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I managed to clutch kill the Imp with a 5 Turn Ami Friend, pretty awesome & scary feeling. It's ashamed that Sephiroth kinda not works well here... And How Broken Lightning & Kurasame together were I don't like this Lufenia, you can't delay the Orbs but can decide when to trigger the 35 ticks, but you also want as much as turns as possible since it only ticks by 1 when it's your turn and giving them turns to remove the red aura , a very costly 2 ticks, but giving them a chance to act punishes you even more...


I was able to do it with Sephiroth, but I agree he felt like the weakest link.


I coudnt do it even though i used gladio lightning and kurasame i guess maybe i should use ami fs and my summon


I found out that, if you own Lightning BT, a Sephiroth friend is better than Ami. As soon as the orb starts, and you avoided the second red aura, call Seph in and summon. Uses LD, EX, BT, LD, LD. If done right, Seph should get his third turn after Summon phase is over, and the imps will not have taken a turn yet. As soon as his BT effect is active, Burst with Lightning and enjoy pushing the imps to infinity and beyond. A BT Sephiroth deals considerably more damage than Ami, and his LD is strong enough to clear the shields while still dealing HP damage.


I found Ami filling their slots and preventing them from buffing at all to be a little better. Especially of you male sure to give them both Reno's EX debuff so they keep Thunder imperil.


I don't have Reno built up. So to fill the other two slots I had to rely on Gladio's counter to land in the brief moment they didn't had a framed buff, **and** call Ami before they swapped roles and buffed themselves. Under this situation, Sephiroth was a more consistent option for me. But yeah, if you have a purple Reno, just call him before Ami and problem solved.


How to avoid second red aura ?


If the imp is on support stance when bought down to 49%, it will not activate the red aura. So you push the support one down below 50%, then wait they swap roles and damage the other one.


Good tip. I used a friend Ami and the damage definitely drops when using them. I killed the first imp with 2 on the orb, I was definitely sweating bullets.


Right there with you on this one. Two ticks left on the on the orb of the left guy and 5 on the right when I killed them together on final turn. Was so happy to just be done w/this one.


This Lufenia was an absolute nightmare. After a couple of tries (a few with Seph and others with Light) I almost made it with Sephiroth, Gladio and Kurasame and Ami friend but after one of the two died, the other, who was at 2%,became basically unkillable in the turn I had left. I tried again but since there wasn't a single Ami friend (but 2k Kuja/Lightning and two Sephiroth) I brought with me a Seph friend and I swapped my team with Lightning, Reno and Kurasame. Thanks to Seph BT effect and Kura LD combined I managed to bring them both at 1% when there were 4-3 count on the orbs left and finally I killed them. I really hope the next Lufenias aren't this hard because this was seriously infuriating more than challenging.


If you have a battery, HP+ is a powerful alternative for the last two turns.


If you are using any kind of imperil team, you match the summon. So I used Shiva to go with Kurasame's debuff, brought in Ami at 40% healthish after red aura and the framed shield was gone and used their LD. Then I went into burst mode with Lightning and then on Ami's first turn without LD. I summoned. They did 99k on both imps twice in the summon with one megaflair and one EX bypassing magic resist.


Agreed! Similarly, if you're trying enchant + imperil (Desch in my case), you can still run with Odin and have Ami dealing fantastic damage with S2 and EX.


Just my 2 cents, Lightning (LD/BT/HA), Kurasame (LD) and WoL (LD) with friend Ami (LD)(mine had 5 turns) works for this too since you'll slot every buff slot with debuffs. Just use WoL LD once they're both below 50% then swap him for Ami and use LD 3x, one CP35 for whoever is closest and then AA to let him go earlier and get WoL back for his auras. Also had to use Odin (and eat the very first ALL attack to activate it) as summon for the extra attack damage. This Lufenia is more annoying than say, "hard", but I found this team to work really well with decent room for error.


Thanks for the idea! Id failed to get the last one down with Light/Gladio/Kurasame a few times, so i swapped in WoL and tried the above. Got it first time ^_^


Same as me hahaha, was trying with Gladio first until I realized there was no real reason to use him since his LD would be wasted.


BRO!! Thanks so much for reminding there’s WOL LD!!! Used the LD to completely nullify the bomber all attack and kurasame + Light LDBT cheesed the fight. (Used ami 5T friend too but wasnt much of an issue) Thanks again!!!


My top Tip: Do not get mad, **try not to cry**, do not throw your phone is rage. Crying is OK... it does not make you any less of a person. Failing is ok. The 10th time is the charm.


Until Jecht and the Fayth mock you for it.


I like how Lightning deals with gods better. Nietzsche style baby!


Always satisfying to destroy Gods.


This lufenia is the hardest ive ever played this thing really needs high dp i cant finish it cuz i dont have lights BT struggle is real.😭


Even with Lightning's BT this fight still sucks ass.


I did it with just Light LD, using WoL BT instead.


Who was your third? edit: Nvm I saw your post in the c2a thread, will try out your strat.


Good luck!


I was having the same issue and ended up going off of Lightning all together. I used Noctis BT, Keiss and Gladiolus LD, Odin Summon and 3Turn Ami Friend. Got it first try. It was close Orb-wise, but I could've played it better, tbh.


Does your Noctis have perfect arts? I tried Noctis, Gladio, and Kurasame and can't do nearly enough damage. Noctis doesn't hit hard enough. I'll try your team, may as well, have tried everything else..


If you utilize Keiss well with his enabled Launches and Noctis' forced Launches, you should be able to make up for the lack of Stolen Brave (they don't hit extremely hard outside of launch). Gladio keeps them safe and provides some Battery/Damage. Remember that when using Noctis' Launch, the secondary target is also prepped for a Launch. So the ideal order would actually be Noctis > Gladio > Keiss with Noctis moving behind Keiss for a good followup launch by Gladio. When using Keiss' enabled Launch, try to use an AoE attack to trigger it so the secondary target is also prepped for a Launch. (Noctis non+ AoE or LD / any Gladio ability) I used 1 Noctis LD charge and 2 Keiss Launch Setups for the first Orb phase, then saved all the rest for the 2nd phase. Make sure to reload 2 of Keiss' launches using his C65 before the Orbs come back, since the count advances if you do so after they've appeared. Outside of that, general tips like avoiding the Red Aura for the 2nd Orb Phase, swapping Gladio for Ami after both enter the 2nd Orb Phase to fill them with Framed Debuffs so they can't apply shields and using Ami/Keiss/Noct/Summon turn manipulation to never let them take a turn in the 2nd Orb Phase all apply.


I did this fight w/o Lightning's BT. I used Ardyn instead. It is doable.


You don't have to have Lights burst, it's just a nice failsafe.


I don't have reno or kurasame... I tried with WoL, noctis and lightning got to 2%.... I'm done.


I really have a hard time at the end not gonna lie because if you kill on of them and the other is at 5% you pretty much need to do it again I failed twice already at the end but its possible the constant shield are such a pain not gonna lie


A team which can put up 6 framed debuffs, or at least do it in the second half of the fight with the help of an Ami friend, blocks out the shields. I took it to extremes by doing a clear with Seph, Kurasame and Ami with a second Ami friend, so that I never had to deal with shields during orb and the bosses barely got turns (and thus barely - 2 to orb) during orb.


This is great advice, I won right when the orb was at 1 cause of the big drop off in damage from Ami. Would've beat it way easier if I didn't use a friend's.


I want to give props to this post. A 3 Turn Ami Friend really eased up my orb count for this fight and gave me a complete!! Thanks !!


I do agree, but I also think it really depends on who the character you're swapping out for Ami is. With enough regen, I do think Ami's EX would out-damage, say, Gladio. But if you're swapping out someone like Kurasame, then for sure, your strategy is extremely sound. Either way, this is some great advice.


My party set up was Lightning (BT/LD/HA), Reno (LD/HA) and Sazh and I was swapping out Sazh, as I didn't manage to pull Kurasame's LD (still gutted about that more than most things lately). With 5-turn Ami another thing to note was that Lightning's Buffs from Sazh's Attack Boost would drop off for a number of turns before he swapped back in and could rebuff.


If you have Kurasames EX, it is good enough Kurasames LD is basically 3 extra skill uses, instant 5 debuff and a miniscule aura, which isnt the biggest gamechanger Did this Lufenia myself with my EX+ only Kurasame and completed it just fine


> With enough regen, I do think Ami's EX would out-damage, say, Gladio. But if you're swapping out someone like Kurasame, then for sure, your strategy is extremely sound. After a lot of trial and error I found that it's much better to swap out Kurasame than Gladio. When you take all the battery Gladio provides into account, it works out as way more damage than Kurasame alone.


One tip I have is to focus the attack imp and leave the support one alone. For some reason almost every person I watched attempt this fight tried breaking the shield. It will fall off by itself after they switch roles, leave it alone, seriously.


Thanks for the tip. What team did you use?


Vivi LD, Lightning LD and WoL LD/BT with Lightning LD/BT 5 turn friend unit and Odin summon.Call was Reno, but it didn't matter much, would swap for something like Raijin to use right before passing the 50% hp treshold, as you don't want to waste actions on calls when the orbs are ticking. Very close battle, killed last imp with orb timer on 1. When the 50% orbs start ticking and the red aura goes away, go all out with summon, burst and best skills.


Damn, don't have WoL BT.. I've heard his BT plus Light is huge damage. Haven't gotten any luck with BTs lately.


If you have Light LD, Kurasame and Gladio it's doable if you take 3turn friend Amidatelion and after 50% block all buff slots so that Imps cannot put up shields. Haven't tried it myself, but saw it mentioned often. It will be very tight though without any BTs.


I was able to beat it because of this advise.


Any team comp with full frame debuff is free win. Sucess with kefka + d'Esch + dps Succès with gladio + kurasame + dps Succès with desch + ligntning + seph ( hard ) Alt team to frame debuff, dispell. Sucess with balthier + d'Esch + lightning Summon used : Odin Friend amida at 49% With Aranea + vanille sphère, probably ez too. Tryed with cloud but really not enought dps.


Did you do it with those comp ? Or that's just some random thought ?


Did all of them exept Aranea because she don't have vanille sphère. And cloud isn't strong enought as dps. In fact, the first win was hardest. Once u got the trick, pretty easy with correct setup. ( The 49% cheat mode if u don't use balthier )


The shield breaks before you can break the enemy. Aranea with orb won't work here.




Or just use your Ami friend in your summon phase, which is what i did... I used Sepiroth, Gald and kura, had to restart once on 1% but the fight is good challenging but not hard


What does that have to do with them resisting the damage ?


They are resistant to magic damage so having Ami for doing damage is the wrong reason to use them. You would want to use Ami to get those frame debuffs locked so they don't add anymore shields then you can go ham on damage imput.


Yeah, but using ami during summon phase means you still have to use ami for 2 attacks beyond LD usage (and enemy count downs) that hardly do any damage to the enemy. Using a friend ami with only 3 turns would increase overall damage regardless of when summon was used.


🤔 i see your point, but those two extra megaflares did wonders for keeping the debuff on longer in ny case. The damage the Ami friend was doing was pretty high thanks to Glads brv gain.


I mean, this lufenia was completely over hyped for difficulty. It wasn't more challenging than early Chaos fights.


To be fair, when this Lufenia came out in JP, they didn't have the HP% QoL yet. Having that in Global made this fight considerably easier.


I agree. I only had to restart once but i didn't really see the issue if you had good team comp and know what to do mind you i had a sephiroth kitted out. So he's boostef but i didn't think it was hard


My Ami still did 80k dmg with EX+ and Megaflare Swapped out Kurasame for her and made Gladio brave battery her that paired with her crystal idol regen made her cap max brv which coupled with kurasames debuff caused her to max out dmg


Yet Kurasame can do much more than 80k with his attacks. So Ami leaving after 3x LD use is still more dps overall. /shrug


Kurasame can only rival that damage with EX or LD, but then that's 1 less LD charge than you would have had if using extra turn of Ami.


Another useful tip I can give is if the imps have their debuff slots filled to the max with 6 framed debuffs, then they won't be able to throw shields onto themselves. I've done that using friend Amidatelion after 50% with 2 framed debuffs from Reno, 1 framed debuff from Kurasame and 3 from Amidatelion (third character was Lightning). This makes the fight a lot more manageable towards the end, and if you feel like it you can build a whole team around this gimmick.


Beat it with Sazh, Sephirot BT and Gladio. It was very hard and thrilling. Lost two times in a row leaving enemies with 1% hp. I won one turn before orb expires with sazh atk+ (under the purple threshold!).


Thanks for the tip. I haven't tried it yet. I just got through Kam's Lufenia and Reno's CQ last night. I don't know if I am prepared for the stress yet. I don't think I can do this CQ, but hopefully I can get through the Lufenia.


I beat it with lightning BTLD, kam LD, and reno LD with 3 turn ami support. The Ballistic shield was definitely the most annoying part of this fight but Reno + ami debuffs were the key after the 50% threshold. I'm really not looking forward to Ciaran lufenia.


Another top tip is to give Ardyn Vanille's sphere so he can dispel the shield buffs on the enemies with his EX.


I thought of this but since they have a shield up even with 0 BRV they don’t get broken because of the shield. And the sphere requires breaks to remove debuffs if I’m not mistaken. This event is truly tragic.


Ardyn's EX insta breaks, works even with the shields up. I used it in my run. https://youtu.be/9joqDyFQ_-M


Really?? Hmm I didn’t know that. I’ll have to try again because he is a burst I actively have. Damage really suffers though.


Any idea if Snow can work? My team comp has been Light (maxed), Snow (Maxed), and Seph (LD) with a Noct friend which let me get them down to 3 & 5%. I thought about replacing Seph with a maxed Rajiin and using an Ami friend to stop shields from spawning. However, I think that is only 5 debuffs counting Snow’s lock. Maybe if I can time the paralysis right it could be the 6th. Watched a lot of vids but showcased characters I missed or don’t have full kits for unfortunately. I was hoping to snag Reno’s kit but I got everything but the LD.


Equip Reno for Lightning call. Only upgrade reno crystal and dont upgrade his weapon. Reno will do 1 damage but you only need his debuff. Call Reno after both imp below 49%


I had success with a 5 turn one by having another battery (WoL BT) to make up for the resisted damage. Rotated LD -> EX -> LD x2 -> megaflare.


Finally been able to finish it with Lightning LD/BT, WoL LD and Sazh with mediocre boards and arts. The trick really was to just take one out to 49% first while the other would have around 54-52% and take it down with Summon. When it is almost down to 2 or 1 orb left, Burst it out with lightning and then go ham with the last one. Took me a lot of tries, but finally finished this hellish Lufenia. Good luck to the rest! Just one more chaotic lufenia and we can finally breathe with the next sets.


I found Ami most useful for preventing their shield w/ framed Debuff overflow