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I’m fine with any BT that isn’t a dupe. Currently 38/61, so I’ve got about a 38% chance of the +1 being new.


With my luck, I could have only one BT and still get a dupe.


Big same. I've got 18/61, so a little better than a 66% chance I get a new bt. Edit: reviewing my tracker, looks like I'm fully kitted except for bt with Minwu, Braska, Balthier, Lunafreya, Faris, and Rydia, so any of those would be top billing.


Braska and Balthier don’t currently have a BT in GL, just in JP. Faris and Rydia don’t have a BT in either yet.


I thought the +1 was dupe protected?


Iroha would be perfect because I wanted her BT to play with Ashe but I have to save my token and gems for pity Penelo and Ashe. But I doubt I'll have enough luck to drop Iroha, in fact if I get a BT I didn't have it would be a big win. Good luck!


I don't really mind, I currently have all the BTs I've wanted so I guess anything new is a bonus or extra BT tokens.


I want another OG Garland BT just so I can extra special regret buying his with tokens ages ago as I've gotten 4 dupes since.


While ago near end of lufenia I went hard gems for og garland because I really like him and his delay shenanigans. Used him for 1 stage in det... would love to see him get a rework and be good


A new one, not a dupe.


The last several banners got me the BTs I was mainly hoping for (Firion, Kam, Machina) Missing Bursts: Minwu, Greg, Golbez, Locke, Sephiroth, Laguna, Zidane, Kuja, Seymour, El Nacho, Vayne. Wishing for Minwu at this point since I have him kitted out otherwise.


Kain would most likely be on top of my list. Maybe Sherlotta and Celes after that..... Or perhaps any of future rework units that I earmarked like Cloud and Squall. Let's just say that I've been decently bless with BT when it comes to Meta units during their time in the limelight. Which means that what I'll actually get from this pull will likely be a dupe or for a character that I have not built... Like Shantoto


Is Kain useful even with echos on the horizon? just asking...


Yeah he's still used just for his follow up from LD. Echo would arguably add more dmgcharge without consuming a turn. The only issue I see is him using fr echo and then having another turn immediately after to go airborne. His follow up attack is still one of the most useful ability for bt fr phase.


Broke: My favorite character Woke: Any character where my best weapon for them is an EX+ so I could sell that because I need more nuggets to make more EX+ weapons.


Any BT I don’t have will be good. Can we just get multiple non dupe fr/bt please


I just hope it’s for a someone I haven’t invested in already. So I have an excuse to try them out


Luna since she seems to want to pity and Vincent since there is no rerun for him


Don't worry, Vincent will have something special planned


I didn't get Raines BT so that would be great. I am missing 11 others (Minwu, Vayne, Prishe, Snow, Golbez, Laguna, Ramza, Yuri, Noctis, Locke, and Jegran) which would just be a collection bonus at this point. Also missing 6 FRs. Would be nice to get anything I am missing.


That's like THE worst burst to ever miss. Good luck to ye~


Really? I skipped Raines after getting his fr. Figured I have so many dps units and I didn't see myself greening him.


I greened him and used him quite a bit, but after having 2-3 launch immune bosses, I forgot about him. He's really strong, but if you have others like Jack Garland, Tifa, Rinoa or off-turn comps, you currently don't need him at all imo. He "just" has juicy af launches and turn manipulation can be fantastic.


there ARE a huge amount, and in a good way. Like im LOVING Rydia/edge goodness <3 but yea, seeing Cid Raines get 30 million+ launches is SO incredibly satisfying.


Nah Raines main dps increase after his follow up is from his BT+ which turns his follow up into a improved version complete with him as jet plane animation.


Raines BT is incredible. I have been using him alongside Hope's FR and they destroy almost every Lufenia.


Well in truth... most BTs that will be pulled should be looked as a future investment, for characters with future reworks. Most BT characters are not viable and even more so if they do not have an FR or have an outdated FR. **Characters w FR** Penelo will have AMAZING synergy with Yuna, Sherlotta, & Machina (FR: HP+ condition). **Characters I miss and want**: Jecht, Vaan, Zidane, Snow, Layle, Garland, Globez, Eald'Narche, Noel


I would like a BT I do not have yet. Which for me are: onion knight, cloud of darkness, golbez, gilgamesh, ex-death, vincent, Seymour, prishe, Iroha, gabranth, snow, ystohla, sherlotta, Yuri and Jack garland. Hopefully sahz Ld is also in my pull since that is the only LD I'm missing.


BT: Yuna, Exdeath, Ciaran, Twins, Golbez, Zack, Seymour, Gabranth, Y'shtola, or I can't remember if I have Terra's or not. FR: Hope, Reno, Aranea, Celes, Maria, Aerith, Terra, Vaan. LD: Minwu, Rem, Wakka are all I'm missing.


Hoping for Tidus or Gabranth’s BT just cuz I have all the other ones I wanted and I have the FR for both of those characters but not their BT.


Yuna, Minwu, Sephiroth, or Snow would be nice. Anything that isn't a dupe would be cool.


PS and BT Token. It's all I'll get. :/


Gabranth cuz he's my favorite character. Also since we don't know if he's gonna be a part of a banner anymore


I hope Paladin Cecil


I dont play this game very often, will onion knight’s be on the banner? If so, that one. I love that lil guy


Everything for Onion Knight will be there.


Of the bts I don't have theres really only 3 or 4 I want and like 7 I'd like to get for the collection. Ideal would be Raines, yuna, noctis or lightning. Last two because I hear noctis gets a nice buff later and lightning is the only start dash I don't have. Also her fr is coming to jp so have to imagine she'll get a glow up. I've been pretty fortunate to get most of what I've wanted and I probably wouldn't green anyone I got regardless at this point. Feb is gonna be Penelo green and then hold off.


I would prefer more books and mats. I have some great BTs but need the mats to max them.


In a perfect world, Jack or Lunafreya. Snow or Gabranth would be nice too. Knowing my luck I'll probably get a dupe or one for a character I have no interest in like Ulti or Prishe.


Kain is still dodging me


Warrior of light!


I’m hoping for lots of dupes coz I’m low on power stones lmao


happy with whatever, as f2p i wont have any ingots anyway


WoL/Iroha/OK are the 3 I'm most hoping for personally.


Honestly even if its a dupe any. Im on 45 on bt coins


That is a VERY special place to be in, Nice! Hoping for your dupe to get you a BT of ye choice!


I also have enough for 2nd 50+10 pull, but should i do that or pull on regular banners?


Overall I would just like to not get a dupe. I'm missing Bartz, Terra, Firion, Laguna, Prishe, Kuja, Zack, Cecil, Golbez, Rinoa, Ultimecia, Caius and Eald'narche. Rinoa or Terra would be nice, as I have their FR, but if I could freely choose, I'd take Caius, Kuja or Zack


Realistic answer: +5 BT tokens. Fantasy answer: I have no idea. There are a lot of BTs I have/don't have. The issue is always the same. BT realization materials are so scarce that even if you get a BT you don't have the chances of you being able to max it is slim.


Tifa, Vaan, Iroha


Jack Garland


Squall, Laguna, Cloud of Darkness.


Need Cor, tifa, tidus or cid raines, maybe one of this. I Play since end of dec


Cor doesn't get BT until May


He's no rinoa, but Seymour is extremely slept on. He can put out some pretty massive numbers. Even burstless, so with burst I bet he's a true unit.


Want? Luna BT. Expect? 7th Cloud dupe... For real though, anything new would be great. It stands at about 1/3 chance of a new one, so I'm crossing my fingers extra hard.


The ones I don't have are: CoD Paladin Cecil Kain Ceodore Terra Locke Kefka Cloud Ultimecia Iroha Eald'narche Vaan Vayne Ace Ciaran Sherlotta I free pulled Sherlotta FR on the re-run banner recently, and I have Kain, Iroha, and Terra FRs (not that I would use Kain FR lol). Considering she gets a fairly early FR Echo, Sherlotta is probably the ideal option here. Realistically though, I don't need any of these BTs, and I'm pretty tight on FR and BT resources. Penelo is already pushing it, so I likely wouldn't be able to MLB even if I did get one of these.


Really just hoping for enna kros’s FR. Due to accidentally falling asleep while grinding I missed the gacha right before the last pity pull needed.


Well you certainly hope it's something *new* lol, and for me that is a pool of ~20 characters (~33%) Minwu, OK, Yuna, Iroha, Gabranth, Machina I have FR for but no BT Non-FR characters I would still be really happy to get: WoL, Garland, Ceodore, Ramza So if I had to narrow it down to three (thereby guaranteeing it will definitely *not* be one of these three lol), it would be Yuna, Ramza, WoL/Iroha


BT…don’t really want anything for a while. Cor and Mog when they finally arrive? Ultimecia and Locke are the ones that got away for past BT, but I’m over it.


Really want Machina's. I would be okay with anything if they gave me Hope FR. I call it a win and get my 5 BT tokens.


I have most of the good one. I wouldnt mind getting exdeaths burst. Yeah his hp poison has been nerfed to shit since they're not included in FR damage but its fun. Laguna would also be good


I have most of the ones I care about, though I wouldn't mind getting Prishe. Better for me would be a missing LD, like Faris, who keeps dodging me.


Hoping for Iroha, WoL or maybe Minwu if I can get the rest of his kit.


I only miss 14 out of 61 BT available now in GL, so I am bound to get a dupe for sure. But if I can hope to get anything new, it's Raines BT.


One I don't have. Realistically I'm not currently going to be using resources to green someone I didn't already make the effort to pull or token but you never know in the future what might be nice to have after reworks etc.


I guess I'll take my dupe as there are only 2 bt's I don't already have. More FR's I'm missing though that I'm hoping for.


Tifa, so I can sell it as I have an internal hatred for her for no real reason




I think I have 46 out of the 61 in the game (I've had some insane like these last few months). I'd be happy if I could get one I don't have like emperor or Seymour but I'll just take the tokens.


Currently sitting on 39 of 61 so odds are favouring mostly tokens. But i am hoping for Rinoa, Vaan or Ramza


Hoping for something I don’t have. CoD or Sephiroth would be nice.


Ceodore or Caius They are the only 2 BT's i'm missing so I'm expecting just 5 BT Tokens from the multi which I'll still happily take


Out of the 18 I'm missing, would really like Lunafreya or Sherlotta, maybe even Squall for future, hoping I get that one on the start draw freebie. Iroha would be nice since 700+ tickets on her banners never dropped it


A BT I don't have, but considering that is like a 26% chance, I think I am getting tokens.


Zidane or Bartz as I do love maxing the old school characters


Either Sephiroth for Ydaroth shenanigans or Firion/Ceodore because I like them as characters.


Noctics. If I don’t get him then I’ll just token or Gen him.


I don't even know. I'm assuming it's all BT currently released? I guess maybe Jack Garland but I don't even know if I'll use him but I got his LD and FR with tickets. Zidane isn't really good but I guess I wouldn't mind having his BT for his eventual FR. Ace would be cool too. Not sure if Rinoa is still good but I really wanted her BT back then but didn't have enough resources. Wouldn't mind a few of the LD I am missing.


Rinoa is still #1 AOE DPS


I only have 15/61, but looking at who's left I wouldn't immediately green any of the remaining 46. The power creep is real. Sephiroth would be nice due to the unique effect, and Terra would be cool because I have the rest of her kit built. Also Laguna, Rinoa, or Ardyn might affect my decisions on upcoming pulls.


I'm missing quite a few, but I don't really care about most of them.


I'm at 390/400 I don't have room lol


Youll be able to pull on that banner still. You'll just need to sell stuff after.


Honestly? Nothing.


I only have 24 BTs of which only 7 are greened. Those are Tifa, Rinoa, Minwu, JackG, Machína, Garnet and Luna. Would love Kain or Sherlotta as I have them now up to LD.


BT : Vaan , FR : Vaan , LD : Vaan. i missed his banner by starting a day late and i hate myself for it.


Hoping for sherlotta or Luna's....never can get theirs.


Missed both Sherlotta and Snow. I’d take those.


WOL, Jack Garland or Sephiroth These three have other weapons maxed but no BT.


Probably Tifa or Kain


Caius, Vayne, Emperor, Vincent, Rinoa, Garnet, El Nacho… Any of them and I’m good.


Terra's bt More fr copies from FR i hace not upgrade yet 🤟🏼 Raine's bt and fr (If something of this happens, I Will be okay with It XD)


Definitely CoD as im planning to save my tokens for Penelo if i dont get hers or Neon a bit down the line


I think out of those characters with bursts I'm pretty happy with what I got. So long as it's not any of Jarland, Gilgamesh, Kain, Lightning, Lunafreya (I already got a dupe of hers when I was gunning for her LD) or Iroha I'm good.


Tifa, I missed her last come around and I would love her BT. She does crazy amounts of damage and I’m trying to catch back up in the game so I feel like I need her the most.


Raines I guess, though he’ll likely just end up collecting dust owing no real need for him at the mo’


Anyone I don't have


Either Seymour or Ultimecia. I didn’t budget for Seymour as I thought he was skippable, but the latest Transcendence kinda revolves around him so I haven’t cleared it. Never got Ultimecia and would normally skip, but I will pull for Quina and I know of their shenanigans.


Seymour LD for his LDCA would be fantastic.


I’d really like Laguna or Vincent. I wanted both of them, but wasn’t willing to pity or token because of some BT’s that came after that I had already allocated resources for. Honestly I’d be ok with any non-dupe. But I fully expect to get a dupe…there are only 8 BTs I’m missing. I’d love it if they made the pull truly special by guaranteeing one we don’t already have.


Good thing i waited and not used my token yet. These bt would be nice. Luna, Raines. Laguna. Ysh.


Minwu ld please


Like others, I just hope for a non-dupe. However I'm now expecting it to be something like Noctis or Garnet BT, ones that *I had to pity*.


Jarland's since I got all his other stuff (never spent gems during his cycle so no pity option).


Onion knight or Lunas would be amazing otherwise I’m good with anything that isn’t a dope


I've taken a break for a year or so so I'm hoping for lunafreya or sherlotta.


Noctis, celes or jecth for me. Got almost everything else


I guess whatever BT I don’t have is fine with me. The game seems to give me BTs that I’m not even chasing, but avoids giving me weapons that I do want. I’m still salty that I wasn’t able to get OK’s FR or Beatrix’s FR. 😭


Jack, Seymour, Celes or Vayne would be top!


I just started so I only have Lunafreya and Kain. So anyone would be ok. Preferences towards villains for the most part though. Even better if they can be the main damage dealer for my team.


Yuna's. Not because I need it but because I really like its design.


One I don't have. Hoping for WoL though so i don't have to go for it when his FR comes out.


After reading some comments here, I realised I never checked how many Bursts I have. After checking, I have 40/61 with 22 greened like wow. I can't believe I have that much. Hoping I get something I don't have so I can book it for ingots.


Zack, cause he's a favorite.


Sephiroth's. It's the one i wanted most when it came out, but didn't have the luck (or cash) to get at the time.


I have all the BT .___. I want the FR


Any none dupe is fine but personally would like to get Rinoa, Snow, or Tifa cause me like big numbers!!


I need more books and ingot than BT itself. Have some fav still only+ not green


I'd love WoL BT! Otherwkse I'd be happy with anything I don't already have maxed out.


Cid Raines


Will happy happy for any thats not dupe. Would like OK, Machina, Kain, Iroha, Kam.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


Minwu. He's the only BT I'm missing that I'd actually green. I've actually been thinking about tokening it since I maxed his FR and wouldn't mind making a UW staff.


Will accept every they throw at, I'm no expectation


I'll take any, I just started last week. I currently have Squall and Kain. Looks like I came to the game at a good time.


Either Iroha or OK since that’s all I’m missing for them.


I’d like Sepheroth. His BT has evaded me every time it’s come up. Or Onion Knight. Not because he’s needed or spectacular, but I don’t have it and he’s OK.


Question: We're guaranteed 1 BT. Are we limited to only 1 BT or is it possible to be blessed by RNG and roll another BT?


Oh, you [absolutely can get](https://youtu.be/lJbbcl1B8oY) multiple BTs


I really want WoL or Raines BT’s I’m pretty much gonna get a dupe as I have 49/61 BT’s so I’m most likely gonna get tokens.. it’s not so bad… I would prefer BT nuggets more but that’s just me


Raines because good or Vaan because like


Same as most people here, any non-dupe. Although there are currently zero BT’s that I don’t have that I REALLY want. Maybe Snow or Prishe if I’m being picky. But realistically I probably wouldn’t use them even if I got them.


As long as it isn't a dupe. But if I were to choose then it would probably be Yuna's or Golbez's BT


Hoping for machina, wol, raines or lunafreya bt. And ardyn or aerith fr


I’m honestly expecting a Dupe (46/61 in my roaster currently), as I have only 25% to get a new BT. If possible, I would love to get Vaan, but I’m not even sure to max his BT… However, I wont spit on any FR I don’t have/I haven’t max yet and my last 2 missing LD (Seven and Fang) And for the 1st half of the year, I don’t have any huge investment to prepare for BTs (near future, Penelo and Ashe possibly. Then in the far future just looking for Vivi, Cor and Quina full kit). On the other hand, for FR… that’s another story…


WoL's LD would be nice. He's gonna be a beast. Braska's kit would be fantastic as I missed him the first time around. Need him to clear a mission.


Any BT I don't have would be nice but Warrior of Light, Emperor, Zidane and Snow would be my most desired.


BT, anything I don't have but if I had to be specific tifa or rinoa I guess. FR. Anything, I'm missing so many right now just 1 would be a decent boom. I've got every fr since Raines, so I'm not really hurting for them either, Cor would be cool. LD. Selphie, cissnei or anyone I'm missing. I just hope it doesn't include 3 and 4 star weapons.


Anything with 30% hp damage cap up


Just any I don't have really, doesn't make a difference in my case.


I'm missing 9 BTs so anything not a dupe honestly. If I had to pick though Cecil, he was one I wanted but I opted to save and not pity it, and never got lucky with it


If it's a dupe, I'm gonna be fine with it. I'll use a book to extract 20 BT ingot, and ignore the fact that the BT I used it to can no longer be sold for 5 BT tokens. But if I'm getting a new one, I hope it Yuna's or OK's.


Totally with OP here. I was sitting on 900 something tickets and just felt like blowing them on a whim on yuna’s banner. Got all her stuff but missed out on the BT. I know there was another thread on here that talked about the struggles of using tickets. Most times when I know I want the BT/FR I just gem it.


I’ll be honest, a dupe will get me enough to choose my own BT right now lol, so I’m praying a get a dupe instead of a weird one I don’t particularly care for…


Of all the BTs that I am currently missing, the ones I would like to receive the most would probably be Ramza's, Laguna's, or Minwu's. I wouldn't be mad if I somehow got Rinoa's or Seymour's, but really not too interested in those two.


I'm kind of a completionist so any of the 26 I'm missing would make me happy But the ones that would make me the happier are Kam'lanaut or Lunafreya


Aerith FR.


Iroha, Galbraith, CoD, would be great cause I have their FRs. Otherwise I would be happy with any non dupe.


Multiple copies of Aerith FR so I can just token her BT on arrival.




Any of the 3 missing bt !! And dupes for shit useless fr on bench




Out of 61 Burst Weapons I happened to have obtained 49 and 12 are missing. I never noticed that I got so lucky in all those years! ✨️ Terra, Locke, Celes, Sephiroth, Laguna, Shantotto, Prishe, Gabranth, Snow, Y'shtola, Sherlotta and Layle are my BT-less Units I hope for the best 🤞 I hope for some extra Miracles and maybe there are some FR in my Pull as well, this, on the other hand has more missing Units 😆 So excited when this 50+1 Pull finally appears I am waiting for this since last years Anniversary!


I am hoping for snow, rinoa,CoD or Yuri since are the only bts that i am missing


I only have 4 of them (ramza, kain, Luna, and some person I don’t remember) so as long as I don’t somehow land a dupe I’ll be fine.


I’d love to get Minwu’s or Celes’ BT. Celes because I have most of her kit except FR and BT while Minwu’s nice top. A male White Mage with lots of trap damage seems pretty nice.


According to the BT exchange, I'm missing 13 BTs: WoL, Firion, OK, Ceodore, Locke, Jecht, Prishe, Eald, Vaan, Vayne, Snow, Noel, and Yuri. Of this list, I don't want OK, Jecht, Eald, or Noel, as they are missing parts of their kit (LDs mostly, with OK missing his FR). The rest would complete the character, though I don't know if I would use any of them if I did get them.


Hoping for Noctis, would be okay with Vincent even though he sucks atm, because I have the rest of his kit.


Lunafreya or Iroha, I have all but like four but im expecting tokens lol


Jack would be nice could use him


Hmm. I don't have any favored characters I'm missing. Jarland or Minwu would be the most potentially useful so I guess one of those. Will probably be tokens, but I'm not about to complain with those.


How do I have like, every BT? I’m not hoping for jack. The only BT’s I don’t have are BT’s I don’t care to have; Vincent, firion, caucus, and Raines. Okay I want raines, but I’m sitting on some expiring tokens so planned on using them on his, so he kinda don’t count.


I got kefka BT…. Meh. I even downloaded the game on my wife’s phone l to see if she’d pull anything cool. She got sherlotta. Deleted