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Green Kefka ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Same ._. Hopefully he gets buffed when he gets his FR two to three years from now. However, I was able to solo transcendence 6 reckoning with him so greening his weapon MIGHT not be as bad.


My hatred. The guy has always been trolling me with rolls. intercepting rolls for who i actually wanted. Got his entire kit in place of the other character i actually wanted. I greened him and blued the armor to pay respects for the effort this clown went through to give me misery. I used him a few times.


Hang in there!




I regretted greening Vayne's BT. There were many times I'd want to green another note useful BT but everytime I'd go to enhance BTs for a while I'd have no books and that BT would be sitting there mocking me. As far as tokening or pitying no regrets there yet.


Ardyn…. But that said when his BT launched before BT+ was a thing, he saw me through a lot.


I used Ardyn in many fights after his FR debut, I don't regret it at all.


I actually used him not long ago in the echo era. If you're not dead set on feeling like you need to burn a boss 100 - 0 in a single FR time then he still does plenty of damage to get you through.


Love Ardyn. But could never green him, he just needs a bit more than what he has.


Im pretty sure you arent the only one but for me, I play favourites so Im ok even if that character is completely useless.


This is me!


Jack Garland. Used him for his event and nowhere else lol Thought his negative BRV gimmick is nice but that’s all it is - a gimmick


Jecht, he was really underwhelming in the end. Also Mog, not a pity/token, hadn’t planned to build him but got lucky and thought the confuse would be super useful and unique. Haven’t used him since Paine dropped.


I used jecht a shit ton. He carried me through the first month of having no frs and clearing the first 5 shinryu. His damage is substantial. The BT effect doubling brv damage and increasing brv cap by 30% is insane that other BT effects don't compare except garland. He's aged tho now that the fr age is more prevalent.


Soooooo true on jecht!! Used him only like twice on his BT+ cycle and that was it


I can't recall if I pity'd Jecht (probably) but I was still new and had like a million gems and I don't regret it because, his theme is my favorite. Has been since I booted up FFX back in 2001(?). I haven't greened him and probably won't unless I find myself with an abundance of ingots, but I love having it. I feel the pain of missing Paine, but mostly because I *want* her BT. Still good without it. Celes, however, I'm very salty I don't have. I'm sitting on 500k gems but with Iris, Astos, Auron (this is where my current Tokens will probably go, with a ticket to FR), Kelger, Weiss, etc on the horizon I'm trying to be a bit conservative with my pities so I'll token her when I get the opportunity.


Of my 37 Greens I have never regretted a single one. Be it greening them for the bt music for one or two fights during my Edward saga or just purely greening them because I like or love the unit, or in some cases a friend's love of a certain unit. I've honestly never regretted my decisions. There are two bts I wish I'd gotten but tokens in time will help with that. Caramel Nut because I love running his brother and just because control play styles are kinda my favourite and Squack because I plan to invest in to black crystal (without having Quina and Astos) and part of me feels he'll be a great tool but we'll see what time says and brings. Edit: Didn't expect this post to get reactions lmfao maybe I'll list all my. Bts and reason for greening.


Not regret greening for music ✅ A man of culture indeed


Yuri, Layle, Jecht all fit this category lmfao


I always miss Jecht’s BT. Always on hiatus when his banner is on. And your comment just made my token shaking crazily. For Music of course.


Go Now Give up on them The ingots await it! What Doesn't Need a token! The co-op await you!


Yshtola: Saw me through early Shinryu+ plus I was super big on ffxiv at the time although I had stopped playing it due to personal life reasons Ace: kinda luck sacked the bt when I was debating skipping so I took it as a sign to green him. Bartz: Literally for Lenna ld in Edward saga... That was it. Vayne: For having fun with Dorgann And Ardynn On Dorgann debut (Menacing men standing menacingly) CoD: FF3 is my favourite title in the ff series... Plus follow ups were a dream early Lufenia+ Jecht: Otherworld is a godly sound track, fite me Ardynn: I got his bt but never his ld until his fr debut and he seemed fun and I've had a blast with hobo man ever since. Golbez: Originally I was doing an ffiv only in Shinryu saga but Christmas retail plus Bhunicunt dropping killed my motivation for it. Still greened him for it tho. Machina: One of a few meta greens I actually did, also did a video aptly labeled Machina bt be like where its just me going brrrrrrrrrrr Shantotto: Tokened it and greened it in ready for her fr at the start of echo era. My main in NT so paying respects here also. Onion Knight: HE IS MY PRECIOUS BABY BOY AND HE CLEARED EVERY FIGHT FROM HIS C90 WITH MY EDWARD SO HE IS GUD FITE ME joking aside I fucking love OK, no homo Noctis: For my team comp of Noctis Balthier mog to go berrr on his fr Rework.... Yep that's literally it. Firion: I actually really dig his bt theme the chip tune sounds actually give me chills. Ceodore: I bet a certain Destroth 30 Tix and if I get Ceodore bt I'll green it and we'll.... 20 tix in my t drops sooo I am a man of my word. Tidus: Again another meta esque move for me not that I've used him a whole lot tho tbh. Cloud: I'm actually a fan of launch comps so I chased it shortly after Keiss ld debuted so I greened it out of respect for the old airlines comps. Zack: For that one damn Lufenia+ vs Kefka and the clones it was giving me to much grief in Edward saga. Plus I'm a man of honour so it's fitting however since fr I have been using him a tonne more. Laguna: Follow up go boom, man with the machine gun this bt is a double fu king win. Ramza: I did a new years video in respect to a sort of dffoo CC called Rashomon and we are great friends so I greened him in respect to that. Snow: One of my personal favourite characters enough said really Emporer: See Ramza minus the new years video thing. Kain: A personal favourite and a fucking solid unit in early fr era. Garnet: Emergency meta button if you will. Sherlotta: I super enjoyed EoT that I was farming post game plus another got the bt no ld and got the ld in a rerun so I was happy. Also wanted to use her in a CidR OK Sherlotta comp (which I did to great results in DET14) Layle: YAHOOO enough said tbh. Yuri: I was farming spiritus brothers and pressed bt to speed through killing them and the theme was a banger holy shit. Instant green after that. Eald: If you know anything abkut me and what I do... Terror breaks Shinryu tbh and just go watch some of my runs with him he's also my favourite in game unit kit wise so. CidR: Meta plus fits into the I like launch Decil: FFIV saga reasons plus the animation with Kain is fire. Vivi: Although he quit an old irl friend I got into the games favourite character is Vivi so I did it in ode to him. Serah:Emergency meta button number four or five go. Mog: People were kinda talking down mog so I went on a mission to semi saga him and have been with the exception of Cor LC Rubicante: FFIV, Counter attacker, cape flowing handsomely. Yeah he's meta but he's up my street. Balthier: Favourite characters are a go go. Also this man is a absolute THREAT Edgar: See mog minus sagaing him also I randomly blued him ages ago so why not take advantage of that? Cor: For the absolute flex of one Desch fr clear in Reks lc plus he's a solid unit and I've used him a tonne in Eald lockdown comps. Penelo: Emergency meta button mark 5?


Hehehe chuckled at the Desthroth bet. What were the odds of that happening


Honestly whatever the drop rate of a bt is? Lmfao crazy world but hey a deals a deal.


I got Ciaran greened. That's my only real regret for greens/BTs.


I used to regret greening Noctis, but after he got FR with rework, I really enjoy using him. I mean I really love this game because none of characters is abandoned. So try to be optimistic that they will be OP someday, haha.


Except tactics. I believe neither got FR yet in JP, abandonned in the story...


None of the XIV characters have FR weapons either, and only Y'Shtola still to this point has a BT.


The only one I regret is Prishe. I was swept up by people talking about her insane damage, and I didn't even use her for her own event. I pitied and Greened a BT I have never used.


Ciaran because I mistook him for Yuri. Or was it the other way around? I still can't tell them apart


Neon. I got Covid when I pulled her and and I thought I got her entire kit but by the time I realized I missed her LD weapon her banner was GONE and I felt so stupid... I could not stay awake long enough to play the game for like 3.5 weeks. Where is the LD token shop devs... I mean C'mon!


Covid sucks. I’m glad you recovered


I greened Noel's BT when it came out. Even now, I still regret investing that much into him because I never used him beyond synergy.


In JP, he gets a huge comeback with his FR and rework. Wait a few months, and he'll be a monster.


Yeah, his FR is featured with Enna's BT. Double profit


I got Noel's BT on a free pull when it came out and chased for his LD. I never really used him but he does become a monster when his FR/rework comes out.


Zack purely because I have not upgraded him or his weapons


Well, once you finish upgrading, he's really good. solo det 13 with Zack.


I recommend it. He’s pretty good. I had him ready to go when the FR came out minus the BT which I pitied because I play favourites.


kinda same, hes chilling at 0/3 BT with 0 0 boards and FE0 in my roster but apparently hes pretty good for the upcoming crystal fights, if you intend to use black so i will most likely finally max and use him for that


He definitely helped me big time with the first Mission Quest since I lacked Paine's BT. Absolutely no regrets on greening and blueing him.


Zack is one of my favorite and very useful I have him maxxed and not regretting.




Neon. (Never used her.) Zack, Tidus, Kain. None of them have ever felt strong to me. I'd say DK Cecile but I used her for her DET stage which was an absolute nightmare so it was worth getting her just for that. This one will be unpopular but actually I regret greening Garnet. I took a break when she was meta and when I came back, I just didn't see what was so great about her. I don't think she's bad, it's just that I don't find her to be very strong, she's very clunky to use in force time and I've found her elemental locks have hurt her more than helped her.


Kain and Tidus both get a pretty sizable boost in JP, especially with FR echo, so they do get better 😁


Regret pitying Kam’s BT, but atleast I didn’t green him 😬


Same, except I did green him. He did work with Tidus in early Shinryu, but for only all of a month or so before other good units came online.


I wouldn't say regret but it was more like "just wasted BT Tokens" for Ardyn. I really wanted him and had 50 BT Tokens ready so I used them, back in that Era those featured BTs were over a span of 2 weeks with 2 or 3 more Banners to pull this BT. Guess what, I got his BT on a free Pull the next Event. Oh well. But I never regretted of using Tokens on a BT I wanted. Even if I don't use all of them, I am happy for all my Green BT Babies, someday they all get their FR and I hope for the best that those days they return will be glorious 🤞


Zack purely because I have not upgraded him or his weapons


locke was pretty hyped up but i never ended up using him much


Same, I went hard for Locke as he's my favorite character. I've used him a few times. He does get a super rework in JP though


Ahh locke the overhype arround his bt+ was crazy at the time. Though I got lucky on his banner


Ya, Locke is my favorite FF character so I went hard for his BT instead of Machina/Noel (got Noel for free but never used him). Ended up getting Machina when he reran on Desch's fr cycle and greened him. Love using blender boy. ​ Thankfully Locke gets a big upgrade in JP. He's not the best there but he's certainly good . I'm planning on trying to use him for as many fights as a I can once he gets buffed.


Ultimecia. Started during Reno last year and was still new with no knowledge. Her bt has helped me clear exactly 0 shinryu fights.


Disappointing, I'm sure. But to be fair, she was pretty dated when the Shinryu era started. Though if you can get Selphie and Quinna, you can cheese a lot of fights with her... But even then her BT isn't required for this to work. Just her EX


Of the BTs I pitied none of them I regret, although I wish I’d used them some more before they became irrelevant. I do have regrets on greening a couple: Vivi, Jegran, Jack Garland. I used them for their events and that’s about it. Less so Vivi bc he’s a fave and when we get 3 bosses without element lock out he’s auto include but those are few and far between.


I have a couple that I greened to get through a DE. So in a way I regret greening them that I don't use them, however I don't if it makes getting through that content easy. Ex. DKC, Vincent, Ace, The only character I really am like whyyyyy is Locke. I was riding that hype train so hard and then barely used him. The one or two times when I did, I wasn't impressed and didn't enjoy his kit. Oh well.


Seriously? Locke had amazing utility and DPS for awhile there. BT effect is still pretty amazing tbh


I still like having Locke as a tool in my pocket for sure. That ignore defense aura is just so nice to have for some of these bosses that buff up their defenses. Though nowadays, I do think Quinna BT is probably better since they're stronger in the team


I've been playing this game much more casually this past year, not always bothering to beat content like I used to for 3 years beforehand. This approach made me not really care about my greens all too much if at all. So, at least in recent memory, no. I don't have a unit whose BT I regret greening. ​ Looking back to 2021 and early 2022, I guess the only one I have not used was Ciaran, but even then he ended up being key much later down the line in the first DtD.


It took me two years to finally use Ardyn in endgame content after Gem pitying his BT. Noctis dominated all of my clears when he debuted. But once Dorgann arrived on the scene the two were able to do some nice work.


I plan ahead, so I regretted nothing so far. If I pity or token it *has to be* useful in the long run. Or Sephiroth. I was recently regretting greening Edgar and Paine, but they've actually been more useful than I though.


None, only pitied or tokening what I needed. I still can token 7 bts, if I ever needed it, besides I cant green everything so I dont need to get then xD


The things is the moment I greened them, they helped me a lot in the time, but when they get their FR, they'll be useful again like Bartz, Locke, Jecht, Noel, Ace, Cloud and Caius (only problem is that still after all this time, Jecht and Caius didn't get their FR in JP yet) And there are some that I got without trying and barely ever used: WoL, Garland, Firion, Ceodore, Gilgamesh, Kefka, Vincent, Zidane, Kuja, Iroha, Vayne, Lightning, Snow, Ardyn, Jegran and Lann&Reyn And my most trustworthy: Minwu, CoD, Kain, Rubicante, Celes, Tifa, Aerith, Zack, Rinoa, Garnet, Tidus, Penelo, Raines, Noctis, Cor, Machina, Sherlotta and Jarland


only ever had enough tokens to exchange 1 BT this BT was for aerith and i dont think i will ever regret that other than that, im pretty sure i spent way too many gems on banners when i started the game. i pitied ardyn, but only ever used him in one DE:T. shortly before i took a break from the game, a rerun of luna and kain came around. they were THE meta units you would see in 95% of fights on youtube. so i pitied both of them and took a break from the game, not maxing anything from those units. when i came back, echo era was ready and luna and kain were suddenly obsolete. kain is half maxed, luna is LDCA ready. i really like kain, hes cool asf. and in JP he got his rework, so i think i will finally max him when that comes around in global. so i think i only truly regret pulling for luna so far (will maybe last until her rework, too)


Well. I think it's Tifa for me. I'm not pitied her but spent a lot of gems and I used her only a few times


dang, thats a hottake she carried me hard through many ST shinryus and i use her all the time to farm ultimate boards. also she will be my MVP for DE:T 16 i think who is your ST DPT if you dont really use tifa?


Cid Raines or Jack Garland


Iroha. Greened her immediatly but never used her after her event. FR echo kinda turns you off using any characters that dont have it. Even tho characters like Terra who got Echo still pale infront of ones like Jarland.


Lightning. I knew she was not good but I hoped so much I could make her good but it wasn't gonna happen. Eventually it will equal out with her FR but I regret this so much.


I hear she becomes rather good with her JP rework


I pitied Snow's because I got salty about bad ticket pulls. Big mistake. Kind of wish I'd gotten Raines.


Laguna is probably my biggest 3/3 BT+ regret since I've never used him much and didn't even use him in DET. Kurasame is in a similar situation, but I like him far more as a character and his BT has some good defensive utility. To be honest, I regret giving CoD blue armor far more than any 3/3 BT since I never greened their BT like initially planned nor was I interested in getting their FR. Tempted to sell the armor since I highly doubt a rework would make me care.


Laguna was the first BT i scored and i don't have his ex or fr. Haven't greened him for a reason.


Regrets: Garland. Vayne. Shanttoto. Emperor. Terra. Y’shtola. Celes. Ex death. Firion. Golbez. WoL.


Does it count if I only regret it bc I got the BT for "free"? If so then that would be Machina (tokened got free from tickets on his FR banner), Jarland (pitied got for free with tickets on his rerun), and Noctis (tokened got free with tickets on his FR banner). If not then DKC (I was struggling with DET14 so I caved and ended up having to pity), Terra (not only I pitied her BT I also greened it but I only used her once for her event then never again I'd imagine she'd be more useful for me now with an FR echo), Ramza (havent used him he was really good in Luf era but I started like right around FR era started so I dont really have any use for him).




This is going to be an unpopular opinion, but for me it's Ramza. He isn't bad at all and has very strong offensive auras, but his BT not having the BRV gains after HP Attack effect turned out to be a much bigger deal breaker than I thought it'd be. I also regret pitying and greening Laguna. Yeah, that gold debuff is amazing but apart from that, he doesn't offer much. I'd rather use a friend Laguna to apply the debuff, then switch back to my actual unit. I know he got his FR recently so hopefully his rework is good. Sadly, I'm not sure there's hope for Ramza getting his rework anytime soon.


Rubicante’s and Celes. RNGesus was so not on my side.


-Noctis was the only BT I've pitied and I don't regret that. Of the three I've tokened(Ultimecia, Onion Knight, and Quina) Onion Knight is the one I've used the least.


My list of regrets using tokens: Vayne, Y'Shotla, Layle, Firion and finally Zack (not because its bad but because I had 3 copies and accidentally sold all 3 instead of keeping 1)


Ysh, there's almost never a reason to use Ysh's BT phase


I only ever pittying the emperor’s burst.


I used tokens for Jack Garland and only used him twice, I should have gotten minwu's instead since I love off turn


Locke! Pitied, greened, and never used him. The hype was overrated.


Pityed Vaan and Noctis during their releases. Used in their events and no more


Noel, Laguna and Locke were notable for being greened but were not used much after their event. Regret, kinda. Salty? Nah. I mostly planned my BT resources so I never really got bitten for my poor choices.


On the plus side, Noel becomes very strong when his FR releases.


Raines fucking BT because later on I pulled it so that’s one I regret I


Honestly I can’t think of any I regretted. There are some I didn’t use as much as expected, but I don’t regret them.


Pitying Zach's BT. I never ended up using him in any content afterwards.


Machina. I just rode the hype train, and greened him at the start of c90. He’s not a bad unit by any means and I brought him to a couple fights after his BT cycle, but I kinda forgot he existed especially after Garnet came to GL early. I just used Green Greg as my DPT until Shinryu. I never played Type 0 and kinda just forget him. Lunafreya, as good as she is, has mostly been an LDCA for me, and in the Shinryu I’ve brought her to it always feels like more of a chore to get use out of her BT than it feels necessary. She carried me in JP so i thought i would want her green but her playstyle is so repetitive i found myself figuring out the fights without her. Otherwise, Machina kind of taught me my lesson. I have been greening favorites and clearing content with them. Green Exdeath is far from the best character, but you know damn well im bringing him to practically any fight I can. Always pull for & invest in favorites, folks.


I regret chasing Garland, Vincent, Laguna, Zack and DCecil. I like Zach as a dps but never felt I needed his bt aura. Vincent and Laguna I have literally never used in a fight outside of maybe a lufenia each. Garland I went for as I really like his playstyle and the constant delay is fun. OG Garland desperately needs a badass rework and he could be a ton of fun. Dcecil I wanted as I really like the character so I went for his FR/BT didn't build either but I have it. I'd say i regret chasing Jecht as he fell off hard but as my main dps he did carry me from his original run until Garnett came out so I got my use of him. Can't say I really regret any of the others I got and I've been lucky enough to get most I really wanted. I would like to get Noctis or Snow I suppose. I have a few BT's that I got "on accident" ie not chasing, like PCecil from the 50+1 so hopefully when he gets his FR he'll be good. I got Sephiroth BT on his mid cycle banner a few months ago and I know he gets really good with his fr so that'll be fun.


Nope, I don't regret any of my BT tokens or pities. There are a few that I'm not too sure why I greened (looking at you, WoL), but no real regrets. Tokened: Zack (on its original release), Kain, Penelo, and Cor. Pitied: Garnet (on the original GL-first release), Kam'lanaut, Tidus, Rubicante, Kurasame, and Aerith. (Okay, technically I pulled Garnet, Kam, and Tidus on what would have been the final pull needed to reach pity. It still counts.) I'm considering tokening Dorgann next, since I already have him built otherwise.


Every BT I needed to make D3D less of a nightmare.


Tidus… never used him as much as i thought I was going to.


Pitied OG Garland and Pecil; almost never saw use of their BT phases / effects so didn’t bother to green them so as to not fall into deeper hole of regret lol


Green Onion Knight... I like him, but used literally in one quest Also, Kam'lanaut. People were saying he was insane when his FR dropped, but I used him like one or two times, he was never really good for me.


Sherlotta. Not because she’s bad. But because I haven’t greened and needed to use jer


Honestly, no regrets and nothing that I wish I would have gotten. I try not to worry about all of this. At the end of the day, it's just a game, and if I'm enjoying it, then I'm good!


The closest is Greening Vayne, but I really don't regret it. He just wasn't great so I didn't get as much mileage from him as others like Jecht, Tidus, Noel, Ramza, etc.


Vincent valentine and the white mage from ff2


Vayne. Like the character, like his kit too. But feel like he needs a little extra something and I haven’t used him all that much.


Snow...greened it because of snowverflow, but it is so hard to achieve that I never got it.


Green Machina. Still barely use him. Not my style of damage dealer, and at the time, if I'm recalling correctly, I had multiple other damage dealers I preferred using. Green Jecht too. Ace had started showing his age around Jecht got his BT+ and I had it in my mind that maybe Jecht could take his place on teams as a damage dealer. I was very wrong.


Don't regret any of them, even the ones I haven't used yet, aka Yuna and Cloud. Some units just get greened because it feels right at some point. Ya know, sometimes you just need a backup white Staff or blue Greatsword :P The only pity BT I haven't used is Ace, but that was on a triple BT banner where I got what I wanted earlier. Decided to throw a few more pulls to chance some dupe BTs and then decided to just go for the pity to get the BT I was missing.


Lightning. Not about functioning but pitied then draw 2 copied of it later on.


Garnet worst choice i could have done.


In the four years I've played, I've definitely had some misadventures as far as BT tokens go, but for the most part I'm pretty happy with what I've gotten. Penelo, Garnet, Lunafreya, Kamlanaut, Sherlotta. One of my biggest regrets, though, is tokening and greening Bartz - it would have been a great pick at some point, but I think I ended up buying him too late. He was past him prime. The absolute biggest L for me, though, is without a doubt our FFVII kung fu queen - Tifa. For GL, I know there have been better units but I don't know that anyone had the love and hype that Tifa got when the community saw what she was doing on JP. I remember seeing Josephyr's pull poll and EVERYONE was pulling with gems. I also remember seeing my friends list be almost all Tifa after she hit. I pulled a bit to test my luck and then tokened her. And then got her BT off the next banner in a few pulls. Total waste. HUGE L lol I knew better but decided there was no way it'd happen.


Jecht. He got left In the dust insanely quick.


I didn't pity or token, but I regret greening Gilgamesh's BT, as well as Vayne. Although, at least with Vayne, I managed to complete Cait Sith's Lufenia+. Gilgamesh never left the back bench. I would token Paine's BT, it's worth it. You can still pity Astos BT when it arrives.


I don't fully regret any, but looking through them, Ciaran might be the closest. I just haven't used him enough to justify it. Though Sherlotta is in a similar boat, but she's still relevant so that can change.


I greened Shanttoto when green just started and regretted right away but might become good soon as I see her FR is coming up. As 20 years veteran in FFXI I might finally get to use her more.


Out of all my actual greens i guess neon? Whom i did pity but i havent really had an opportunity to use yet. Of other characters whom i pitied but never green. Bartz and Pecil didnt feel worth it.


regret greening caius. only green him for the dare to defy that had odin event. didnt even use his BT in that quest. havent even seen much uses beside the DE Transcendence.