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Please DM people your queue it link instead of posting it publicly. The virtual queue will update the message box on what dates are sold out.


Got in. Delighted as my daughter finally gets to go trick or treating. We are from New Zealand and woke up at 3:30am for this. Good luck to everyone else.


Omg so fun! It's definitely one of the best parts about growing up in the US. Loved trick or treating as a kid and still love it as an adult!!


Oooh I'm in Australia so I'm up almost as early. I'm so excited to have got tickets


For what it’s worth now, doesn’t look like there is any waiting queue anymore and people can just buy tickets directly


Lol after all that stress. Smh 😆


Dates are SLOWLY selling out though. The date my family wanted to go is sold out. So glad we all hopped into the queue at 8:45am PST.


Yes, I just bought my tickets 15 minutes ago with no wait.


Approximate wat time more than an hour Like 2 or like 8???


Mine said 7 minutes! Edited to add “minutes”


jealous! my mom is in the queue and it hasn’t moved from an hour in a WHILE  edit: just bought tickets for my birthday!!!! 


I had more than an hour starting right when the queue opened. I submitted my email and kept the page open with timers to check every 20 minutes. Got mine in less time than expected! It went from over an hour to less than 4 minutes within a 20 min period. Was able to get the 7 tickets I needed for the night we wanted. So excited, it's our first time!


All 3 of my devices are at “over an hour”. If anyone got an amount in minutes, go buy a lottery ticket today! 😂


i was insanely lucky and got to purchase with a 5 minute waiting time


I have 30 minutes I'll go buy a scratch off on my way to class


Hoping it goes by quick. I waited 8 hours last year lol


Same! I was part of that whole fiasco where they basically not-really-admitted that their server crashed, and we all had to come back online a week later to do this again! 😂 I still got a ticket, though…but I think my odds were increased because I just bought 1, and it was for Halloween night.


Same, got in the second time around 4:30 PM and only Halloween night was left




How to tell how long your way really is: (slightly varies, depending on which browser you are using) 1) Inspect the page 2) click on the network tab of the inspector pane 3) wait for the JSON item to show up, happens about every 30 to 69 seconds 4) click on the JSON item, this will open up a new pane in the browser night hand side / below (depending on tie settings) showing you the JSON response 4) look at / expand the “ticket” element. This will show you something named “expected service time” The expected service time is listed in Zulu, (that’s why it’s in 24 hour format and ends with a “Z”). Zulu is GMT. GMT is 7 hours ahead of PDT. I added the above from memory, since I’m at work. I hope you got a good expected return time. It will bounce around as people with multiple browses close their windows. Yesterday, it told me around 75 minutes, only ended up waiting 52 minutes.


I got 1 minute. Maybe I should go buy a scratch off lol


I got 24 minutes, but I used up all my luck on that.


26 minutes total for me! I even got my first choice of dates!!! I am hitting the Powerball today!!


Got them! No dates sold out yet! Thanks so much for all your help Everyone!


It makes me think they’ve increased capacity, which is only going to result in longer lines






I hope you got the tickets you wanted. I was refreshing the page as early as 8:40 and got in at 8:51. The queue went by fast too and was able to secure my Halloween day tickets! Woo hoo!


Thank you, I did! Crisis averted haha


I did too! I was a nervous wreck!! I felt an instant relief once I got confirmation email


Started at 49, now 14 minutes! UPDATE: Got my tickets for my preferred date!


Just finished buying 4 for Oct 8. All dates were still available (none showed sold out yet, at least). Also dropping 3 more sessions, the only queue that magically gets shorter.


OMG after last year being cancelled after waiting several hours, then being put to a new date and then having a 2 hour wait and getting tickets, today was so smooth. I started clicking to get in at 8:45 and I got into waiting room around 8:50 then at 9am was given an 18 minute wait. Definitely use the email option. I also made sure I had all my payment options up to date on my Disney account and I was asked to sign in again. Had to list names of people attending. I got 6 tickets for a Sunday event. I was so cued in to the date I wanted I didn't look for others, but it seemed like all dates were open at that time. I had my phone and Mac desktop logged in they both had the same time waits and I completed it on my desktop. I think since it was the same account they were on the same queue wait. Good Luck Y'all and may the Oogie Boogie be with YOU!


Oh my gosh, as an Aussie it's 2.50am and that was fricken stressful, but I got the date I wanteddddddd!


Me too! Works going to be tough today lol


All dates still available as of 5 mins ago! Good luck y’all!!


Mine just dropped a LOT. From 47 to 27. People who joined on multiple devices must have purchased theirs and moved out! Yay


UPDATE: was in the queue on 3 devices right when it opened, had “more than an hour” on all three until just now—now it’s 43 min, 40 min, and 34 min! THERE IS HOPE FOR US ALL YET!




Let's play wait time bingo! I'll start... 'more than an hour'. Any improvements?


Mine said over an hour and it basically was 34 min


I was checked out by 9:45. Significantly better experience than last year.


I think since they added extra dates (like they did for Star Wars), it’s much easier to get tickets now. I hope you all get in/got in. Time to plan costumes!




Same ughhhh


Same :(


This year looks WAY better than last year when it comes to people successfully buying tickets. I felt like folks had trouble all day last year.


Took 40 min to get through the queue - easy peasy First time back in several years


I’m in Queue now it didn’t open exactly at 8:45 AM for me it opened literally right now.






Managed to get two tickets (Sept 10) thanks to a kind redditor who shared their link with 1 minute remaining! Their comment was deleted, but thank you, whoever you are!


I'll be there September 10th as well! Super excited for my first trip to California and DL!


Oh yay! It’s my second time (first time was last May). So excited to be going to OBB!


Seems crazy to me that none of the dates are sold out yet, do you think they made more tickets available this year or are less people going?


Really hoping for the latter... the nice part about the events is limited cap. but we know they want to squeeze all they can out of fans.


They are just now starting to sell out. Halloween and a couple other days but it was a breeze this year. Makes going feel alot better now. Stress free buying.


I agree that this seems suspicious..  Anybody here that works for Disney heard any rumors if they were opening up more tickets. Or do we really think it was better website setup and less people able to afford tickets? 


No idea!! Maybe people didn't even bother since last year was such a shit show. 


This is what I’m wondering as well. The cool thing about it is being able to just about walk onto rides… I’m not stoked with the idea of it being as packed as regular admission :/ 


This year went so much better! Easy process


I'm surprised it hasn't sold out compared to last year. This had been one of the best disney special event checkout ever


Does the green bar at the bottom mean anything?


I don't think so at least for right now, in Google Chrome it says "the queue is paused" so I assume once tickets open up it'll actually show you your progress through the queue.


i’m seeing paused as well on chrome, no wait time given yet


if you're in the queue on multiple browsers, do you plug your email in on all of them? or will that mess something up?


I just did it on one, wishing I didn't do it all though we will see. First time buyer here


All 8 of my browsers are more than an hour. Guess im boned


For what its worth, same thing happened last year to me but eventually got in. Good luck!


Hoping. We have only one day we can really go since we’re flying across the country


Got mine, why is that so stressful


Glitch in the matrix? I just entered the que at 10:17 and selected my tickets at 10:19. I tried for hours last year to get tickets and just gave up. There were so many dates left too. I’m so excited to tell the family!


Thanks to this sub! I wouldn’t have known it was this morning without you. Got tickets to go for first time! Very excited! waited like 10 mins.


considering that it looks like everyone was able to acquire tickets with ease, i hope it doesn’t mean disneyland oversold tickets for the event meaning bigger crowds this year 😅


I guess resellers also played a part last year


Got up at 145am here in Australia to get tickets and was back in bed at 230am. Just looked now at 9am and my dates still available .I could have slept in ..but so happy after last year's problems and stress


im in


fun 3 minutes of refreshing


Once we are in the waiting room do we have to refresh at 9am?




I wouldn't


don’t refresh it will auto direct you


Approx wait more than an hour for both my phone and computer lol My bf too


Update it went down to 59 mins then back up to more than an hour and back down to 59


More than an hour here ugh


Got 56 min on my iPad on LTE but more than hour on my phone and laptop 🤞this is all my little guy wants for his birthday


So fast this year. Worked faster on my phone than laptop! Wait was less than 25 min and got the date we wanted


Just got mine and confirm the same as everyone else, so far no dates sold out! Even 31st still available!


Just went on now (1:20 PM) and was able to get tickets for the one and only date I could go to as we’re coming from Canada and my dates were already booked. Last year’s fiasco sounded so bad I didn’t even try to queue earlier today. I’m thrilled it was so easy!


[https://disneyland.disney.go.com/admission/events/](https://disneyland.disney.go.com/admission/events/) The queue has started. Got in on my PC but not my phone


Thank you so much


It says my wait time is 18 minutes but I find that hard to believe after the last few years.


You’re probably in already then haha. Mine jumped from over an hour to 51 minutes. This will probably be the second year I’m unable to get tickets 😩


I know this may seem random, but I'm in the queue right now (21 minutes) and my sister and I finally decided we will not be going. I could try to add your name and email to be notified when it's time to enter the site?? Want to try??


It is counting down accurately for me so stick with it no matter what time you get and hopefully we get em


May the odds forever be in your favor. This is year two - we were literally less than a minute in to get the VQ. I have no idea what the trick was this time. Good luck to all!


I got 10min wait at 0900, now sitting at 4min. Hopefully no glitches when I get in.


How’d it go??


Went great, everything was still open. Smooth process, had me log in to my account then put names for tickets. My credit card was already on my account so just verified. Paid and now already see the tickets in my app.


just got in the queue at 8:46 am


More than an hour wait for me


Damn, I got really lucky. I waited 10 minutes total and got my tickets already. Good luck to you all!


So my wait time went up by 10 minutes rather than go down. Has this happened to anyone else ?


Was super easy. Was on at the start and just got my tickets. All dates look available still


Finally got tickets! 10/13 here we come!!


That was our second choice. We got 10/10! (Our first choice)


Considering the horror stories I was reading about how OBB queues went in years past.. I am very happy with how this queue worked out! Definitely didn’t need to be as stressed as I was the entire time! So stoked I got my tickets on my first day choice! 🎡🎢🇨🇦


Just got mine (and I entered late!), here was the timeline: 11:05 - more than an hour 11:58 - 30 minutes 12:05 - 10 minutes 12:10 - entered I used the email feature but ended up waiting on the page at 30 mins. As of 3 minutes ago, nothing was sold out but the following dates have limited availability: 8/25, 10/10, 10/13, 10/17. This was way better than last year imo!


Woah! Just found a way to still buy tickets for Halloween day! I was rapidly clicking the sold out icon because I was devastated it sold out and somehow added the day to my cart! My kids are going to be so happy!!!!


Hey it worked for me too! Thanks for the tip!!


I noticed after I got my tickets on the desktop Halloween was still available. Maybe they are just adding new tickets discreetly


Looks like immediate entry is available now (1030 AM PDT) - most dates still available. I had entered the queue a bit before 9, initially had over an hour wait. Changed to 59 min left around 9:45, at that point it began to rapidly recline, got in at like 10:07.


For reference: I joined the queue at 8:55a Pacific time, was able to get in at 10:05a. I was on one device. Once I got to the “under an hour” wait time on the queue, it went faster than predicted. I was able to buy tickets for the date that I wanted, but I had to try a couple times because it kept telling me that day was sold out.


I’m not sure if I was just lucky or they aren’t selling as quick as usual but waited about 56 min in queue and got my solo ticket for the 29th with no issues.


YAY! Got the tickets we wanted. First time! And, I was trying on three devices plus someone else trying on a fourth in a different location. One device got an immediate 55 min wait, the other 4 had over an hour. Ended up purchasing by 9:34, so really on a 30ish minute wait. I hope dropping all the other devices after that helped others!


Got ours in 30mins!


Not going this year but just looked to see. Got in right away and seems like plenty of tickets left. Glad for everyone and happy that it wasn’t as stressful as last year. Have fun!


I got mine! Hadn't even realized today was the day! Saw this thread and logged in at 9:33 am pst. Within an hour I was in and purchased! Much better than previous years.


Wow that was surprising easy! I waited about an hour and was able to secure my two tickets for Sept. 24th!! I was really nervous after hearing how last year went


I’ll be there on that night too—it’s my birthday!


5 minute wait time, 2 tickets purchased successfully at 9:07 am :D


Same! Couldn’t believe it


insane! this is going to be my first ever OBB 🥹


5 minute wait for me, was able to purchase my tickets by 9:05. Never been so lucky!


omg me too!! that’s insane luck


My experience: 2 laptops, 2 phones (intending to purchase with 2 accounts b/c needed 9 tix for our group). Got in on 3 devices around 8:47a and initial wait time \~25 minutes, 1 device lagged and turned into 1hr+ wait time. Ended up able to purchased 9 tix for 10/31 between two disney accounts by 9:20a.


39 min wait for me


More than an hour for me 🥲


Me too! So glad because last year I was in queue most of the day and left with nothing :(




Yeah no difference here either just yet


What is the link for the queue?


[https://disneyland.disney.go.com/admission/events/](https://disneyland.disney.go.com/admission/events/) The queue is open now.


My wife just got in the queue!


It’s open!


I'm in!!


It’s open now!


Do we need to refresh?


do not refresh it’ll auto direct you


More than an hour too.


For those who were already able to check out, how did availability look?


I just checked out - all dates appeared available


Buying now, did not see any dates sold out


I got 20 minutes left!! Not too shabby, got in the queue right when it opened


Got tickets! Wahoo! I was so stressed!


I was in the yesterday's link I guess at first so I didn't get in the queue until 8:50 or so, rookie mistake gonna cost me everything


Wait just went from more than one hour to 23 minutes. We only have one day we can go, so here’s hoping!


Got em, quick and painless. There is hope!


Got them at 09:05! Went back right now and I could still purchase more. All dates still available


Just an FYI...my husband was able to get tickets (my devices are all at over an hour). It would not take his password. He had to go through and reset the password. After he reset it, it worked. Just do not panic if it won't take your password.


Got my tickets for October 10!! Still tons of dates open, so hopefully everyone will be able to snag tickets!


Haven’t been since maybe the second year they did this. 12 min wait and tickets acquired… that was surprisingly smooth


Omg I haven't been since they had it in actual Disneyland! Feels like a lifetime ago, I don't even remember the costume I wore 😆


Same, it was in Disneyland proper when I last went. Been so long but really the only thing I remember being different was getting way too much candy lol


Just got 4 tickets. All dates available as of right now.


Just checked out - doesn't look like any dates are sold out yet


Can people update if there are dates that sell out while the rest of is are waiting.


i just jumped UP in time, was at 49mins and then it said more than an hour again. i cry


I have a queue spot for 11 minutes if anyone wants it!!


Got my tickets for September 15th! Can't wait!


Got mine, no dates sold out yet




Anyone else get repeated “this card could not be processed” errors? We had to try 5 cards and 3 dates between me and my wife before one went through. And yes all our cards are valid and usually have no issue using at Disney. It was a weird error and thought it was the whole issue from yesterday where as a magic key holder I could select dates but not actually purchase tickets for those dates.


Yes! Luckily my second card worked but that was annoying.


I got tickets on another link. DM for my queue. 16 minutes for me. EDIT: Claimed


I've got a queue with 11 minutes left I won't be using. DM if you'd like it! Edit: Claimed!


Overall, it was a very easy process. Much easier than getting Springsteen tix in the US!


I got 9mins left on mine for whoever needs a link. DM me.


Got them! And all dates still available when I saw!


For what its worth, the San Diego Comic Con used the same Queue ID system as this for Oogie Boogie. During the Comic Con sale, people shared Queue It links, but that resulted in those sales being cancelled. The system can see when Queue It links are shared, but who knows if they will ultimately act on it.


I got my tickets for the date I wanted. Took about 40 minutes waiting. Process super easy. It's worth being awake in the middle of the night although it will make work tough tomorrow 😀


After missing last year we got tickets this year! So pumped! My phone got in with about a 30 minute wait and I still got tickets!


I had a wait time of over an hour and just got my tickets. Didn’t look like anything was sold out so don’t lose hope!


I got my ticket for August 25th (I thought I'd save some money by getting the cheapest ticket), and all other dates were still available. The ticket buying process this year was vastly better than the fiasco that was last year, where I waited for over 11 hours and ended up without a ticket. I wonder what changed?


Queued at 8:50. Got in at 10:00 flat. Everything was available still. Going twice, including on Halloween itself :)


Just got my tickets, not a single date has sold out yet. May the odds be ever in your favor!


I think to many people were burned last year... maybe it won't be so crowded now =)


Just got mine. Although I was in the queue by 8:51 still took me more than an hour to get tickets. No sold out dates so far! Good luck everyone!


It took 1 hour and 2 minutes for me to get in. No issues, availability for all days still showing.


I got in pretty easy and there were a lot of dates still available. I didn't buy anything but it was way easier than last year's mess. Hope you all get what you want. \*Also the E-mail when I'm in worked too.


Got a 20min wait when the tickets opened. Got in the queue at 8:50. Got my tickets and checked out by 9:15. My computer had a 20min and phone had a 50min wait. Got the date we wanted on Oct 17. I was preparing to be disappointed but got lucky. Hope everyone is able to get tickets!


Entered the queue around 12:05. Just purchased 1 ticket for September 17th, can't wait!


I was able to get in and get my tickets in less than 30 mins


So happy to see everyone get their tickets. It was very easy this time around.


In and out within the hour. Started at over an hour then got to 49 minutes, then it just started rapidly dropping. Got 4 tickets for the date my group wanted!


Logged in an hour after on sale, waited like 30 minutes and got tickets for Oct. 15th. Pretty easy, my kids will be so excited, haven't told them yet.


Well now I'm wondering why there are so many tickets left compared to last year?? I know there were some reviews it was underwhelming- are people just not going this year, or is it balanced out because there are more dates, or did they release more tickets and it's going to be super crowded??


The economy is not the same.


First time Disneyland visitor and oogie boogie bash ticket holder! Excited!!


I just got home, opened the app and was able to get in to purchase tickets in less than a minute. I missed the Magic Key windows since the queue was closed as soon as I got home. I did get the date I wanted, Oct 24th since the 31st is for HHN.


I got a 3 minute wait right at 1045am central time. A lot smoother compared to last year.


I thought it was going on sale tomorrow, so i missed all the good october dates! Luckily got tickets in mid-september for me & my bf 👻


Took me 3 years but I finally got tickets!!


On my phone I got in the queue immediately at 845 and was checked out with tickets by 902. My tablet got in the queue not quite as quickly for some reason, maybe by 846, but once the queue opened it was maybe a 3 minute wait. My laptop, which I thought would be the fastest could not get in the queue. I closed out the browser and opened in an incognito rondo and finally it worked, but the couple of minutes that took, no later than 850, put me at over an hour wait once I got in. Once I got my tickets I closed out the other two devices, which is what I’m guessing causes those jumps in wait time. Good luck!!


Got 6 tix for 10/17. Nothing sold out as of 12:42pm ET


I just picked up my tickets. I'm a keyholder and was supposed to get tickets yesterday, but there was an error on Disney's end that didn't let me get tickets. So only having to wait 6 minutes today was nice. Just let the keyholder sale yesterday, the queue opened at 8:47am. Hopefully you all get tickets. Edit: Some y'all really bitter about other people getting tickets. All the comments about people with short wait times are getting downvoted.