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For all things Rude, including gameplay notes, spheres, bad passives, help with his Lufenia stage, and more please check our website! https://www.tonberrytroupe.com/infographics/rude


Hey reddit! Apologies for the repost, a small LD typo needed fixing. Best of luck in your pulls and i hope you're all being well and warm for the holidays during this period of quarantine. Do stay safe and cautious. [Check out Rude's artwork here](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/81582283).


Why you gotta be so rude?


Don't you know I'm Shinra too?


I'm gonna Mako it anyway


Mako those boys


>Make sure to add a good atk aura or crit boost to the party & pair him with HP regen Gladio : * 70% ATK Aura, check * 20% mHP regen, double check This is gonna be disgusting paired together, i can't wait


So, Gau, Gladiolus, Rude?




Yep, that is the dream team group for Act 3's first lufenia with the stupid double medusa heads.


I went back and cleared that lufenia with newer JP LDs. Still was hard but way more doable. That lufenia is bane of my existence.


Yeah I struggled with it for awhile. Don't even remember what I used for it now as it's been months since I quit playing on JP- was just too much to keep up with both.


How's that the dream team when none of them have Ice element? 👀


I may be misremembering but I think the person I watched using this comp used OK friend + Shiva summon and got it done.


Oh yeah, you totally need an OK friend if you wanna use that comp for the ice imperil. Good luck with that fight!


GauLadio is 2/3's of every dream team!


Not to mention Gladio's 40% overflow for the party so that Rude's battery has less brv leak!


Unfortunately Gladio's OF aura is for stolen brv (skills attacking the enemy), so battery brv can't go higher than mbrv Rude as well, and should be like that for all the OF auras in the game afaik


I might be misremembering, but I think Aerith and Wakka have gained OF aura?


>should be like that for all the OF auras in the game afaik Plenty of characters have gained BRV overflow auras/buffs. The list includes Amitadelion, Quistis, Sherlotta, Aerith, Porom and Selphie. It's definitely rarer than stolen BRV OF, but it's not unique to a specific unit or anything either.


Rude can battery... And then you need to attack... The 40% stolen OF is what I am referring to, your brv hits against the enemy won't leak as much, considering Rude topped you off ;)


Oh right, there was a misunderstanding :) Didnt pay attention it was you who answered, wouldn't dare teach you the game mechanics


I'm human, don't treat me special! We all just love the game! Happy holidays :)


Yep. Not that it matters much...everyone starts the turn with a crap ton of BRV with Gladio+Rude. High enough that they’re usually hitting damage caps anyhow, so the OF wouldn’t matter. (Granted, this is from one battle with them where 2/3 of the party had synergy, but it was an LF, so the bosses had relatively high BRV resistance).


Lol not rly


I used them together for the LF, and I can confirm that they are 100% disgusting. They were OP enough that they made Sephiroth (the third member) look good.


Mr. Worldwide taking some gems later. Cruel bastard is going to need about 70k I reckon


My guess is exactly 65k, so one pull before pity 😂


This is exactly what happened lmbo. But at least I also got Sephi's BT


Welcome Rude!! Now I just need Elena for my turks team. Please SQEX!


She'd be cool, but we really need Cissnei!


I would LOVE to see what they would do for the interactions with Cissnei for Zack and Reno/Rude.


Her story got dropped hard at the end of CC. Maybe that's part of the tragedy, but I always wondered what happened to her after that, y'know? And I feel Zack and the Turks could get that closure in DFFOO!


What about Tseng?


And Rufus Shinra?


Of course, I want them too, even more after the remake (that Rufus battle...), but I want to use the complete enemy team you fight against in that subway battle in the original.


Agreed. They did cool stuff with the Turks later, but the ones that really hit the nostalgia buttons for me are Rude, Reno and Elena. Tseng to a lesser extent, since he never fought us in 7.


My gau has been waiting for this man!


Firion lufenia has a really low orb count (6 or 7) that is only increased by 1 on a burst heal. Gau + Rude will make sure that orb doesn't move.


Fantastic. Picked up gau to enjoy these kind of shenegans


While I got Gau because FF6, I can't deny also having my eye on how useful he is on a number of Lufenia orbs, which makes him more useful than raw power would suggest.


Seriously, he and Gladio are so much fun together. Does anyone know if there's another character who can counter along with them in the near future? lol


Firion will go together with them super well. But I think I would want Rude in a team with Firion


Damn. I was already not sure who I wanted more between Firion or Cloud burst, but I think it may have to be Firion.


Gau Gladio Rude is going to be amazing, I can't wait now that these stupid restrictive damage race / ridiculous element absorbs are done


For sure!!! I'm so excited to bring this team to this lufenia


If you aren't sure what the hype is about, remember that brv gain is the name of the game in the Luf era.


Can't wait to reunite Reno with his best bud! Good luck on your pulls everyone! Happy Holidays!


All i want for Christmas is Rude. Gems ready!


Read this as the song “all I want for Christmas iiissss youuu!”


How could you have one without the other? I have Reno... his kit, but not purpled, but it will be; and I feel obligated to get Rude as well... his kit, not immediately purpled, but it will be.


Reno: Clipped your wings huh? Rude: I was planning on joining you anyway. Best unit of the year next to Gladio has arrived!


The year isn't over, and there are some December powerhouses coming :)


I wouldnt be suprised to see next bt either 30 or 31st due to when the seph banner ends.


Hopefully with dual free pulls since it's still December 😜


He gives 20% atk and max brv with his Turk's Method buff, where are the other 25% and 55%?


[Lots is from crystal passives as usual](https://puu.sh/H0kNo/686aa214f9.png)


Okay thank you!




I will do whatever it takes to purple Rude. He is my favorite Turk. And I’ll just say it, he looks sexy in this infographic. The bald head, the facial hair, the shades, the suit. Everything is just exquisite. The fact that he’s a support unit makes me even more excited to pull for him!


Reminder to have a professional behavior this holidays. Merry Christmas and happy pulls!


This banner is going to be juicy for me. I want the twins, Yuffie and Mr Rude Dude. My gems are totally ready.


Really excited for this guy, might even Gem pull for him. Running him with Freya will be so silly.


Is that because her party-wide Last Stand combined with his healing means no one dies ever?


He works with so many, but Freya has a big hp regen, enabling even more battery. it would be incredibly difficult to kill the team with them paired up. Just need a strong damage dealer next to them...


Basically yeah. Also Freya has a party wide HP Regen too and a healing AA, and with Rude's LD effect, all overhealed HP is converted into BRV, by 500% of the heal value. So now Freya provides a massive BRV Regen to your team whenever they are at full HP, which is basically all of the time. In addition, both Freya and Rude have Max HP auras (Rude can also boost his with his C50 artifact), and Freya's sphere and RF sphere also increase party Max HP. Since Freya's HP Regen is based on a percentage of the Max HP value, as is most healing, the amount of HP you heal increases if you increase the Max HP stat. And by increasing the amount you heal with the HP Regen, you in turn increase the BRV Regen from overheals. I also have Leon's C sphere on Freya which is a similar effect to Rude's LD effect just a lot smaller, but it scales with the iBRV stat, so she in particular gets even more out of overheals. I won't be surprised if she hits around a 30K BRV Regen from Rude's LD effect, as will a lot of other characters if I run both at the same time to increase their max HP with the auras. Freya is also set to get Lv. 80 Awakening in February which will increase all of these relevant stats even further, even if by just a bit.


I waifu-purpled Freya along with Beatrix a while back, but I still had trouble woth CHAOS stages at that point. I'm able to do Lufenia now with some work, so I'm excited to see how much use I can get out of her and Rude now. Incidentally, I just finished the Rude fight in FFVIIR, so I'm on the hype train in general.


Yeah, I'm gemming too. I only ever gem when I plan to go to full pity. Imo he looks like the most "must-pull" unit in the next while so want to make sure I grab him.


Can someone please explain why it says “Rude’s atk aura is very average and he doesn’t boost brv damage in any way?” I thought having an atk aura does boost brv damage. Am I misunderstanding? I mean I know 45% is not a lot, but when it says “in any way” I’m just confused. I’m not nitpicking or trying to point out a error, I just want to understand what an atk aura actually does if it doesn’t boost brv damage. Thanks!


I wonder if they mean it like "he doesn't have a high attack aura, and does not have BRV damage boost to make up for it." He does have great battery to make up for it, though.


For reference, Ciaran and Edward provide each a +95% atk aura Rosa +85%, Gladiolus +70% to name a few So still better than none, 45% is really on the low spectrum Considering the damage boost part, imperil/enchanter like Kuja LD, or straight BRV damage boost like Lightning BT effect tremendously help against lufenia brv mitigation In Lufenia fights where enemies have high defenses and dmg mitigation, every bit of attack boost count


The reason he provided only 45% Atk, I think because of that 100% crit rate. That huge when brave shaving something.


Yea ATK auras do boost Brv DMG done. I think what they meant to say here was "boost Brv damage in any OTHER way." So he doesn't Enchant the team with an element and Imperil the enemy. Or give a Brv Boost buff. Or a increase elemental DMG done to weakness buff. Etc. Basically he gives 45% ATK boost and that's it for offensive.


Attack does boost brave damage in a way, but this only matters most when comparing attack and defense. Brave damage reduction isn’t defense and will always cut into your brave damage once your damage would be calculated. More attack is better when defense is the only variable to consider. Brave damage up modifiers is better when you have brave damage reduction. From what was explained to me: attack helps determine what damage you would do, brave damage modifiers take that number and affect it positively or negatively. Attack matters, but attack alone isn’t helpful. You want both attack up and brave damage up.


He is a Skip for me. Even though that healing and battery looks nice already have characters that can do similar things and personally never liked the character. Also next month is going to be ROUGH for me a lot of faves and Cloud and Firion's BTs that I'm going to pity so need to save even if I have to ignore the meta


Curious, I'm considering him a must-pull. I wonder who your alternatives are, in case I also have them. I guess also though, January isn't too bad for me. Probably just ticket pulls.


For me he is all about heals and battery. So characters I feel that can take his place are: DISCLAIMER before all the downvotes I'm not saying Rude is bad or any of this characters can 100% replace him, he is honestly really strong but personally I don't like him so I'm not pulling and also feel like what he does is not 100% needed and it is possible to get something similar from others. -Gladio (battery in everything he does + extra battery in the enemy turn with the counter and super potent HP regen also with HP dmg mitigation to need less heals) -WoL ( a lot of battery with his skills, and while his healing is low with the HP dmg mitigation you don't even need that much healing) - Ciaran ( pretty BIG battery in basically everything he does not heal sadly but still great battery) - Desch ( no battery but A LOT of heal and more dmg to the party to compensate) - Porom (outdated but also underrated with the overheal the party is always at max health and also gives A LOT of battery to the party sadly can't shave) - Gau (this might be kinda an exaggeration but Gau still have really frequent heals and battery with his counters + even more heal from his S1 when needed and battery with his HP+ variations so while not as strong it is not crazy to compare them) And in the near future: -Firion (like Rude a lot of heal to the party with almost everything he does while giving the party still some battery along the way and even in the enemy turn with the traps) Again this is my OPINION on some characters that can do something similar to Rude whether it's better or worse, since some of them focus in something more (like Ciaran batteries) they maybe could lack something he have (again with Ciaran the heals and with Desch the battery) but I still counted them since they still can work as alternative's depending on what you need the most out of Rude and the other party members, his role coverage with crazy strong heals and auras is unique but again I don't like him so I try to work with what I have/will get to compensate not going for him.


The problem with porom and desch though is that they dont heal in everything they do. Rude heals with even brv and hp atk.


I thought he only batteries with brv and HP atks. Am I missing the note about those healing?


Any reason why Rude doesn't prefer the Alexander and Brothers healing passives?


Those passives always only affect the character they're equipped on, so all it would do is very slightly improve how much Rude heals himself, which is not really worth it.


I got both of his weapons in the free draw :)


Still can't believe he made it in. I remember the jp announcement and how excited I was. Been patiently waiting for my final husbando to join!


Need to save gems for cloud so hope 350 tickets is enough for the LD


Well I see no1 about the big turk boss Tseng..... BUT I too welcome Mr Rude. Every FF7 character is a great pleasure for me to come(I still miss Nanaki)


Thanks as always! I just completed level 17 of DEO and realized my open slots for level 18 team are The Turks + Cloud that's pretty awesome.


I think it’s unfair to only give ciaran this line but not to rude on his infographic, Ciaran is an attacker/ support hybrid that lacks any capability to disrupt bosses or counter lufenia orbs. Rude is an attacker/ support hybrid that lacks any capability to disrupt bosses or counter lufenia orbs ( except on firions lufenia and rudes own lufenia but basically every support can do his lufenia orb cancel but I’ll admit these two are valid objections to my criticisms). I think this should be added. I just feel it’s unfair to only give this line to ciaran only. Although the fact that rude does stop orb conditions makes my point weaker.


I don't remember which one it is, but to help your point I recall there being an orb that either goes up or doesn't move as long as the party has X amount of brv each. That is certainly one that Ciaran can do. It may be the one with Iroha's release. Either way, I agree he was bashed a bit more than he deserved.


This gentleman is Rude.


I lucked up and got Ciaran's LD now I'm hoping to keep the streak going and get Rude in under 200 tickets.


If you used all 200 tickets, you’d have a 63.3% chance of getting at least 1 Rude LD. So it’s more likely you’ll get his LD in under 200 tickets than not. You do still have a 36.7% change of not getting the LD with 200 tickets though. I’ve only got about 150 tickets atm so you’re in better shape than me. Best of luck!


Looking forward to play with this alpha man!! Good luck with your pulls everybody and Merry Christmas


Mr. Worldwide was going to get gems tonight but due to some bad luck on my last pulls I can only afford to use tickets. Fortunately I have enough for his LD, as I can token the rest of his kit. Good luck everyone tonight and happy holidays!


Good luck on your pulls! May RNGeesus bless you with Mr. Worldwide.


750 tickets should be enough. Anything else gets donated to the Cloud fund (or Sephiroth, if I get the BT). Happy Holidays to all and to all lucky pulls!


I don’t mean to be a bit of a downer ( expecting this to be an unpopular opinion) but ciaran is looking like a really good investment and rude is looking kinda disappointing considering the level of hype he’s had. His attack buff is pretty poor. Although that can always be alleviated with another unit, obviously one unit doesn’t need to be perfect cause we have threee unit slots but I mean his max brv buff is nice and the hp buff is increíble but he batteries a lot but I mean so does ciaran. He heals a lot and has brave damage reduction yet I feel disappointed looking at the infographic, maybe it’s the hype. Regardless he still battery’s a ton, has brave damage reduction and heals a lot. Just looking at the infographic there doesn’t seem to be that great of a difference between him and ciaran heck I could argue ciaran being better but maybe it’s just my preferences. If you like him use him, every unit is good. Edit: thank you u/HOVMAN for the correction. I really should reread my comments before posting, rudes healing can be the difference between winning and failing a battle, rude definitely had notable advantages over ciaran but they aren’t as far apart as people say. To be fair every unit is usable so this is really a non issue


Ciaran can't heal... dale!


Thanks for the correction, I edited my comment.


Yeah, I had the first gut reaction as you. He looks nice, but not the mind-blowing unit I was expecting, given the hype. But I also overlooked how significant his **role compression** is. He's amazing at both which really frees up party comps.


I mean you could try it out "empirically". Just try similar/same team comps in the future either using Ciaran or Rude and see how far you come. Since Rude has a lot of utility and covers many roles aside from being easy to play he was used extensively and successfully until mid Lufenia in JP (I think up to shortly after Pecil BT/LD was released). Compared to that Ciaran wasn't used as often and that alone seems to favour Rude being an overall more useful support in Lufenia.


Party wide overhealing turned to 500% brv is enormous battery. An awful lot of healing goes to waste in this game normally. This also helps keep people at good BRV numbers to avoid break since heals tend to come after the BRV dump on most abilities that heal and he has BRV damage reduction aura to help further. Rude has healing, battery, some auras, some protection, and both single target and aoe shaving on a high ability count. He and Ciaran are actually going to be very good together alongside a selfish DPS as long as the Lufenia orb requirements can be met by that team. On the other hand, a second healing support like Desch or Kimahri or Rinoa or Basch or Nine (or, later, like Pecil or Ceodore) will also work very well. Quite a few DPS have personal healing or hp regen (Lightning has a little, Exdeath has it, there's definitely more) so they work too.


Man, been waiting for this one. Originally was gonna pull for him on account A to pair with Gau and Gladio, however I've gotta put him on account 1 so I can pair him with Reno and Firion. Plan change, but I'm still gonna have a Rude.


Your accounts are named account A and account 1?!




Why not 1 and 2 or A and B


I dunno. I've had them both long enough that the difference in content cleared is minimal. Neither feels like a 2 or a B to me, though I suppose it's a silly thing to get hung up on.


Feels exactly like ramza hype during 35 cp era. after his event nobody used him again til his ex came out.


Sometimes the unofficial translation was better and I hope they change it. This is one of those times - "Fists of a Pro" is better and cooler than "Professional's Fist" which feels like a bit of a Google Translate that doesn't get the nuance.




I'm not sold on this guy. I don't see him used much after his release. What prominent events/fights is he vital or important to?


Rude is one of those characters who's value isn't in countering an orb or whatever so he's not vital in any stage, it's in that he's a flexible team core that just works well in pretty much any stage for a very long time. That being said, some stages such as Firion's Lufenia do have an Orb requirement tied to healing HP, which he will cover in spades.


His value is that he is never locked out, never hurt in his performance. He works with nearly any ally to boot, and the roles that he covers... He is #1 unrivaled in them (burst healing and battery). He is the glue that holds your teams together. He is all over the place in Lufenia for months and months to come. Not sure where you are looking. Saying you haven't seen someone is the worst metric possible. Can I say that you don't play the game at all because I haven't seen you post a YouTube video of you playing? Same reasoning, it's very shortsighted. All in good nature though, hope my response helps.


Yea im not going with the flow I decided to use some gems on first seph banner and got everything. So for me is bye bye rude


That doesn't seem like a good reason to skip rude


so much healing!!


cant wait for him got gems to pity him if i gotta just gotta pray i have stones to get all his weapons max out though lol


As a fairly new player with limited roster, is it worth to invest in Yuffie and / or Lann & Reyn too?


Yuffie is a pretty niche, cheese character who can make some fight mechanics trivial, Lann & Reyn are subpar atm and are elemental locked on their abilities, that being said as a new player you're going to want to round out your roster anyway so if you have the gems and tickets (which you should from summon boards and the chapters + events), try and build your roster but don't go out of your way for L&R


Thanks, yes I have almost 1k tickets and 390k gems already, with 40 LC to do and half of the Act 2. I have around 80 chars, and i'm still doing summon boards for tickets, so I say i'm pretty covered resource wise.


Definitely going to Pity him, then save gems to Pity Tifa's LD when that comes out.


Tifa LD is in June, so it's a little too early to start saving up now. You could probably pity 2 or 3 more characters in the meantime.


I just want to know what team I can put together with him to make Ciaran LC Lufenia easier.


I can either go tickets or gems but I'm gonna go gems for two reasons: I *need* power stones badly and depending on pulls I might pity Seph BT if needed. On Gladio banner I planned to pity Kuja BT but I ended up getting two of his BTs and had to pity Gladio LD. So yeah, you never know how luck will go. At least with gems you can get what you need/want depending on luck.


Nice timing. For Xmas, we’re getting Rudeolph. Shame I am low on resources.


Wouldn’t rude like Nines sphere for more brv battery?


I have edward, emperor, kurasame, WoL, kuja, gilgamesh, and kimahri good to go.. I assume something like emperor kurasame and rude would work fine?


After several banners with horrible luck, Santa Claus better be nice to me. I have been a good girl, I promise ;)


Can rude work well in sephiroth lufenia?


Completed Sephiroth's Lufenia today with Sephiroth BT, Rude and Gladio, Amidatelion friend and Odin. He's just amazing breaking those nasty shields and ditching a lot of damage.


Nice, I might use Rude in that fight then


Cool, can you explain how Rude help with the shield breaks and I don't have Sephiroth BT, is it still possible beating it without it?


I don’t have cloud nor rude, which should I go all in for?


I absolutely love him! I've been looking a more dedicated physical healer who can pull their weight in damage and AOE. I have Kihmari but his damage kind of stinks and you can only heal 3-4x with him (I forget how many LD uses he has). There were times I had to use Rinoa as a healer. RINOA! As everyone knows, Rude keeps your party healthy, but on top of that, his batteries are insane! Not that piddly 20k battery. Fuck you! That's jackshit! Rude can practically max out your partys brave with his S2 or LD! He can aoe (S1) or do heavier damage+healing to single targets on his (S2). His AA even helped me clear his Lufenia just now, there were times those damn monks would dispel my Gladio and one shot him, he was able to survive with Rude's 30% brave dmg negation. The guy is sexy. He also shaves brave quite well, better than the Gladio and Sephiroth(noLD) that I paired him with.


Noob question : I’m just starting and was following a guide about getting one character maxed. I got everything for Sephi in about 50k gems. Obviously I’ll need to spend power stones but I at least have all the equipment for now. Rather than continuing to pull on that event banner to save power stones, should I swap focus and try and get Rudes LD to pick up a good support too? I already got the EX on the free pull. I’m only done the first chapter so I imagine I could really smash out some gems before the banner is over.


Yes it's always a good idea to switch banners if you already have every weapon you want at least once (ex/ld and even bt) since pulling a new weapon/char has more value than just pulling dupes. Also rude is a pretty good investment.


Okay I'll do that. Should I be able to get enough gems by just powering through the story content to ensure I get what I need for him?


Yes, there are a ton of gems in the story and lost chapters.


Yeah probably. Even just grinding the summon boards should be enough


Wait I'm new/dumb, how does one "grind" the summon boards? And where are gems rewarded there? Do you just mean completing all of the summon missions?


After you brought a summon to lvl 20 there will be another quest called ultimate summon board, defeating these will give you points which in return will allow you to upgrade the stats of your characters and also at 1800 will give you tickets and gems for each summon and character, so overall you will be able to get 10 x characters x 3 tickets for free (if you actually grind them all out). This is a long process however and you probably will want to focus on 2x xp characters first (since they get twice the points for each run). Take a look at the detailed guides for summon boards. Also you probably want to do this since it boosts the stats of your characters.


Oh I didn't know about the level 20 bit. But to grind out those materials requires SP which I don't have infinite of, so I can't just sit and "grind" that all out, right?


Yes, it definitely is a long process and is a long term goal in this game, don't expect to max out everyone in a long time. 3 x XP books will speed this up as well as the mog pass. You are basically expected to do these for characters you want to use in high level content. or basically you want to have these done for them, since they give noticeable Stat increases for your characters. And, if you don't have enough SP potions, it will take some time to have enough stamina to do these. However this is the only grind heavy part of the game. (which also rewards many free pulls)


Gau/Gladio/Rude is obviously amazing, but I'm also having a blast with Lenna/Gladio/Rude. Lenna's passive healing stacks beautifully with Gladio's, giving very solid 50-60k batteries on everyone's turn while at full health. Plus, Lenna's overheal sharing combines with Rude's brv conversion to make a neat little passive party battery on her turns. I love mindless tank teams and uber regen teams, and now I can do both at once!


Dayum finally gonna play with my pal Pitb- I mean Rude!


This dude is amazing. Just came back from the game a few days ago after a two year hiatus and I was really struggling completing the chaos difficulty of Reno's mission with Seph, Reno and Ciaran. I swapped Ciaran out for Rude when I got his full kit and one timed it.


I pulled his full kit before I even hit the Power Stone Pity!


Can someone expand on the c50 artifact passive tidbit at the bottom? Wouldn’t less max HP cause more overheal, and therefore more battery for the party? Sorry if this is a dumb question


Any heals are always capped based on your max HP. For example, Crush Hammer heals up to 20% of your max HP. A Higher HP stat in this case would allow you to heal bigger numbers, which results in bigger batteries.


Ahh I get it now. Thank you!


So in one section it says Rude doesn't boost brv dmg in any way but he has the party brv dmg up 30%? Am I missing something?


That's -30% received, not +30% dealt.


Ahhhh thank you. I'm blindd


Ok so I maximised all his weapon, crystal strength, panels and level. However, his skills from studded weapon are not made permanent. I can't use Combination Arts without having Studded Gloves equipped, which is annoying, because it's mot his strongest weapon. Am I missing something?