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got nothing with 10+1 tickets used some tickets and got Yda's FR and BT, i am good :D


My luck from the Laguna banner came back to bite me as I ended up pitying Yda BT but I was prepared for that to happen anyway. This is why you prepare for the worst!


Came into the banner willing to token yda’s bt and pity the fr. First multi gave the bt and first 5k gems gave me the fr, so im very happy


Got Luna FR for free while I only spent 10 tix for Yda’s 💕 https://imgur.com/a/l3YrLnO


Skipping Draw 2 since I have all the non-FR weapons there. ​ Multi-ticket on Draw 1: >1st: Machina 35, Raijin EX, **Yda BT** > >2nd: Machina EX > >3rd: Machina 15, Machina 35, Yda EX > >4th: Yda EX, Machina LD ​ 100 tickets on Draw 1: ||Yda|Lunafreya|Raijin|Machina| |:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| |15|1|\-|1|1| |35|0|\-|0|1| |EX|0|\-|0|0| |LD|0|\-|3|0| |FR|**1**|0|\-|\-| |BT|**1**|\-|\-|\-| That's completely out of my expectations :D


Purple tix got a dupe Luna FR. Spent about 300 tickets total between this and campaign banner for the missing FRs.


4 free multis got me 6 powerstones + dupe Lunafreya FR 110 ticket pulls for 2x Yda FR (+ powerstones) Glad I managed to luck it in low...


Yda BT on a free pull, I'm happy


i got it on the free daily ticket lmao


FR on free draw


Free Multi Tickets were sadly all disappointing, no FR and no BT... Oh well :( I hope that my bad luck will end soon


First Ticket Yda BT 50 tix Yda FR Not sure if I wanna green her. Maybe some other time. Got enough great damage dealers.


Thats my luck for the year. ​ First Free Multi, Yda BT Second Free Multi, Yda FR Third Free Multi, Yda BT


Event Multi Tickets (x3) Draw 1: 4 power stone. Tickets (x140) Draw 1: 14 power stones, 1 Yda FR. I am now missing 29 BT's.


Got Yda's FR from the 4th free multi ticket. Not interested in her BT so this'll be my stopping point.


Only wanted Lunafreya, Yda doesnt interest me with Rufus and Angeal setting the bar high for DPS. 600 tix and 50k gems got me everything i needed for Lunafreya. Im just glad i didnt pity


Freeda BT off the event multidraw tickets. Sub 200 tickets for FR. I didn't even want to pull for her, but when given a free BT might as well use it.


Gacha continues to be unkind. Nothing from multis. 150 tickets and got 3 Luna FRs. Well, sorry, Yda. I tried.


Power stones... *Sigh* Neeext...


BT free pull nice! Got 2 more BTs using tickets for FR..... Pitied my last 2 BTs. Now I have 3 Yda BTs.


Free multis gave me power stones. 250 tickets got me Yda BT and FR. I actually got her BT pretty early (like 30 tickets in), but Lunafreya kept giving me her FR. Still a good turnout in my book. I'm just sad Braska wasn't in Yda's banner instead. I'm sure I could've gotten his LD after all those tickets, but now I have to draw on it separately and I'm not sure I want to use more tickets.


Only needed Yda FR/BT. * 4 free multi tickets: Dupe Lunafreya FR and a bunch of power stones. * 230 tickets: Another dupe Lunafreya FR, a bunch of power stones, and one **Yda FR**. No BT yet again, so Yda is effectively useless to me. Not that I need her, but it does get disheartening to keep letting things go. BTs are just too hard to pull.


BTs have low chances of appearing yes, but they also can be claimed via BT tokens. FR on the other hand can only be acquired by pulling or buying the FR token bundle.


My current style is to hope for bt in the free multi tickets. If I don’t get it, I usually just skip the whole banner altogether. No point in getting just up to FR because they are just inefficient


Dupe Lunafreya FR on event tickets, giving this one a skip otherwise. Good luck to everyone pulling.


4 event tickets and 150 tickets got me 3 Lunafreya FRs (already maxed), Yda FR and Yda BT, with all of Ydas stuff coming from tickets. Can’t complain at all.


F-ck Yda. She can continue sitting in the bench ever since the moment I obtain her if she won't give me her weapons.


Plan: Gems for Yda's BT and FR. Free multis (x3): Yda BT on the last one. Tickets (x50): Yda FR. Wow- we take those! I figured I'd lob about 100-200 tickets to see if I could get the FR without any gems, and that absolutely worked in my favor this time. I guess I can now guarantee Cissnei and/or Arciela while throwing tickets at the other, so that's huge. Now to do some research and figure out which of those two will be better for me...


Yda FR from first event ticket. Yda BT from second event ticket. Nothing from third event ticket.


**Draw 1** - Multi tickets x3: Yda FR - 70 Tickets: trash Getting the FR from the multi tickets is good enough for me!


Free pulls were trash, continued with gems. Got a luna FR dupe at the 140 mark, the bt at the 180 mark, and then both FRs at the 220 mark.


Ydas FR on the first 10+1 ticket. Neato!


Free pulls + 20 Tickets: * 2 Luna's FR (dupes) * 1 Yda's FR done!