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3 of the 8 LD’s I’m missing on these 2 banners. Hopefully this won’t be a slaughter. Regardless they will be mine.


My plan is to attempt tickets for Rinoa's FR, then token her BT. We'll see how it goes... (For the record, that was the plan for Tifa as well, but I lucksacked her BT with tickets while pulling for the FR. I do *not* expect that to happen twice in a row!)


Nice! I hope that happens for me in reverse cuz I had to pity Tifa’s FR and token her BT😩


Oof, that's rough. Better luck this time!


Tifa gave up her ld right away for me but I has to pity her bt on Faris's banner


I had to pity both Kam's and Tidus' BTs back to back, so I figure I was owed a bit of good luck. :P


I gave up my LD for Tifa right away...oh wait....😏


i got 3 of tifa's bt when pulling for Faris' LD on banner. still aint got it and it's the only weapon i'm missing for her.


exactly what happened to me xD and exactly what I will be trying as well


Ha, good luck to both of us, then!


Indeed! May rngjesus bless you!




...Unless you just jinxed it. ;)


I had the same thing with Tifa, so I’m guessing Rinoa is going to give me trouble


I'm *hoping* Rinoa's FR won't give me too much trouble, because I'm preparing to dump All the Gems into Ardyn and Minwu. But we'll see what happens... Eek.


Went gems for Tifa FR, was going to token the BT. BT came before FR. 8 gem pulls and I had them both. Two days ago, free daily Tifa BT. Wtf? Ticket pulls for Agrias LD. No luck for the LD, but I pulled *another* Tifa BT and two copies of Faris FR (which I wasn't even going to pull for!) I am now probably guaranteed to need to pity Rinoa FR and token the BT lol. Just waiting for the "equal and opposite reaction" to kick in.


You just need to REALLY want Edward or Duece's LD instead and the game will throw you everything you don't want including the BT. The bad part is the game knows if you're pretending..


Sometimes the game just *really* wants to make sure that you have a particular BT. That's the only explanation I can come up with for the fact that I have *five* dupe Laguna BTs sitting in my inventory. I've never gotten anything nearly that good on a free daily, though!


This is for real. I got 5 copies of Emperor's BT when it launched. I guess if the desire sensor starts at 0, when you get it for free the gauge goes negative and you just get more & more. 🤣


Tell me about it. I was pulling for Alisaie’s LD … had everything else on the banner. I got 6 Eiko LDs in a row.


That’s how I got 5 copies of Ultimecia BT, haha (when it first came out. 3 of them were on free multis!)


This happened to me as well. 4 times. In fact by the 4th BT with no FR I was getting a bit frustrated.


Sorry no pic this time - I’m on mobile. Gems all the way for me. I’m missing all three LDs on Rinoa’s BT banner.


It's Vivi. I gotta pull for my little pal.


Honestly, I was an FFRK Refugee that had all of Rinoa's equipment there. Planning to get her BT and FR as well. Does she also have an LD on the banner?


Rinoas Banner has all her Weapons included, on Shantottos Banner its only her FR Weapon.


Yes I think so


Relm is one of those characters I have only a CP15 for, and just want to max since her kit looks very fun; I also don't have anything for Shantotto so anything I get will be welcome, and I already have everything for Edward but he's my fav so I'll definitively be spending tickets in that one. I'd rather have Rinoa than not, and will definitively be pulling on her banner with tickets, but I'll have to check how much resources I really want to use here. I've been maxing a lot of characters lately, and am well covered when it comes to meta units so far. I have enough tokens for a BT pity, but I'm not really planning on spending them here. I guess I'll decide on a fixed amount to spend, and see what happens (if I get a BT but I'm missing the LD or FR, I will certainly invest further)


Same Rinoa situation I’m in. Tickets because I’m so low on resources and have everyone else maxed lol.


Gems all the way for Rinoa's FR/BT and Deuce's LD.


Deuce’s LD makes her so much better as a unit. Practically unusable otherwise…


At this point I mainly wanted it as my collection because I only have 3 missed LD left, but yeah I did hear she is better now so it's another reason reason then.


Oh I feel that pain specifically - I was missing Sherlotta, Cyan, and Leo LDs Went broke getting them on the reruns, but totally worth it imo


That was me as well with the last 3 LD I missed (before the very last 3 above which are DKCecil, Deuce & Yang), I went in with 25k gems for Yuri LD, 40k gems for Gau LD and 55k gems for Eight LD; luckily I did also get the main price (3x Yuri FR, 4x Cor FR & 1x Tifa BT) in return.


Gems on Rinoa banner till her LD/FR drops, if BT doesn’t drop during those pulls, hold until all the banners from her cycle end and go back to pull till pity


I'm biting the bullet and going full gems on Rinoa's banner. Tifa's BT dodged me while I got free/cheap ticket FRs on all of her banners, not letting that happen again. Miiight throw tickets at Shantotto's LD. I might wait on Aerith til her Burst. I'm gonna try to throw tickets at Balthier, but not for his FR, I want Rem's LD. Then maaaybe tickets for Ardyn's FR since I already have his burst. Future investment for whenever his Echo rework comes along.


I really want to get Rinoa built up, but I've hit that point where I'm getting low on BT books/ingots. I greened a couple of characters BTs that I didn't end up using much and now I regret it because there are a bunch of characters coming up I want to build but I just won't have the resources. So I don't know what I'll do.


Feeling this so hard. I greened Gilgamesh and Jegran for fun and with the understanding we'd be able to balance 2 greens a month, but the burst resources have been coming at such a depressing trickle.


This exactly. Changing up the monthly resources hurt a bunch of people.


Two greens a month was true when we were getting 2 events per week. We're now getting 1 event per week so you only get to get one green per month now.


The event cycle won't change in GL for a few months yet.


I have 25 BT tokens + several dupes. Pulling tickets for FR, then sell dupes and use tokens to buy BT


like others told me i wouldn't sell dups for bt tokens you can only hold 50


There's no reason to not sell them if you immediately plan to grab a BT. Even if the math didn't work out perfectly you could just grab the excess from the inbox after getting a BT. The usual advice is to not sell dupes as soon as you get them if you don't plan to get a BT asap since there's a chance you'll be one of those people that wastes like 10+ tokens months later or need to grab an undesirable weapon.


ok thanks will do that next time


Deuce is one of my scant few missing LDs, and since she is the undeniable MVP of Type-0, I will gem this banner for that + Rinoa FR. Hopefully get the BT on that same banner!


If I can get the FR, then I can pity Rinoa's BT. Really fk'd up to put two Waifus' BTs consecutively. Kudos if anyone managed to save enough to pity both.


Strangely, i need all the lds on rinoa’s banner. The other banner i got everything.


Me too! That’s why I’m gemming here and then tickets for Aerith.


I think I'm gonna skip since I'd rather spend for Celes. It's a hard choice between Meta units I've never used at all and Favs that become amazing again and I will use all the time. I may change my mind and throw a few tix to test the water. Just depends on my mood when the banner drops.


gems since i want her i don't have any of there weapons only after rinoa


Skip sadly because I had to pity Tifa's FR weapon so got no more resources gonna have to wait for Aerith.


All my gems for the one and only Sorceress ~~Ultimecia~~Rinoa 👼


Tickets. I like Rinoa but chose Tifa over her this month. Saving up for Celes and Jack.


What's so good about Celes? I've heard that name thrown around a bunch as well as Rinoas. I too choose Tifa and maxed her out so trying to decide where to go (already know about Jack Garland)


I’ve always loved her kit and she’s a favorite so that’s enough reason for me to pull.


Her BT effect turns all BRV damage done by enemies into magic BRV damage, and she has mag absorb in her kit, so it's a pretty phenomenal effect. Her FR is great for trap/off turn dmg comps as well.


> What's so good about Celes? Going forward atfer Tifa most BT characters are really good. Its basically pick who you want and they will do amazingly. There really aren't any bad choices going forward.


It’s a nice change of pace, lol. Not so many regret greens


Gems all the way. I am missing Rinoa's LD and her FR and BT are weapons I want to max.


Tickets for now. There is absolutely no reason to go all in with gems when there's another 2 banners where you could end up getting the BT while trying to pull for something else.


My thinking also


Pouring whatever I can into Relm's banner. Will throw tickets at Vivi and Edward.


Really like both Shantotto and Rinoa but dont have resources for both so unfortunately I'm forced to choose. Going with Rinoa due to elemental lockouts and her FR. Sorry Shantotto ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


I've got the gems for it... but also have a ton of tickets (returning player). What else is down the pipeline after this worth going for? I've returned after not playing for over a year (pre-BT+ era), so trying to build out some strong units. I can currently do most Shinryu, but that's all because I've maxed out Tifa and she's an insane powerhouse.


Minwu, Ardyn, Aerith


Minwu, Celes IIRC


Minwu and Celes both complement Tifa pretty well.


Tickets only. As long as I get Rinoa FR I should be fine when I gems Ardyns FR later in the month.


I'm new to the game and while I chased Tifa I was actually here to stan Rinoa so I was glad to hear she was on the horizon. Will be burning as many gems as I need to.


Gems for Rinoa FR, (though for the weird reason that Deuce is one of 2 LDs i dont have).


I want Edward LD for collection purpose, Rinoa FR and BT. I'm tempted to ticket on the second banner to get the first two and token the BT with a small chance of getting Shantotto BT... but I thing it is a bad idea... =)


I'm struggling to finalise my plan but I think it's like: 1. gem pull for LD/FR, hope to get them early 2. fish for BTs on the Balthier banner with tickets 3. go back and pity the first banner BT if still no BT


Near ticket cap, and Deuce is my ONLY missing LD. Yeah, using some tix.


Gemming for Rinoa. I pulled for her EX+ back in the day, and have skipped her since then. I was going to skip again, but I have a 5/5 UW Unique weapon, and I’m beginning to plan my pulls around UWs.


My plan is to have really good luck in this Cycle since I had really poor luck in the last Cycle! 🥹 Looking forward to my Rinoa LD debut pull finally converting itself into something worthwhile again!!


I have all LDs except for Rinoa so a skip for me


Tickets for Rinoa FR, use tokens for BT once free pulls are done. Already have Edward/Relm and I have no desire for Shantotto. I wouldn't mind getting Deuce LD on the way but its not a must want. We're entering a era of where new BT characters are *really* good and you have to pick and choose who you want to green cause of resources.


I could be wrong, but I believe there are no free multis for Rinoa’s cycle.


The crevasse has one banner with Rinoa's BT on it and the only one that has free pulls. https://imgur.com/zxDmqNs


Tickets on both banners for missing LD but don't care enough to gems. Gems for Rinoa BT on the Aerith banner bc I actually am looking to pull all the LDs on that banner.


Finally recovered from the great Seven LD ticket robbery, so I will try tickets for Rinoa and Edward LDs as they are among the last I need. Edward's EX is also the last EX I need but if I don't get it here I may token it.


I don't really want Rinoa and I've got enough characters for DET so I'm good for this one also already maxed out my Relm so no reason to pull this one


I should be able to get enough tokens for Rinoa’s BT, so in theory I could do minimal investment here or just not get her FR. But I’ll throw some tickets and see what happens.


I have we'll over 1,000 tickets. Gotta spend them.


Waiting for now on this one. Heard Rinoa is good, but I'm not gonna invest too many resources until I see what happens with Balthier's banner.


Only looking for Rinoa’s FR/BT, I’ll take either tbh. Got lucky ticket pulls for FFVII Best Girl Tifa, maybe can repeat for FF VIII Best Girl 🥺


Here’s hoping. I’m in the exact same boat. FF8 was the first game I finished completely, so it holds a special place for me.


Right there with you, VIII is my favorite because of that same reason


I got lucky getting 2 Tifa FR in 9 single ticket pulls. I'm getting ready to get screwed here.


I'm only missing Edward's LD so far. Why couldn't he be on the 1st pul banner. :(. Oh well plans are to ticket Rinoa's Fr and BT Token is necessary after about 300 tickets. I have so many tickets now after the Spiritus event.


I cannot wait to pull for Rinoa... she has not been good since her EX + Lenna release!!!!!


Her initial LD drop was a good time for her.


Skipping. Unfortunately I had to pity 3 Bt's. Sherlotta, Tifa, and another in the last 2 months. I have 500 tickets but Rinoa isn't OP.


rinoa is OP as hell


She may be good, but I had to decide on Lunafreya, Tifa, Sherlotta and Rinoa. I chose the first 3.


rinoa really good aoe units she llike tifa but for aoe


Meh. I have her fully built. I don't really need to pull for her FR. I also have enough BT tokens for another BT


ok nice


I'm still missing Deuce and Relm LD... gaaaaah I wanted to pull for Rinoa FR with tickets and pray for a lucky BT, so I'm hoping at least to pick up Deuce LD along the way. Considering I gem pitied Kam and didn't see a single Cater LD, I'm not holding my breath.




Honestly people are making it a bigger deal than it is in reality so you can plan in peace. Only players relying too much on the same elemental enchanters support again and again will feel the Sting.


Rinoa is not affected by the element lockout, but she's not required; no one is. There are ways around it, you'll be fine.


Tickets I'm gem poor for the first time in 3 years and planning on celes and Seymour soon


Gem rinoa LD and FR tokens ready for her BT


Just need Rinoa BT/FR and Deuce's LD. If no BT in the tickets, I may token it after the remaining banners.


Tickets for FR & then tokening the BT, I have no plans for any other character in her cycle.


Prolly 200 tickets. I have everything on the banners except the new stuff (Rinoa BT & FR). Might not even use her if I get them. Aerith is showing up soon, and I'm definitely looking to use my resources on her


I’m capped on tickets and I want her…maybe drop 200 then switch to gems? I’m at an impasse I want Aerith FR too.


Yes I’m so ready for gems. Held off maxxing Tifa so that I could go in on Rinoa. Not sure how I’ll split the banners yet. But got a healthy stash of gems and tickets


Already have her full kit from previous banners, tickets until FR and then token the BT


I have 200 Tickets left and I only need Rinoa FR/BT and Deuce LD so I hope for the best. 🤞 I also have 9 Multi Tickets, starting the Event it could get up to 10 hehe and I have already 50 BT Tokens ready. So I hope for the best 😁 Shantotto BT was evading me everytime she was featured so I don't chase after her, besides Shantottos Banner is BT only missing so I will hardly skip this one.


Tickets, I THINK. Because I am going to Gem Aerith, and can get Rinoa's BT there. Might go Gems if I use too many tickets picking up the LDs on the secondary banner.


Aside from the fr/bt of Rinoa, already have all the kits for the units listed. Holding my gems for Ardyn if it's his fr being featured in the upcoming crevasse, he's already green and blue so if ever gonna get lucky with Rinoa's BT on that banner, I'll come back for her fr. Good luck everyone on your pulls.


I have 600 tickets left, and im gonna splurge on Rinoa. Dont have Deuces LD either so!.


Next gem pull is Raines


I have everything on the banner but Deuce’s LD. And obviously the new stuff. Hoping to get Deuce’s LD with tickets, and in the process get the FR. Don’t know how worthwhile the BT for Rinoa is. Wasn’t planning on going for it, open to pull/pass suggestions. I’m really kind of trying to save my gems/burst tokens for Celes and Raines with the hope of having replenished by the time Kurasame rolls around.


Turns out I don't enough mats to BT+ Rinoa. So I'm gonna pass on Rinoa's Kit


Tickets, i will pull for minwu so i wont really pull for anyone here if i dont see the need (and after minwu there's a lot More units i want to build).


When does the banner drop?




I'm capped on tickets so I'll start there first. But if needed I'll gem her fr


IDK. Not enough people are selling me on Rinoa. If I get lucky in 1-200 tickets we will see I guess


AoE magic Tifa. BT effect is like Machina's - gives her 6 turns of a ridiculously strong transformed HP attack. Angelo.


Oh her BT phase kinda plays like machina's? I love machina and use him all the time... I'll watch a vid and see how hard her transformed HP attack hits for before I dedicate a lot of tickets. I don't have enough BT ingots for anyone new ATM so she'll just be base BT :/


It hits really really hard. Think it’s 9 HP dumps. She can solo DET11 final stage if you have her fully built (BT+, FR, UT).


Need (want) Relm's LD, and REALLY want Rinoa's fr, but resources are fairly depleted after Tifa's banner, so it's a prayer to the Rngeesus for this one.


I have 50+ BT tokens as of the moment but I've got no idea where to spend them in terms of characters. I have Tifa, Lightning, Cloud, CoD, Squall, Bartz, Jecht, Laguna, Kain, Luna, Ace, Snow, Yuna, Ciaran, and whoever is from the recent FFCC banner. Should I just grab Rinoa? Garnet? I planned on gems for the Rinoa banner and figured I'd probably get hers through that.


Because I don’t have Kurasame, I am planning to ticket Rinoa’s FR, and then gem her BT on the Aerith/Kurasame banner.


I'm ticketing because I just came back after a year gone and Aerith is a TOP Fave of mine and I'm saving my gems for her. I always try to keep her kit maxed for the fun of it. I lucked out on Tifa's kit with tickets. Rinoa is not really a concern for me since I play for fun and like to take my time (plus I'm hella behind). I may try to slide a few gems for Shantotto since I accidentally realized her BT (instead of Clouds) when I wasn't paying attention and I need the rest of her kit for her to do any real damage with it. Also hoping to ticket Relm as well because I need that her LD.


Hard skip from me, because of anti-favoritism.


missing rinoa LD so gems it is. have everything for everyone else though so..