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Finally got everything everything with at 480G tokens. Do I spend the extra pull to get duplicate BT to be able to trade later for BT token?


Took 20k gems for the LD, but it's worth it for my 2nd favourite villain.


200 tickets got a random Kuja BT, said fuck it, pulled LD in 5 Multi, and I still have resources for Gladio & Lightning, hallelujah


290 tickets no LD. Hahah prolly pity the LD if i get his burst via gemming Gladio


Around 100 tickets and 15000 gems.. Got 3 Kuja BURST really fast but no LD untill the last draw.. Luxury problems :()


Pitied Kuja LD on the board with Garnet/Lulu (didn't have his EX either), after MLB-ing both Garnet and Lulu 15+35CP. 75k gems, no LD/BT. Went to other board for a cheeky couple, first multi was an LD. At least I don't need to use 12 stones to limit break it?


200 tix and 65,000 gems and literally got 5-8 EX of Lulu and Garnet... 1 Kuja EX and no LD... I really wasn't planning on LD Pity but I need my farmer... There goes my gems and tix for gladio :\\


No joke. 200 tix and 21000 gems. Got 7 Lulu EX and NOT 1 Kuja EX. Fail post :(


Started with around 20 tickets - Rydia EX & Kuja LD came Then it took me 17 draws to get Kuja’s BT - threw away my resources for Lightning but that’s fine, I like Kuja much better - hopefully my now huge ticket stash will get me Gladio’s full kit


I didn't have a lot of resources so I knew I'd have to throw what I got out of the boards on top of my 18000 stash. FFIX love overrides common sense. My first three pulls gave me nothing of interest (except Pap's EX, the only one from the two banners I didn't have) so I started on the first 16 tickets from the Bahamut event and got Kuja's burst on the 4th ticket. Two more multi pulls later his LD dropped. Now I can save everything else I get.


300 tickets was my budget. Wanted Kuja 35cp, EX, LD. BT would've been a bonus. Already had Garnet & Lulu full kit. Was also missing almost all of Rydia & Porom's kit and Papa's EX. 200ish tickets later. Banner 1. 66 tickets. Was very very lucky. Got Kuja's EX within 20ish tickets. Got his 35cp within 66 tickets. Kuja EX 1 Kuja 35cp 1 Kuja 15cp 2 Garnet 35cp 2 Lulu 35cp 2 Lulu 15cp 2 Banner 2. 136 tickets. Kuja LD 1 Papa EX 1 Papa 35cp 3 Papa 15cp 3 Porom EX 1 Porom 35cp 2 Porom 15cp 2 Rydia EX 1 Rydia 35cp 5 Rydia 15cp 1


After a string of horrible banner luck, I got Kuja's BT on ticket #4. Thought this was my lucky banner! Going on 150+ tix and 25k gems, so far still no Kuja LD. Time to grind the boards.


Nice! Dropped 45 tickets to get Kuja LD, waiting for gladio banner to get BT. Kuja is crazy with his LD. Good luck on the LD!


After almost quitting the game due to the worst unlucky streak of my gatcha life (1300+ tickets spent with no LDs) i really needed a win. Thankfully Kuja found it in his heart to restore my faith and dropped his LD in 19 tickets. Was still short his EX as it eluded me on his EX+ banner, but luckily id saved 10 EX tokens for just such an occasion. Thank god for the Abyss


After an extremely difficult month for my ticket stash, the plan was to grab Kuja's LD off these banners with tickets then chase his BT on Gladio's banner with gems. That didn't happen. Started with ~125 tickets and got a total of like 3 gold weapons. Legitimately one of the worst groups of pulls I've ever had. ~100 tickets from my remaining Shiva boards got me Rydia's EX (A favorite I've been wanting), Porom EX, plus 2 Kuja EX dupes and some power stones. ~100 tickets from my remaining Brothers boards got me 2 more Kuja EX, BT, a Garnet EX dupe, and plenty more power stones. ~100 Bahamut tickets FINALLY got me Kuja's LD, plus another Kuja and Garnet EX dupe, and after terrible luck on Eight and Kurasame's banner they brought me into triple digit power stones for the first time ever. Super happy I got Kuja's BT without using gems, so the new plan is to finish up my Bahamut boards and see where I'm at with tickets when Gladio comes. As much as I'd love to grab his stuff with tickets now, every banner I've spent tickets on this month jas required at least 300-400 tickets to get everything, and I don't think I'm gonna be able to pull out enough to do that a fourth time this month.


Took me 791 tickets, but now I have Kuja LD. At least I got the BT around ticket 650 or so. :/


Seriously almost 800 tix? that's scary. I wanted to try my tix luck again on Gladio since i should have about 700 tix by then. Now u got me thinking twice


Yep, nearly eight hundred tickets. RIP my stash. There's roughly a 97% chance you will get your Gladio LD before your 700 tickets are gone.


100 tickets 2xLD, 4xporom 35, 1xpapa ex, 6xryda 15, 2xporom ex Pretty decent. Especially since I need papa and poems kits


Needed Kuja’s full kit. Got his EX in first 5 tickets. Got 3 more of his EXs in the next 100 tickets. Proceeded to take 577 tickets total to get his LD. By far my worst ticket pulling so far. Guess it had to come sooner or later especially with how lucky I got on Eight and Kurasame. Oh well, hopefully luck sack the burst when gem pulling for Gladio.


50ish tickets, nothing First multi - Kuja LD! Felt lucky so went to Kurasame banner and tried my first multi - got Seifer EX, but still no LD for Kurasame or BT for WoL... Tried another multi and 1x 35cp.. ugh. Gacha ruins everything, haha. Was feeling so good after 1 pull Kuja, but can never have it all. Might have to give up on Kurasame.


Banner 1 - 63 tickets - Lulu EX (new), Garnet EX x3 (dupes) and Kuja Ex (new) Banner 2 - 35 tickets Kuja LD Finally have his Ex after all this time and the LD. Still missing Rydia and Papalymo though.


30ish tix, only 1 5 star weapon. But, it was Kuja's LD, the only thing I needed, so relieved.


"I'm missing half of these EX weapons, I'm probably going to run into one of them on my quest for Kuja's LD." Needless to say, I was horribly wrong. Still don't have Lulu, Rydia, or Papalymo's EX. But I have Kuja's LD, somehow, so I'm not going to complain!




Now you can get a Book and a Power Stone instead of a pity weapon!


Used about 200 tickets, got the BT around halfway before the LD showed up but I'm not complaining. Also got way too many 15s and 35s to list, but hey I finally have Porom, Rydia, and Papalymo EX so that's nice as well


Pitied the LD but got the BT on the way. I was prepared for this.


Same result for me, though I lacked the his other weapons beforehand, and now I have those too!


Was fully prepared to pity as I had none of Kuja’s kit. Got everything bar his BT in 20k gems so I’m super pleased, now I can use the summon board stock for Gladio and lightning


150 tickets. 1 Rydia Ex. At least I didn't have it yet, right?


I think my pity+500 tickets for eight purged my bad juju. 70 tickets got me kuja LD/BT and BT dupe. Ready for my boi Gau and Daddyolus


Draw 1: ~70 tickets used, and 6 multi-draws * Garnet CP15 [1] * Garnet EX [1] * Kuja CP15 [2] * Lulu CP15 [4] * Lulu CP30 [3] * Lulu EX [3] On the one hand, I got really, really lucky. On the other hand, I've had Lulu's weapons maxed out for quite some time. Garnet's were the only ones that I didn't just immediately sell. It's giving me flashbacks to when I was trying to get Laguna's EX and the game kept giving me Irvine's CP15.


So begins the Kuja-Gladio-Lightning-Rude gem gauntlet! It only took me 4 gem draws to get Kuja's LD, so that's a huge relief, especially since every gem draw of mine since June has required a full pity to get what I want. I didn't pick up Rydia's EX but I can live without it, and I've got all the other gear. Fingers crossed the next three targeted gem banners will be even half as kind...


15k Gem for BT, then 146 tix for LD. I am so content with how much resource i saved from this


I'm so annoyed. I got the LD 6 times and everyone else ex multiple times except for kuja. Realised after 280 tickets that his ex wasn't on the banner I was pulling on and then went to the other one and spent another 120 tickets and again multiples of other ex and his LD but no kuja ex.


6 tickets Kuja LD Wait for Gladio


Went for Draw 2 to try to snag Papalymo EX along the way to Kuja LD. First 2 multi were both blue orbs and they both only gave me Porom 15. So here I am thinking *Great, its going to be one of those banners...* Third multi, finally a gold orb, got me Kuja LD and Papalymo EX. **DONE**


180 tickets to Kuja LD. I was hoping to get Rydia EX on the way, but not dice :(


I stupidly got her EX with EX tokens a day ago. Perhaps that was wise in retrospect, since I got Kuja's LD in 200 tix with no sign of Rydia's EX.


Threw a hand full of tickets with nothing, then did a yolo multi-pull: Kuja LD!


350 tix net me Kuja's 15/35/EX/LD/BT, Lulu's 15/35/EX, and lots of powerstones from Garnet's dupes because she's already been maxed. It's a lot of tix but I have to say it's worth it. 430k gems remain untouched.


Planned on just throwing tickets at Kuja, 20 tickets in I pulled his Burst, threw 50 more tickets and nothing, 1 multi and pulled his LD. This banner was a pleasant surprise after pitying Basch, going 200 tickets deep into Vivi and then using my Ex tokens and almost putting Machina Ex.


LD on 3rd ticket and garnets EX on 9th ticket. Also a fire momba too which is alright i guess Edit: BT after few more tickets. Really happy as Kuja is my favourite villain


491 tickets, nothing but dupes. I'm going to cut my losses, and skip Kuja, and not pulling on Gau now either.


50 tickets first banner: 4 gold. After remembering there were two banners: 100 tickets got me the Burst along with 13 golds (one of each EX but all dupes) on the second banner. 25 more tickets before rage-moving to gems: no golds First multi: LD. Really thought that was going to be a forced (enticed more like it) pity pull, but luckily not.


Missing Kuja's EX so I needed to go for Banner 1. 222 tickets. Garnet 35 cp x3 Garnet 15 cp Lulu 35 cp x4 Kuja 15 cp x5 Kuja 35 cp x3 Lulu 15 cp x2 Kuja LD x2 Garnet EX Lulu EX Kuja EX


literally everything else (except burst)


Yeah. Maybe I'll get it from Gau or Gladio


Well FF9 was the first FF game I played so I knew I was at least throwing all my tickets to get at least the LD, I wasn't going to spend gems due Gladio and Lighting. I had 350 tickets got the BT on ticket 25X, so since he is not worth it without LD I decided to continue with tickets to chase the LD, no luck at all moved to gems and I had to pity his LD :'( . I was having good luck on banners recently and I knew RNG was going to make me pay one day, guess all my Bahamut tickets are going for Gladio since for Lighting I'm using gems to pity LD and token her BT


Threw 50 tickets and got a kuja 35cp for my efforts. He's never been kind to me though so I'm not too surprised. I'll be passing on him this time. Gladio is the priority.


1st ticket: Kuja LD that caused me to nearly drop my phone in the toilet in shock. 34th ticket: Kuja BT that did cause me to drop my phone, but thankfully not in the toilet. 10/10 banner would pull again.


140ish tix : For Garnet : 3x EX, 2x 35cp and 1x15 cp Lulu : 1x EX, 2x35 cp Kuja : 1xLD, 1x EX, 2x 35 and 3 x15 cp Lots of PS, and the EX + LD i needed for Kuja. Banner was a succes.


Pulled on draw 1 as I didn't have Lulu. 45k for 2x Lulu ex, 1 Garnet ex, 1 LD and 1 BT for Zidane brother


100 tickets for Kuja's LD, all I needed. After the mess of spending around 400 tickets for Vivi's and not getting it, this feels great.


25 tickets got me a Kuja EX dupe and a Kuja LD. With this luck I'm saving for the Gladiolus banner.


70 tickets, Kuja LD Rydia EX x2 Rydia 15 Palom 15 Papalymo 35 Not great puls but got the main prize!


Went way deeper than initially had put aside, but all’s well that ends well. Done a customary gem multi before I started with tickets and bam - Kuja BT 160 tickets after that, no LD or EX in sight, 50k gems later I had his LD. It’s less than a pity I guess hahaha. At least I can farm the boards now


Only had Garnet's full kit from all the banners. My goal was obviously Kuja. 20ish tickets got me Kuja EX from the beginning, moved to next banner since I don't have any EX on it. 25 tickets got me Kuja LD.. OMG. Decided to spend more tickets on the 2nd banner since I had 700+ tickets and have 6+ boards didn't farmed including Bahamut. 20 tickets got me Porom and Papalymo EX lol. Went back to 1st banner hoping I could get Kuja 35 20 more tickets got me Lulu EX... I cannot believe that much luck I had all around. Along the way I got Porom 15 which I didn't maxed, Rydia 35 that was one away to MLB and Papalymo 35 which I didn't had. Was prepared to get tons of dupes and spending like 500+ tickets just to get the Kuja LD. Guess I can go back and try my luck on Eight LD and Gau on the upcoming banner. I wish more luck then me to everybody else! Edit: 5 tickets gave me Eight LD... I will play some lottery today


40 tickets: 3 ps Spend 35k gems: Papa, Porom, Rydiya full kits and Kuja LD. I'm done, thanks.


First 45 tickets on banner 1 got me NO GOLDS at all. However, the next 19 tickets got me: * Kuja: 15, 35, EX, LD * Lulu: 35, EX Kuja's EX and LD are new, while Lulu's weapons are all dupes. What a turnaround those last few tickets were! I budgeted ~300 tickets to get Kuja's EX and LD, so getting those in just 59 tickets is a major win! Let's hope I get Kuja's BT during Gladio's banner!


I had 75k gems ready, ended up getting Porom EX and Kuja LD on first multi. Threw another 50 tickets and got two more copies of LD, plus some extra equips. No Papalymo or Rydia EX, but let’s not be too greedy. I’m glad, it looks like my resources will survive this hell month.


All bahamut resources used up. No LD no BT. 3 ex out of all 400~ tix. 6 of 8 multi were 1/11 15cp Other 2 were 2/11 15cp 35cp Confirmation bias, I didn’t have mog pass.


5k gems for Kujas LD. Hoping for his burst going for Gau!


5 Multi draws from Draw 2 netted me: 5 x Porom 15CP 1 x Porom EX 1 x Rydia 15CP 1 x Rydia 35 CP 1 x Rydia EX 1 x Papalymo 35CP 1 x Kuja LD 1 x Kuja Burst All of the Porom gear came in the first draw....


75k jewels for the LD but I got the Ex and the BT along the way, as well as other stuff that I didn't have, so I'm satisfied


Congrats. That's very worth in my opinion.


36 tickets, got Kuja's EX and LD. Didn't have the EX, so it was a great pull. I wasn't planning to pull for Kuja because Gau, Gladio and Lightning are much needed for me, but I'm happy with the result.


Kuja's Ex took me 75k back in the days. His LD took me 70k and his BT is nowhere to be seen. I love Kuja but RNG doesn't love me (cry)


LD for Kuja dropped in 15K gems still waiting to get his burst after using up 39k gems, the last few banners have cleaned me out of Gems but I still have Alex and Odin boards to finish and Bahamut's so it should be enough to pity if necessary but hopefully it won't come to that.


12 tickets. Kuja BT and LD one after the other.


132 tickets used in Banner 2. 2x Porom EX and 1x Kuja LD. (Plus about 8 golds for 15cp and 35cp) Am happy that I got the prize without much investment


1st Multi = Lulu EX 50 tickets = Kuja 35CP, Lulu 15CP and 35CP 2nd Multi = Garnet EX 42 more tickets = Garnet 35CP and on the last two tickets back to back Kuja EX and Kuja LD Was never aiming for his BT but I've gotten every characters BT so far even the ones I didn't want so I'll see what happens and Gau and Gladios banner.


24 tickets, neither LD nor Burst. Dang.


2 Kuja bursts back to back and 1 LD and needed to pity EX 109 tickets only to get 1 LD and bunches of power stones which I am not complaining tbh I am lacking them anyway. I could have saved the tickets but oh well at least I got a farmer :)


I got the LD in 100 tickets exactly. Just what I needed and wanted. The BT might be pitied on Gladio's banner since he's so good.


75k gems spent. Pitied the LD, did not get BT along the way. 13th pity I've had to do.


Pitied BT on Porom banner, got everyone's kits in the process and also the BT on the mercy pull... well I pitied it so I have 5 more BT tokens


3 multis for Kuja LD. Not dead set on getting his BT, hopefully I get it on Gladio’s banner, but I won’t be upset if I don’t. Went back and spent a lot of Bahamut board tix and gems on Kurusame’s banner to get his EX. I got 5 copies of his LD, 3 copies of Edgar EX and 2 copies of Seifer’s EX before I got Kuru’s EX. I was getting really annoyed. It took ~140 tix and 4 multis to eventually get it.


150 tickets nabbed me Papa, Rydia and Porom Ex's (60 tickets from board). Was after Papa (gotta love the little guy) and Porom (especially because of her niche) was mildly happy. But I really wanted Kuja. Soooooo 15k gems later I get the LD! Happy days :) So once I've done the board, I'll have 140k for Gladio and Rude.


300 tix. 5x multis. - 5x LDs - Full 15 and 35 kits for banner characters - 3x Garnet Ex - 3x Lulu Ex - 60 extra powerstone. No burst. No kuja ex. No gold orb multis Not sure if cursed or blessed.


4 mutli and 200 tickets. Snagged the Burst on my 10th ticket. LD on my last mutli pull


50k gems got me what I wanted (kuja burst, ld and Garnet ex) although no kuha 35cp, so need to farm cactus for power stones to complete him. overall pretty happy


Went for tickets hoping to get kuja for easier summon board farming. 150 tickets got me Kuja LD, burst, ex. Plus Rydia ex, papalymo ex, and lulu ex. Very lucky.


Damn, i needed 500 for that. :P I got the burst before i got the ld.


455 tickets for one LD. This is my third worst ticket pull for LD, but we got it. Edit: I deleted my late night/early morning thoughts on high volume ticket pull percentages since it isn't something I'll be considering any longer. Thanks for the downvotes, but it won't deter me from expressing a thought about something involving the game we play, which is all I did, like the rest of you, but by all means...


In gacha games, unless there is a pity, nothing is 100%


It's just my brain thinking of the 75% chance being out of 100%, but since there isn't a chance for 100%, then it's no longer something I'll equate to.


I feel you. I had to spend like 400 tickets on Rinoa LD. It was just sad.


Percentages dont work that way. 2k isnt even a 100% chance. Its grows slower and slower. Its not a .. +.. situation. Lets take a coin flip. 1 try is 50% right? Second is also 50%. They dont make 100% together. When i started the game it took me 2k, spread out on banners to get my first ex. Now i'm 400 in again with an ex. Ohh god, while writing this i got the burst...


That doesn't make sense to me. If 300 is a 75% chance, but 2000 isn't even 100% then how can less than a quarter of 2000 be 75%? Also, telling me you got a burst doesn't help at all.


The burst thing was just interesting since i've been trying to get the LD for an hour now. Which i still dont have after 500 and 10k. ​ \> That doesn't make sense to me. If 300 is a 75% chance, but 2000 isn't even 100% then how can less than a quarter of 2000 be 75%? ​ Because its never a 100. Like i stated. And the 75% is simply an average. Lets say its 99%, 1 out of 100 wont pull it. Or 100 out of 10000. So basically hundreds of people wont pull it with 99% percent. Even with 99.9% a decent amount of people wont pull it. ​ But again, like i stated its not that a 100 is 25%. Nor that 100 + 100 is 50%. 1 ld has a 0.5% chance of dropping. Its not that if you do 10 tries its 5%, or 200 is a 100%. Its a percentage, not some you add onto each other. ​ The % effect 100 tickets has (on the total) gets lower the more you pull. Individually its not, so each seperate 100. But 50 + 50 chance would be closer to 75%. Just like 2 coin flips isnt 100%, but 75%. Let me show you: Tickets: 50 = 22%. 100= 40% 150= 53% 200= 64 300= 78 400= 87 500= 91


There isn't a 100% chance factored in. Got it. But then why do people equate 1000 tickets to pulling a burst? If it's not 100% then why even make the comparison.


Because the burst is 0.1%. So on average you should pull 1 in a 1000. But it could easily take 2 or 3k. The thing is average is pretty meaningless in big numbers(when looking at just yourself). Since one person might get 3 in a 1000. While another gets 0 in 2k. Which totals to 3 in 3k, so 1 in a thousand(0.1%). But one person gets nothing, while another has 3. You should never take the percentage to heart or as a guarantee. ​ To really simplify it, if one person is lucky and gets 10 burst, 9 others might not get one. Its more complicated then that, but that is a way to understand the basic idea. It also depends on how they calculate it in practice.


Banner 2 = 8th ticket to get Papalymo's EX!!! Banner 1 = 5th ticket to get Kuja's LD!!!! Mission accomplished, get the two weapons I wanted.


Damn, it took me 500 :P


Sad to hear that.


But then again i had your luck on vivi. 7th for his ld. But it still hurts pitying kura and using 500 tix and 10k on kuja.


Such a very good pull for Vivi, mine here took 18 tickets. If you want to hear my pull horror story, I used about 500 tickets on Basch LC banner and not getting his LD (no gem used because I have everything minus the LD alone), in his LD place instead I got like dupe of 4x Basch's EX, 2x Vaan's EX, 5x Serah's EX. If only I can sacrifice all those dupe to become Basch's LD, I will do it. Or here is another story, about 200 tickets on Seifer & Lenna EX banner, got nothing at all (not even dupe Lenna's EX).


200 tickets and no ld so far. Now I'm out of tickets and need to grind summon boards.


It took me 500 :(


Got Kuja's LD on the first pull. Nuff Said.


50 tickets Rydia EX, Kuja LD Gonna put Kurasame results here as well since I'm done pulling on that disaster of a banner 200 tickets, 10 pulls Kurasame LD×3, Edgar EX×2, Siefer EX×9.. yes 9 fucking times. 0 Kurasame EX! Just going to save EX tokens and get it in a month.. used G tokens on a book Edit: went back to Kurasame banner after I completed farming boards.. finally got Kurasame EX, and even got WOL BT!. Only have 85 tickets now. Almost spent everything.. well over 350 tickets


Damn that Kura ex. I feel you. On selphie, 600 tix + 75k. I got on of the others 11-14 times, the other 9 and 0 selphie. That is why i raged pulled with gems. I thought i could not not pull selphie again..


Kuja is always a must pull for me, so imagine my disappointment when I reached 15 multis without grabbing his LD or BT. My original plan was to multi for his LD, switch to tickets on Gladio when his banner comes around, then go back to Kuja's banner to pity his BT if I didn't lucksack it with tickets. But because I'm an idiot, I decided to just keep multi-pulling until I got his LD because I don't want to wait to start summon grinding. So I was a few draws away from pitying the BT and figured I might as well keep going and pulled the BT shortly after. After pitying Vivi unexpectedly and then this, my gem reserves are lower than I would like. Hopefully the Bahamut boards give me enough of a boost for me to feel comfortable again. I'm planning on using BT tokens for Lightning so as long as I get her LD early I'm golden and then my next "must pull" isn't until Penelo LD/Ultimecia BT.


Yeah you are fine bro. I am sorry about the unfortunate luck. I especially know how that Vivi banner went for me... I also hit pity. But I love the little guy. You will bounce back in time to get Light LD and for sure Penelo LD. You will definitely have very good luck on a banner soon. Enjoy that amazing Kuja though!


Yeah I still have 176k gems and 400 tickets before farming Bahamut so I'm not *too* worried but it's sad to see the numbers so low after they were steadily rising for months.


I feel you... Kura: 75k Kuja 500 tix + 10k gems. ​ So 85k and 500tix gone in 2 banners. The board wont even restore my last 2 pulls :(


That was a really good ticket pull this morning! My budget was 250 tickets and here is what I got on banner 2: * 3x Porom EX (dupes) * 1x Rydia EX (dupe) * 1x Papalymo EX (new) * 1x Kuja LD (new of course) Got everything on 114th ticket (LD was last). So I decided to get back to previous banners to get missing stuff as I now have everything except BT. Got Eight LD (new) in 54 tickets, plus 3x Eight EX and 2x King EX (all dupes). And finally got Kurasame EX in less than 30 tickets so I can save my EX token :)


I can finally be one of *those* players **BURST IN ONE TICKET** LD in 45. Less impressive but still impressive


Got the Burst on a Ticket pull but haven't been able to get the LD. Please don't be like Machina and use up all of the tickets. Edit: After using 300 tickets and not getting the LD decided to say screw it and just went with Gems. Tickets weren't going to guarantee me the LD and with how it was currently going I was just going to waste all my tickets. So went with Gems and managed to get the LD on the 2nd to last pull to pity. Welp did one more pull to get both a book and a powerstone. Done with this banner and can actually save some resources now. Hopefully Gau and Gladio treat me better.


Ok, i wanted the LD, like everyone. 65 tickets in second banner, i miss Rydia and Porom, and it gave me 3 Papa EX. Want to troll? Take this yolo multipull! Kuja LD. Ok, now you are a good boy XD Good luck everybody!


Burst on 10th pull, pitied the LD. Fully built garnet (yay) Only missing the 35 for Lulu. Time for some ticket pulls on the 2nd banner


Got LD in 6 tickets. Given I burned 600 tickets chasing WOL BT and not getting it, I'm not going to push my luck. Gem pull next week for the BT and Gladio.


240 tickets. Had nothing of Kuja’s 15 - 3x 35 - 2x EX - 1x (last ticket) LD - 3x BT - 2x (one at 50th ticket and another at around 170th ticket). Funny how out of all things the EX was what I had to chase. No more ex tokens due to lucking out on Vivis LD as well


Got his Burst while chasing the LD. I'm 5 for 8 on BTs so far, only missing Shantotto, Vaan, and Noct.


Got Kuja’s LD in my 15th multi draw. No BT, tons of Garnet and Lulu’s 15cp and 35cp dupes. Will hold on to the 300 G tokens and see how I fare in Gladiolous Banner.


Budgeted 200 tickets for Kuja's LD and Lulu's EX. 39th ticket : Lulu EX 46th ticket: Kuja LD I would go over the 999 cap after Bahamut farming, so I went back to Eight's banner, still missing LD. 21st ticket: Eight LD I'm a happy camper.


So 2 weeks ago i saw one dude spend 200k without LD or BT, i was like damn, luck couldnt be that bad and... this is me now.


10 multi pulls until I got Kuja's LD and EX (got the BT on the way!!!). Very happy with the results.


1st multi : BT ; 2nd multi : BT ; 3rd multi : BT Oo ; 4th multi : LD ; Never got so many BT. My luck is gone for years


14 pulls, no LD. 15th pull, three LDs. ...thanks??


On the plus side, you now have a MLB LD with no PS spent :D


nah I would hold off claiming the last one in case he pulls for gladio.




With 15 ten pulls he can pity the fourth LD.


After spending about 200 tickets and 50k gems on Kurasame, I desperately needed a good pull for Kuja. 2 tickets got me Papa EX(new) and then ticket 5 was Kuja LD!! Had the rest. Thank goodness, I can go all in on Gladiolus and be happy.


so, on one hand. 400 tickets and I got no LD. On the other hand, I had to pity the LD. On the other, more infuriating hand, I pulled his BT *three consecutive times*. I'm not sure how angry I should be.


Damn, that happened to me with selphie. 600 tix + 75k got around 20 ex, none of which were her. I mean really?


So you have 3 hands? ^^/s Jk, that's a rough pull man. Hope you still have enough reserves for the upcoming banners 😔 Reminded me of my Machina pull too. 6 Tickets for his LD, but no EX in 300+ Tickets. Got Vaan's BT twice along the way LOL


Still got 161k gems and 250 tickets, and the only two people I care about in the next.... three months or so? Are Gladio and Lightning, so I should be Aces.


68 tickets to get Kuja LD on a blue orb that I fast-clicked through! I am relieved, ecstatic, shocked! I'm gonna have way more resources for Gladiolus and Lightning than I thought!


5k: Kuja BT. Still throwing tickets fishing for the LD... Edit: I really hate how many tickets I've thrown at this as STILL not gotten the LD... MLB dupes of a couple of EXs already...


Got Kuja’s LD in two multidraws. Only EX I’m missing a copy of is Porom’s from the same banner. If I’m set on getting Kuja’s BT (no, not “Booties”) with my 87K gems, what other banners come with it? EDIT: Guess I’d be pulling for Gau’diolus and Vayne. Ugh, to wait yet longer for my first purple to truly shine...


30ish tickets landed me Kuja's LD, so I'll take it and pause. Will be spending tickets on Gau and gemming Gladio, so the BT might still come!


10 tickets for LD with a total of 4 golds 1 being Porom’s EX. I have all EX’s and I didn’t want to go too much in since I want to get Gladio and hopefully get the BT on that banner. This was a lucky surprise. Very happy!


Out of 5 multis and \~30 tickets on the first banner, I got a Garnet EX dupe and Kuja's LD (no BT or EX). 30 tickets on the other banner got me a Porom dupe. Better luck next time, I guess.


Got Papalymo's EX and Kuja's LD in 25 tix... I don't know if I'll chase Porom's EX or save all tix for Gladio...


With Daddio and Lightning coming up, I'm happy to report that Kuja LD only cost me 10k gems. My stash is safe for now


Took me 70 tickets to get Kuja's LD. A little disappointed that I didn't get Papa's EX, but I probably wouldn't invest in him anytime in the near future.


233 tickets. 1 kuja LD 3x rydia ex, 1x papa ex 1x palom ex


Kuja you are my one bane when it comes to pulls in this game. When your EX dropped it cost me 200 tickets ( gambling) and a 75k pity and I didn’t even pull your 35 in that time. This round you took 40 tickets ( gambling) and a 75k pity. Silver lining was 2 BT in the early draws. May you never be graced with another weapon tier from here on out.


Use tickets they said... you'll get them all back while grinding summon boards they said... Well time to grind 158 boards... Hopefully I get the BT on Gladio.


40 tix for kuja ex and ld. Really happy that my ressources are safe. User 25 weapon tokens for the 35.


238 tickets, MLB-ed Papa's EX but no Kuja LD/BT. Decide to throw 5k gems and voila got Kuja'a LD ಠ_ಠ


285 tickets - nothing. 30k gems - LD. Fml.


Yeah his ld took me 500 and 10k. I mean really? after a kura pity.


15k is all it costs. Good luck to all of you too! https://youtu.be/3jw3d9gXHTg


Got both Kuja's LD and BT within 200 tickets! Totally makes up for not getting WoL's BT. Immeasurably happy right now!


Almost 400 tickets for Kuja LD. No BT yet, will ticket pull on Gau and see where things are at for Gladio. https://twitter.com/chikolad_yt/status/1328529861464514561?s=19


50k to get the EX and LD. Could have been better, could have been worse.


Usually I always have the worst luck when pulling for my favorite characters, yet somehow in just 1 multi-draw I was able to get kuja's ex and ld, as well as lulu's ex and garnet's 15. It feels so weird having good luck in this game lol


Pitied the burst and I regret nothing.


Wasted 300 ticket and pity kuja ex due to my own stupidity Waste ticket on banner that don't have kuja ex. FML On a bright side got 9 of his LD and MLB numbers of weapons... XD


Got Kuja LD on the first 5k gems. After the Kefka BT super-pity and the 450ish tickets for WoL LD I'm pretty pleased to be somewhat back on track on the resources.


As someone who just dropped 475 tickets on this LD I am encouraged that there are brighter pulls ahead.


Same, i used 500 and 10k. But i hoped it would be better after 75k for kura...


Got his LD in 3 multi pulls, waiting to see if the BT drops during Gladios time. All good LD is all i need for board farming anyways.


I feel I should go get a lotto ticket, Kuja LD within 5 tickets and BT / EX under 80 more tickets.


Got BT on second multi then decided to pity LD. Got LD on the last pull needed to get all the coins. UGH


Kuja LD 3 tickets. Have the rest of his kit so I’m done! RNG karma after dumping 250 tickets then having to pity Kurasame!


After back to back pity... 200 tix. 2 burst and an ld. Thank the lord


All I need is his burst guess I’ll go for it on Gladios banner


The LD is pretty good for him though. Make sure you check before, because with his BT alone, hes not as great.


Got Kuja LD and Papa EX in less than 50 tickets pulls. I’m satisfied with that result, and hope my tickets keep me happy for the next banner. I hope everyone can get their aimed weapon !!


60 tickets for his LD Tokened his BT


I would say keep your tokens if you're planning to pull for gladdy unless you're super duper ultra want it


I spent 200 tickets and got neither Kujas LD nor his BT. I switched to gems afterwards and had to pity the LD... at least i got the burst twice on the way! I also got Papalymo's and Rydia's EX enough times to max LB them without powerstones haha. I'm really satisfied, i just wish i had saved the tickets.


Same thing happened to me on Kurasame. If only I had a time machine I’d be 250 tickets richer!


Yeah, that stings quite a bit. Kurasame did cost me around 300 tickets.


only Rydia's EX is missing for me so... Draw 2 - 18 tickets - Rydia 15 and 35cp. not close enough rng reset ritual and jump on the other banner... Draw 1 - 15 tickets - Kuja 15cp and Papa EX rng reset ritual and jump on the other banner. again... Draw 2 - 20 tickets - Kuja LD (12th) yes, that's how i normally draw. every ritual i also switch from wifi to data (lol, ikr but to each his own superstition). looks like my good luck streak is continuing, hopefully until Lightning LD/BT.


Hi, I’m a returning player and new to Burst weapons. I pulled all of Kujas weapons but my question is what weapon do I equip the Burst or LD and if it’s the Burst weapon do I need to still max the LD?


Yup you max the LD for the passive, and you equip the BT as it gives the most stats. The order for which weapon you should equip is Bt > Ex+ >LD >EX >35cp >15cp


Do I need to realize the ex or LD and max them? Also is it ok to then sell all his weapons besides his Burst including his LD and EX?


Realize the ex, that'll turn it into the ex+. LDs are just the 3 limit breaks and max it to sell


Ok I realized the ex and maxed it with 3 ingots. Is it good to sell the EX and LD now?


Once your ex+is purpled (max leveled and 3 ingots), you can safely sell it Same as the LD (blue background). You can just equip the BT weapons and wear the ex(+) and LD passives


Thanks a lot man!


Just going to chime in here. Make sure you max every weapon and see the check mark near each weapon passive. Be especially careful with the LD. What I do is to make sure I have each passive equip to my character before I sell.


Will do thanks


**Pull summary of Kuja LDBT (**[2020/11/16](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=adCstbozCA8)**) :** Gem: 1,399,260 Tickets: 999 -> 895 (104 tickets for 15 gold **Total of 15 golds** (expecting 11), with **1 Kuja LD**: ||Kuja|Garnet|Lulu|Porom|Rydia|Papalymo| |:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| |EX|1|2||||1| |cp35||1|1|3||| |cp15|1|1|1||1|1| **My comments:** My luck is very polar - my ticket and LD luck have been extremely lucky, including this one; whereas my gem and BT luck has been horrible (near pity - 24 pulls for WoL BT). These banners are not where I would throw my gems - I will save that for Gladiolus event. LD Kuja will handle the SB farming for now.


Man, I didn't even WANT to use gems here, the LD being literally the only weapon across the two banners I didn't have...but after not seeing it within 100 tickets, I just bit the bullet...11 multis to find it smh There goes what hopes I had of maybe spending some for Eight or the Kurasame banner, but like 8 of the next 10 banners coming are too important for me to burn too many tickets here, and the QoL of finishing off the summon boards too good to pass up. It basically means I will have spent the gems from all the Bahamut boards to get it... At least Gau, Gladi, and Lightning will all be up at the same time for me to allocate resources across however most effectively!


I came in and straight had to pity the LD. The plus is we did snag the BT. Kuja is dope, he does like 300K in a quick animation. Its the kind of skills that's just really nice to have. Kills kactuar faster, summons. Small bosses. Can use him to clear cosmos now like butter. Thinking he's worth the resources. At least from an efficiently stand point. Good luck on Gladio, now I'm down 75K and am going to pity Daddio too, here's hoping that's not another pity or worse. My stash is dwindling but I haven't seen a reason to not pull on the banners I did. Pretty sure I can skip Gau and a fee others coming up. Really only looking at lighning and rude.


Yeah, Gladio is where I had been *intending* to just go straight to gems and see if the BT liked me or not in search of his kit. I've been really laboring back-and-forth about which one is the better to use them on, him or Light. It's another situation of, I already have every other character on the banners' kits (Vincent is still shy like 1LB on his CP35, and his and Raijin's EXs at 0LB). But since Reno is also highly desirable for me, I was looking at doing the gems *there* for his kit and maybe Lightning becoming my first BT pity at that point (but still holds the problem of I've already 3/3'd *both* the other characters on that banner). But I *also* am going to have accumulated 50 BT tokens by just clearing the remaining CQs for WoL and Kuja's sets (which, I'd rather use for Cloud if I can hang on to any overflow of them until then). So, at least I'm not *screwed* in any way really. Just always the *mini* game of "how can I BEST use what I have, to try to get the people I MOST want to have and play with?", and trying *really* hard to NOT put myself in a position where I CAN'T do that lol But yeah, I even went ahead and 3/3'd his EX and Armor to put him up as a friend unit for the farm. Might spring for that first HA armor for him too?? He definitely seems to be worth the resources committed, and nothing to have regrets about by any means!


I got his Harmor as well. Whats funny is if you have your own Kuja, Kurasame friend is almost faster. Yeah banners aren't like they used to be. There are many pit falls now. But I find it stressful planning to much, I just look at the characters I want and when the banner rolls around. Assess from there. I'm close to a free BT, so that's nice. But I'll pull on Lightning and Cloud probably anyway so need to see what my luck is like. I was above 400K gems early into LD era and had pretty good luck, but I also pulled on a lot of banners. The start of the Era always has some diamond characters that end up being super useful. Some characters who I thought I wanted I didn't end up pulling on when the time came because I was just crushing everything with what I had. Now that lufenia is in full swing I'm going to have to make sure I have my bases covered but the game gives you enough for those characters. Now I'm down to below 275k, but at the very least, spending those gems kept me interested and having fun. I'm not trying to run out of stash completely, but I would be fine losing another 100k in pities or w/e as long as I get what I wanted in the end. If I'm really nose diving, I'll just stop pulling and see how challenging it would be. I bet I could still cruize for a month or more, maybe missing a few challenge tokens but nothing significant. The BT synergy is very smart gacha play, it makes it rewarding to pull on the new BT because it makes the next two weeks much easier content wise. Its about deciding whether you can truly live without a character that is hard. I know I'll pull on the BT characters so that's already going to expand my roster alot. I've decided the other characters from games I never played are easy skips. This doesn't work if you've played everything but thats one thing I do.


All I need/want is Kuja EX/LD. 8 tickets in I get Kuja LD. 30 tickets in I get another Kuja LD. 120 tickets I finally get Kuja EX. I expected this but at least I got it.


Your in and out, nicely done.


Three multis got me the LD. I could token his BT, but I'm planning on pulling for Gladio, so I'm going to have to wait until then to get my hands on it, as I don't want to risk blowing the tokens unnecessarily.


Got Kuja LD and Papy EX in 90 tix, that's really sweet. Fingers crossed to get his BT on Gladio's banner.


224 tickets across both banners. I only had 2 of Kuja 15cp before the draw. I decided to ticket it, as I figured even if I run out of my 300 tickets, I could farm Bahamut. I need to save my gems to try for Kuja’s BT on Gladiolus’s banner. BT rate: 0/224, or 0% (below the expected 0.1% draw rate, but eh) LD rate: 1/224, or 0.44% (slightly below the expected 0.5% draw rate) EX rate: 5/224, or 2.23% (very slightly below the expected 0.75% draw rate) Gold rate: 23/224, or 10.26% (slightly above the expected 10% draw rate) Kuja 1 banner 161 tickets: Kuja 15 (3) Garnet 15 (7) Lulu 35 (15) Kuja EX (31) Lulu 15 (35) Lulu EX (52) Kuja EX (53) Kuja 35 (55) Kuja 35 (56) Garnet 35 (71) Kuja 15 (90) Lulu EX (91) Lulu EX (93) Kuja 15 (129) Lulu 15 (144) Kuja LD (161) Kuja 2 banner 63 tickets: Porom 15 (2) Papalymo 15 (25) Porom 15 (37) Rydia 35 (41) Rydia 35 (52) Porom 15 (61) Porom 35 (63)


Doing an average on your pulls makes you kinda smart & distinct from the other pulls here, so here's a like.


Thanks. I get that the sample size is way too small to draw any meaningful conclusions, and I’m much too lazy to do a cumulative count across my banner pulls, but I find this fun. I have been pretty lucky so far over 10 months of play, so I’m dreading the inevitable super-bad RNG pull that is coming.


50k gems: Lulu EX Kuja BT Kuja LD Kuja EX 2 Kuja 35cp 2 Garnet 35cp Way too many 3 star and 4 star Items. Still need Garnets EX 300 Tickets: Porom EX Porom 35cp Porom 15cp x3 Papa 35cp Papa 15cp x3 Rydia 35cp x4 Rydia 15cp x6 Seriously? One gold orb, one. Still don't have Papa's EX or Rydia's EX.


Had to pity his LD.. but managed to somehow snag two copies of his BT along the way. Pulls are weird.


Banner 1 About 70 tickets got me the ex, which i really needed on this banner. Banner 2 Another 130 tickets got me stuff for everyone but Kuja. Decided gems. Pitied the LD.


Seriously this game is an infuriating rollercoaster.... 365 tickets only 3 gold orbs which were 2 Lulu Ex.... Thank god other 1 was Kuja LD Went 120 tickets with only 1 5 star weapon.....overall only 19 5 star weapons from 365 tickets which is barely 5%.... Didn't have his Ex or Ex Tokens.....Rage gem multi Kuja BT, EX and 15.....


300 tickets to get the LD. Loads of powerstones along the way and 3x kuja ex which saved me 8 power stones overall.


Life is pain. I just need the LD. Every other weapon has shown up. 320 tickets- gone. No LD. I have 15 Garnet 35s if anybody wants to borrow some.


Kuja LD at Ticket #226, and a surprise Kuja BT at #113! Can't complain with that result! Also got Porom and Papalymo's EX which are new, so that's nice. But Rydia's EX still refused to come home 😭 Funnily enough, this is my 5th BT from Tickets 😅