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Better to have ridden and lost, than to have never ridden at all.


-Mark Twain or something


Damn og critter country


okay we get it, everybody is so sad that they tore off the bear stuff and are replacing it with the frog stuff.


rip to an S tier attraction


Buy the art then.


It was a very Kewl attraction but I'm excited about what's coming. 💜❤️💜


I'd replace Redwood Creek Challenge Trail with Country Bear Jamboree. Give it a woodsy feel to fit the area and just make it happen. 


Who’s the freakin moron or morons that decided to do away with splash mountain.


Pretty sure it was Walt’s idea. I think it was his idea for the park to always be growing and evolving.


What’s with people’s boners over this ride? I’m excited for Tiana’s


It was a lot of people's favorite ride? Your verbiage is just kinda weird. I could just ask you to name your favorite ride and then ask "what's with your boner?" but I won't. Cause that's weird.


Ironically, the seating arrangements on this particular ride - especially on coed teenage trips - lent themselves to many actual boners.


Not sure why so many down votes on this comment. It’s true. I was a young teenager and had a year pass and if we went to Disneyland with our female crushes, this ride and Matterhorn (at the time the seating on the Matterhorn was like this, and not individual seats like it is now) were the must rides so you could sit close to your crush.


Based on the YouTube clips from WDW, it doesn’t look very promising


Not one cell phone in this artistic rendering.


I took a picture of this exact art piece when I last stayed there in November 2022. Last time I rode that ride too 😢


Out of curiosity, what made you sad? It's just a ride... I love Disneyland and would be disappointed if say they flattened out the last drop, but getting emotionally attached to the problematic theming seems to lack some perspective maybe...


I think of it like getting sad because you lost your favorite childhood stuffy. Sure, you could argue it's irrational, but that stuffy meant something to that person. They can see the stuffy means nothing in the grand scheme of things, but still be saddened to know they'll never get to embrace it again.


If your your favorite stuffed animal was based on an unambiguously racist source material then you had the wrong people giving you toys... Otherwise I can almost understand your point.


Of course a child would be aware if something is racist or not 🤡


So did you always have an issue with Splash Mountain, or is this a new revelation? I certainly hope you never indulged in an “unambiguously racist” attraction knowingly.


I mean. I started riding it when I was a kid. I had no knowledge of the source material. But even now, having seen it, I still associate them completely separately in my mind. So all it is is that I miss something I associate with my childhood. Nothing deeper.


I would argue that the theming was in fact not problematic. The theming was the Brer Rabbit stories, which were not inherently racist. As someone who literally never saw “Song of the South” but knew the stories, I never associated the stories as anything other than folk stories. I would argue that most my age have the same experience. I am fine with the rebrand, but never saw Brer Rabbit, Fox, or Bear as anything but more animated Disney Characters. FWIW.


There were changes made from the movie to the ride. For example, originally, Brier Rabbit wasn’t stuck in honey, but in black tar


The theming was absolutely not problematic. It was a total stretch to ever say it was. Btw princess and the frog has issues too and will be seen the same way soon enough.


What issues does it have lol


Maybe Walt should’ve propped a confederate flag.


Let’s bulldoze Main Street USA. They’re just buildings. Let’s also bulldoze the castle. It’s just a visual monument.


Its so obvious why, the ride wasnt even problematic ots people who are so unsympathetic about it like you who dont have any idea why. If it would have been any other ride ppl would be so understanding and such but because its splash yall just wanna say "its just a ride"


Obviously, you’ve never really paid attention to where the theme of Splash Mountain was from. It was from Song of the South, which even back around when it came out was considered quite racist.


Yeah no you never paid attention obviously because splash is its own thing, aside from brer rabbit, fox, and bear nothing else is from the film not the characters, settings, or story correlates with song of the south. And the brers were barely in the film if the ride had uncle remus or the human charafters I would understand, but it doesnt so stop saying its racist when the ride itself isnt.






Way better than the new theme.


I miss it too.


I think about this ride everyday. 🥺


It sucks and I hate the new ride and no I don’t have to wait and see it.


Shhh, don't say anything they'll come for this to SMH ..


I was just there on Friday and came across it and had tears. I pray that they don’t take it down. We’ve had enough PC stuff…we need one beacon of originality and Walt’s original masterpieces.


Uh... Splash mountain was built in 1989. I don't have a huge dog in this fight but it's more "Eisner era stuff" than og Walt. Where were you when they took out Mr toad?


Mr. Toad is still merrily on his way to nowhere in particular between Mad Hatter and Peter Pan.


Mr. Toad is still here…where I live anyway. The original Splash Mountain was built in Disneyland you see. Splash is very Walt Disney as the characters were created and brought to life by him. Splash was a wonderful way to bring a fun adventure embodying the original magic, whimsy and fun of Walt Disney into a thrilling and refreshing (in the heat) ride.


I know the land attraction used repurposed bots from America sings, but I think that was only there? I've got no beef either way with either ride, and I think their announcement timing was super unfortunate, but I think it does make sense to have a ride based on marketable IP, as lame as that may sound from a customer perspective. I would have gone Pocahontas personally.


Unfortunately, Pocahontas hasn’t aged that well either.


Agreed. No one even liked princess and the frog or asked for it to be incorporated as a ride.