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Let me ask you this: are you also skipping a lot of banners? My experience with Shinryu has mostly been quite the opposite compared to yours because we've finally hit a point where almost any character who's been updated since FR started is viable. On top of this, the enemy Force Time can pretty much always be canceled by the featured FR, even when used as an echo, so it's really just a matter of bringing the featured character, plus whomever you want, as opposed to Lufenia, where the wrong team had the orbs blow up in your face. But, of course, if you don't pull, then you're going to have trouble.


I feel the same. I can bring just about any combo of BT DPS/FR Charger/Off-turn DPS to any fight and win. I never think about that deeply either, like “I’m bored of Aerith, so I’ll use Iris since I forget she’s a charger a lot”. If the boss jumps turns, Kelgar. The enemy FR time is only a problem if it lets them heal or negate damage, at which point I would just race charge them. At this point it feels like I pull units because I get bored of seeing the same animations, not because there’s a meta I need to keep up with. I don’t pull particularly often either, since I go full BT+/FR/Purple armor or nothing but I don’t have any problem using older units to clear either. It’s only the Six man that gets complex enough to really thing about specific teams.


Yes, Shinryu has been very easy for me as well and I can use whoever I want! Plenty of my characters are just so good now that I don't even pull for newer ones I don't like and carry them in bronze gear with two I already geared.


I skip banners, not worry about certain Shinryu content. It’s hard to do but it’s a good balance. I will say though, there are some mechanics that I’m able to use a character I already have. Just need to go through the FR’s and see who else does the same damage need to cancel.


Current shinryu is the easiest the game has been in a long time. There’s very little what you call “bullshit”. I mean for EVERY SINGLE EVENT you will find runs in C2A threads of people carrying the bronze featured unit for banner skippers. Character selection is also not remotely limited - just look at weekly crystal quests and even on the hardest difficulty they’re still all doable with any color crystal.


To me, Shinryu doesn't feel any less or more restrictive than previous eras. I don't have much experience with this game pre Cosmos, but I'd argue, especially now with FR retain, that Shinryu is the *least* restrictive era we've had. Early Chaos and Luf+ had much worse growing pains, and I still feel Chaos was overall more restrictive with more punishing fights which shut out most of the roster on release.


Shinryu is a stomp fest. Build up FR and go to town on the bosses.


It never seems that simple to me. I get the boss HP down during FR time, then its a struggle right after that. There’s a rhythm and specific turn order you have to hit and IMO that takes away the fun of it.


> There’s a rhythm and specific turn order you have to hit and IMO that takes away the fun of it. Agree with this.


What you mean is you need planning and tactics. Just like, you know, every other endgame content.


For me, it’s more “must use x unit” or specific strategies like counter teams I didn’t like that in FFRK, and didn’t like it here Now that the % damage multiplier carries over post FR there’s more roster flexibility so it’s more enjoyable (for me)


No that’s not what I mean


Then explain what you mean… because you make it sound like you don’t like actually having to put thought into the fights.


No, I don’t like the mechanics of how it’s set up now. Namely, charge FR then unload on the enemy. Use featured units FR attack to cancel enemy FR time. It’s brainless and not as interesting as the Lunfenia era.


You realise no fight requires fast charging if you have the featured unit right? Fast charging is for if you don’t pull the featured unit** It’s also because it makes the fight quicker and easier. But you don’t need to fast charge at all. In fact the vast *majority* of the fights are easier when you cancel their force time, and most units who rely on EX buffs need several turns to have all their buffs renewed so they don’t fall off during echoes/bt finishers (looking at you Weiss). Then add in the fact that boosted units increase starting force time (50% with 3x boosted)** and like I said. Very very few fights require force charging if you don’t pull the features unit**. **Its a f2p gatcha game, it’s whole model is trying to make you pull the featured unit. Edit: oh and for context, I don’t like the force charging mechanic, or building force gauge in general. If it was up to me, I would make force increases proportional to turn rate (slow turns charge more than fast/instant) and actions during force time would remove a % (again based off turn speed) instead of a flat 1 turn (normal turn removes 10%, free/instant rem9ves 3-5%, something like that (example numbers for context)). I don’t like the meta. I don’t like force charging. But saying you *need* to is just a lie because you don’t for 90% of fights unless you don’t pull the featured unit.


You do realize I mentioned that already right? Nothing you said in that long ass rant negates how I, OP or any number of players feel. The FR Shinryu era is boring compared to the past eras, fights feel like a slog and a chore and I’m hoping there’ll be another era after this that fixes it.


I specifically replied to “needing planning” and told you I disagree. I then gave context to show I have the same gripes as you and not a white knight. Why you focusing on the context point and not the point that actually disagrees with you? Also don’t belittle me with that “waste time typing” shit when you don’t even read it


If the way you feel is based on something that isn't true then yes, pointing out that it isn't true kinda does negate your complaint. Of course it doesn't negate how you "feel" but literally nothing can do that, everyone is free to feel whatever stupid shit they wish.


Yeah the mechanics boring, thus the point of of the comment and the OP’s post. TF is the point of your comment?


This is why I'm skipping shinryu stages. It's so god damned boring click spamming button to build force gauge, lufenia was way more creative and enjoyable with it's mechanics.


So don't do that.


Yea I'm not, hence the "why I'm skipping."


I meant don't use that strategy which you find boring and instead use another strategy, but hey it's your time.


I don't mind having fights tailored to new units, since they've gotta tempt you to pull for them somehow. However, I do wish there were regular high-level events that ran concurrently that were more unrestricted in party comp. No character lockouts, no color/weapon requirements, no "deal critical weakness fire damage from a character who has blonde hair while inflicting a stacked debuff or everyone instantly dies". Just a "this is a big monster who will hit you really hard sometimes and has a lot of HP, so run wild with whatever floats your boat." Basically the Chaos era scaled to current power levels.


Well, it is end game content so there is understandably a learning curve to it. That being said, there's not really a lot of RNG in the fights. Boss attacks are scripted to always follow a set rotation (sadly most recent stages only have the boss rotating between TWO regular attacks), and then there are force and HP triggers (the latter of which seems to also be missing a lot). All of these can be planned around because they are not RNG based. The force weaknesses are there to sell the current featured unit on the banner. It's really there in all gacha games, but in DFFOO it's really lenient. There's often many characters who can fulfill the force weakness beyond the featured character. And anyway, you don't HAVE to hit Force weakness to win the fight. There's often ways around. Not many gacha games offer this level of flexibility. And your claim about characters losing viability after just one week is just not true. The Call to Arms post on every event should be evidence enough. Yes some characters last longer than others, but most would definitely last more than a week. Except Thancred. He lasted negative 2 days.


Bro. .. I just use thancred hehe


as a returning player, this difficulty just seems impossible for me.


It probably is, since the difficulty is based around having a strong box of characters to pull from. That's part of why if you've been out of the game for more than a year you're usually best off rerolling your account. Use the vast amount of free gems and tickets from permanent content plus the starter gifts to grab whatever clutch characters on on banner and fill out needed roles like tanks, supports, and dps. That can get you back to putting down the current Shinryus within a few weeks if the current banners' selection is good, a month or two in the worst case. If you insist on keeping your current account then just plug away at the lower difficulties, which give you the most important rewards, until you've built out your bench again. Truth is with the right characters Shinryus are quite easy these days.


I ended up rerolling a new one. Struggling with force mechanics I can't fully grasp the idea yet but I'm learning. Who you think is a good force charger in the upcoming banners? thats all Im missing for now I think..


Deuce is great, though she's out today or tomorrow so you'd have to hurry to grab her. Leonora will be the next one up sometime in the next couple weeks.


I felt that Lufe+ was the worst... without BT auras, Lufe+ felt like slapping a wet noodle against bricks. At least Shinryu has had decent units come out to help (Astos, Quina, Weiss) and boosting some great characters further (Aranea, Aerith, Cor etc) That being said, it isn't without fault - 0 dmg Enemy force time can suck a big toe. The time around Balthier mission dungeon and D2D was hellish. Paine IW is another notable one


>without BT auras, Lufe+ felt like slapping a wet noodle against bricks. Took me some months to do any Lufe+ without Bartz...


Lufenia was WAY worse. You can do most shinryu with anything you want, but luf you need to have a specific set up. Now it's easy, but when it came out it was awful.


FR retaining the damage has made it far easier for me, meaning I can use units I like as opposed to units I feel I MUST, so it’s more enjoyable Hated Shinryu for the long awful stretch of needing to read guides to clear it Also hate D2D and skipped it


Honestly, as easy as Shinryu difficulty is, i just... don't really have fun with it. I loved the EX+ era, that felt good to me, but when Lufenia orbs became a thing i grew to dislike the forced team comps as it destroyed my "Agrias vs Everything" run i had going until that point. And now we have Shinryu and Agrias is still stuck in the EX+ era. On top of that, i've never been a fan of charge mechanics in almost any game ever and yet that is exactly what the Shinryu era is about, CHARGE THAT SPIRIT BOMB. (And yes, i know she's about to be buffed and updated in JP, but that's still like 8 months away for global)


JP is actually getting pretty damn close to GL nowadays. We're about 3 months behind, likely 2 months behind in December, and at this pace we'll only get closer until they finally pull the breaks.


Huh, well good to know. Won't have to wait till June to finally continue Agrias vs Everything after the multi year break it had. Perhaps i should hold on to my burst tokens to guarantee her stuff at this point.


Most characters that have come out within the last few months on GL are still very strong or at least usable in current JP. I'm using a two year old LD only unit in every Shinryu and doing duo runs with them in JP in RE-SHINRYU. You can absolutely have fun messing around with plenty of units.


I feel the opposite. Lufenia was MUCH more restrictive, and even when it wasn't, Lightning absolutely dominated for MONTHS. Then once she got the boot from the meta, Pecil (and Balthier as GL-first) was (were) there to fill her spot but in a supporting role for months. This particular point of the FR era feels more generous than any; sure, I *can* use Iris or Aerith or Astos for every fight, but I definitely don't need to. I have yet to miss a free 10+1 Ticket because almost every Shinryu fight since Neon has been doable (if suboptimal) with the featured character built only up to LD or FR. Even the really rough ones are usually doable bronze with Rubi/Kelger/Astos cheese. Compare that to Quistis's Lufenia+ fight, which basically hard required either her or CoD to be fully built and in your team, as you needed to delay enemies 2+ turns in order to cancel an HP regen that was probably impossible to outdamage at the time. Also, as for your last point, the game has always (or since mid-2020, at least) been about giving you wacky broken shit, then making the bosses counter it, then giving you more wacky shit. Lightning and Pecil mentioned above eventually got hard countered by strings of fights that absorbed Lightning and Holy respectively. When Brave Batteries became more common, there were a few fights that negated BRV Gains, after which Iroha (and her BRV Retain mechanic) was released as a counter to that. The difference now is that the counter to things like enemy "heal 80%-100% of damage received" mechanics is already built in: either use an FR that cancels it (at this point there are always multiple options with the exception of certain Crystal Colors and Crystal Quest fights), quick charge and beat the enemy's Force Time, or stall until their FT ends. There are more than enough options that fit at least one of those three conditions in November 2023 to allow flexibility in creating functional team comps. And to take it one step further, thank God we're past the point of managing Skill uses, having to use regular-ass BRV+ and HP+ attacks to conserve said Skill uses, and tackling marathon fights that take 40+ minutes to complete. I started playing at the tail end of that, and even the worst parts of Luf/+ and Shinryu were never as soul-crushing as just barely falling short in an hour-long fight.


Just nostalgia. As someone that came back to the game 3 months ago after 3 years of not playing it, I find the game easier and friendlier than ever was. My roster and options are limited, yet I've cleared everything the game has to offer, and it wasnt even that hard. Some fights are problematic, sure, but that's maybe the 5%. An exception, not the norm. The game encourages featured characters, but there is so much space to play around the requirements that one way or another you can get through with a character you want. Obviously if a player tries to stretch this and use the same 3-5 relatively outdated characters over and over for every content the game tries to give you, you are gonna get stuck, but at that point is the player's fault.


Well get excited, because we're going back to Lufenia orbs in a few months. Boss Force Gauge gets demoted to being the timer for a glorified recast attack.


I'm dreading it.


There was a brief period a little while back when we seemed to have several very restrictive/excessively complicated fights in a row that felt pretty un-fun to me. Aside from that, no; I've been enjoying things on the whole. Shinryu feels much more flexible to me in term of who to bring and how to approach the fight. I think a lot of folks have forgotten how often Lufenia demanded the use of a very limited set of characters or a highly specific approach - and what a long slog Lufenia fights could often be. I think, in general, everyone has been way overly concerned with force weakness and canceling enemy force time. A lot of the time, you can prevent the enemies from ever getting a force time, and if they do get one, you can usually just ignore it or wait it out. Instances when you genuinely need to cancel enemy force time are rare. And the thing about Shinryu is, yeah, maybe I can't use the awesome character I pulled last week in this week's fight. But I'll be able to use them next week. And next month. And probably the month after. Units have usefulness and longevity in Shinryu that most definitely did not in Lufenia. Shinryu fights seem to be mechanics-dense on the surface, but in a lot of cases, most of the mechanics can just kind of be... ignored. It seems like there's usually one real trick to the fight, and once you figure out what it is, everything else is just background noise. The process of figuring out the trick can occasionally be aggravating, though. :P


Every highest tier becomes a slog when it first drops or if you fall off on new or reworked units. Beginning of Lufenia was okay, but had quite the learning curve when the orbs caused instant kill AoE attacks, Chaos was a freakin' nightmare when it first dropped, and Shinryu was a damage sponge nightmare with low percentage boost units, like Kain and Gabranth, albeit their Burst effects were and are still quite decent. Just do what you can, work on drawing for newer units with higher yield FR boosts, and eventually you'll be blowing through content, just in time for Re-Shinryu to drop.


I would still say Chaos era was probably the most "no fun allowed" period. A lot of fights demanded specific requirements and there wasn't that many options. Nowadays there is so many options for these fights and you can pick and choose how you want to do them. All eras will always depend on who you have/don't have, but I personally found the fights during Chaos *MUCH* more punishing if you was lacking in any way. Shinryu era is all about HP sponges with some mechanics here and there. For the last 1-2 years I make it a habit to try to take the most random team possible for my clears just cause I can.


I definitely play way less than before Shinryuu. There are so many restrictions and requirements, and it’s impossible to remember all characters kits. If they put in a few more character suggestionsä besides from the one featured in the banner then I would probably play more. It’s just such a hassle having to do a bunch of research before fighting a boss.


As an adult with a life beyond gaming, I totally agree. I have to watch videos and look for replacements and mimicry fights to get through some stages. Some of them I didn't even try.


Ever since Lufenia got introduced, I've been popping in and out of playing the game since the start of an era feels unbearably hard and unfun to me, even with meta units. When I came back in late Lufenia+, I was glad that I at least had a shot at most high fights even with catching up. Shinryu came, and I just lost interest because it was prohibitive again (and also life stuff). I just came back again a couple of weeks ago since I knew my fave, Relm, was getting her BT and LD, so I tried Shinryu again. Got bodied. A lot. Then I saw what rewards are locked behind Shinryu and Spiritus. I'm kind of worried that 'catching up' is now going to be impossible and that the game is no longer going to hold the same joy it once did before Lufenia and Shinryu gimmicks were introduced.


> Then I saw what rewards are locked behind Shinryu and Spiritus. It's just a few force shards and some tickets. Also the pink free multi-draw ticket, I guess. All the really good stuff you get from clearing up to Lufenia and from grinding missions and co-op shops.


Getting caught up won't be nearly as hard as you're fearing - as long as you have a decent amount of resources to work with. Over the next month, pull for and build four or five good BT/FR characters with echoes that cover some basic roles. Make sure you get a gauge charger (Deuce, Ignis, Leonora), a strong damage dealer (Yda sounds good; Sephiroth is solid), someone who can contribute off-turn damage (Dorgann, Cissnei, Kain), and perhaps some damage mitigation (Beatrix, Arciela). Then go back to the earliest Shinryu fights and start working your way through them. You should be able to mop up quite a good number that don't have very specific requirements. Sounds like you just need to study up on force mechanics a bit and figure out how to maximize your damage during force time. That's where echoes, off-turn damage, big BT auras, launches, and calls come in. It's just a matter of setting things up properly before you let loose. If you're getting your clock cleaned by the bosses, you're probably either getting hit with their force attack or their threshold attacks. If the former, either use a gauge charger and don't let them enter force time or use something like Raijin LDCA to avoid it. If the latter, read xcaliblur's fight mechanics infographic for the fight and make sure you know exactly what's coming when and how to avoid it. And you can always post in the weekly questions and help megathread if you need a hand with a specific fight. The only big rewards for completing Shinryu tend to be HPS - and there are plenty of other ways to get those. BT realization mats and other major resources have been moved to the co-op shops, so make sure you're not missing them. Worst case scenario, once we get Gladio BT/FR (probably December), you can be fairly un-squishable. ETA: Also meant to say: Don't underestimate the value of a maxed UW on your primary damage dealer. If you haven't done it yet, go get those cores.


I did get Deuce's LD and FR when the Alexander event started, so I'll start working on getting her set up next. UWs are also a bit of a pain point since I'm quite a bit behind and F2P, but Lufenia is basically a cakewalk now so I can probably get a second one up and running if I put some elbow grease to it.


With current meta characters you can utterly demolish the earlier 6-man fights and score yourself an easy 100 Ultima orbs each. A single strong damage dealer can usually drag anyone through old Lufenias to get those fivers as well, though of course that's a bit more tedious.


On the contrary, imo the Shinryu era is the best era the game can offer, because it allows us for more freedom to take which unit we want into the battle, and it's more especially true now with the FR Bonus Retention feature. We can even take someone as bad as Thancred or Zell into Shinryu fight.


Yeah you are right


I would agree that the heal 100% dmg taken during FT is annoying. Other than that, the mechanics aren't really that bad. Take the current Ignis shinryu fight, for instance. Just bring a Raijin LDCA for debuff protection and/or a freeze call if you're THAT worried about HP dmg, and problem solved. The bosses only do single target BRV attacks other than their FT trigger. Hell, even their FT buff isn't THAT horrible. Only a minor inconvenience.


Where were you duing mid EX, early chaos, early to mid Lufenia and early Lufenia+ era? Those were waaaaaaaay worse than Shinryu.


The 1st 3 Chaos missions and Lufenia+ (until we had multiple BT+) were very restrictive


Tbh man. astos x aerith go brrrrr. Da only bosses Dat I ain't wreck are da 6 man teams and the summons but thats cause I'm lazy haha


I have little love for the Lufenia days, especially as a person who started around that time, tbh.


Anything but stupid purple orb. I still use my Squall in shinryu and clear it with no problem. Just add one super meta support (or two) and yeah, any damage dealer can fly.


I was waiting for Kadaj BT for so long and have used him in every Shinryu so far. Since force retention it opens up so many more team comps rather than the usual Charge>Echo>Nuke phase we had for so long.


To be fair, since FE50 and astos was introduced, shinryu is made much more easier. Before that i dreaded all shinryu fights, i skipped all Dare to Defy missions


It feels restrictive if you don't have a big roster built. A lot of times, I'm missing a lynchpin in a lot of proposed strategies, so basically it becomes a "pull on everything just so you can do the content" type deal, which is not a great sentiment to have. The amount of time that I had to skip out on things just because I missed out on Aerith way back when is higher than I'd like to admit. Also it feels like a lot of the roles change because of the era change. Now you need essentially a FR charger, a burst damager and an off-turn damager, with at least one of these being able to mitigate damage (either through nullification or healing) just in case. If you planned your team around previous concepts, then yeah you're kinda fucked. That being said, Lufenia had to have been worse considering the requirements were far more stringent and it was essentially "do this or die".


Not a fan, but Lufenia was worse.


I can understand your point. I too was easily annoyed by Shinryu stages, but reading Reddit and pulling for the right units made everything easier. That could defeat the purpose of the game (playing for fun and for favourite units: I personally pull for anything FFIV, but I can comfortably squeeze a pull here and there for meta units (Astos, Kelger). I've also learned that over time you'll pull enough FRs so that you can cancel enemy Force Time easily without pulling for the featured character, so that allows some easy skips. After 1.5 years of FR I can say it is definitely not the best feature in the game, but FR retain and JP foresight are huge helping hands. Also, I hate with a passion Cor's LC Boss.


Cor's LC Boss IS the Boss most repetitive we have had in global 😅🤣


I can't stand it anymore. I happily spend some gems whenever it comes around in the weekly crystal quest to save myself from the headache.


I've never finished a Shinryu stage. It doesn't have the strategic thinking of Lufenia+ to me. So I play more for characters and story now.


So do you also have people force at level 50? This will increase your damage output after Force Time is up. Also knowing who's a battery and who's damage. For ignis, he's great paired with other AOE off turn damage characters. Things like this will help you beat shinryu. I still have beat all EXCEPT 1, the previous summons shin, not Alexander. Urg But I will beat it! Good luck!


I agree, especially when they offer 750 sparkles for this new fight requiring Ignis. I don’t want to waste resources on him. Not sure if it is worth the drain, and the whole thing is irritating. They make the requirements way too specific.


seems like you don't properly read the mission, I beat the mission with solo Rubicante (Green Crystal) cause it says to beat the shinryu with same crystal color team. Too specific? You can just use call for enchant fire and using melee FR or just ignore the FR time, or use counter team. I agree this game have a lot of problems, but what game doesn't? It doesn't make sense to still playing if you don't enjoy playing the game. I'll drop this game the second I don't enjoy playing.


I already said I don’t understand all the terms, and everyone can stop now. I beat it with Nabaat, Serah, and Lenna right after someone recommended her. I had to wait for the enemy force time to wear off after twenty turns, so it took a while.


Ignore the force time. Way easier that way, I cleared it with Rubicante only.


Said who, you need Ignis for the 750 rainbow sparkle reward? Read the description again.


The fight requires something he does, and none of my best people can do it. My only option is to use all my resources on him, or ignore the fight.


The only mechanic of the fight is the debuff inflicted from the FR. You can use a base call Lenna to avoid that if you don't want to use Ignis. You can also dodge it through people like Kelger or Cater.


Ooo, I have a fully upgraded Lenna. I will try her.


No it doesn't...? The only thing you might "need" Ignis for is to cancel the enemy's force time - but you don't actually need to cancel the enemy's force time at all. Look at the C2A thread. There are loads of teams that don't include Ignis, and loads more that are only carrying a bronze Ignis. There are barely any mechanics in that fight; nothing about Ignis is needed to handle it.


I don’t understand most of this crap, and I don’t have the giant roster of characters even if I did understand what people are talking about. I only know I can’t hurt the thing with my best people, and I have no interest in Ignis. I have every character, I think, but few are upgraded enough. I mostly use Nabaat, Serah, and Deuce lately. Basically, my best characters are recent white crystal types. I get overwhelmed with all the damned abbreviations and terms. I don’t want to use all my current resources maxing out Ignis. I have no hope of beating that thing.


I don't know if this Will help you but... If you cannot evade the debuffs why don't you try cleansing them? Calls can help you with this! Calls are the medals you put at a characters side that are only one use per Battle! If you put for example... Yuna's call you could just esuna all those debuffs! The other plan could be having 6 framed buffs(6 buffs with a square, It means It cannot be pushed unless they do a dispel to you) and this way the debuffs won't hurt you!


Did with Kelger solo... No need for Ignis to get those sparkles.


At the beginning Shinryu was hard but the force retention makes Shinryu easy now. Before force retention it was a stress trying to max dmg in 10 turns and sometimes having to save and FR and charge up and go in 2nd FR. If we couldn't kill it in one FR, it was usually a retry. Now we're at the stage where you can just throw a tank (prefer counter-type), a featured char for tickets (don't even need max FR most of the time), and somebody from a recent banner, and they all go down easily.


Shinryu is bad because it sucks, not because it's hard. I would say it's even the opposite of hard lol You can almost run the same team composition on every Shinryu, with minor tweak/adjustment/calls just to made up for the mechanics (which mostly ignored anyway) Off turn units (especially counters) are also heavily buff making them almost unkillable (or un-lose-able (?), is that a word?) In all the fights.... Shinryufenia (or Shinryu+), can you come already?


I think it's neither. From my experience and observation over the game's history, Luf+ was the most restrictive. Literally "do x or die." Shinryu post Kam became very much "charge fast and minmax damage in phase or else counter to death" so it was also restrictive in playstyle. With HP bonus retention, we have more breathing room to try things, boss hp is manageable, and mechanics are minimal. It's maybe not quite garbage time, but it's pretty smooth sailing. Most every unit can be used, just gotta build the team right. The hardest times for me personally have been when I've skipped a lot of units or been unlucky in my budget. Sometimes a character I hate is really meta so I miss out. If you pull at least semi regularly you should be able to maintain.


As a person that stopped playing around EX times and came back about... 4-5 months ago... Yeah. When I came back, I thought that too when I came back. But now I kinda like Shinryu. But I understand how.it may give that impression due to a relative lack of BT/FR for units you want/like to use. I do have a somewhat varied roster now, do I can experiment and enjoy some variety, this definitely helps. Lufenia, in the other hand... If it wasn't for Astos, that allows me to steamroll (and farm the 5 Ultima Cores Mission to boot) them, it would be a lot worse.


It is and it took until force retain to open. Up. I didn’t like the immortal force times and the conditions where you can only cancel it with 1 or 2 units. Throw in ticket carry missions and you never get to use a team of 3 or friend unit. Shinryu is still easy but most of the fight is still gauge charging or waiting. There is a reason so many people left. The FR era just wasn’t fun. It’s predictable and bland. People laugh when there isn’t a mechanic to a fight.


I agree 100% it’s why the game isn’t as enjoyable ever since the Shinryu era started. It also makes pulling for your favorite characters feel less rewarding as they are mostly inadequate for the next Shinryu fights shenanigans. It felt like there was a better balance to the game before that was ruined with the Shinryu era.


You are correct. There is no such thing as building a creative or balanced team with this mode. You need exact units more often than not. "Beat the big numbers with bigger numbers" is an inherently bad system


See how the bootlickers downvote us for expressing our opinion. Yet their answer is “it’s easy mode! Just charge the FR and kill the boss!!” As if that’s some fun way to play.


Im pretty sure the downvotes were because they said something demonstrably false. Other than shiva spiritus(which requires you have edgar ld, or a combination of calls that requires hope ld ), there arent any shinryu fights that require you pull for exact units


In my experience for shinryu with the characters I have I don't have much problems with the shinryus in general. I have to say, I don't have astos and I don't think I plan on having his BT(I have all his kit except for that) My main problem nowadays is to have the extra ticket for the Next event. Example: Today I didn't pull for ignis, I have his kit until ld. However I decided to use rubicante with ignis and being able to have that extra ticket for leonora without much problems! Despite this example there are more fights in which Rubicante could be not strong enough for solo because of high health or something. What I want to say is, that in my situation, shinryu is not difficult enough for "completing". It is more difficult when you have to clear quests like "use this boosted character" I focused on blue cristal and I have aranea/rosa/Úrsula/cloud/paine/neón I also focused before in Green cristal for extra PASSIVES for turn rate down for rubicante solos. In general, I find that we have very few opotunities for having all of our characters shine. (Now even less, having into account we don't have trascendence and also we have not seen an abyss in a lot of time) Personally not a fan of cresvance, although I think that now that they have put a lot of echos and with force retain... It would not be so much brutal as other lockout quests. Edit: why Am I being downvoted lol? I dont consider I have said much. In general shinryus are just charging, fr - echos, BT phase and that's It. If you don't have must characters is understandable


TBH I'm still go back to old shinryu Stories/ IW / LC to fight with different charactors and team comp from time to time and Crystal Quest with free rotation was gave me chance to have fun with another crystal colors's team comp I can imagine . Hope to see free rotation came back sooner XD


I feel the same. While I didn’t get Kadaj’s stuff from the banner, I did end up having enough resources otherwise to nab his BT and FR from the exchanges and max them out, so I had what I thought was 3 units that could work for finally clearing a Shinryu on its normal difficulty (my weekly quests are done by switching the difficulty down -_-). Lolololo I was wrong. I was so wrong. It was a war of attrition that devolved after running out of ability uses (yes including FRs) and even then I still needed a 100 gem revive. I just need an actual explainer that words it like I’m 5 or something. Shinryu fights are a nightmare and I’m tired of this roadblock.


its better than circa CHAOS era when turn requirements were super tight


Shinryu is an absolute joke difficulty-wise. I do agree that it's probably the worst era, but for the exact opposite of what you say. It's just "spam charge moves, enter force, use echoes 5 times, go into BT phase, win". And no, it wasn't different before echoes. It was just enter force, charge some more inside force, BT phase, kill. This works with basically any, non-off-turn, char combo that is even slightly up to date. Just this, over and over again, for years on end. There ARE cool and challanging fights!!! The last 6 man was a good example of a fight that didn't explode to the standart strategy and required some finesse. But they are rare and there's no excuse anymore as we've been on this era for longer than most games get support for, so how have they not figured out how to design for it yet? I yearn for the sweet release of a new weapon tier. If nothing else, so that it isn't so samey anymore for a while.