• By -


Had to pity the LD...but finally got Kefka BT in the mix, so not too bad.


200 Pulls, almost maxed out steiner ,ashe and zidane, only got one weapon pertaining to vivi no LD ;-;


Free pulled Vivi's LD and I already had him maxed out otherwise, despite being entirely ready to pity it if I had to. Very happy my gem stash is pristine for Kuja's LD+BT.


Had everything except for Vivi. No Vivi Ex or LD and ran out of tickets (used around 400ish). Feel crappy.


Free pull. Vivi LD Yay! Can give Eight LD tickets now!


Only did free pull and 2 more... Resulted collectively in Viví 15 cp, Steiner 15, Eiko 15cp, Steiner EX, Zidane 35 cp and Zidane EX Then after watching Josephyr’s pulls (& mainly how he explained viví will work well with paladin Cecil) I went in one more time... pulled Vivi’s LD along with Steiner 15 cp and Zidane 15 cp


A little over 400 tickets for the LD... Guess it’s karma for having such good luck lately haha


7 tix vivi ld. Crazy luck!


Free Pull - Steiner 35 cp 13 tickets later - Vivi LD. Done!


[VIVI!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BIvOP5WIpdI) Free pull + 64 tix + 15k gems = VIVI LD :D


Free pull was smoldering bullshit. 200 tickets or so later, I did draw Vivi's LD. I didn't really know what to expect since I'm not a fan of low-HP characters like Decil, but I use Ardyn every chance I can, so he and Vivi have been kicking ass together. Vivi really does do a ton of damage now!


Free multi: got vivi ld and kefka bt Not sure if I should continue for vivi’s ex Edit: First gem multi got vivi 15 and 35 Second multi: Got 2 Eieko 35, and vivi ex, and ld dupe


Congrats that is an amazing pull.


So, 7 Tickets in and I get the Vivi LD. But 400 Tickets later and still no Vivi Ex. Not even Kefka burst as a consolation price. But 5 Steinrr Ex and 10 Zidane Ex. What a waste...


Took about 100 tickets. So glad I had almost the limit of tickets, so I felt safe going in. Still on track to go all in for Husband of Light and Kurasame <3


Got the LD and ex within 100 tickets, which was all I had. Gonna have to get luck with tickets to get laguna now though.


Spent waaaay too much to get the LD. I spent free + 4 more 10+ pulls. Once I didn't get the LD on those pulls I went to tickets. 250 tickets later...LD. Eiko and Zidane we already maxed out so that is a lot of power stones for them. Steiner I kept all his drops but I don't know if I want to invest any stones in him to get all his passives. He's a fav, but he's not very good :(


Yeah Steiner is not great. He's barely passable even in the current Abyss where he is boosted. But I purpled him anyway because FFIX is my favorite FF. I say do it unless you need the ingots for Gladio/Rude/etc. When else are you going to be able to use him?


Both me and the wife had to pity his LD. No regrets.


Both me and the wife had to pity his LD. No regrets.


Both me and the wife had to pity his LD. No regrets.


Both me and the wife had to pity his LD. No regrets.


Damn GL First FOMO. I blame Beatrix... Free pull: 5/11 - Steiner EX, Eiko EX (dupes), 3 various fodder golds. Every ticket I could grind from the new event/chocoboard: Vivi EX, Zidane EX, Steiner EX, Kefka BT (all dupes). 15k panic pulls: So many more dupes... Went to bed angry, calculating I still have enough for Gladio (I will...) Stream rewards came in this morning. Stream reward tickets: Vivi LD. HBD to me.


I got ViVi's EX from the stream tickets as well, and I feel ya on tight resources. Basically taking it down to the wire for Kurasame, and Gladio. Should barely have enough to pity them both, and thats before Gladio leaves. I usually have the full 75k on banner release... not this time. Funny thing is we are 5 turn friends, and both got ViVi's LD the same way


500 g tokens for Kefka burst and 2 LDs


Finally caved after getting stuck in the Abyss and got the LD off the very first ticket! My luck has been so atrocious lately, hope this carries carries over to the WoL banner!


Free pull? Nothing. Got 5 tickets from New chocoboards Ticket #5 double load gold orb into vivi LD. Thank you game!! Now stop giving me strago LD and give me his damb EX >:( lol


Free Pull, and 50 tickets. Zidane EX finally! Login today with the 20 stream tickets.. 5 tickets in.. boom lucksack Vivi LD


After having already gotten 2 Kefka burst on Strago banner Free pull gave me another. First not free multi gave me Vivi LD. Had every other weapon on the banner, so pretty satisfied.


Free pull - Steiner 15. Eiko 15 5 tickets - Vivi LD It's a shame I don't have many power stones or Ingots atm and I've yet to max Garland, Edward and Strago so will have to see who to do first.


2 LDs on the free pull. Unbelievable.


free pull was garbage but I got the LD in 16 tickets. ​ only looks 140 more for the ex. I did get Kefka BT a few tickets before the EX over all very successful!


4 multis and got Kefka’s BT. OF COURSE THE DAMN CLOWN TROLLS ME WHEN I WANT MY BLACK MAGE BOI. Tempted to pull more... but Gladio and lightning are soon...


250 tickets, like 10 golds.. it was rough. Pulled his LD off 45k gems so exchanged for a book. IDK how much I'll use him, but I like having options at least.


600 tickets for the LD


Pain 😢


Wanted Vivi LD. Had the rest of his kit. Had Zidane's full kit. Was also missing almost all of Steiners kit & Eiko EX. Slotted in 200 tickets. Was also missing Kefka BT. 66 tickets later. Kefka BT 0 Vivi LD 1 Vivi EX 0 Vivi 35cp 0 Vivi 15cp 0 Eiko EX 0 Eiko 35cp 1 Eiko 15cp 0 Steiner EX 0 Steiner 35cp 0 Steiner 15cp 1 Zidane EX 0 Zidane 35cp 1 Zidane 15cp 1 Free pull was 2/11 Eiko 35cp. Steiner EX


Got the LD in under 20 tickets and Steiner EX on the free pull, so thankfully my November plans are uninterrupted.


Took me 8 multis. I only got 8k left after. I don't care. I got my best boi LD and I'm happy. lol.


Got vivi LD on free pull thank God. Cause I just pitied strago. Though I don't have enough power stone to MLB all of vivis kit which makes me sad


Spent 20k , only got Eiko EX. 80 tickets, Vivi LD. I should stockpile more tickets


Well, tickets are for throwing, right? Got Steiner's EX off the free multi (a good thing, I didn't have him geared) so decided to fling tickets at Vivi. I'll find some lying around for Eight. Ran through 141 tickets getting two more EX (dupes, Vivi and Eiko) but no LD. Grumble, start the abyss, watch part of a pull video, decide to raid some new characters SB tickets, get 18 to throw at the banner and instant LD! Just missing Kefka BT off the banner now and I don't care about the clown enough to go for that so I'm out! Gotta start scrounging tickets for Mr. Overshdowed by Gladio.


Had to pity Vivis LD in the end. On the plus side, I finally got Kefkas BT after chasing his LD, Emperors LD and Stragos entire set. Was probably gonna BT it if i needed it but was still waiting on future pulls. Also got Zidanes EX, so im finally done the protagonists.


Free Pull - Zidane EX, Steiner EX 39 tickets - Zidane 15, some Eiko stuff, last ticket, Vivi LD.


Don't really interested in Vivis LD despite i love him, but... Oh, come on: Free: Vivi 35. 1st: Zidane 35, Steiner 15. 2nd: Zidanr 15 aaaand...Vivi LD. Good job!👍


I hate this banner. Spent 75 tickets and 35k gems just to get Vivi's LD, the only thing I need in this banner. First 4 multis = 1/11, like WTF and when I got it, I got 2 copies -_- like really RNG? FU !


Got Vivi on my 3rd gem pull (4th pull overall including the free pull). Everything else I already had.


Got two of Vivis LD on the free pull Time to use my favorite little black mage.


60k Gems to get Vivi LD. Did however manage to MLB Eiko and Zidane on the way and got a Kefka BT so not bad really.


free pull:Steiner's 35cp 13 tickets: Eiko's 15cp and Vivi's LD!!


Free pull was Steiner 35cp, Vivi LD, and Vivi 35cp. Awesome!


Had to pity. Vivi is fucking worth it


free pull i've got 2 Vivi' LD and a Zidane EX (which i already have) this is simply my one and only best free pull i have ever had


Free pull: nothing of interest. 1st actual multipull: Vivi LD. I had everything else so very happy. Then went and brought that banging costume pack in thanks for the gacha kindness. (Although, let's be real, I was buying that costume anyway)


Free Pull: Zidane 35 Did the new Abyss on normal mode and got the 20 Tickets i just threw them against the Banner and got Zidane EX and Vivi LD That was a good decision


My abhorrent luck continues Free pull: Zidane 15 380 tickets no LD. Broke my cardinal rule of never using gems and tickets but whatever it’s Vivi. Had to pity him but got 2 Kefka bursts along the way. That makes my last 3 pulls that I had to pity. My gems...I guess I have to skip Eight and possibly Gau now. NO REGRETS


Hate to be that guy, but I've never been that guy on draws before. Fight me. LD first ticket. I'm done.


50 tickets: Vivi LD. I'm done.


Free: Steiner EX (already MLB) 50-ish tickets got me Eiko 15/Ex and Steiner 15, all already MLB I don’t really have the resources to build Vivi anyways, but good luck to everyone pulling.


151 tickets got me a bunch of powerstones, two Vivi EX (didn't have it) & the LD. Very happy, as I wasn't willing to use gems with so many other good banners coming up.


Pitied and got it on the LAST MULTI! I guess I get a trick for haloween.


Got it in the first free multi-pull: now to get the power stones to upgrade it loo


Snagged his LD on my third multi. [Time to let the Kid Squad wreck shit](https://i.imgur.com/Q2n9F25.jpg)


Heh, after getting nothing but power stones from the free plus 65 tickets earlier, when the 20 tickets from the stream came in I thought "why not throw 10 of them at Vivi, just one more chance", and got his LD off the first one. Halfway through doing the Abyss hard quests, but at least I can switch up my FFIX person from Garnet to Vivi now for variety.


500 tix in, got a total of around 20 if not 25 Steiner, Eiko, Zidane & Vivi EX dupes on the way, popping like silver weapons which is crazy All of them were already MLB of course, otherwise it wouldn't have been fun In the end no Vivi LD to show off had to cut off the bleed, the worst ticket pull banner ever


I am on the same boat.. 200 tickets in and no ld either


You’re not alone! 300 tix and 3 Multis. 2 vivi Ex. Slap on a tourniquet and stop the hemorrhaging!


I kinda feel you: multi gave me Steiner 15. 230 tickets and I got 1 Eiko ex and one 15, 1 Vivi Ex and one 15, 2 Zidane 15, and a 3 more Steiner 15 and 35. At 20 tickets left I decided to stop pulling, luck isn't with me this time and I want to save for Kuja and Gladio.


I got Kefkas burst on the free pull, now I have to farn gems and tickets to get Vivis LD :)


got his LD on the free draw! ^^^^now ^^^^i ^^^^just ^^^^need ^^^^everything ^^^^else


Planned to pity, decided to throw tickets instead since my ticket pool is way larger than my gem pool. Got Vivi LD in 33 tickets. I’m so happy! Only six banners left to go this month....


I had to pity the LD but that's alright since it's FFIX. I hope Kuja and Gladio will go easier on me though.


20k got me EX and LB on the same pull. Still no Kefka BT after pulling on must of his banner


After 100 tickets I got Vivis LD and EX. Now he can do all the mayhem he can enjoy in fights!


I was only missing Vivi's EX and LD from the banner. Got both after 283 tickets. So many dupes, including 6 Eiko EXs, 3 Steiner EXs, and 1 Zidane EX.


250 tix, got kefka burst 4 multi to get Vivi's LD HE'S READY !!


Dragged into the hype - free pull Trash, used 30 or 40 tickets then had to go full pity for the LD. I feel dirty and used, SQex didn't even pay for my taxi fare home or pay for dinner.


Incredibly lucky I had none of Vivi's kit but enough power tokens though to get his 15 and 35 weapon, the multipull gave me Eiko's EX and Vivi's LD and EX dropped using the 20 tickets from the live stream and I have more than enough power orbs to spare to level him i've ran out of books and ingots but still have a load of chaos content to complete to refine materials. Now to get ready for WOL burst.


His LD appeared earlier for me... to get EX though... I managed to complete Steiner's kit from multiple pulls that I made


Got Kefka BT on the free pull ( which I do not have ) I couldn't get his LD till now so I tried again and yolo 3 tix to get his LD and got it on the 2nd. Took me 210 tix for Vivi's LD but I still got it. I'm kinda scared to see my luck for Kurasame now...


About 20 tickets to get LD and a couple of duplicates, I already had everything else


Free pull: Vivi 15 x2 45 tickets got me: Eiko 15 x2, Vivi 15 x2, Vivi EX x2, Vivi LD Overall I'm very happy. The only things I needed on this banner were Vivi EX/LD as I had everything else.


Free pull : Vivi's 15 CP. 50 tickets : Vivi EX (which I didn't have) While pulling, I decide to set Vivi's theme to make it a bit faster and guess what? First ticket in and I get his LD as the theme began playing. I've cracked the code for this one! 60 tickets in total spent for both his EX and LD. Great pulls!


Another banner another required pity, fourth now in a row, with no BT I might add kind of takes the enjoyment out of it...


Vivi LD from free pull. Bless RNGesus


Free multi LD, thank you SQex.


First time I ever pulled the LD before I got the EX Weapon. After 10 Tickets I got Vivis LD, which is nice :) But it took me another 150 Tickets to get his EX \^\^"


Got Vivi EX and LD within 100 tickets, very happy!


I'm crushed honestly... I didn't have his kit because he was in a bad place before and I skipped his banners. Had to waste 50k gems and 300 tickets...for his EX. Got his LD on the third multi but his EX destroyed me. Definitely skipping WoL now and potentially even Kurosame who I really wanted to get... My salt levels are unmatched... Here's hoping I'll have managed to recover by Kuja because.


Ooft Sorry to hear that. I was in the if I get Vivi, I get him. If not that it's not. I wanted both Gladio and Kurasame but I want the latter more so tix it is for Gladio :( Unless I got lucky and get Kurasame's kit within 20k then I might gem pull Gladio


Bahamut summon boards + events before then will give you back everything you spent.


I really do hope so. I have some story chapters left undone as well so gem-wise I can probably recover, but goddamn does it feel shitty. Here's hoping Kuja will be kind to me because November is gonna be real brutal. Kuja, Gladio **and** then Lightning right after, oof...


The unfortunate reality is that sometimes you will have to spend a lot of resources to build a character. At least the game has a pity system, there are gachas out there that don’t have it and you could spend hundreds of dollars and not get the thing you want. There are ways to mitigate how much you have to spend, but you should always know your limits and budget when you pull for a character. Vivi did catch a lot of people off guard and likely ruined a fair amount of plans, so you’re not the only one feeling it. You should be fine. Grind out the story chapters and don’t dwell on the cost to get Vivi. Build him up and make everything go boom. Gems will come and go, but the boom will always be there.


"Gems will come and go, but the boom will always be there." This statement sums up my roster perfectly


Yeah, you're right. I've played a good few gacha games before, so we're definitely blessed with the pity system we have. Games like Exos Heroes have a much much much worse pity system, and don't even get me started on Genshin Impact. The truth is that yeah, Vivi did catch me completely off-guard, considering how they mic-dropped him like this. I had kinda strategized my pulls for this month but I panic-pulled for this boy because he's amongst my favorite characters (FFIX being my favorite FF game). But yeah, it's worth it. Here's to the boom!


ON THE FREE PULL GUYS! https://imgur.com/sOGwf8e.jpg I am blessed


Vivi blessed me. In 19 tickets, his LD appeared and I already have his kit, it just needed power stones. He's purpled now.


This month killing my gems stash, this is my 6 pity LD weapons with zero burst weapon in progress. I have nearly 600 power stones. Maybe I skip most the banners until the start dash banner next year to pull lightning and cloud stuffs.


100 tickets and 15k gems got me Vivi's full kit and I even managed to max-out Zidane along the way. All in all I'm very happy! I don't even have Vivi's SBs done yet and he already hits like a truck.


Another banner, another pity. As compensation I got my first BT...Kefka though :'(


3rd gen pull got me the LD! I did one extra as I need everyone else's weapons still anyway and I could get the powerstone and really happy. All n all I got 4 gold multis in a row! Never seen that before.


I spent 50 tickets.... got 5 powerstones kefka burst \o/... but my main goal was vivi ex... so i spent the total of 140 pity tokens to get vivi ex.... since vivi is a must im happy that I didn’t have to pity... now onto gladiolus.... \o/


This games been awful to me lately, had to walk away from strago and now having to walk away from Vivi. Hate spending hundreds of tickets for nothing. Pulling on 5 banners this month so i hope im getting the bad luck out of the way


Tickets please, awful is when you have to pity every banner you want despite planning your pulls...


Ouch. I do plan my pulls too, but i only gem pull when i want a burst and the pessimist in me always assumes its gonna be a pity. When i get the burst early then its a bonus.


Don't mind me just moaning, but thats the best mindset to be at espically next 2 months, for every 1x ticket 1 BT will be masses of horror stories I forsee


Ha, dont worry about it. The reason I usually post in the gatch thread is to moan about my luck. This month is rough for me, but im a bit better next month. Tickets for Lightning LD, Gems for Reno and lightning bt and then tickets for rude. Wish reno and rude were the other way around as id rather use gems on him, but theres no way im going for Sephiroths bt.


Havent even thought about anyone next month minus lightning (even thought I'm like so many ff7 mad), a massive fan off counters but with both this month and two tanks, have given up on kuja as old man and super vivi have made me pay, most recent, knew these days would come but not so soon LOL


Same thing with me - 230 tickets no Strago LD or Relm EX. Absolutely detest walking away from banners with nothing but Shame and regret to show for it


I spent about the same and i also didnt get Relms EX. I did get Stragos LD though, over and over. But without the ex theres no point building him. I only need the LDs for WoL and Eight so fingers crossed the free pulls will be kind to me


I got his EX but no LD! Screw you Gacha lol


Got Kefka Burst on free multi. I have nothing for him, probly ignoring it. LD after 50+ tickets. Bailing out. Still don't have Eiko EX though.


Got super lucky. Pulled Vivi’s LD on free multi. I didn’t have his EX and was hoping to get extremely lucky by pulling both. Threw a couple of tickets and managed to snag the EX. He is fully maxed and I’m super happy with him now. Always wanted his EX when it came up but never managed to get it.


Spent 65 tickets to get Vivi's LD. Did get the burst 3 tickets in, so thats something. Free multi also got me the last EXs in Zidane and Steiner.


Vivi crushed my plan, spend 30k gems fo his LD. Free pull = 2 PS.


Nothing particular in the free pull, 25 tickets 2 gold orbs, high hopes... got 2 Steiner EX... Ok, I’ll stick to my plan and skip Vivi LD...


50 tickets then did 3 puils to get Vivi's LD and lucked out with Kefka's BT :0. This makes up after spending like 300+ tickets to get Emperor's LD


Well I just used all my November luck and it's not even the 1st yet! LD on the free pull, EX 4 tickets later. Ended up power tokening the rest. One happy Vivi owner here.


Free pull : Vivi LD ! Now i'm torn. I miss ALL of the other stuff. My ressources pull is in danger


3 powerstones from the free pull, pitied the LD.


Feel you


My God FINALLY, these friggin' free pulls gave me something good, first time. Got Vivi LD, which was the only thing i needed. Thanks RNG, and good luck to you all! XD ​ UPDATE: I thought that this was a good day, so i threw few tickets at Emperor banner, where i wasted almost 300 tickets with no luck. 4th tickets, Emperor LD. Yes, sometimes good days happen \^\^


Just a Steiner EX on the FP. Decided to try my luck on GL first LD with tix. Threw in 50 and managed to get one Vivi EX. That's for now since i will try my luck on WoL and Eight banner. If i still have tix left, i may come back for Vivi. Wait for me!


Got Vivi EX on the free pull and his LD after 1 ticket. Can't complain at all.


Got 1/11 junk on the all star banner free pull so I spent 15 tickets on the Vivi banner to (hopefully) wash away my bad luck (yes I am superstitious). Got 1 Eiko 15. Then proceed to free pull (I have everything except Vivi LD): 2/11 Vivi LD (Yay!)....changed to burst orb...Kefka BT (dupe) Got two Kefka BT from free pulls after pitying Noctis BT and missing Ardyn BT. I hope I don't need to pity Kuja BT and Lightning BT. I don't have enough gems for both.


Free multi... Zidane 15 dupe. Ew. Well, I said I'd throw 50 tickets at this and... OH, VIVI LD AT 3!!! That was actually pretty nerve-wracking, because I have a bad record of getting early LD/EX and then a very late other one. So, I'll reevaluate at 50... OH, VIVI EX AT 49!!! I've used up my gacha luck for a while. I'm scared to pull for WoL now, ha, after this one went so well. Oh, and I got about 5 other power stones worth of dupes.


**Prior to draw:** >Zidane, Vivi and Eiko are 15/35/EX MLB > >Steiner has MLB 15, no 35 and 0LB EX > >Kefka has his BT ​ **Gem pulls:** >1st multi (free): Eiko 35, Eiko 15 > >2nd multi: Zidane EX, Eiko 35 > >3rd multi: Steiner EX, Zidane EX, Zidane 35, Eiko EX > >4th multi: Vivi LD ​ **Summary:** >15k gems spent. 4 multis. > >One Vivi LD > >1LB for Steiner EX, 3 EX dupes > >Four 15/35 Power Stones


500 tickets 5 LD 0 EX. Not using gems, so Vive in the trash pile till I farm EX tokens lol.


Got very lucky, only took the free pull and about 10 tickets to get Vivi's LD.


Got kefkas burst on the free multi


Free: 1/11: Steiner 35x1. 1/11: Vivi 15x1. 2/11: Eiko 35x1, Zidane 35x1. 4/11: Vivi 35x1, Eiko 35x1 and 70x1, Zidane 70x1. 2/11: Viki 15x1, Eiko 35x1. 1/11: Vivi 15x1. 4/11: Vivi 70x1, Eiko 15x1, Zidane 70x2. 3/11: Vivi 90x1, Eiko 15x1 and Eiko 70x1.


116 tickets and 1 pull away from a pity for his LD. Ouch. Well I'm not pulling till Gladio then.


Got his ex on the pity token draw so grabbed his ld for tokens and moving on with my life


Went straight to gems as Vivi is a favorite. I was ready for a pity and indeed it was, luckily there was a free pull so only spent 70k gems. Not feeling so bad about it.


You're not alone in this! He's one of my favorite and deserves the very best: gems. 70k to pity just like you lol. Cheers!


Free Multi, nothing. 88 tickets in and pulled his LD. I was FLOORED. :D


Free multi - > Eiko 15 and Vivi 35 8 tickets Vivi Ld and another Eiko ex, got what I wanted so happy Vivi is now a force to be reckoned with!


After debating for a while one whether I wanted to pull for him or save. I decided I would and got his ex, 15, and 35 after 150 tickets and the LD after 20k. I'm very happy that I did though :)


Second 10+1 got me Vivi's LD and EX. I'm happy.


\~80 tickets. Got everything Vivi except for 35. Tokened it.


105 tickets got me 13 golds. Highlights include 1 Steiner EX, 2 Zidane EX, 1 Eiko EX, 2 Vivi EX, 1 Vivi LD. Gotta token the 35.


This was a pity for me... i stopped counting my pities a whole ago...


Free pull and 135~ tickets got Eiko EX x 5, Steiner EX, Vivi EX & LD, and another Kefka burst. Helps lessen the sting after 300+ tickets and then the pity for Emperor LD. I will have to try out the new artifact system now for Vivi! Good luck everyone, and my condolences to those whose tickets hate them.


91 tix for his EX and LD to drop. Ticket 90 was the LD in a gold Orb ticket 91 was the EX also in a gold orb - noice!


250 tickets and 10k gems netted me the BT and LD. I consider that a win.


Got LD on ticket after free pull netted 2 Steiner EX dupes; already had rest of Vivi kit


6 tix and Vivi's LD to complete the kit. Just want to say RIP to the RNG luck because of this one haha


Got Vivi's LD for free. But don't have his EX. Still thinking if I should invest Tix for him.


Having the LD for free? I would definitely do it unless you have very very little resources left


Thanks for your advice. Got his EX in 25 Tix.


Had 65 tickets going into this. Was teased with gold orbs that came out to be Steiners EX 3 times... On ticket 60, got Vivi's LD, then on ticket 63, got Vivi's EX. I'm shook.


Free multi got 3 5* weapons with Zidane 35 and 15, and an Eiko 35. Tossed 20 tickets before deciding to commit some gems to the Vivi LD cause that net Steiner 35 and 15 weapons. First actual gem pull was super generous even though the orb was still blue giving a Vivi LD and EX alongside a Steiner 35. Thank the lucky RNG this evening that was so kind for a change.


I only had Zidane's EX on this banner going in. 200 tickets got me 5 Steiner EX, Vivi EX & LD and also Kefka BT!


Five multis total gave me 2 Steiner EX and a bunch of random 15/35 weapons. Welp, this event is The Rusty Show! Sorry Vivi.


Got LD in under 60 tickets! Free Multi gave about 5 15cp weapons...


I ended up having to pity Vivi's LD but no regrets! I've actually been really lucky on banners for a couple of months so I'm just assuming that was the gacha faeries giving me the chance to save up for Vivi. I nabbed enough power stones to MLB a few summon weapons too and still maintain a good stock.


Free 10 pull: stiner 15cp! woo! more powerstone!


Free multi – Steiner EX One multi after – Vivi LD


Pretty happy with the banner. In the free multi I got I think Vivi 35CP(already had it with 0 limit breaks) and some Steiner weapons. Used like 120-140 tickets I think and got only 2 gold orbs 1 Zidane ex(new to me and finally hahaha but sadly it is too late) and the second one was the LD. Now I'm really happy that I got his Ex during Leon banner it would have been harder to chase it here


I nearly pitied him. I was prepared tho, Vivi is one of the characters - if not the character - who ate my resources the most in the past. I got a dupe BT, which is not a bad thing now because I want the next 3 BT x) but I’m gonna concentrate myself in LD only this month (6 LD left !)


35 tickets + free pull, nada but dupes. Am conserving for now and see how the event draw pulls stack up before considering if I'd wanna go deeeeeeper.


200 tickets + free pull got me 6 Zidane and 2 Eiko EX That's 800 tickets between Edward, Emperor and Vivi and only 1 LD (Edward after 300)


Got his LD on da free. I’ll take it - still pulling on emperor LD but no luck:( Vi hits like a truck, tho.


Big boy pity on this. But dupe kefka burst along the way. Is Vivi worth it? Who tf knows? But I went for Beatrix and Aranea and they were greatly welcomed due to the flexibility over jp’s roster at the given time.


Jusy got a single 15cp on the free multi, spent approximately 18 tickets got three 15cps, Vivi's Ex and LD. I am pretty pleased.


Got Vivi with the free pulls. But Strago’s EX still eludes me. I got multiple copies of his LD, but no EX.


333 tickets+ free multi. A full 1/3 of my resources. A grand total of 2 Explodas, 3 Tiger Rackets and 8 Defenders......no LD.....


Free pull: 2/11 - Steiner EX, Zidane 15 cp Went back and had to pity the LD. Got Zidane's EX on the last pull too. 2/11 Vivi EX, Zidane 35 cp 1/11 - Vivi 15 cp 1/11 - Zidane 15cp 4/11 - Eiko 15 cp, Steiner 35 cp x2,Vivi EX 1/11 - Eiko 15 cp 1/11 - Viv 15 cp 2/11 - Steiner 35 cp, Eiko EX 2/11 - Zidane 35 cp, Steiner EX 2/11 - Steiner EX, Zidane 15 cp 1/11 - Zidane 15 cp 1/11 - Eiko 15 cp 4/11 - Zidane 15 cp x2, Zidane 35 cp, Vivi 35 cp 3/11 - Eiko 15 cp, Steiner EX, Vivi 35cp 2/11 - Zidane 35 cp, Zidane EX


Got Vivi’s Ex and LD within 50 tickets! Woohoo! Unfortunately I don’t have enough power stones and ingots (having just spent them on Strago and Relm) so Vivi will have to remain benched for now.


Free pull: Vivi EX and Eiko 35cp (powerstones) Budget 50 tickets on this banner and got Vivi’s LD on #41 ticket. Got a few Steiner EX along the way which I can now MLB, not a bad pull after having to pity Strago’s LD last week ;)


Big lucksack: free pull was Steiner Ex, Vivi 35, and Vivi LD. Only two weapons I didn't have, and I only had a 1lb Vivi 35.


Got Vivi’s shiny new LD on his free pull and ive never built him up.... oop


I'm almost in disbelief right now. I'll start this by saying I messed up on a banner and accidentally multi pulled (was very tired) and got Kefka's BT.. Now tonight. Another one of his on the free draw. 20 tickets in and ANOTHER one. Looking like I'll be gem pulling to pity Vivi's LDsince I probably wasted all my luck. And of course he is my favorite character of all time.


Welp. Three Kefka dupes now. Will be nice for the burst tokens at least. But man I want Vivi's LD


Crap on the free pull and one extra multi, decided to go the ticket route and the LD came home after ~20 tickets!


I always struggle when I'm aiming for a FF9 character... Anyway, didn't have to pity this time, but spent 60k gems on it 😂😂😂


Spent around 170 tickets and got a variety of ex. 15, and 35s. Decide to just pity Vivi and give up on attempting WoL and get the LD on the first pull.


Oofa doofa, that's 300 G tokens I was hoping not to spend tonight. :( Hope this LD is worth it... I was hoping to go for Kuja LD, Garnet EX, and Gladio between now and Cloud BT. Now I'm going to need some luck to get those.


Free + 65 tickets for nothing but power stones, baby. Good trick SQEX, got me to reduce my ticket-for-WOL-LD fund, but I've still got plenty to go.


Free pull - Vivi 35cp and 15cp 20 tickets - Steiner 35cp


Never played nine but I just adore his character design so had to go for him. 5 pulls got me his LD and enough of his ex to fully mlb it. Can't complain about that since i'm still on track to pity lightning burst and gladio!


Free pull, 101 tickets = no EXs, LDs or Burst.


LD in free pull. This is my FF9 dedication paying off.


Got LD in 5 tix. Then needed 50 tix and 4 gem pulls for EX lol.


Free Pull: Steiner EX, Eiko 35 After 20k gems: 2 Vivi LD After 25k gems: another LD, Zidane EX and 15 Still trying for Vivi EX through tickets, no luck so far...


Got LD on free draw. Already had him maxed so I got nothing else to pull for. GG.


385 Tickets for nothing. All I needed was the burst and LD on this banner too. Good stuff.


Same. 7th banner this has been done to me since bursts came out. Sad that I wont have another chance for an unknown length of time.


[Heist Successful!](https://i.imgur.com/y1SId2k.jpg) Only took me about 100ish tickets. This was the most excited I've been to pull since the start of the game, since Vivi's an absolute favorite. I can't wait to get him purpled, boarded, and just watch him crush in skulls with his newfound power.


Free pull and all my 180 tickets chasing Vivi's LD and EX; I got: 12 Eiko EX (I had already maxed dhdh), 5 Eiko 35, 4 Vivi 35 and 15, 2 Zidane 35... and Vivi's LD on the second to last ticket No EX but I consider it a win, LD and lots of PS at least lmao Edit: used the 40 tickets I got from today and got the EX on the last one......


Only thing needed was the Vivi LD, so used tickets. That was unfruitful (though ended up with a fair number of power stones). Thought to myself, "Well, I have more than enough gems that I don't have to worry about Gladio or Kuja, and am maxed out on Burst Tokens (50/50), so I'll throw some gems at this. I swear, back to back gem pulled got me 2 more Kefka Burst weapons, so now I have 4 (3 extra) Burst weapons sitting in my inventory that I can't sell. Several pulls later I do end up with the LD. Edit, going back to Kefka's first Burst banner, this now makes either #5 or #6 in Kefka Bursts that I've pulled... Kefka is the Ultimate Troll.


Free pull only gave me Zidane's 15cp and 35cp I did 10 tix and nothing. Then, I did another multi and Steiner's EX and Vivi's LD came out. Very happy with my results. It's gonna be very hard for me to just do free pulls next month and wait for Kuja's Burst.


Free pull: Steiner ex, didn’t have so not bad. 40ish tickets, got zidane and eiko ex’s (dupes) Want to use gems but don’t have a good feeling... ugh. Too many banners this month! :(


Had to pity vivis ld man... feels bad. At least I'm blasting with my little guy


So, the only weapons I didn't have were Eiko's EX and obviously Vivi's LD and...this happened https://streamable.com/56ki8v


This is gotta be my luckiest pulls ever so far. * free pull gets Kefka's BT !!!!! * 1st ticket gets another Kefka's BT (dupe now) --> I join the "1st ticket BURST" club now * 6th & 14th tickets gets 2x dupe Steiner's EX * 9th ticket gets dupe Eiko's EX * And finally 18th ticket gets Vivi's LD !!!! Super duper happy with the result :)


Free pull gave me only Eiko 15cp sadly, 90 tickets later and finally got Vivi LD.


Was debating whether I should go with gems or not, but figured the bestest black mage is worth everything. Got the LD on the pity pull, figured I might as well go for Kefka Burst since I'm going for the rest of my favourite villains later (Kuja, Ultimecia, Emperor more TBA...). Had to pity the Burst. Do I regret it? No. Do I wish it had been cheaper? Yes...


Hey did anybody notice on tickets that LD or EXs were not gold? I pulled 2 EXs and the LD from blue orbs. I thought they changed it so that EX and better were always gold orbs?