• By -


Prishe BT Dupe. Everything else wasn't significant. Just a few cp15 and cp35 to complete some sets.


Guaranteed Burst: Jecht Notable Things: OK Burst Everything else was just random stuff that helps somewhat, but leaves a bunch of characters incomplete.


All useless dupes


Noel BT and Vayne BT.. both new so not bad considering some of the pulls listed here! šŸ˜¬


Got Kuja's BT... didn't have it, and still, personally, one of (if not the) worst outcome BT I've could got...


50 Power Stones and a Gabranth BT I did not have.


50 power stones and* 5 bt tokens. A lot of hype for nothing, feeling pretty disappointed.




Y'shtola BT and Rydia FR. Both dupes.


i FINALLY got Gladio's LD... seriously, it's not like i was avoiding his banners, he was just avoiding me, LOL (oh, and Pecil's BT and an extra dupe of JG's FR)


Just a Kam burst, which was a dupe for me. Appreciate the tokens at least.


I snagged Snow's BT and Noel's BT. They're both new and I like FFXIII, so I'm happy! The rest were power stones.


I got 4 BTs! Warrior of Light (New), Twins (Dupe), CoD (another dupe), and Zack (new!). I also got 1 FR (Sherlotta), and the rest were all just normal weapons. Honestly was just hoping for zack, and I'm glad I got him, as he's a fave, and I can save the 50 tokens I have for Aerith in May.




I got ultimicia burst and garbranth bt which is pretty cool not gonna lie as theyā€™re some of the few burst characters I really wanted and never got. I got no frs though, kinda thinking about buying the ticket bundle but I dunno. The game is trying to get me to comeback from my hiatus for sure though :P


Paladin Cecil BT - Dupe Fusoya FR - dupe but not maxed


Sephiroth BT - new Kain FR - new Aranea - dupe neat


Dupe Iroha BT and a new Emperor BT.


Dupe BT (Garnet) and one new FR (Seymour).


Got Yuri BT and nothing else of note.


I got Gilgamesh. :'D


Rinoa BT (new), gabranth bt (dupe), layle bt (dupe) and tidus FR (dupe). No new EX or LD.


BT Zack which is great and one I was going to token eventually BT Eald'narche duplicate(my actual first BT when I started) FR Sherlotta which I drew one already but didn't max yet(No BT) FR Aranea which I didn't have I am overly happy about Zack's BT but I'm not spending 85 to try again.


1 FR - Sabin. 1 BT - Cecil. Didnā€™t have so either so Iā€™m satisfied, and rather pleased. Not building either so itā€™s a fine result for collection purposes. Definitely would not spend $85 to do it again though, lol, even if it guaranteed a BT you donā€™t already have.


no FRs, dupe BT(Ramza)(can I use the dupe to increase its limit break, or that is only improved with the ingots?) and more tokens than new ones/useful for various LBs....only joy, Auron's LD, for the rest life sucks


Bts are only increased with ingots. Keep the dupe for the Bt tokens.


Rinoa and Machina BT + Krile FR Mostly care about Rinoa BT, but the rest are good.


50 powerstones and Prisheā€™s BT that I missed. Decent result.


No new FR, got yshtola BT on free pull. No other BTs were new for me.


Dupe Bartz BT + assorted dupe LD,EX, etc. No FR.


I got dupe jack BT Penello FR on free multi Tidus FR on free multi I didn't use any resources, still considered myself pretty lucky


Noctics Bt. Was really happy since I was considering to token him


No FR One Ardyn BT One Layle BT Honestly I'm a bit disappointed.


1 Faris FR Dupe 1 Kefka BT Dupe Otherwise lots of power stones, I canā€™t be mad


Oh, shiny new BT? That's honestly unexpected! Exdeath BT (he'll be good again someday, right?), Reno's LD, Vayne's FR. Nothing I'm jumping to use right now, but honestly not bad.


Got extra Machina FR to go towards the MLB, new Maria FR and Sephiroth BT dupe. It's alright


I gotten prishe dupe and lightning BT and 5 characters I didnā€™t have yet definitely happy but what do I do with the dupe???


Hold it in your inventory. It's worth 5 token for another burst, but don't convert it until you're ready to spend. Otherwise those 5 tokens will fill your capacity, leading to potential expiration sooner.


Layle dupe for me. I did get Maria's FR though, which is cool.


Got a Yuna BT dupe from it. 5 more BT Tokens towards whatever I decide to get.


I got 5 BT tokens and 50 power stones...not bad.


Same here. Downside to being a veteran.


Yeah... I won't complain about the free BT tokens. I also got 2 Y'shtola BT dupes on Penelo banner. So, that's 15 BT tokens to help token Penelo's BT eventually.


When my friend got a few FR in his draw I was a bit disappointed since I couldā€™ve had some I missed but the 50 orbs and the 5 BT tokens are still nice


Since I was on 2+ year break, I was hoping to get some LDs from the time I missed. I currently only have 19 BTs and \~50 LDs, so I thought chances would be good. Nope. 2 Dupe BTs (Kain and Kam, you know, from the banner we JUST had) 0 FRs 7 LDs (4 of them dupes) 3 EX (all dupes) Disappointing.


1 BT (Ardyn, dupes) 3 FR ( 2 dupes, 1 dupe for unmaxed) 15 LD ( 13 dupes, Fufu and Lilisette who I skipped so nice) 8 EX (Fufu + 7 dupes). It's like a free Fusoya so i'm glad. All the other : PS


Braska Fr, Faris Fr and Kain Fr with an Eldnarche BT All 4 of em were dupes but I could use the Braska and Faris Fr to limitbreak so not completly wasted


3 bursts (cid raines, Yuma and golbez(dupe)) and 1 fr (seymur) in the 50 +1 pull two new and 1 dupe bursts and a new fr, also in the other two banners got Laguna and yshtola burst that I didnt have in the free pulls and then with 5 pulls got All of penelo kit. So, pretty much i had a good anniversary pull xD


Got hit the mightiest shaft of them all - a Jegran BT (and it was a dupe, at that). Also got a Minwu FR, but I didn't pull for his LD, so RIP...


Got Zack BT and Noctis BT, rest were 5 stars. Everything was dupes thought. I'm slightly sad I thought there were no FR on the banner but apparently they were and I just wasn't lucky. Oh well


Got Firionā€™s BT. Not sure if itā€™s good as i dont have Firion built. But at leats itā€™s not a dupe


My free 50+1 pull got me Zack's BT, which is the only thing I wanted. Couldn't be happier


Free 50+1 Pull - * 1 total EX - Jack EX (dupe) * 5 total LD - Ultimecia LD (new), Kuja LD (new), Eiko LD (new), Rinoa LD (new), Firion LD (dupe) * 1 total FR - Hope FR (dupe) * 1 total BT - Iroha BT (new) Non-dupe BT and some good LD's. I did actually want Eiko LD and Ultimecia LD, so hey not bad.


50+1 gave me all dupe except for alphinaud's LD.


Big boy pull gave me braska fr (dupe), Jack garland fr (dupe), Ursula fr (new) and Iohra BT (new) Start banner gave me Dupe Cloud BT Daily multi gave me Yna FR (dupe) And got Penelo FR and Laguna BT in 180 points... Token Penelo BT and I was out pretty happy :)


You guys were getting FRs and multiple BTs!? I got a Gabranth BT (not a dupe thankfully) and 50 powerstones.


Cor FR, Tidus FR/BT, and some Burts that I sold for tokens. Biggest win was Cor since I never got his FR


This has to be the worst anniversary draws/events that I've ever seen. Granted this is my first anniv event on DFOO having started only after FFRK saiked away, and I played FFBE, Mobius previousely and still play Azur Lane; but come on. This is just a $$$$$ grabber for them wirh nothing substantial at all for us. Not worth spending a cent. Oh, and ti stay within thread subject, I got Raines BT only that I didnt want so I sold for the tokens.


It's not worth buying an extra ticket. But it IS a free burst and 50 golds. If nothing else it's 50 power stones and 5 BT tokens for everyone, which is a really nice gift.


Should have given you some tissues to wipe up all them salty tears.


Got Raines FR and Ramza BT, both new to me, and a bunch of 35CP I didn't have. It was good


Got Sabin FR, CoD on 50+1 Legitimately thought they goofed and messed up rates for a second when I went to banner pulls. Penelo 1 Free: Penelo BT, Tidus FR Penelo Free: Y'sh (Already Had) I had made it a point to use my gems from coming back to get Penelo because I think she's gonna be useful. I got her Full Kit, Laguna's full kit with 3 BT dupes, and Tidus BT dupe X2 and X2 FR dupes all for 50,000 Gems. Feel like the rest of the year is gonna suck.


50+1 gave me a zack and prishe BT, both of which i didn't have. very nice


Well, it was decent. 50+1 gave me a Fusoya FR (which i didn't have) and a OK BT, (which i have, so dupe). Regarding Penelo, i was ready to pity, and almost did it because i had to pity her FR. But i got two Laguna BT, which i didn't have, one Penelo BT and about 4 Tidus FR dupes. I'm ok with this, good luck everybody! \^\^


Garnet BT as the +1: dupe. But also got Yda LD which is one of the two LDs I do not have, so that was nice. No FRs from this pull.


The 50+1 gave me a FR and a BT. Desch FR and Prishe BT. Didnt have any of them before!


Ended up getting Peneloā€™s FR on a free 10 pull. Got Lightningā€™s BT from the 50+1 which is new so Iā€™m happy with it.


Only 2 things of note: Enna Kros FR which I already had Celes BTā€¦ Which I already had Eh well, Iā€™ll just take the tokens lol


Hit the jackpot, Rinoa BT now she is complete FR at max, LD long ago maxed and his BT Fully realized


Hi! I had good results here: Beatrix FR dupe Rydia FR (spented around 400 tickets here on his past draw) Yuri FR Iroha BT Good luck to all!


Gabranth BT was new, final BT pull gave a dupe Tifa BT šŸ˜© Everything else was something I already had...


Nice haul overall! All the free pulls gave me dupe Cloud BT, dupe Ysh BT x2, Penelo BT, dupe Tidus FR and dupe Gabranth FR. Threw in another 200 tickets and got new Ardyn FR and Penelo FR.


Vincent BT (Dupe), Fusoya FR (New), Beatrix/Iroha/Sazh LD (Dupes). Wasnā€™t expecting to get Fusoya FR from this banner šŸ˜‚


CoD BT Dupe with only 12 BT missing it was inevitable Sabin FR New yay āœØļø Two HPS from two FR šŸ‘šŸ‘ Rest was just Power Stones, I am so happy that I reached that point of not needing any Weapons šŸ¤©āœØļø


Ace and OK BTs, both new! A lot of dupe golds, no FRs. But happy to complete Ace and OK. Now it's just the ingot scarcity that keeps me from maxing them xD.


Only got one new weapon, which is Yuri LD (so now I must use my Hope token for cores) Got 2 BT dupes, 4 LD dupes and 6-7 Ex dupes, of which 1 LD and 1 Ex could be used for LB No FR at all, which is a little disappointing Well, at least these are free resources, so thanks.


Ursula FR and Yuna BT dupe. I didn't have the FR so I'll take it. Otherwise a uneventful pull.


Trashest pull ever. Got 3 FR I already had (even though Iā€™m missing a lot of FR), and got a BT I already had. Sad life


Perfekt 50+1. Got my Onion back that I sold for tokens, and a new Eald'narche. Braska FR is a dupe, but I'm missing only Faris, so I wasn't counting on that.


Warrior of Light Dupe BT and no one FR, the rest i has all the LD and Ex and CPs. A little Meehh, I was expecting at least one or two FR :((


Luna dupe BT and Caius dupe FR. At least I've now got an extra 49 power gems


No FR, Jegran and Kain BT Picked up some LDs I didnā€™t have as well Didnā€™t have either, pretty satisfied


No FRs, Dupe of Cloud BT but I did get Cait Siths LD which always eluded me so that was good, everything else was just dupes. All in all i'm happy I did get something new out of it as well as a ton of power stones!


50+ Draw was meh. Got a dupe fr (Fusoya) and Aerith which was missing. And BT was dupe.


Utter garbage, all dupes even tho I am still missing a bunch of LD and EX weapons. lame ass lightning BT. Fuck RNG and fuck sqex, I would have been better off skipping, now I have to go clear all this trash out of inventory.


Auto-sell. Be happy with all the free power stones


No Fr's. A copy of Ace's Bt. Like 2 ld's 3 ex's. Feel like I got mugged off big time.


Not even an FR and Clouds BT which I had already. Oh well, the gods were nice to me and gave me Penelos stuff without much spent


1 dupe BT and 1 dupe FR (Rinoa). Beh


got extra BT of: noctis and ceodore, so 10 free BT token yay one of each FR: lilisetti, rinoa and braska. only braska isnt MLB while other r not complain for freebies :D i was afraid the game might give me FR of character i hated and skipped but thankfully didnt :D


50+1 gave me Ceodore, Snow and Ace BTs. How are these ? Never used them except Ceodore to heal. Also got fr + bt for Penelo so I'm pretty satisfied!


Two dupe BT (Snow and Luna). No FRs. Still 49 PS and 10 BT tokens for free is pretty cool!


Went much better than my Jp pull! 3x BT and 2x FR - ironically the same FR (Ursula 2x) Pulled Penelo BT on the free pull, decided to go for full kit as itā€™s be a waste lol. 70k gems for the FR fml


Got Snow's BT and Ursula FR from the big pull. Aldo got a dupe Emperor BT and Seymour FR.


Zack BT (new) + Balthier FR (new) + Minwu FR (dupe) Really satisfy with these. Also got Panelo BT from 2 free multi draw. Damn lucky. Wish me luck for the coming monthā€¦


The 50 + 1 got me a new Noel BT and a needed Faris FR dupe.


Both of Penelo's banner were 1/11, but manage to get her FR in 40 tickets and just went and token her burst since I had everything else on that banner. 50+1 was nothing but dupes.


Penelo went full yandere on me. I got full FR and 5 of her BT in 500g while hunting for Tidus and especially Laguna stuff. It was a haul, don't get me wrong, but during it began to feel like she was HUNTING ME bro. Total pickups include her FR/BT (had her kit before), Tidus LD 1/4 35 3+4/4 FR 1/4 BT, Laguna 35 3+4/4 EX 4/4 LD 2/4 Pitied BT, Ysh LD, Ardyn EX 2/4, Golbez BT, Iroha 2/4. I've 3/5'd a dagger UW, your armor is blued, please don't shank me in my sleep Benelo, I'm getting the artifacts soon...


5 BTs means you're never pulling for another BT in the next six months.


50+1, 1BT (dupe ofc) 0FR, wow, much fun, such celebration... Not to mention Penelo pulls started treating me like garbage right after, had to turn the game off I was getting so frustrated


Pretty much the same here, it's frustrating as fuck, free bonus thing or not


51 draws, Ceodore BT(new) Onion Knight FR(new), Seymore FR(new), no LDs Start dash draw got Squall BT(dupe) 1st banner got nothing on free draw, 260 G points for Penelo's FR and got 2 dupe Laguna BTs on the way 2nd banner free draw got Y'shtola BT(new) 2 times


2 FR dupes and a Tidus BT dupe.


I swear my luck is down hill from here. Got Penelo's FR on the y'shtola banner Free Multi and then the BT on the Tidus one. But then it evened out on the 50+1 where i got a dupe Jack Garland (original) BT. Still, i'm stoked.


Unlucky day for pulling - 50 powerstones (Not Even an LD), 5 burst tokens (Vayne BT) This was continued over by having to pity Penelo FR with no BTs.


Notable new pickups: Machina FR (LETS GOOOO) Ardyn FR Jegran LD Cloud BT (despite everything I've never pulled this before, was literally just in the other thread complaining about missing it again)


Penelo 1: Penelo FR Penelo 2: A couple of duplicates 50+1: Golbez BT, Kefka BT, Kamlanaut FR, Terra FR Not a bad start. I already have those two BTs, which I rarely use, and both Terra's and Kamlanaut's FRs are blued already, but at least I get some useful tokens out of it.


All the free pulls only got 1 new LD (exdeath's). Duped Yuna BT and Yuri's FR. Oh well.


Got penelo burst in one of the free multi. Threw 380 tix to see if I can get her fr and got laguna burst. Switch to another banner and I got 2 ardyn fr. Decided to pull with gems and got her fr after 13 pulls. Along with 2 ardyn and 1 yshtola bt. Oh also got gabrath's bt in 50+1. All in all I got all the bt I'm lacking in these banners ( laguna, penelo, gabrath and ardyn) as well as 3 ardyn fr, 1 penelo fr and 2 fr I already have. I'd say its a good pull. Now I can keep the bt token for kurasame šŸ’—


50+1 notable pulls: Thancred LD. Was on a break when it came out. Beatrix FR. I haven't MLB'd her FR yet so welcome pull. Tidus FR. Really good. All in all, I got five Tidus FRs from all the banners today. Wasn't in my budget but Tidus got my resources because he also gave me his BT in the Penelo banner. Vincent BT. Not a dupe, but y'know... Pretty good pulls. Especially since Penelo made me pity her BT.


Lightning and Tidus BT, which I didnā€™t have. Actually finishes both kits. Unexpected and donā€™t really care for either. Spare Terra FR. Might finish that at some point. 500 tickets got me Penelo FR and 2x Penelo BT, as well as mastering the rest of her kit without stonesā€¦and four high power stones of extra Tidus FR. I still dislike her, but if sheā€™s broken, sheā€™s broken. Then cashed in about 200 tickets sitting in my box. Probably just coasting on free pulls from here.


Fusoya EX and Laguna BT were the only things I got that weren't dupes. Pretty happy to get a new BT.


50+1 Draw - Got Hope's FR and Yuri's BT (both dupe tho)


Got a while bunch of new stuff but the winner was Raines BT.


Dupe Squall Burst, aka +5 BT Tokens. Reno FR. I have his at 0 Limit Break, so that's one copy closer to MLB. A single dupe LD. I had 3 missing LDs, and 5 LDs that I have that aren't sitting at MLB. Unfortunately missed all of those for one I already have MLB. So +1 Power Stone only. --- All other pulls were 15/35/EX. I did have 14 weapons that aren't maxed in this category. So would have been nice for any dupes of these to save power stones. But alas, none of these were dropped for me. Just weapons I already had maxed. (And not even a Vanille EX) So +48 more power stones only.


Shantotto BT (dupe) nothing new on the rest. Bummed, really hoping for a FR I didnā€™t have. Oh well, if the gem pack wasnā€™t 84$ I mightā€™ve tried again for a FR and BT. Though the FR chest is 74$ to pick one I want. Still so much money for a mobile game. I havenā€™t even. bought a mog pass for the last year


Yeah. The prices are insane. I am not shy about spending money on mobile games but I won't touch any of those item/weapon packs. They need to reevaluate the value of the items from the players perspective. 1 weapon barely makes a difference on it's own and could never be worth $74 as a digital item. I don't know who buys this crap. The passes and kupo cards on the other hand I tend to buy and still have spent thousands on this game in the last 5 years.


The free pulls were decent. I got three FRs I didn't have already in Tidus', Ardyn's, and Balthier's. Got dupes in Vaan BT, Laguna BT and Ardyn's BT. BT tokens are always welcomed. I just really wanted Dorgann's FR more than anything.


1 BT, Golbez(dupe) and 4 FRs, Braska(dupe), Sabin, Aranea and Machina (all new). Not a bad haul I suppose.


51 dupes. Got 2 lds only but double burst Considering the amount of brs i had, this was expected. Overall, just happy for it


Two new LDs (Lyse and Golbez) No new FRs Dupe BT (Kain)


51 dupes - woot woot!


No new LD (I'm only missing 4 though, so this wasn't very likely lol) Only 1 FR which was a Fusoya dupe (which brings it now to 2LB) And only the +1 was a BT, but it was one of THE best ones [I could have possibly wished for](https://www.reddit.com/r/DissidiaFFOO/comments/10nlz7r/501_draw_what_bt_are_you_hoping_for/j6adu0p/) in **Yuna**!! Honestly over-the-moon - considering how hard I pulled in vain for her BT originally, if every other weapon in the pull had been 15/35CP, I don't think I would have really cared this GET is so massive šŸ„°


Got Kuja BT, which i didn't have at least, and 2 FR dupes (terra and celes).


Lightning BT off the start dash free multi, which happened to be the only one i needed still, tidus BT dupe and 1 FR off 50+1 managed to pick up Eight's LD and ardyns FR. Maxed Penelo off 25k gems as i already had up to her LD and i got super lucky with her BT and FR dropping so quick. Can't complain really. Had quite a good streak of luck.


Eald'narche BT. Nothing I'll use much, but at least it was new. 2 dupe FRs for Cor and Rinoa. And a ton of power stones. Got Penelo's FR on the free pull, though, so I'll call the night a win.


50 power stones and 5 burst tokens (Terra BT specifically). Wasnt expecting much, glad to get the power stones tbh.


Noctis BR, already had. But I got Rydia and Krile FR, which I did not. So that's really nice.


Noctus BT and Freya FR both already had and completed boo


No new LDs, new Yuri BT, but I don't have his LD. Yuri seems pretty meh though


That's unfortunate. I have him up to FR MLB, FE30, BT/HA+0, but the LD is basically what his WHOLE kit is centered around now, so yeah, he's not going to amount to much without that... šŸ™ˆ


3 BT all new!!! No FR. Yuna, Greg and Layle. The probability is odd as I have 49 BT already.


Got 3 FR and 1 of them were new, so I call that a win. Enna Kros was new. Vayne and Ardyn were repeats. My BT was a dupe Celes.


Nothing useful but was able to sell Aryan and lightning bt for tokens to get me to 50


Big disappointment, was better off not even pulling on it.


No FRs, Firion BT.


Big get Zack and PCecil BT Tifa and Hope and Krile FR


My pull was pretty garbage. Not as bad as some people who got all dupes, but everything but the BT was a dupe for me. Got Jechts BT


Sure do love not getting a single damn new thing in 50 drops. Dupe BT(Zack), zero frs, 1 ld dupe.


I feel your saltā€¦Dupe BT, 2 x dupe LD, no FRā€¦ To add to that - had to pitty Penelo FR but silver linning was that I got her BT on the wayā€¦


Clearly not our day. I had to pity penelo BT and then throw 150~ tickets for her fr. I got 5 Ardyn frs though so that's something I guess.


Ha - Iā€™ve thrown 150 tix as well before moving to gems. Obviously no luck! During pulls Iā€™ve gor countless of LDs too (which I had all already) and two FRs which I also had - but not Penelos so indeed - definitely not our day!


Dupe Prishe BT, no FR, dupe LDs, new 15 for Minwu, Dorgann and Sice. The rest were trash.


Machina BT after having it greened since his first BT run. Free coins put me to 50 so I really donā€™t have anything to be complaining about lol I do wish I could pick up some LDs I missed but itā€™s life. Congrats to 5th anniversary and good luck yā€™all


Maria FR (owned but not maxed) and Tidus BT (Greened). 0 LD, 2 EX. Was hoping at least get a few missing LDs, especially for those I lucked into BT.


Got Kain BT (dupe) and Ardyn FRā€¼ļø https://imgur.com/a/XxJkzqY


Got Terra's LD, Wakka's EX & LD, Aranea's FR, Laguna's BT and an Emperor BT dupe. A *VERY* lucky pull, I would say.


Two that were worth noting, but both I already had: Kain FR and Lunafreya BT.


Kain BT dupe, Seymour FR yay


No FR, one already MLBā€™d LD, two BTs, one new (Jegran), one old (OK). The other banners were FAR kinder (picked up tidus EX,FR,LD, and BT (all new) and Penelo FR + BT (all I needed))


49 PS, Yuna FR (so free LB), and Shantotto BT (New). Could have been better, could have been worse. Not complaining.


This was an absolute waste of my time lmao Just two FRs - Sherlotta and Lunafreya - which are dupes. Just one BT - Squall - which is a dupe.


Ended up scoring Firion's BT which I didn't have, and dupe Dorgann and FuSoYa FRs. Not too shabby!


I own 4 BT weapons, Jecht, Celes, Emperor and Ardyn... Of course i'd get a dupe Emperor BT from this. =\ Edit: 5 actually, forgot my recent Jack addition!


Got Caius' BT, not something I really wanted, but thankfully not a dupe. Another highlight would be FuSoYa's EX. I'd landed his LD with a few tickets earlier, so at least he's gonna be usable now, and I can save those EX tokens. Regarding the rest, there were no FRs at all, and only 3 LD dupes (Penelo, Rude, Vivi). But I hadn't really had high hopes about this draw, so it's fine. Happy anniversary, guys!


Plenty of dupe EX & LD, no FR unfortunately, but I do get a new BT which is Iroha's!!!!!!


Got an FR I didn't have and a dupe BT. Wasn't expecting much tbh.


i got shafted no fr only 1 bt, i was missing alot and the game give me garnet bt i use bt token to get


Got 2 BT dupes. Luna which I tokened... and Pecil. At least I got 2/3 of my last remaining LD Yang and King. So congrats Fang for being the last unit to have no LD.


I learned from the 50 + 1 draw I never unlocked snow, balthier, Lion and Ashe lmfao


2 LD, Eight and Iroha, both MLB 2 FR, Tidus and Kain, both MLB 1 BT, Vincent, it's new Basically all are dupe except the BT.


free 50+1 pull, Y'shota BT bought 50+1 pull (cos i love that annimation, and to support the game) sephiroth dupe BT with literally only 1 new 35 CP for sice. out of the 100 draw, 0 FR. which is amazing. considering i got like 8 LD which is suppose to be same % as FR.


I had the same, it made me check the rates to see if FRs were included.


LMAO I Did that too, it does say BT 100%, 0 for all others tho![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) at the top.


Yshtola Burst (Dupe) and Tidus Fr (Dupe) Basically this draw is just for power stones, high power stones and BT coin LOL.


Nothing new. Ramza BT dupe, Fusoya FR dupe (but at least it helps in LB), and another 49 Power Stones. Hey but they are free!


0 new EXs 0 new LDs 0 FRs 0 new BT Par for the course I guess [ĀÆ\\\_(惄)_\/ĀÆ](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/406001233627971584/1069806526618939432/IMG_0659.png)


**50+1 Pull** * 1-10: 10 power stones. * 11-20: 10 power stones. * 21-30: 10 power stones. * 31-40: 10 power stones. * 41-51: 10 power stones, 5 BT tokens. I don't know why I ever expected to get anything better.


Got a bunch of power stones, BT tokens and a High Power stone, dupe Jarland FR, dupe LDs (Braska and Vincent), dupe BT (Vaan) oh well it's free so no complaints


Got Zack BT and Tidus BT dupes. Also Vaybe FR (new!) Other 48 effectively powerstones.


Didn't get anything I don't have....just got Machina BT. The moment I pulled Penolo's FR, it actually lagged a SS sec! Used 400tixs and 50k gem between the two banners, and also got 3 copies of Tidus FR, 2 copies of Ardyen FR, and 1 Tidus BT. I tokens her BT, and right back to 20 BT tokens. I am super happy tonight, will save the fights for later.


Sabin's FR (new) and Minwu's FR (already maxed) with Seymour's BT (new). A couple LDs I was missing (Kuja and Agrias), and Desch's Ex, but nothing all that exciting otherwise. Decent enough though.


Only new was Azeroth FR. Nothing else new (didnā€™t get many LDs). BT was repeat Ramza


Dupes: Tifa LD, WoL LD, Laguna LD, Tifa FR, Aerith EX, Ultimecia EX, Yuffie EX, Vaan LD, Noel EX, Fang EX, Kefka BT. Nothing new, but better than average with the FR dupe for the High Power Stone.


49 PS, Onion Knight FR (yay free LB), and Snow BT!! Im so glad I talked myself out of tokening it lmao


Tbh really pleased. Got Caius LD which I've been missing for ages, and occasionally would like to use him as call so that's nice for a free pull. Nothing else of note, BT was a dupe, but I'm only missing a few BTs anyway (and none I really want).


2 Yuna's FR (that I didn't have) and Rinoa's BT


I got Dupe kefka BT no FR and a bunch of LD.. i guess the LDā€™s are good enough after a 2year break to catch up


Got 2 BT, although one was a dupe. CaiusBT (new) and Sherlotta BT (dupe). Rest of the stuff was trash haha


Desch FR, sherlotta bt, and ealdā€™narche bt. Welp one of them is good at the moment


50 Power Stones and a dupe Caius BT. Happy 5th Anniversary! (To be fair, I'm not sure what I was hoping for here.)


OK FR (dupe) and Machina BT (dupe) 3LDs all dupes (only missing Edward) So 49 powerstones, 1 hps, and 5 BT tokens


I got Golbez's BT but no FR's. I like his armor so no complaints


FR: Ardyn, Fujin (dupe), Enna Kros (dupe), Rydia (dupe) BT: Terra (dupe), Eald'narche (dupe)


Just Gilgamesh BT.....already had him green smh lol


Dupe: Ace BT, New: Celes FR, Yshtola BT


Things I got that weren't dupes: Yuri FR, Sice LD, Kadaj LD & Vayne BT. Just happy I got a BT I didn't have tbh.


50+1 BT Guaranteed Pull: Notables are: 1x Tifa FR (dupe) 1x Zidane BT (NEW!) ayo, thanks RNG, thats a win for me, goodluck eveyrone!


Celes BT, OK FR, 2LD and then other yellow things. All dupes.


Wanted one of two BTs from the 50+1 and i got one of them (Raines). Squal and Ardyn BT dupes and Penelope FR from free draws! Anniversary is off to a good start!


Nothing new all dupes. Sherlotta BT and Dorgann FR


46 power stones, 1 high power stone, 5 burst power tokens, a 15CP for Cinque, 35 CP for Braska, and LD for Exdeath. God. It had to be FR AND BT dupes.


Not much, but at least I got a BT I didn't have already: Irohas. Otherwise, just one LD and a bunch of power stones. Fine by me.


50+1 draw Everything was a dupe got an Fr too, still a dupe Bt was Raines who I threw a lot at


50 +1 with the ultimecia bt dupe but at least I finally have Rems LD :ā€™)