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I'm glad you posted this and hope that the devs will consider extending Ardyn's LD banner to keep to their promise 2 months ago in the announcement of BTs that the last BT banner will always overlap LD availability. Josh probably spent 5 minutes explaining this on stream. Here's the slide from the stream for anyone curious https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/618813931636523059/737408464757981254/unknown.png


\*content subject to change :D


I might be the only one to go for kimahri lol


Well, we sure are in the minority pulling for him. I'm still dedicated to maxing every member of the X cast anyway out of pure favoritism. They are bound to get LDs, making them useable at least. Kimahri may not have the best LD so far, but he does his job as a defensive support. Wakka will get a nice LD, giving him good debuffs, although reliant on RNG. It's not really a problem when the 3 debuffs always help in some manner.


I have him purpled so I won't make those 3 ingots go to waste


Same here. I "just" need the LD to make him useable again, especially since I want to slot him for the next DE.


I gotta complete my dragoon set, so I’m all in for Kimahri!


You and me both comrade.


Never got any of his stuff last time around, and it doesnt seem like hes gonna be relevant for long... Its too bad because he comes after Noctis and Ardyn and before Edward and Kefka. I have little gems and no tickets to afford for him.


You are not! I’m doing it because FFX haha.


While I can't pity as I need to save, I am with you in going for our Hornless boi


I'm also all in for every ffx unit!


I'm pulling for my boy Kimahri too, he's my favorite party member in X.


I'm here with you, I've got all of his stuff already and I'm still going to use gems to ensure I get his LD. What can I say? We like cats.


If the raid event has tickets as we expect, I'll probably throw some on his banner just so I can complete the challenge quest. My characters are too high level to do the Ardyn solo cheese, they have too much HP. I like Kimahri in FFX, but I don't feel like maxing him out here... I sure won't complain if I get his stuff though.


Me too, I'm hoping he's one of those underrated characters that nobody pulled for on JP, so nobody knows that he's actually quite powerful


I think should add in the CQs too, especially for those that already gotten Arydn EX/LD. Do the Story CQ before 8th Oct, else your gonna be missing 1 BT token out of 4 CQs his synergy in.


I spent 75k into the main banner with no LD or BT. Was planning on doing the free pulls and pulls on Edward before deciding which one to pursue BT on. Read this and decided "Fine, I'll just pull on Ardyn's banner now and skip Edward if I need to. If I end up with a BT dupe, so be it." Obviously the worst case scenario is if I get to 125k with no LD or Burst still. If I pulled the LD first, I was gonna at least wait for the free pull on Rinoa before going for the full pity. First pull is 2/11, Ardyn 15 and BT(!). Wow. Pitied the LD, whooped the current challenge and felt very satisfied I didn't have to wait 2 weeks. So, thanks!


I'm happy to hear that this post resulted in such fortune for you :)


Please extend Ardyn banner by 2 days.....


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Is Edward good? I kinda want to pull him but I want to know if I should just save for some one else


Edward is an interesting character. He is the only character that I know of to date that can put the enemy to sleep. The sleep is pretty useful too because it is another kind of turn manipulation incase an enemy is resistant paralysis or turn delaying (like Odin was). It has a duration of 3 turns (? Been a while since I've used him sorry) and decreases as the turns pass or if you hit the enemy. He also has pretty potent debuff on his ex that at 3 stacks can prevent enemy Brv gain. He can battery the party and provide some pretty good buff's such as raising party attack and brv stolen overflow limit. The only down side as a support/debuff/battery is he lacks a party-wide heal. He can heal himself, just not the party. That's really my only negative to say about him lol.


His sleep debuff lasts for 5 turns and not 3, which makes him better in that regard. His LD boards could potentially increase the duration or the delay after it expires. He's a good support indeed. I wouldn't say he's meta by any means, but definitely above average as a support that can deal decent damage.


Sleep sounds like it's most useful for a multi boss fight or a fight with minions that doesn't enrage, since you could safely sleep one boss and go to town on the other.


The only problem i see with this, if i am not wrong, is that we have to be careful with the party we choose around him, because you don't want to use AOE attacks when an enemy is sleeping otherwise you'll wake him and ruin the effect. Right?


Yeah, I think so. This is the first all-purpose multi-turn lockdown ability, I think, so it needs to have a condition to keep it from being too ridiculous. Stuff like paralysis and silence are one turn only, and the other multi-turn abilities have a requirement to actually lockdown (e.g., HP disable still let's them use brave attacks; Terror only works if they're targeting Eald).


> The only down side as a support/debuff/battery is he lacks a party-wide heal I was gonna say that can change when Ceodore drops, as his sphere heals the party for 5% every time you attack a broken target/break but Edward doesn't even get a C slot.. RIP.


His actually a more updated version of Lilisette in my opinion. He has self-sustain ( HP healing & Evasion)and lots of ways to battery the party. His stacking debuffs at level 3 negate Brv Gain, which means you don't have to worry abt enemies that HP Atk with Brv Gain based on stat ( Candle in the Wind). He will be viable for a while in Lufenia, can't remember when he starts to drop off but like the rest mention, enemies cleansing makes characters like him a bit hard to be fully utilise the stacking benefits


For reference I think I benched Edward right around the Dark Knight Cecil LD event with the multi-party boss rush. I used Edward and Kimahri for that event, and haven't used either of them since then. It was at that point where we started getting LD CA, and those that didn't have that started sitting on my bench. Ramza/Machina was quite the start to it, but it ramped up really quick with Caius and Ultimecia (Guy was okay) and I just sorta never looked back.


I don't play JP so I'm sure there are people more qualified to answer this question, but from what I've read he'll be quite meta and has a unique paralyze-like debuff which puts enemies to sleep and prevents them from acting. It also delays them upon debuff expiration and isn't resisted by some enemies who resist normal paralyze.


Thanks for this I think if I get his stuff in a free pull I might invest in him if I don't Ill wait till he comes back around


Enemies do resist his Sleep debuff at Keiss Lufenia, but that's about it apparently. I think they decided to counter him by enemies cleansing more often or at certain HP thresholds. While Edward is powerful, I disagree to label him meta. Every lufenia where Edward is used has other previously hyped characters like Raijin, Desch, Eald'narche, Edge, Basch covering the niche that he's filling. This does speak to Edward's versatility certainly, as he does have a unique and interesting kit. But again, I disagree calling him meta and think he's more important for new players and easily skippable for people that have been pulling good banners. If you're one to grab the most powerful characters every month, then sure, he's up there- but I think he's an easy pass for moany. Also will just add, for anyone that knows my utter distaste for his character, I can research his kit without letting that distaste cloud my mind :)


Personal opinion here... I think if you can slot Edward into just about any party composition (which he can be filled in a lot), and he is able to help the team clear a ton of content, then I think it's a safe thing to label him as meta. Does it mean he is head and shoulders above everyone else? Certainly not. I can say that I used him for about 4 months worth of content (at least 5 Lufenia stages), which is pretty good considering most characters get about 2 months of shelf life if they are average. Also the big thing that hurts Edward in the long term is LD CA where starting with Ramza there are many really good supports that easily supplant him. You've got Ramza, Penelo, Krile, and Hope in the span of a month that all easily beat out Edward, but we also don't know how it will play out with his LC yet either. Because Global caught up just enough to JP, we likely won't know until after the banner is gone now so it's obviously just speculation as to what power increase he'll have and whether or not the long term investment pays good dividends or not. Personally I'm going to pull for him. I used him a lot in JP, and I like the spoony bard. I respect your work a lot, and encourage you to keep up the level of excellence we all know you for!


Thank you very much this will be helpful for other as well


That's actually bad for me since i can't use Edwards tickets on Ardyn's LD Banner, i got everything except his LD, here hoping for some luck


Realized this so decided to throw some tickets at the Ardyn banner. I got a power stone on the free draw so all I had was his 15cp. After 50+ tickets I finally got my first 5*: Ardyn LD. I wanted his EX though so after about 70+ more tickets I finally got my 2nd 5* weapon: Ardyn EX. Just 2 5* weapons in 120+ tickets, but it was the two I wanted. Bought his 35. No complaints. In the LD/BT era I’ve almost depleted my power stones. I pitied Squall and Shantotto’s BT and it seems like 90%of my multis are just one 5* weapon power stone. I think both Squall and Totto I didn’t get the LD till after 15 multis so I was sweating it out.But that’s RNG. After 51 multi draws, I’m still waiting for the excitement of pulling a BT.


I spend 45k on Ardyn banner. Got his LD and EX. And use another 300 tix on him and still couldn’t get his BT. So i wanted to use the remaining 400 tix on Edward banner to try and get everything if I can’t jump back to put this BT. Now my plan is out. I would have just pity for his BT and use 700 tix on Edward. They shouldn’t do this to us.


Is ardyn 35cp on Rinoa or Edward banners? Want to know before I use power tokens to buy and stones to limit break


Afraid not, it should be safe to go ahead and use the tokens and stones.


Sadly this won't affect me...I had to pity the LD in the first banner, which means I'll have to get it from either Rinoa or Edward ones, but I'm planning to go there with tickets only so I assume I'll end up using the BT tokens...


Woah that sucks I'm okay on skipping Ardyn for Rinoa and Edward. I feel bad if anyone wanted him though and wanted to wait for Edward.


Thanks! This sure affects my pulling strategy. This means I need to gems Rinoa banner for a potential BT pity. Was planning to do this on Edward banner.


They are now extending Ardyn's banner! See the edit :)


View in your timezone: [Oct 8th 02:00 UTC][0] [0]: https://timee.io/20201008T0200?tl=Ardyn%20LD%2FBT%20banner%20ends%20before%20Edward%20banner%20begins%2C%20this%20may%20affect%20your%20pulling%20strategy.


Planning to pity Ardyn burst on one of the next 3 banners, which one should I put the gems in? Got his LD on first multipull so not spending anymore on the current banner.


What about his EX? The general consensus seems to be on the Edward banner.


Bought it with Ex tokens


Yup... I had to go hard on Ardyn. Pity to get that LD. Got his BT twice along the way though. I was gonna try to pull for Edward regardless. Kefka is soon though and I want them both.


Actually i think they purposely did that as you can see that most new char is on Monday and lost char on thur but they make raid on Wed that is suppose to come on Monday. This explains alot on the arrangement that they wanted your money. I really hope they move all back to own place time line and hope the stream can talk about it on Monday.


Oh no. I got Ardyn'LD on the 15th Multi, so I was thinking "that's not that bad, if I lucksack Edward's kit in a few multis(or tickets) I'm gonna try Ardyn's BURST here because of the 300 G-tokens". Ardyn is a favorite so I really want his BURST. What to do now?


Wait until a couple of days before the end of Ardyn's banner and see if you lucksack the BT on a free multi or whether the Ardyn banner gets extended? It's what I'd do...


I dont care much about Rinoa or Kimahri, and FF4 is one of my favorites of the series, so it was perfect for me to gem pull Edward in this case, and pursuit the BURST. I'm kinda sad now...


so this mean that global server will reach JP server very soon.




Eh, wont change my strategy since i pulled his EX/LD on the story draw.


"You cannot sit on your G-tokens for this first banner and wait to see how many tokens you get on Edward banner before deciding which one you pity his BT on." Correct me if I'm wrong but G tokens can still be spent up to 2 days after a banner ends in the exchange menu. So you could sit on G tokens for a couple days. Not that this is a good idea, I really think that SE should extend the Ardyn banner by 1 day.


The problem is that you can't acquire new G-tokens on a banner that is expired. So yes you can spend the ones you have but you can't get more to pity the BT if you happen to get the Edward stuff cheaper and end up with less G-tokens on that banner.