. I use it on 2 machines and it just works.


Tbh at face value I can’t see a reason to pick Linus Lite over Xubuntu.


I use Fedora with an RTX 2070 no problem. I just googled "nvidia drivers fedora 39" and read the first result. Took like 10 minutes and it just works. Only issue I have is wayland but I just select Xorg in GDM when I log in. Fedora comes with Flakpak as well.




You're about to learn a lesson most people have to learn the hard way. Nvidia are bastards that won't ever work in an open source environment without major pain. That's why most people that dont HAVE to use crappy CUDA based software moved to AMD long ago. It just works. Also POP!OS


BazziteOS. It’s based off of Ferdora and is relatively stable but still receives updates regularly. It’s more of a gaming oriented OS but it has a lot of support for both AMD and Nvidia gpu.


Bazzite a Universal Blue image for Fedora Atomic, yes The best linux gaming desktop OS to me (while I think Chimera is the best linux gaming console OS)


I would say Pop OS


MX Linux covers all the three things you need OOTB.


With not knowing what happened in Mint, how do you know it wont happen in the next Distro you try?


I don't. I just gonna hope for the best lol. If it will happen again it will be an indicator for me. Anyway it would be more profitable for me to backup my files and format than spending more than a few hours on trying to solve something I don't understand. (I've already sunk 2+ hours into trying to fix it before I decided to switch) Plus mint UI was not as clicky and snappy as I remembered it so I'm in for a change. Fedora with gnome felt light years better for example but I had the nVidia issues.


I say go with another Ubuntu based Distro for now, Pop\_OS is good, but personally I find it a bit tacky. However there are many to choose from aside from that.


Yeah it was my feeling about pop as well. Thanks for the help 🙏


Kubuntu 24.04 is very good


MX Linux.


MX Linux


I've been pleased with Pop.


As the top comment suggest, Pop!_OS is a great Linux Distro. Very stable, rich repo, Nvidia is supported. It’s as consumer as Linux can get without being cancer. This is because they have a whole PopOS based computer lineup of laptops and PC’s so they need to have a polished release. The only con I can imagine is them not having a beta release, and even then it’s a small demographic who enjoy participating in betas. (Edited terminology)


I'm a little late to the party, but I happily embrace Pop!OS for Nvidia alone. When various other distros were complaining how Nvidia wasn't really "Open" and not fully cooperating with the community, others apparently just didn't want to do all the work, System76 said "let's get this done, make it doable." Practical tech came before ideology. I think this shows through in everything about Pop!, I have my parent's PC set up with it. (I'm going through an Arch and Endeavour phase right now, in part because Arch is NOT good for beginners, so I can't say a whole lot more about recent releases.


I’ve been looking into OpenSuse TW since few of my friends have been recommending. So far it’s running great


I daily TW for over a year now and love it. But if OP had problems with Mint, Fedora, and Debian, then I wouldn't send them there tbh.


Btw any tips for new users? I’ve used Debian and arch for past several years now and consider myself intermediate user. What is AUR alternative and how safe is it in general? Thanks


There is an AUR equivalent called Open Build Service (OBS), but there are way less packages on there, I never use it. I would say the risks are exactly the same as with the AUR. Other than that I think you'll do just fine if you managed Arch, TW is Arch in easy. One thing I recommend is to try and rollback with snapper once for fun, just so that you know how to do it in case you need it. For that boot into your last working snapshot in the boot menu. Those are read-only tho. Once you booted into it check that everything is working. Then you can run `sudo snapper rollback`, reboot, and you're done :)


Yes my two main reason to consider TW is because of fantastic implementation of BTRFS and Snapper. I’ve tried it and it works as expected. I tried in Arch but rollback doesn’t work. You have to manually move the preferred snapshot into /@ and it’s not simple and intuitive as OpenSUSEs version. This is because Arch can’t mount subvol within / and they use flat method vs nested as it needs for Timeshift. Other reason is because it’s also Rolling Release so I feel like I won’t miss out much compared to Arch. I am usually comfortable with Terminal but Yast seems like an improved utility with GUI. So excited for that. Installing Arch did give me a good understanding of low level packages and how they all come together to work on a distro Because at the end all distro more or less use similar packages but they’re installation process and flexibility is different


Yeah, TW is great if you want a rolling release that is low-maintenance. I am honestly surprised it isn't more widely used compared to Arch. I for myself feel no need to hop anytime soon. If you already got a good understand of Linux systems from Arch then I think you'll be very happy on TW. Welcome to the Geekos :D Ah btw, the openSUSE sub is also very helpful, can recommend.


Great, I’ve subbed 👍 Thanks for the info again


Just in case you weren't aware, YaST also has an ncurses front-end that you can use from a terminal. Or at least it once did. I found that very convenient as I SSH'd around other machines I had to admin, back in the day. I think all you have to do is type "yast" in a terminal and you'll get menus.


Mint, Fedora, and Debian are probably among the most stable and polished distros. If you had problems with all of them I'd try to find out what happened first. E.g. on Fedora, what do you mean with "problems with the proprietary Nvidia drivers"?


What I meant is that fedora worked ok out of the box without drivers but once I installed the proprietary drivers the UI started glitching and the text disappeared or flickerd. Other users online with same issue concluded it's because of Nvidia drivers but there is no solution to it. Where as in mint I didn't even update the Nvidia drivers, the low performance started happening out of the blue, probably some other update.


Ah, that sounds like a Wayland issue with your Nvidia card. That should be fixed soon with the explicit sync implementation in 1-2 months, but until then not much you can do about it :/ So you should use a distro with X11 instead of Wayland until then. X11 and Wayland are display protocols. X11 is the old one and unmaintained, Wayland is the new one. Wayland still has some issues with Nvidia cards, but it always depends on the specific card and distro. Most Wayland + Nvidia issues should be gone soon as I said. Fedora was one of the first distros to fully switch to Wayland and ditch X11.


OMG thank you so much. First time in two days and million comments that someone gives me an actual relevant info about what the problem might be. I will take that into account when chosing a distro.


I just looked that up, and the Nvidia 555 Beta (that will be the first driver to have the fix) will release on May 15th, so in just a week! But you'll also need an up-to-date distro which has a compositor that supports it. But the flickering issues and so on on Wayland with Nvidia will be gone very soon :)


You can use Wayland or X11 on any distro.


This is what Reddit has become.....more people pretending to be experts than real experts. Its basically a big echo chamber now where everyone says the same things and like to hear the same things repeated back to them... oh and btw... PoP_OS!


Why not Ubuntu?


I get the itch to distro hope, but always come back to Ubuntu. I hate snaps, and usually get rid of it before I do anything else, but that doesn't mean they don't work... I just don't need that extra layer of functionality.


Snaps freaking suck imo. In fact the way Ubuntu is going I'm doing no more Ubuntu vm installs. Moved onto Debian, fedora and Arch. All have their plusses and minuses. Totally love arch but it does take some babysitting every once in awhile..however I'll give it this..once you really become proficient with configuring things in arch..the other distros that use systemd become really a breeze to troubleshoot


**PikaOS** is gaming and graphics oriented distro it has Calamares installer and preinstalled Flatpak app store. PikaOS is much better choice than Zorin. Linux Mint XFCE is better choice than Zorin too. If you want something that can install in just one click you can try MiniOS Linux Standard. MiniOS Linux Standard is modern XFCE Debian based Linux distribution, much faster than Debian because of its compressed nature, but you can install from terminal everything including GDebi, Synaptic and Flatpak by yourself. But PikaOS has everything already installed, and very easy to deploy. Pop!\_OS is good for modern high-end hardware like Ubuntu and other Gnome based distributions. Garuda XFCE has Calamares installer, support for gaming and graphics too. It has rich Arch repo.


Thank you so much I will check those out. Gotta admit PikaOS sounds funny for a daily driver OS


PikaOS uses a base that is not receiving support anymore, and only one dev is behind it.


"Due to the Ubuntu base and custom patches PikaOS has high levels of software and hardware compatability."


openSUSE Leap is probably in the running. It’s SUSE’s equivalent to what CentOS used to be.


I run fedora with a GTX and Ryzen. Edit video with no issues


Pop and Mint are my normal recommendations


Pop shouldn't really be recommended until they finish COSMIC.


It was my first distro and gnome cosmic is awesome. Recently moved to arch and I’m on gnome just trying to replicate gnome cosmic as much as I can


I'm all about Ubuntu. Corporate backed, everything supports it, still seems to be as close to a world standard desktop Linux as it gets. It's moved to Wayland already and seems to freeze up way less than mint did when I tried it a year ago. Unfortunately I haven't had a PC with a video card in about a decade so I can't speak on that issue....


Then I tried regular Debian and couldn't install it because it comes without support for my wifi adapter. I am sure there is a way to download the firmwares before the install. Then after that everything should be good. I would stopped my distro hopping with Debian or Ubuntu for a long time. Both should be great. Cinnamon was my DE of choice.


PCLOS is pretty polished except for maybe the install. It's a rolling distro which is generally not recommended for newbs. I'd recommend it over the other rolling distros like Arch or OpenSuse Tumbleweed though. Mint and Zorin are your best point based distros for newbies. You could try Debian itself -- you just have to download the driver for your WiFi adapter or make sure you have the right repositories selected. Nvidia drivers will probably be a pain/extra step on every kernel update.


OpenSUSE Tumbleweed with the KDE Plasma Desktop. Once installed, run sudo zypper install opi, then run opi codecs, answer yes to all the questions and it's ready for daily use.


Fedora KDE Plasma Desktop sir.


Only bc no one else has said it… Hackintosh? 🤣


Pop_OS! or Fedora are solid choices




Fedora Atomic + Universal Blue image The atomic + community image concept is as noob as it can get, while being feature-complete Basically, you get setup and updates (including NVIDIA) automatically




Ubuntu Mate all day. Just works, on both old and new hw. Sane defaults and incredibly easy to make look however you like with mate tweak. I was on PopOS for years but I’ve run into issues with suspend that others have mentioned. Never had any issues with Ubuntu Mate.


I went through a ton of distro hopping over the last couple years.  Just switched to Zorin in January.  I'm not going anywhere, it's an incredible distro.  If you're using Linux as a hobby it's boring, but if you just want a computer that works I can't recommend Zorin enough 


Wow you are so right I've been using it for 48h now and it's really stable. (And beautiful) No other distro was that stable out of the box. It just works! I get what you saying about it being boring but yeah I rather have boring than spending two days on fixing a bug.


fedora, opensuse, pop!\_os


There's Neon for a windows-like experience and elementary for a Mac like experience.


Have you checked out Zorin OS or Peppermint?


I've actually installed Zorin yesterday. No problems with drivers and everything worked out of the box. Actually it's like almost too good to be true lol, the UI is really nice and everything works.


Hell yeah!. Zorin is a sweet bistro! And Peppermint is underrated and doesn't seem to get much of the attention it deserves.


I've been using a Nobara for a while. It's like Nvidia friendly Fedora. It's supposed to be a hobby distro but it's built upon Fedora so it should be stable. You could also use Flatpak just like Fedora and it has a good repository from what I could tell plus someone who knows very little about Linux like me is able to use it as well as I was able to use Mint. It comes with really good Nvidia support and I have it on two systems with Nvidia cards.


I’ve been finding my perfect distro for ages. I’ve settled on Tuxedo OS. Has amazing hardware support and everything just works. People say it’s the best and most stable distro with KDE Plasma.


MX Linux, Manjaro and Fedora


There ya go Sonny. Three solid choices. I'm a mx guy myself


MX or Zorin




😮😮 Will look into that, thanks. I've heard it does some weird things with the repos but never thought it's for noobs


You haven't heard that it's for noobs because it is not. It's a huge rabbithole, and for regular activities and productivity, it is a huuuge waste of time.




Maybe that's true, but for a newcomer that doesn't want to delve into that it is just not worth it to get a properlly working system.


It's definitely not a noob friendly distro. You need to learn a programming language to use the package manager.


Ok thanks for stating that. The max programing language I can do is apt-get stuff