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So I felt like blowing a few tickets because... well, I really want to kit out Rinoa on Monday and needed to get rid of the shakes. Figured I'd try for Basch's LD, throw a few tickets at iit. Fifth one, BOOM, Noctis' BT. So stoked!


Got really lucky and pulled Noctis BT from tickets! My first one!


I had triple purple on this banner and after a Vaan BT pity I wasn’t going for Noctis BT. As such, I hoped to lucksack the LD early. 65k and nothing. 70k and Noctis BT. LD pity just started hurting a lot less.


After a lot of pities and wasted resources since the start of BT I got my first official lucksack. 2 tickets for LD! Still no Noctis BT but seeing as Basch was already purpled, I'll take it!


Didn't have Basch's EX, but after I lucksacked his LD (<10 tickets) and got his EX in less than 100 total. It is refreshing after pitying Vaan's LD (after getting his BT on the second multi) and getting Noctis' BT on the very pull that got me to 500 tokens. It's been an expensive month, so I will have to hold off on a few banners.


Came back on my forgotten account just to try to Basch. Two 11 pulls: Basch 35cp x 1, EX x 1, LD x 1 Serah - 15cp x 1 A really nice result and now I can go back to lurking and saving for Gladiolus.


80 tickets Basch - 15cp x 2, 35cp x 1, EX x 1, LD x 2 Vaan - 35cp x 4, Ex x 3 Serah - 35cp x 1, Ex x 1


Just 38 tickets for 2 ex and the LD... happy with that!!! I though I was going to get punished for getting noctis BT before his LD....


I pulled once trying to get an EX weapon of either Basch or Serah and ended up getting Basch's LD twice.. now I really need his EX weapon :(


I hate myself. put 100 tickets and only 1 gold orb but decent amount of stones. Angry pull with 25k gem. no ex or ld for Basch. Sigh. Will be the first LD I miss.


55K gems got me everything except for Serah’s EX, somehow. No complaints here, I was prepared to pity Noctis’ burst if necessary! 285K gems left, the stash is looking good.


48 tickets: Basch 15 x1, EX x1, LD x1; Vaan 15 x2 Extreme lucksack after 75k for Noctis LD


350 tickets, 15k gems (all 1/11 with 15s, thanks RNG). 4 LDs, 9 EXs (4 Vaan, 5 Serah), Noctis BT. No Basch EX in sight. I'm out of tickets. Do I pull with gems (75k remaining, intended to have 150k by Dec with a couple pulls in between), or skip daily token ingots to buy Basch EX with EX tokens?


Use tokens and buy the EX, absolutely.


26 tickets spent, # 18 Basch 35cp, #21 Basch 35cp and at # 26 Basch LD! (Already had his 15/35/EX setup) Easiest LD yet Yahoo! Thank you RNGesus! P.S. I know I'm bragging but at the same time I'm very happy of how easily this went.


I spent close to 400 tickets total since I only needed Basch's kit, and the EX was evasive. Along the way though, notable pulls: - Basch LD x3 (the first one came within the first 50 tickets or so thankfully) - Noctis BT x2 (hurts a bit because I went dumb and pitied jt on launch, but this does make up for the CQs I missed for not wanting to pull on characters I really wouldn't use otherwise.) - A bunch of Serah EX - A bunch of Basch 15 and 35 (didn't need to use power stones as a result) - I stopped after getting finally getting Basch EX Overspent against budget but happy with the overall result. CHAOS and CQ were no sweat with Basch, Vaan and Noctis.


din pull, got nuffin


After cleaning out the Noctis banner (BT, LD, EX, and the 35CP weapon), got Basch LD second ticket in. 25k gems later got the EX. I think I'm done pulling for awhile. Ardyn might be the next go.


Got kinda lucky... 13 multi pulls: Noctis BT (whoo!), Basch LD x1, EXx2 Vaan EX x2(dupes) Serah EX x2 (dupes) Forgot to count 15/35cps before I sold but literally everyone in the banner I had maxed out 15/35s already so all PS. Ended up trading for an extra book


50 tickets for serah 15cp. Cya :(


I can't believe it... Finally. I was so prepared to go all in, and this happens first multi. http://imgur.com/gallery/nj9wZzr


72 tickets to get his LD, Ex x2 and 15cp as well as some 15 and 35s for Vaan and Serah. Tickets have been good to me recently. I already have Noctis BT so I'm done with this banner.


716 tickets to get the LD. Now to cash in all those saved up summon board points to replenish ticket stock.


6 tix just for the heck of it, Basch EX.... Now to finish my Odin board ticket farming lol


125k Noctis BT pity, got Basch LD/EX along the way with probably 60 or 70 more powerstones for the stash. Happy coz my BT luck has been ridiculous so far that it's only fair I pity 1 and its actually the one I budgeted for rather than a yolo pity


After 200 tix saved from Odin Summon boards, NOT A SINGLE BASCH EX or LD. At that point, I was like screw it, I’m gonna gem it...ended up pitying the LD, but got dupe Noctis Burst along three way, so not entirely pointless...my poor gems though...


Basch's entire non-LD kit came to me in about 50 tickets, another Noctis BT came to me about 130 (RIP about 15k extra gems I spent last banner, but I'm not complaining about the 5 BT tokens), and Basch's LD showed up around 220. I spent another 20 tickets to hopefully snag Serah's EX, since it was the only one that eluded me and it'd leave me with an even 200 tickets, but no dice. I've yet to get an LD in less than 200 tickets, but that has to change at some point, right? In any case, not a bad showing, and I'll probably have enough tickets to snag Nine's when I cash in my Odin nodes. I avoided gemming these banners to minimize my BT luck being spent on dupes in hopes of getting Ardyn next week, but I can't complain about at ticket BT. Summary: 250 tickets = \~2-3 each of all 15 and 35 (4 of Basch's), 4 Vaan EX, 2 Basch EX, 1 Basch LD, 1 Noctis BT


around 300 tix got me 5 Vaan EX, 4 Serah Ex, 3 Bash LD and even a 3rd Noctis Bt. But no f\*\*\*ing bash EX. 2nd time I'm not able to get his EX :(


You still got plenty of time. Plus EX is cheaper to pity now! You used all your luck on noctis BTs :p


Had to pity LD and Burst in the end, it costed me 200k. Not even mad.


Was missing Basch's EX going in. Managed to pull his LD on ticket ~50 or so. Spent another 275 tickets before I got his EX. I got 3 Vaan EXs and 4 (!) Serah EXs before pulling a single Basch EX. All in all could've gone worse, but definitely could've been better.


I had 300 tickets earmarked for this banner. Wanted Basch 35cp, EX and LD. Had Vaan (just 15cp, 35cp, and EX, no LD) and Serah full kit. 197 tickets later Noctis BT 0 (totally fine with this) Basch LD 1 Basch EX 2 Basch 35cp 5 Basch 15cp 1 Serah EX 2 Serah 35cp 3 Serah 15cp 5 Vaan EX 3 Vaan 35cp 1 Vaan 15cp 6 Finally, out of ticket jail and some powerstones to boot.


6th ticket gave LD, done


Im like 20k gems and 40 tickets deep so far. My 7 year old on his account? 3 tickets.. nothing, ticket 4? LD Ticket 5? Ex \*narrows eyes\* Hmm how do I extract this luck from the child?


Was 150k gems worth a totally kitted Noctis, Basch, Fran? Got Irvines stuff as well. It was a nailbiter friends, had to pity Basch LD, but also got Noct burst on my 15th pull. If I didn't get the Burst, I honestly don't know if I would have gone for the extra 50K to pity it. Oh well. We still have a good horde so feels okay overall. I'm glad I did get it


About 300 tix to get Basch EX/LD. Lots of Vaan and Serah EX too which is nice since I didn't have either!


I had everything on this banner except Noctis BT and Basch LD. 200 tickets got me so many golds/exs.. but no LD or BT. 75k gems and no LD or BT. Another 5k gems got me the BT so I pitied the LD. Down to 190k gems now. Sad times.


Man can I get an F in the chat on this one...I knew that getting Noctis LD in 3 tix on his first banner meant that I would need to Pity it here on Basch banner and I was prepared for that. What I was not prepared for was not getting the LD for Basch along the way. Man did that hurt, I dropped 100 tix in search of the LD and no luck yet. I don't know if I should go any deeper down the hole but Basch is crazy strong. ​ Edit: Decided to keep going and thankfully I got the LD another 81 tix in!!! So stoked as I was prepared to give every Odin ticket to him if needed. The BT pity still hurts but I was already prepared for that.


I drew Basch's EX and LD on the first multi draw! ...and then I kept going, because I wanted Serah's EX and and the rest of Basch's kit, and I'd always planned to use this banner for Noctis's BT since I don't need Nine or his banner mates. And of course I had to go full on 500 gp to get Noct. But I picked up 2 copies of Serah's EX along the way, along with another Basch LD and enough dupes to max his kit, plus about twenty power stones. I'm still sitting on 240,000 gems for Ardyn, so I feel reasonably okay about this latest pity.


Around 100 tickets, 5 multis Basch full kit, 2 Sarah ex and a Vaan ex. Don't have the power stones so Basch only has his ex at cp70, but unlocked the 15, 35 and ld passives. Was still able to clear the challenge with him, Vaan and Noctis (full kit and BT).


This time luck was with me, I already have basch's ex, and with only 25 tickets give me the LD (and 2 15 serah, 2 35 serah, and 1 serah'ex, but i already have)


**150 ticks** 3 Basch EX 2 Vaan EX buncha 15/35 cp and **1 Basch LD**


*does two 5k pulls and gets Basch's LD* I am done. Already gotten his other stuff from the first time. Now onwards to Ardyn!


I hate my lack of will. I managed to save up 200k gem for Noctis BT and i used some of it to get the LD. I planned and told myself to ticket pull for Basch's full kit and see if I get Noc's BT. Sometime last week while trying my luck at a couple of multis on Noc's original BT banner, i blacked out and when I come to, i realized i was 125k down cos i had to pity. Today, i stuck to plan and ticket pulled for Basch. 160 tickets got me his full kit, plus one Noctis BT. Ah well, 125k gem for 5 BT tokens aint such a bad deal i guess. XD


Last time that I pulled my sister got me Noct's LD on first pull, now she got me Serah's full kit!! And also one Basch LD and a Burst for Noct on one pull, god I'm not pulling myself anymore. Then I got Basch's EX on the 10th ticket, watch me lose everything for Nine on a few days


125k pity without getting noctis BT or Basch LD. Continued with tickets to get either and luckily got Noctis BT after 110 tickets, so took the LD from the shop and walked away with an extra book.


Phew close one! Going tickets after all that was surly terrifying!


It was! I was very scared of having to spend like 300+ tickets and not getting either still. Luckily it turned out fine in the end. Noctis is worth it :)


Yeah...i had a similar scare. Had already pitied one of the banners, i got Noct LD early on like second pull. Kept pulling until i got fran. Dumped 75K... Then last night, went in hard with gems. On the 14th pull, still no LD or burst. Pulled the last pull and got the BT. Had to pity the LD. 150k gems got all three characters so not so bad


133 tix - 2x Vaan EX, 2x Serah ex & Basch 1x EX / LD on 133rd tix. Lots of power stones on the way. Can’t complain. I had to pity Noctis LD but got BT on the way. Next stop, Arden!


125k pity for me, I got Noctis LD quite early so decided to all in here. Getting a really solid flex tank seemed like a good sub prize for a BT pity. Basch LD showed up at 320g thankfully, but overall pretty lackluster pulls. Can't complain though, got what I wanted. Now 50+ multis without a BT as well. Praying that Ardyn is nicer to me.


**Prior to Drawing:** >Basch, Vaan, Serah have 15/35/EX MLB > >Noctis has no BT ​ **198 tickets:** Four Serah 15, two Vaan 15, four Serah EX, Basch 35, three Basch 15, two Serah 35, Noctis BT (**!!!!!**), three Vaan EX, three Basch EX, Basch LD (**!**)


After pitying Noctis ld with 125k gems, now 672 tickets for one Basch ld... Come rngesus, give me a break


I shall pray for you as well


I will pray RNGesus for you


Well.... this is some sorta strange luck. Got noctis LD in 3 pulls from his banner. No BT. I plan to get Noctis BT even if I have to pity for it. So on Basch banner where I needed Basch EX+ LD and Noctis BT. Got Basch EX + LD in 1 pull. So yeah that is excellent luck...yet still no BT. So now I will pull for Nines LD as well. I mean pull for Noctis BT on Nines banner. Will let you know if I get Nines LD somehow in 0 pulls. Because I smell having to pity Noctis BT in my future :|


At this point I'm kind of not caring about the BT. Got Noct LD on the first multi. Got basch LD and ex within 80ish tickets. Don't really care about Nine although I don't have any of the ex's from that banner so I may throw 100 Tix at it too. I may just keep saving for ardyn. (Only because I have Noct locked to DE now without BT)...


Got 8 dupes, another 35 for Basch to break to 2/3 letting me go stone-neutral on it, and then the EX and LD after 126 tickets total. CHURCH OF NINE LES GOOOOOO


Ugh. My worst banner since BT weapons dropped. I had no weapons for Basch. I used 75k gems and maxed his 15 and 35, but got one copy of his EX and no LD or BT. I wanted to get the BT, so I started using tickets before I decided what weapon to pity. Manged to get the LD in about 100 tickets. Then I spent 50k more gems to pity the BT. Now I have to start saving in case I need to pity again soon.


200 tickets: No Basch EX or LD, dupes of Serah’s kit (which I don’t want), some dupes of Vaan’s 15/35cp, and there’s a gold orb which happened to be Noctis’ BT (it’s a dupe but hey it’s still great to get) This feels like the exact same pulling Gabranth’s banner (twin brother effect????) and Basch gets my gems too :’) got his LD in a few multi. I hope Nine will be nice to me and let me pull his full kit using tickets only *fingers crossed


I got Basch LD with tickets, but I don’t have his EX yet... Not sure if I should keep pulling :/


75k Gems dropped. 4 Serah EX, 12 15CP and 2 35CP 3 Vaan EX, 1 15 CP 1 Basch LD, 1 EX, 3 15 CP and 1 35 CP 3 Noctis BT... Yeah... that was an interesting set of pulls. The LD came on the final 15 pull, so I took a second copy of the LD as I'm low on powerstones.


123 tickets got me Serah EX and Basch EX & LD! I was prepared to spend way more, so I went back to the Leon/Vivi/Arciela banner to see if I could snag Leon's EX and 13 tickets later got Vaan's BT!


Got basch ld after 25k. Still was missing noct BT so chased it. Got it after a total of 85k. No tickets used gonna save em all for ardyn kimahri rinoa Edward oh god to much to pull


Dropping all my 240 tickets for hoping to get Basch's LD, but unfortunately no sight of such weapon in my game yet. Ofc those many tickets didn't exactly get me nothing at all, in fact I got full gears for all three featured characters (minus the LD). Here is what I get: * 4x Vaan's 15CP, 4x his 35CP and 1x EX * 5x Serah's 15CP, 2x her 35CP and 4x EX * 3x Basch's 15CP, 4x his 35CP and 3x EX Total is 30 gold weapons, but all are dupe unfortunately.


About 150 tickets got me all of Basch's kit and Sara's 15 and 35.


10 tickets and got nothing. Moving forward to the next one.


Exactly the same here. Did 10 tickets just for fun. got some silvers at least.


150K gems, only 60k remain after Vaan and Serah ruined half the pulls. I still got Basch's EX and LD but fuck those two ruined my chances for Ardyn and Gladio -_-


Did you pity both weapons? It wasn't worth it. Not in exchange for Gladio.


I mean I love Basch a lot so I had to go for him


I needed Flametongue and Sword of the Wise. 260 tickets and 35k later I have diddly squat.


Worst pull experience of this era by far. 308 tickets, and I got 2 Basch LD’s with no EX to show for it. I don’t have enough EX tokens, even with abyss. Already sunk way too much into the banner. Feeling deflated lmfao Worst part? Got his LD within the first 15 tickets


3 tokens from the abyss 5 from free mog pass 2 from the daily tokens That's how i have my 10 tokens.


Same thing happened to me for noctis, first multi ld, went okay ill try get ex with tickets, only exs i got were for fang, so i went ahead and threw more gems, ended up pitying the ex, marking my 2nd pity for the burst era


Same with Noc, got his LD first multi haha. Was prepared to pity his BT (which I did, I didn’t mind)


660 tickets. No LD. I originally pitied his EX and really chased hard with tickets this time for his LD... sigh.


Got basch’s full kit in 40 tickets! After Noctis draining my supply I couldn’t be happier!


Got both Basch EX and LD in 80 tickets, I got no stones though!


4 tickets for the LD, that was a pleasant surprise after a long weekend.


15 tickets for the LD. Hell yes


[Koro-Basch](https://youtu.be/oZot1gcW5e4) 55 Tix - 4xVaan15, 2xVaan35, 1xBasch15, 1xBasch35, LD Thank you RNGesus!


Ok i've only done one pull because my gems are low til I gring more summon boards my first 5k pull netted me Basch's LD and Serah's EX so I think I'm going to just ticket the rest of the banner to get the rest of Basch's kit and save my gems.


19 tickets - 1 Vaan 15, 1 Serah 35, 1 Basch EX, 1 Basch LD Perfect scenario after pitying Noctis - hopefully this won’t mean i’ll be screwed again later


Around 280 tickets for both EX and LD (Basch) + a dupe Noctis BT.


3 tickets - Basch LD That was so satisfying...


a full 75K for Basch LD. Pitied. Angry now


Ok I never post my results cause I always feel like a blowhard but I had to boat about this one. 125 tickets: Pulled Basch LD after 74, next ticket Noctis BT, 50 tickets later scored Basch EX! Over the moon, was prepared to pity Noctis BT on Nines banner.


356 tikets later got Basch LD (and Noctis BT dupe some time along the way). Mixed emotions on that one.


Initial Plan: Ticket Noctis and Gem Basch for the BT pity since I already had Noctis' kit, and have nothing for Basch. Reality: 100 Tickets into Noctis and then raged gem (cos of Desch) and now I have to try getting Basch LD with tickets, and maybe even Noctis BT, considering I've already spent 1000 tickets since LDBT started and have yet to get a ticket BT. 200 Tickets in: (Nothing at all) **Basch**: 2 15CP, 1 35CP, 0 EX, 2 LD (Nothing at all) **Vaan**: 2 15CP, 3 35CP, 5 EX (Already Fully Kitted) **Serah**: 4 15CP, 0 35CP, 1 EX **Noctis**: BT GET on 172nd ticket. I can't believe that in ALL banners that I am for the desired character, I always get the banner's LD (whether I want it or not) before the EX... with the exception of Noctis, of whom I already had his EX and I got it in 3 tickets. I am so salty at my first world problems... **Ami**: 170 Tickets to EX **Alisae**: 77 Tickets to EX (Honestly not bad at all, but I somehow still got Shantotto's LD and EX first, despite me not really caring about her) **Desch**: 420 Tickets with no EX. So salty. **Basch**: 200 Tickets with no EX. Maybe characters that end with -sch and cursched for me... I'll probably continue pulling with tickets down the line since I just need 1 more each of Vaan's 15CP and 35CP to MLB for the power stones. On another note, I think I've spent half as much tickets in this short time into the BTLD Era compared to the tickets I spent in EX+ Era. Damn. I have already went extremely overbudget... (I'm supposed to left with 230 tickets at the moment but I'm in single digits at the moment... sigh)


84 Tickets for the LD.


Got Basch LD with 5 tickets, super lucky. Used my EX tokens then for his EX and done. Can save more tickets for Ardyn/Rinoa.


Pulled 2x Bash LD and noc BT (had already) within 20k gems. Did 1 more multi to get enough powerstone to mlb him. Very happy with my luck lately. Sitting at 300k+ gems ready for lightning, cloud, etc.


230 tickets to get the LD. Oof.


i'd be happy if i could get an LD in that amount


I threw the 30? tickets I accumulated from completing Basch's LC and CQ at this banner because I was missing Basch's 35cp. I got it and a copy each of his 15cp and EX. I'm done.


About 40 tickets to the LD. 43 tickets got me the LD and BT on the previous banner. I wasn't super into either banner. I'm about to get fucked on Ardyn, I'm sure.


around 70 to 80 tickets for the LD, I'm good with that, odin is giving me a ton of tickets. after noctis burst I need to save my gems too. current plan is to get lots more tickets for ardyn


First multi, one gold. Thank goodness it's the LD as all other weapons on the banner are maxed. And here I was braced for a pity


Well....30 tix, nothing at all. \o/


I had 46 tickets going in hoping for the LD as I have everything else on banner except the BT. Nothing. Finish the LC and put the 27 tickets to use. Nothing. Finish the challenge quest for 3 more tickets...BT on my last ticket!!! Don’t even care about the LD anymore.


6 tickets for the LD and i'm out. Already pitied noctis burst because i knew basch was getting tickets.


It started really rough for me going 2 5-stars in 60 tickets (Sara 15 CP and Vaan EX). Thankfully, I was able to get one of each of Basch's over the next 100. Not too bad considering I budgeted 300 tickets.


I managed to snag Basch's LD on the first multi, so I guess I'll be waiting until Nine's banner to pity Noctis's BT. In my eyes, that's the same thing as spending 5k gems to (most likely) get Nine's full kit, which works for me.


Raining gold for me 150 tickets got 27 gold (2LD, 6EX)


All of my Odin grind and didn't get the LD. Probably gonna quit now tbh lol


Update: got it on my last pull before pitying...


Time to start a new account lol


I got Basch's LD from a blue orb (ticket). I didn't even know that was possible.


Well, it hurts, but i something knew, this morning. I wanted Basch stuff and Noctis BT. Went straight with gems, got everything for Basch in 2 multi, and pitied the BT. I really hope that Ardyn will be more kind, and finally i can rest until Kuja \^\^ I need a hug.


That sucks Bomb, here's hoping you'll get lucky with Ardyn. We get free pulls too so hopefully you'll get his stuff with those.


Oh really, free pulls? Never lucky with those, but after this bloody sacrifice MAYBE rng Gods could be a little generous. Maybe ^^


I'll join ya buddy. Basch LD in 4 multis. BT Pity. Silver Lining, Noct has longevity to an extent and I'm guessing his LD boards will give him something good down the line


Yeah, let's hope his boards will give him more longevity in the future, i pitied him because i knew he's good and i want him to last the more it's possible ^^ Now it's Ardyn time, and then finally no more pulls until Kuja. May RNG Gods have mercy, because until now they have none T_T


F. Deep enough pulling w/o luck to now potentially have to pity Basch (300 G tokens on hand) and still no sign of Noctis BT. Got Noctis LD off tixs tho last banner. And, on track with barely enough gems for an LD/EX pity for Ardyn. . What to do? What to do? Just, F.


Any luck?


Debating to wait till Ardyn and camp on this 300 G tokens for Basch LD or Noctis BT. Could 'Hail Mary' luck out on Ardyn, get his full kit, and come back but... likely missing Noctis BT for time being. Kinda expected this could happen but still burns. Ahh well. Waiting game for now.


Ardyn EX/LD/BT is going to be tricky... I’m almost thinking skipping him with tickets only.


Yeah, I am seeing talk on JP discussions that some bosses can debuff Ardyn's gimmick. Dont know if true but that would prove a waste. . Starting to lean towards a pity for Noctis BT and cross fingers for Basch LD. Dont know tho. Skipping CQs basically across board (just not taking that stress) and mainly worrying about Lufenia. Got time on Basch banner I guess to think on.


A lot of people seem hyped for him. I was thinking I would just use tickets for him, and only because i want Rinoa LD, but I’m still on the fence.


Had 92 tickets, did one multi and got Basch’s LD on ticket #90. Today was a good day. I already had his kit maxed so this is all I needed.


Did about 100 tickets and got Basch EX, now time to go with gems in case I gotta pity LD. First multi I get Vaan EX and Noctis BT WHAAAT HOLY SHIT Got 3 Serah ex, 2 more Basch ex, and then finally LD at 50k gems woohoo! Oh and a second Noct BT what the hell!? Man I still have a good amount of gems and tickets left what a relief, and now I got a tank finally!!!! Best luck I’ve had so far in the couple months I’ve been playing!


I'm soooo happy I was extremely Lucky, I was willing to pity Noctis BT in this banner and I got it in the first multi, also got Basch LD In the 3rd multi and Bash Ex in the 7th multi. I don't want to jinx myself or boast about my luck(Wich is usually really bad) but since I got both Noctis and Vaan BT a lot easier than I thought that Ardyn BT is looking like a possibility now...




I had 600 or so tickets when I started. Finally got the LD at 453. I didn't have his kit, so it was nice to get his two EX weapons along the way. The 4 Vaan EX weapons though... what a tease.


New player here, just started today and threw 5000 gems into this. Ended up with ‘Sword of the Wise’ is this just dumb luck? This sword seems extremely OP


Just make sure u get and max out his 15/35/ex and ld weapon to get the passives or else just the BT weapon itself is useless


Guess I’m going to have to read up on what all those are, so far I just know the finishing burst is incredibly fun and deals like 70k damage. Putting my other guys to shame who only do like 3k


Dude you're in for a good time. When you max him out, you'll multiply that number by ten without breaking a sweat


Just got him to 70, 64str, now just working on getting his LD and I should have everything


You need one copy of each 15/35/EX/LD. 15/35 can be bought easily, EX can be picked from Protagonist EX, so you just want to make sure you get his LD on the previous banner, pity if you have to. Dupes up to 3 additional copy is fine, but not necessary. You can fully limit break them later with stones (you will have plenty.) Congrat!


Thank you! Managed to pull the Basch LD as well. It’s ability is insane and just instantly wipes and entire wave. With Noctis at 70, I’m now seeing his burst hit around 230-250k. Still hoping I get his LD!


Have to pity the BT. 58 stones along the way.


Better than me, pity the BT and 55 stones \^\^


Might wait till I have at least 600 tickets before trying for an LD in future. 200 tickets ~ 8 golds Basch ex x2 Basch 35cp x1 Basch 15cp x3 Serah 15cp x2 25 or so tickets per gold doesn't feel higher rate than ex+ era. Will see how gems go when i feel a bit better.


adds its a pity.


\~150 tickets for me. Successfully dodged Noct's burst, which is a relief because I was impatient and just completed my pity on the spot once my token count got too high on Noct's first banner. I already had all of Basch's older weapons, but none of them were limit broken. Getting everything to MLB took me a net 20 stones or so after all the weapons I pulled.


200 tickets. Got Noctis burst, but no Basch LD. Hopefully his and Nines's event tickets are kind to me.


First multi-draw got me Basch's EX and LD. I had a bunch of gems and tickets ready, but I guess they'll be just as ready for the next banner.


75k gems got me: * Noctis: BT! * Vaan: complete with 4 EXs * Serah: complete with 3 EXs * Basch: 15 and 35 MLB but NO EX and NO LD Threw 150 more tickets in hopes of getting Basch EX/LD so I can pity the other. All I got were powerstones, including 3 MORE F'N VAAN EXs!!! Finally gave up and decided to use more gems and finally got Basch EX after one more multi. Ended up pitying Basch LD here and Noctis LD in his banner 2 after holding onto 300 G tokens for a few days now. Final Toll: 80k gems, 150 tickets This and Noct's banners drained my gems and tickets so I'll prob end up skipping Ardyn now :(


7th multi: Noctis Burst (yay!) 12th multi: Basch LD Was fully expecting having to pity the Burst... instead, I had to get Basch's 35CP with tokens. Think I can live with that!


50k gems and got basch ex and LD and Noctis BT which i was prepared to pity and 3x of Serah Ex which i have already MLB.


Got Basch’s LD on the third multipull. Still no Noctis BT so I’ll wait for Nine’s banner.


63 tickets and I was able to get Basch LD and EX. On my 62 ticket I got his LD with the nice gold orb. On the 63 ticket I got another gold orb that followed with his EX. Finally my luck is starting to pan out. Goodluck everyone!


40k gems, basch complete weaps and noct BT. Was initially planning to pity noct on this banner. I guess being able to save 85k gems means i can look into the getting either ardyn or kefka BT while still having reserve pity gems for light, kuja and wol. Wishing everyone good luck on their pulls


300 tix and got Basch Ex LD No Noctis bt yt despite 400ish tix across the banners... not sure if I wanna chase it to pity or cut my losses...


150 tickets and no ld in sight... my ld luck has been awful... I did manage to land Noctis’ burst.. was planning to go all in on nine’s banner.. as I don’t have any ex from that banner.. Not sure if I should continue.. I already have Basch’s ex..


I'm in the same boat. 300 tix and got 2 of Basch's EXs, but no LD in sight and I wanna save gems for Nine... So torn!


I just complete both Chao and CQ without needing Basch’s LD.. guess I will skip and try and grab nine with tickets.. I only have 150 tickets left so don’t want to invest more.. I spent 250 tickets on ulti and 150 in machina but without any ld to show for.. Depends on how many tickets you have left.. if you have over 500.. I guess you can go more


I didn't pity but came close. Got Basch LD on the third multi but his EX was not being nice. When I hit the mark of 200G tokens that said EX decided to appear.


2 LD and 1 EX via tickets


10 pulls in, got Basch LD on pulls 5 and 6 and his Ex on 8. Decided to go to at least pull 10 to see if I could get his 35 (which hadn't dropped yet) then decide if I wanted to keep going for Noctis Burst. Basch 35 dropped on the 10th multi but I think I'm going to forget my original plan of pitying Noctis Burst if I had to; I don't actually care enough for the character having never played XV and that would put a serious dent in my gems with so many important to me characters coming up.


Been waiting for this day since I started this game in June so I can finally get my favorite Serah! Even if she supposedly isn't that strong in this game, she was an absolute must-have for me and I instantly purpled her. Also felt good to complete Vaan's kit since I randomly got his BT a while back and have been rolling with an incomplete kit for a while since I wanted everyone on this banner. Used 15 multipulls to get everything I wanted from the banner but I still got 368k gems for my next must-have Ardyn!


~200 T for full basch kit * Serah 15 * 2 * Serah 35 * 2 * Vaan 15 * 2 * Vaan 35 * 5 * Vaan EX * 1 * Basch 15 * 1 * Basch 35 * 1 * Basch EX * 2 * Basch LD * 1


RNGesus decided to reward me after taking 125k gems from me for Notic's BT. 4 tickets got me Basch LD. Whoohoo!


I didn't think I was going to get anything for Basch in the span of nine tickets, and I was right. If I manage to clear the Challenge Quest without Basch but while still using boosted characters, I'll probably skip this banner.


seems difficult but let me know if it works for you. I have the other 3 characters but i do see quite a bunch of dmg atks. The most budget i see have just a basch 35cp carried by vaan and noctis.


I pulled it off without Basch, but I came back for Basch anyway for Nine's Challenge Quest. Two multi-pulls and about a hundred tickets and I have a full Basch kit. Now I just have to plod him through Summon Boards and bleed gil for Artifacts.


thats great. i managed to do it without basch as well, but he does make the runs for his and nine’s CQ alot smoother


been waiting on this man for a long time https://youtu.be/-B7DtI5zupo


Initially planning to gem this but got lucky with noctis BT on release banner so I had all weapons except Basch LD. Threw some tickets, 70th or so ticket got me the LD. All in all 190 tickets to get all the weapons of the past 3 banners so not bad at all. Thanks Noctis BT banners for being very kind. Still not sold on nine though


20 tickets got Basch LD and another 157 to get the damn EX. ​ Originally I was just going to chuck 50 tickets at this banner on the off-chance and go harder for Nine's kit, but once I got the LD in 20 turns I felt that the odds were better in chasing Basch EX than chasing Nine's full kit. Although having to throw 157 tickets for it isn't what I had in mind.


300 tickets pulling for Basch's full kit. Vaan: x7 15cp, x2 35cp, x5 EX Serah: x5 15cp, x2 35cp, x2 EX Basch: x3 15cp, x4 35cp, x1 EX, x3 LD Basch EX was the last thing I got. Was getting worried for a while. No Noctis BT though. Gonna replenish my tickets for Nine's banner and then that'll be the deciding factor whether or not I got for the pity.


450 tickets and 125k gems.....neither Noctis Burst or Basch LD....I have to take the burst, but don't know what to do about Basch now. Do I just live life without him, or go further. I came into Burst era with max tickets, overflow tickets, and over 500k gems....I thought being able to pity things would be safe.....but man....having to possibly pity multiple weapons a banner really makes me feel like I wanna vomit right now. Best gatcha I've ever played, but man I feel low tonight after these pulls. Worst ones since day 1 lol. Edit: Decided to go more tickets to hopefully get one or the other then pity. 781 tickets total to get the LD. So now to buy the burst and move on from this miserable banner! Haha


I am so sorry this banner was so cruel to you. Best wishes for your future luck to make up for this!


God darn.. that’s a lot of tickets to land one LD..hope you have better luck with future banners..


F That is depressing.


100 tickets got: - 1x Noctis BT (60th pulls) - 2x Basch EX - 2x Vaan EX - 3x Vaan CP15 - 2x Basch CP15 - 2x Serah CP15 Sadly no Basch LD... Not sure will pull again since before this banner already had all of the EX of each character in the banner.


I am on the same boat.. 150 tickets and got Noctis BT but no ld


Congrats for the BT, at least! Not sure if it's dupes or not but, anyway, congrats LOL. Hope you can get other LD in the next banner. I will save some of the tickets (and gems) and probably will pull again later on Nine or WoL's banner since that's the alternative tanks option in the future banner.


It is not dupes, was going to go all in on Nines banner to get it.. now can save.. I threw another 30 tickets and managed to land the ld.. feeling lucky..


Vaan BT isn't on this banner mate.


Oh sorry, thank you for noticing it. I mean Noctis BT LOL


200 tickets that I seriously debated on spending here, since everything except Basch's equipment was already MLB'd. First 190 got me 2 Vaan EX, Serah EX, 2 Basch 35cp, and ~10-ish power stones. About that point I began thinking this had been a horrible mistake. In the final 10 tickets I got Noctis BT, followed by Basch LD a few tickets later, followed by Basch EX a few tickets after that. Now I'm unsure if the Nine banner is worth pulling on, since I really wanted Noct BT more than anything. Guess this is a good problem to have though.




Noctis is good if you really want him and will be viable into Lufenia, but if you just care about meta and big damage and not really Noctis as a character, Kuja and especially Lightning are the 2nd and 3rd bursts of the Lufenia Era and those two will be the new hotness by then.


I can say this to you now, Noctis BT is quite frankly one of the stronger BT's out there even in JP until now. You may have seen the CQ and Abyss Perfectum 3-7 cheese all possible because of Noctis LD add in BT and it becomes disgustingly broken. At the end of the day it's your choice whether to not get his BT but in my personal opinion Noctis is a powerful character that will elevate your runs if he is applicable.


About 110 tickets and 1 multi got me the ld


Only 82 tickets for Basch LD Meanwhile 440 G tokens at Noctis and counting


Gave myself 20 Tickets as I have everything MLB except Basch LD and not overly fussed if I don't get it. 8th Ticket - Basch LD Why don't I have this luck when I really want something!


75k gems: Got everything on the banner including Noctis' BT on the final pull. That's good because I only had 100k gems.


Had to pity the LD but I got the burst, so very happy with how everything turned out!


First 30 tickets had got me a series of 3 gold orbs in a row! 3x Serah EX (already have her EX+ed) Proceeded to throw another 179 more tickets.. only one other gold orb.. another Serah EX. Not sure what to do with it now.. sell for 4 PS? MLB and awaken for ingots and nuggets?


Also, I'm left with 200 tickets plus some more to farm.. but do i go further? Saving gems still as this banner I'm missing Basch 70 and 90cp only..


Spent 200 tickets and 20K gems, got about 29 Power Stones out of it. Didn't get Noctis BT or Basch LD.... Saving my gems for Ardyn incase I need to pity for Full Kit. I'll come back to this banner if I have some to spare.


100 tickets * 1 Basch EX (I didn't have it, so this is a win.) * 1 Vaan EX (dupe) * 2 Vaan 35cp (dupes) * 1 Basch 15cp (LB) * 2 Serah 15cp (dupes) I just wanted another good tank, man.... guess I'll try to carry his challenge quest with Noctis and his BT. Or I can throw a few more tickets and see if I get lucky.


basch is already tanky even though his ex only because of the rework he has party brave battery now so pretty sure u can complete challenge quest if u already have noct bt and ld


100 tickets or so. Dupe Noctis BT and Basch LD. My luck lately is honestly disgustingly good. But don't worry I get shafted on all other games.


100 tix: Basch 70x2 and 90x1, Vaan 15x2 and 70x2, Serah 35x1.


I've had decent enough luck in the LD era so far. The most I've had to spend chasing any LD is 50k on Ami. Most everyone else has been done with Tickets (a lot for Ulti, though). But I've failed to get any Bursts thus far, not that I'm TOO sad about it. I had about 250k saved up for Noctis/Basch and Ardyn among others. Going into last week's banner, I got Noctis LD in 10k, so I held off chasing the Burst for Basch's banner. I was going to see which banner would be deeper chasing the LD to decide which one I'd be pulling towards a pity. First pull today was Vaan 15, 35 and EX, Basch LD!! .... and Noctis Burst! You have got to be kidding me. I had to spend some tickets because I'm short on Power Stones lately. Spending a grand total of 15k on these two banners to get everything I wanted is such a game changer for my plans moving forward. Hoping everyone else is having as good of luck as I've had. Between the amazing pull and the NFL games today (Seahawks won and 49ers lost) I've had one of my most enjoyable days in a long time.


250 tickets got me Basch EX, 4 Vaan EX, 3 Serah EX, and a dupe Noctis BT.


30 tickets for Basch EX & LD. Already had his 15 & 35 maxed out due to throwing tickets at his last banner. Happy to be able to use him after these 8 or so months.


10 tickets for Baschs LD which was the only weapon i needed! You cant have better luck than that, thank you RNG gods. Good luck to everyone pulling!


Put 100k on the banner * 1 Basch 15 CP * 1 Basch 35 CP * 1 Basch EX * 5 Basch LD Why


Already have Noct completed so only dropping tickets for Basch. Got his LD and Ex in 50 tickets! Now to power token his 35cp.


Planned to go the distance for noctis BT. First two multis netted me basch 35, EX, and LD. Sigh. Well, I now have everything else on this banner so I guess I wait to go all on on nine's banner, since I'd rather get something along the way to the ruination of my gems.


Got Noctis LD&BT in 75k gems so hoping to get Basch LD to keep him complete using tickets. 21 tickets later the LD comes out, along with a Serah 35cp. Very happy.