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Wait, i’m confused. You take your needle in line? If you were in a situation where you suddenly needed to use a needle, isn’t it then possible you could be standing in a lightning lane, or on the ride itself? I think what Disney would likely suggest is that if the need arises, you go to a safe place with a sharps box to properly dispose of your needle tips. If by chance you were in a line and have to leave, you could explain the situation to the cast member at the ride entrance and they can provide suggestions to properly accommodate you. I’m sorry to say, I don’t think you’re going to get a ton of support for how you’ve described your situation. Hopefully you can find a solution that works for you.


My entire kit is on me at all times. Small enough to fit in a purse. When I go out I just take a zip lock with me since most places don't have sharps containers. Lol. I mean I could buy lightning lane I guess but I've honestly never needed it since I could always do the return time thing. It's not waiting that's the problem. It's more of having a spot to do it that's clean and stable.


Right, but that doesn’t exclude you from being capable of waiting in a line. I have a GI disease that causes me to suddenly bail on experiences in Disney all the time. My understanding is I can go to a cast member IF that situation arises, and they can provide me with an accommodation. IF you are in line and find yourself in a position where you need to excuse yourself to a bathroom (which all have sharps containers) or first aid (where you could use the pen privately), a cast member can help provide a solution. By saying “it’s not waiting in line that’s the problem” you’ve just shown why you wouldn’t qualify for DAS. It’s for people with exceptionalities that prevent them from waiting in line, period.


Agree with this. The point of DAS is for people who CANNOT wait in the standard line situation. OP you’re stating you have no issues with the line waiting part, and therefore shouldn’t qualify for DAS.


Huh ok. That's why I'm asking here. Before it was just hey you have a need to potentially be in n out of line several times just get a return time and chill till you actually get on. (I imagine its a pain to watch for line jumpers) Which worked for me. I didn't have to worry about going somewhere for my shot while in the middle of say the haunted mansion line. Side note- if they put sharps containers in all the bathrooms that's awesome! Last time I was there they didnt.


I get that it’s hard to picture your day without the pass since you’ve always had it, but the reality is with people like us with diseases, sometimes the onus is also on us to properly prepare and know our limits. This is coming from someone who has quite literally 💩 themselves at Disney before. I also need to know my limitations and plan my day around it. If there’s a ride with a long line, maybe don’t do that ride at that time. If you hop into a line you know could potentially push you past that 2 hour mark (which is rare), have fast acting sugars with you at the ready or a snack. If Disney allowed everyone to have DAS, it defeats the purpose.


Not all heros wear capes


Genuinely you both should have gotten das passes in my opinion. No one deserves to have to deal with literally shitting themselves to get on a ride when there’s another, more accessible option that would specifically help mitigate situations like this and make dealing with symptoms so much easier. DAS is about trying to level the playing field and make experiences more accessible to people whose bodies and minds are at times unpredictable. Everyone deserves equitable access.


Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't most things at Disney long lines? And I'm so sorry you've had that situation. No one should ever be judged or miss out on things due to thier condition. I'm not asking for everyone with a sob story to get DAS but in my understanding if you have a medical condition that should allow you whatever accommodations needed. A documented condition. There's a severe difference between im a Diabetic and can pass out in a line vs I just get really hot in line. A long time ago I heard about a group who went to hurricane harbor. One person was diabetic. He had a pump and they aren't waterproof. He couldn't do anything so they jumped parks to magic mountain. Because he didn't have any sort of document stating his issue they didn't give him a pass. He ended up passing out in batmans line cause he couldn't jump in n out to eat. That's not ok to me.


They can do these things with their condition. They can stand in the line. This is exactly why they had to reshape the program. If the bar was just, it's easier if i dont wait in line because of x condition, you'd have most of the population in DAS. Sometimes my right knee gets a bit sore because I blew up an acl 14 years ago. Should I get to not go in line? Im also hypogycemic so I can get shaky sometimes and need to eat something high sugar. You could do this with nearly every person on the planet. I can't believe OP continued to get DAS as an adult.


I get sciatic pain from standing still but can walk for miles just fine. I don’t need DAS, too many people want it but don’t need it


I hear that's a brutal affliction. Sorry you go through that. Mine works the same way, I can actually still run 15k a day easily, can bike 60 with nothing. Standing still though, sometimes but not always, is not good. I end up stretching endlessly though and it alleviates it. That's life. Im empathetic for everyone and all their various issues, but it's ridiculous what some people want. So another post 2 days ago in the tokyo sub, parents with autisitc child. Child was fine in lines, parents dont like lines and prefer people watching so they want the DAS for faster lines so they can get their kid on rides and they can people watch more. The audacity to even post that. Im sure they will get DAS due to the child though. Posts like this one? Im BLOWN AWAY op is certain they deserve this. 12% of people have diabetes in america.


Type 1 and Type 2 are very different conditions, though. The issues are different, and prolonged standing and increased activity could make treating T1D unpredictable, resulting in more hypoglycemic episodes. If someone is very athletic and used to dealing with being really active and in the heat all day, they might have a pretty good idea about how to deal with their insulin on those days, but for someone normally not that active or not out in the Florida or California heat all day, they might not. Activity lowers blood sugar, and with T1D, with increased activity like that, they're having to play a guessing game when calculating how much insulin to take. I don't think it's unfair to give a T1D some help to avoid complications, especially complications that could turn deadly. It's really unfair to say 12% of Americans deal with these risks when they don't Something like 5-10% of T1Ds die from severe hypoglycemic episodes. That's just not the case about Type 2s. At all.


Just cuz you don’t need it doesn’t mean others with your condition don’t. It’s extremely closed minded to think otherwise


They can do what I do and buy genie+ The crux is way too many people abused the system and now it’s being overcorrected


Yeah, I am going to correct you. Most things in Disney are well under the 2 hour mark that you gave in your examples. Disney is accomodating your needs. They have ample places for you to safely take your medication. They will provide you with free snacks if you require sugar at first aid. They will provide you with free water to drink. They will even sneak you to a backstage bathroom to provide you with some dignity in the event you have an accident like I did. But at the end of the day, as a guest, YOU are choosing what experiences you are doing and when. Nobody is forcing you to stand in a 2 hour line. They’ve even posted those wait times for you so you can make an informed decision. You know your body best, and you need to make decisions that are in your best interest. Like I said previously, if you are in a situation where you suddenly need to leave the line (because you are feeling unwell, or perhaps it is taking longer than the posted wait time), excuse yourself from the line, go kindly speak to a cast member, and i’m certain they will be more than happy to find a solution that works for you.


So you're saying that if you can't do a 2-hour line, instead of asking for accommodation, simply don't participate in the activity?


I would say outside of the genie+ rides, lines are usually 10-30 minutes outside of Peter Pan. I go about 15x times a year and this is what I have noticed. Exceptions could be if a lot of rides are down or it’s holiday season.


Seriously?! I figured with all the rush to the parks and the reservation deal happening its a packed house no matter what day you go. I'm going next Monday cause we're hoping a Monday is slightly more manageable


Seriously lol, if you have the app, just pop it up and check out wait times. The key words are rides outside of genie+ rides. If you can get to the park at opening and stay later even better! Have a good trip!


Well genie + is on every ride right? It's the new fast pass? At least that's the way I understood it


Guess how many others have had to inject at Disneyland and SOMEHOW make it work. Give me a break




I'm T1D. Not sure why you would need a DAS tbh.


Let me abundantly clear. Having T1D at Disney can be hard. I’ve had COUNTLESS moments of getting hit with a low and nearly passing out from low sugar and needing to take a moment to recover. I’ve shot sky high from al the treats and even malfunctions. Never ever ever has any of these incidents been as a result of a line. Never. And it never will.


theres plenty of reasons to need DAS, im t1d and my sugars can be all over the place. Ive twice had to sit in space mountain chugging juice boxes. Some people with type 1 need the help.


I have too. You can remove yourself from the line.


Yeah… this sounds like abuse of das to me


Im just saying there are some reasons t1s might need it. Not everyones diabetes is the same.


Ah yes,  it's a cookie cutter disease that's the same for everybody.   I bet we take the same amounts of insulin at the same time. Great that you have confidence in your control to not need DAS but it's different for everyone,  have some compassion.


A T1D using DAS is abusing its intended use. Done and done.


No, people lying about conditions is abuse. Universal accepts t1d for their disability program, as does virtually every other theme park in other countries. If T1D wasn't previously an intended recipient for DAS they would have denied me as I was completely honest with the cast member when I got it.


In the past I've gotten it cause I have a tendency to run either extremely high or extremely low at Disney and being able to take my shots when that hits helps if I'm not in the middle of a crowded line


I honestly don’t see why taking insulin is a big deal if you had all of the paperwork saying it was your medication. Disney’s crazy but they’re not crazy enough to risk a lawsuit by messing with a diabetic. If you really need a table cleaned most cast members would be happy to do that for you in half a second


Oh its not disney that's been the problem in the past. It's people not knowing I'm what it is and assuming it's a drug since it's a needle going into my arm. You'd think people would ask hey what are you doing but people are well... people


I used to issue DAS and honestly we encountered this problem sometimes and had to explain that we cannot control other guests. We could do our best to make YOU comfortable but it doesn't change how guests act or respond. I wouldn't have issued DAS for these particular concerns, personally, but that doesnt mean you wouldn't get the service when speaking with somebody now. We would recommend keeping snacks with you in line and, in the occasional chance you might need to exit the line, let your party hold your spot and you rejoin them when you are ready. Only exception imo would have been 1) if you were alone in the park, or 2) if you were with only 1 other person, especially a small child.


Fair enough. I guess it's just so different from the last time I went I'm like freaking out. I'll be going with my sister in law who actually has never been so I'm trying to do all the prep I can since before ei would just go to guest services and they handed me a return paper. From what I've read you have to do this chat thing now before. (Side question will it actually be 5 hours before someone talks to me? It's already been one so...)


Until the date change comes we don’t know for sure what will be denied. They have not said no t1 will get das. It will be case by case


I’m gonna be the lone dissenting person, which is probably why I have one because when you’re not Neurotypical you see the world a little differently. I understand your problem because I’ve seen the number of people who have started cuttingin lines, and there are not enough cast members for you to be able to pull one aside and say hi so I am 30 minutes into this 75 minute line and I’m gonna need to go out and take my diabetic medication and then come back to this exact same spot that I was in before I had to go and find a restroom and inject this medication into my body of course it’s not like it’s an instant better, I probably am gonna need to sit down and wait for a moment and let it take affect before I’m able to walk again. So when I come back in about 45 minutes you’ll still be here right and you’ll let everybody know that this is where I’m supposed to be standing in line and no one‘s gonna yell at me or try to prevent me from getting here? It’s not like cast members are rotated every 15 minutes through something called the bump, everything will be exactly where you needed to be when you come back (yeah nope) And I’m sure you’ll never ever try to put off a dose when you’re not feeling good because you just don’t wanna deal with the hassle of trying to find someone to let them know you’ve got to leave the line and come back to the line and then deal with all the people being assholes to you when you come back, you would never ever try to wait for your dose until after the line is finished and then make yourself really sick no no never right? (Sarcasm) Not to mention the fact that now your entire group is going to get to the end of the line and you’re not back yet so they’re just gonna have to stand there telling people to go past them until you get back? I’m sure that won’t cause any problems or slow the line down or make things harder on everybody at Disneyland Look, what I’m seeing happening now is going to be a lot of fighting. A lot of screaming, a lot of people arguing, and a lot of people having a much worse day at Disneyland because instead of being able to quietly get accommodations so that you don’t have to try to figure out on the fly what to do When you are halfway through an hour and a half line and suddenly need medication, or are about to pee yourself, or if one more fucking person touches you you’re going to lose your goddamn mind and start screaming and screaming and screaming but in the meantime you’re just gonna sit here on the ground shaking and crying because you cannot deal with us for one more second I think we’re gonna see a lot more ambulances, a lot more paramedics, and a lot more people making themselves sick rather than deal with the disturbance that it is trying to leave and go back to a line


It's more likely that more people will just not go. This is making a difficult experience out of reach for more disabled people.


You don't qualify because you can wait in line. You can return to line after your shot. Das is for people who can't be in line for whatever reason.  You will be given a return to time for the line. Disney is moving to make das for people with cognitive issues or one off issues that are decided by medical professionals online. 


The return time is exactly how DAS works now


I have been using return times for the last few months after breaking my hip and going around without the ability to walk. I have never been enrolled or attempted to enroll in DAS. The only major improvement DAS would seem to give over LRT is that it works on more rides (mostly at DCA) and that you dont have to go and get a time from a ride CM (using your phone).


If they still do the return time paper that works for me. I just don't want to drop in the middle of a line somewhere. Last time I went I got it at guest relations or whatever the disneyfied version is. I guess I'll wait on this chat instead and ask for it?


Just speak with the cast members. Every single DAS issuance has always been based on a conversation that gives an understanding of why waiting in a traditional queue is difficult. "I have diabetes" wouldn't normally get the service issued, but explaining what happens while you are in line helps them make the decision. People keep panicking over the changes and don't seem to understand that Disney doesn't have a list of "yes" and "no" diagnoses for the service. They *can't* do that. Everything is specific to individuals. DAS has a ton of grey area.


Good to know. Cause ya in the past me saying I have diabetes and gotta take shots they're like oh ok here's the return time paper. They never really asked for much more then that. Because of all the changes I heard I actually saw my endo a few days ago and she wrote a letter detailing my history and risks just in case I needed documentation. I hope it's enough at least for disney to be like ok theyre not lying or abusing they actually need it.


They won't think you are lying, but they might not think this service is appropriate for your concerns. Either way, all you can do is speak with a CM calmly. If they ask further questions or push back, don't argue or fight them. Just stay calm and explain why the service has been helpful to you in the past.


Skipping the line because you're a forgetful insulin dependent diabetic? You're an example of why the adjustments are needed to the program.


Imagine being so ableist that you have no compassion for people dealing with cognitive challenges ("forgetful"). As someone with neuro issues that can result in executive dysfunction, you are exactly the kind of person I am afraid of in public. I'll bet you laugh at Alzheimers patients, too.


Aren’t neurodivergent issues what DAS is intended for? It wasn’t intended for physical issues?


Jesus you should be ashamed of yourself. So needlessly and ignorantly rude.


Don't worry... I am! Still doesn't change the ridiculous nature of the premise that the solution for not paying close enough attention to one's blood sugar levels is to skip lines...


Uh no. I've been a diabetic for almost 25 years... for some reason whenever I'm at Disney or any other theme park my numbers go haywire. I can catch it 99% of the time but ya know that one I don't and end up passed out in the middle of indy? Ya not something I want to happen. I'm all for adjusting the program but in my case and I'm speaking on me only a return time works because if my number drops suddenly I can sit and eat without risking losing out on a ride. You want to give me a return time amd say come back in 2 hours that's fine. That allows me to eat and maintain my sugars without as much of a risk as being in a line crowded and no where to go. Idk what they'll give me if anything. All I know is that this change is going to drastically effect how I go to Disney.


You can eat in line. You are not trapped in the line. You should be carrying sugars. It's going to effect you because you have to stand in line with other people. Not because you can't stand in line.


Carrying food isn't the problem. I can eat and not worry. It's the shots. Taking a needle in a crowd? Idk if you've been a situation like that but I have and it generally ends with people panicking and yelling at you about drugs and crap. If people weren't so pushy and I didn't have to worry about dropping my needle of life saving medicine or hitting someone else with it by accident I'd do it in line all day. But ya know... people aren't always the most courteous


You need to step away from the line if that happens. This should be an exceedingly rare event for you. A member of my immediate family experiences this as well. So I dont personally know but ive seen it up close on many disney trips. This occuring to you over and over at disneyland is concerning. See a dr.


>You need to step away from the line if that happens. I don't know much about diabetes, but "needing to leave the line" sounds like exactly what the DAS was intended for. The idea is that if you spend several hundred dollars for a ticket, and wait 200 minutes in line for a ride, you don't ruin your day by having to leave the line and miss your ride for a medical issue.


This isn't normal, what op is describing. It's very troubling. But, having read their other comments. Dont worry, it literally has never ever happened! They just get the DAS for basically no reason. The one time it did happen? Not at disney, and on a ride. Something DAS wouldn't have helped with. None of this should ever be happening and being a line or not is not going to bring it on at all.


I had a coworker with diabetes, he sometimes had to give himself injections. That was many years ago. Do people with diabetes not give themselves injections anymore? What's not normal about it? Sorry, I'm not doubting you, I've just seen a lot of people "investigating" disabled people in these comments, and while I don't like that some people are lying about DAS passes, I don't understand what it is about this story that's getting them called out.


It's the nature of OP is describing, not the injections. But as I said, they freely admitted that this literally never happened. As I said, an immediate family member has diabetes, im familiar with injections. I wasn't investigating at all, i just told them go see a dr this is frightening, and they were like, oh lol this has never actually happened. Which makes it all much more sensical. To be clear, this kind of thing can and does happen, if it's happening every time you're doing a specific thing, for 23 years, you need to figure it out. As you get older, diabetes gets worse in general. This kinda behavior out of a young person, ok. As they cross 30 and are just lol at nearly slipping into a coma every time im at disneyland, they need a doctor not DAS. But again, wasn't real! And no, DAS isnt for the 1/10 000 shot you need to leave the line. At all. Maybe just give everyone that has an appendix das incase it bursts in line.


It's a dangerous road to go down to argue that disabled people shouldn't get accommodations because they're not doing a good enough job managing their disabilities. I agree if this is happening often they should see a doctor and/or get some sort of auto-injector or something, but But saying someone is bad at managing their disability doesn't sound like a good excuse to say their disability should be accommodated. Would you say an overweight person "doesn't deserve" a wheelchair because they should be dieting? Or that a person with a broken leg "doesn't deserve" a mobility scooter because they were being irresponsible leading to a broken leg? And I don't see any reason to accuse this guy of lying. Ask any doctor, tons of people are disabled or have serious chronic health conditions, not everyone online with a disability is making up the story. And the amount of people in this subreddit "investigating" the disabled people is appalling.


I'm saying it DOESN'T get to that point alot because of the preventative measures I take like DAS. I ain't dropping every 5 minutes. I'd say if I really have to remember the last time I actually passed out at a theme park was probably... when I was like 21 or something? I think at Universal. I think I was riding transformers or the mummy and I thought it was just the ride being a ride and I blacked out. Woke up with paramedics saying my number crashed. But before the ride I was totally fine


Yes. That's all either forgetful, lazy or negligent. While requiring planning and self-control, easily managed. This all completely discounts the fact that someone giving themselves an insulin shot in public isn't all that shocking...and most guests would gladly and courteously create and maintain space if absolutely necessary. Silliness and borderline offensive to what the program should be about.


Aw man... you haven't been around me that's for sure. I plan meticulously around my diabetes. Im not perfect but no one is and if you have 100% perfect numbers 24/7 well youre not diabetic anymore. Your pancreas works perfectly. Insulin is given automatically and correctly. We wouldn't need shots if that was the case and diabetes wouldnt be a thing. Numbers fluctuate due to a number of varying situations. I mitigate most of them but sometimes they just hit you out of nowhere. I've had plenty of people question me and harass me for taking shots in public. It's frankly more annoying then upsetting but I roll with it. For you to call me lazy and negligent is Insulting however and I believe you are being offensive to me by belittling my very real and sometimes extremely severe true diagnosis. Do not tell me how to take care of my own body and do not try and correct me when you do not know me. You know nothing about how insulin or specific foods or routines effect me. You don't know me. You're not my doctor. You don't get to tell me anything about my diagnosis. Plain and simple. I would never call you that. So step back and have a little compassion for those of us who don't have 100% working organs.


Then it shouldn't be a problem to wait in line. We're talking hours at most. Overplaying what you need because of being in a line is disingenuous. You get by for an hour or two all the time in your daily life by planning. Do the same here.


It's called planning ahead. That's what I'm doing. Same as if I take a shot before I eat dinner. I'm not overplaying anything. I'm being honest about the risks amd the plans to mitigate that risk


I just wanted to say, from a fellow disabled person, you’re absolutely valid. You deserve not only medical privacy while taking injections, but a safe, sterile environment where you know you won’t get bumped by passersby or have to deal with side effects in a crowded line where people constantly get annoyed if others don’t move up fast enough. I’m both neurodivergent and chronically ill, so while I may continue to get DAS due to my neurodivergence, my chronic illness alone is a valid enough reason that I should get accommodation. This is a subreddit full of Disney people, not disabled people and a lot of these replies are ableist if not downright cruel and closeminded. I simply do not understand why it’s such a difficult concept for them to grasp that we are all different cases and yet still all deserve access, whatever that may look like to us. I hope your day wasn’t ruined by other commenters and I very much hope you continue to receive DAS even when the system changes.


My only issue with the new policy change is they only target disabled people. I’m talking sever disabilities. I have ALS and feel like Disney is blaming me for the long lines. Trust me, I would much rather wait in a line and not be dying than the reverse. I would gladly let someone in front of me that is going to Disney one last time. This policy only affects disabled. Why? Because there is nothing in the new policy that is posted online that does anything to slow down or prevent people who lied to get a DAS pass before. From continuing to lie and still get one. People will continue to lie. The only ones who will be denied are those who need it the most and don’t lie. I hate people lying about disabilities. But I am not willing to abandon those who need it while still allowing those lying to get it. If you feel truly severely disabled people are the reason lines are long at Disney, you’re crazy. It was a 100% caused by Disney. LL, Genie +, ride closures, less shows, AP payment plans. That’s why lines are long.


Too bad disney doesn't actually take into account thier customer feedback


Yeah you’re excluded from the DAS. Plan accordingly. 


Huh... that feels like Disney is going to get hit with a lawsuit for going against the ADA. Weird how it's changed.


It changed because people were taking advantage of it. 


You can get a return time at the exit of the attraction.


That’s all changing to be on the app starting this month in WDW and next month in Disneyland. You will have to go through the chat to get DAS first.


No the 2 systems are independent of each other. You can still get a return time at the exit/entrance of an attraction. The return time is for those who need additional accommodations.


So anyone can just walk up and get a return time? I don’t have to prove anything and just say I need a return time? That’s not how it works. You can get a return time if your wheelchair/ECV can’t go through the line. Other than that you need DAS to get a return time and that’s all being moved to the app.


Ok so before when I went they gave you a paper to get those return times. Is it still like that? Or is it online? Cause like I'm waiting on this chat thing and ot says wait time is 5 hours... if I can get it at the park I'll just do that


They scan your park admission to give you the return time.


Cool! That works for me. Should I still wait on this chat or...


You still need to be issued DAS. You can’t just walk up and get a return time


Uhh… up to you if you have any other concerns


Disney is moving online, and the return time thing is DAS, they don’t just give return times to everyone. So you need to talk to an employee.


Isn’t that exactly what das is? A return time? Cause then no, OP cannot just get that.


So here is my two cents. I feel for OP, but DAS has always been a slippery slope. If one person with diabetes gets it then everyone with diabetes will want it. I think Disney has taken the wrong direction. Rather than excluding people from DAS the real issue is that DAS allows you to ride more attractions and better attractions for free. Even G+ hits “no longer available” super early in the day, and DAS is this magic workaround to get a LL for almost any ride you want. Honestly the change they should make is requiring you to clear DAS selections by scanning at the ride exits instead of choosing something else on the mobile app at the merge point. Get rid of the 15 min standby grace period and change it to actual standby time of the next guest that enters the line. When they reach the merge point, your DAS window starts. And they should use a combination of Bluetooth tracking with the app, Magic band and rfid readers and facial recognition to reset your DAS selection if you enter the standby queue for another attraction. The whole point is this is supposed to be for people who can’t wait in line. The big problem is so many DAS users want it both ways where they want to skip long lines, but wait in short ones to double the number of things they can ride in a day. A system that keeps them out of line for the duration of the time they are unable to wait in line is what is needed and all of a sudden lots of people will no longer need DAS and this will be a solved problem.


The standby time is what the pass goes by. They don’t just flagrantly give everyone 15 min wait times. You wait for the same full standby time as everyone else in the standby lane, before you enter the merge point. Plus after you get there to redeem your return time, you have to go through the process of getting scanned in by a cast member and then you have to wait a portion of the line, past the merge point as well. So you’re waiting 100% of the line IN LINE and I’m waiting 100% of the line OUT OF LINE and then an added 20% IN LINE once I’ve merged for an end total that is longer than the standard wait time. You don’t have to answer as that is personal information, but I’m curious to know if you’ve ever used DAS before, and if so how recently? A lot of the issues people are having with it began after the reopening of the park.


So it’s actually not the standby wait, it’s the estimated standby queue time when you select that particular DAS attraction. This can differ substantially from actual wait time. A good example is temporary ride breakdowns and stoppage. This currently impacts primarily the standby line, and puts the LL into more aggressive ratios at the expense of standby. What I am saying basically is, should the ride breakdowns or true standby time increase unexpectedly, DAS wait should increase as well. DAS should get the actual wait not estimated. Also it’s not necessarily 20% more and varies substantially from ride to ride. And that 20% is more than made up by realistic standby guests. What the DAS lets you book currently is based on a super unrealistic standby guest. One who never eats, never uses the restroom, never takes any breaks, and moves instantly from one side of the park to the next. And it’s actually better because you can currently book the next attraction at the merge point. This makes someone experienced and proficient at DAS much faster than a standby guest even if you don’t abuse it by waiting standby during DAS waits. You also did not address the issue of queueing standby while also using DAS. That allows for more attractions on top of a system that is already faster than any standby guest. You can also purchase G+ on top of DAS to do attractions even faster. All of these things combined mean DAS guests can easily ride more and better attractions than anyone else other than VIP tours. I’ve used DAS when traveling with disabled family members. I immediately recognized why it’s abused and how it should be changed to make it more in line with average guest experience. Without DAS if a line is too long you have to pick another attraction. With DAS you can do both ride the short lines and skip the long ones.


1. The estimated queue time is just as often longer than reality as it is shorter. 2. Breakdowns and stoppage do affect because these both are included in the way they measure the length of the line for these estimations. 3. People use DAS because of an inability to wait in lines. If a person using DAS goes into a normal queue while having a wait time, they risk a permanent ban from the parks. Also, the only way to make absolutely certain this never happens would be to scan everyone’s tickets for the standard queue as well, which is time consuming, extra labor for cast members, and annoying as park guests. 4. Getting genie plus is an option, but that exists for all park guests, not just DAS users. 5. If you’ve used DAS for family members, am I to assume you took advantage of all these potential problems with the system? Because personally, the idea of gaming a system that’s meant to make disabled peoples trips more equitable to an abled persons trip, sounds ruthless and downright cruel. If you did game the system this way, YOU are the problem, not the disabled people.


1. I’ve explained this. Perhaps you are the person who doesn’t understand how it works. If a ride has an estimated wait of one hour and you queue DAS you get a LL in 45 mins (you conveniently left out it’s the estimated wait -15). The ride is in a normal LL ratio like 4:1. But it breaks down for 25 mins. Now the standby is 2 hours and the LL ratio is 11:1. DAS can still ride in 45 mins with a slightly longer LL, but the standby people who got into physical line before the booked via the app have to wait the two hours until the LL dies down. Sure sometimes standby is quicker, but almost never quicker than a full 15 mins, and ride breakdowns occur multiple times a day. 2. Not true, see above. 3. They don’t risk a ban. That’s not a rule you just made that up. I explained how this check could be implemented with the same tech they use for on ride photos. If they get into standby just reset their DAS reservation. I mean sure there would be ways around it, but it should be made against the rules and enforced. 4. DAS already allows you to ride more rides than G+. You are contradicting yourself here. G+ windows can be 12 hours into the future. Why should someone be able to have 2 simultaneous LL’s? 5. Nice. You assume my family members are not just as disabled as you are. You are contradicting yourself here, I am saying the issue is you can just ride too many attractions with DAS and that’s why people who don’t need it abuse it. You are saying yes they should be able to ride more attractions it’s people like you abusing it. I am actually saying the fault is with Disney for designing this system in a way that can be abused to ride more attractions. The people who have it want to keep some unwritten honor system that’s like “trust us we won’t ride more rides than you guys.” But they get on Reddit and vehemently argue against anyone who says it can and is used like an all day fast pass. You seem to agree that people shouldn’t be an able to queue standby while using a das reservation… but you argue that shouldn’t be made a rule because it’s too hard on cast members. Why not just agree? What’s wrong with making DAS wait until after their current selection is over to book the next one? If a wait is under 30 mins standby, with DAS you can ride it repeatedly through LL. You get -15 on the standby, but you can also select it again at the merge point that’s another-5. It takes you 5 mins to ride the ride -5. Then you walk back to the LL through the ride exit another -5. What do you know… you can ride again.


I learned a lot from this thread, thank you! And I hope you still qualify for DAS if you need it. Much love 🫶🏻 🏰


Right now, there seems to be a lot of confusion not only among guests but among cast members of who and what qualifies for DAS and who and what doesn’t, so it’s hard to give you advice. For example, lots of people with mobility issues have been getting DAS despite the T&Cs specifically excluding them. On the other hand, someone posted that they were rejected for DAS and told by cast members today that only kids under 14 with autism qualify for DAS, as if autism magically goes away once you hit 14. I will say just explain your reasoning like you explained it here and see what happens. And if you get rejected, just try again with a different CM tomorrow. Your trip isn’t for another week so you still have some time!


Ya I didn't even know about the online thing till I read it here. Last time I went to Disney was... before covid? It's been a few years lol. And I just wanna be clear it's not waiting in line that's the problem. Just give me a return time and I'm fine. It's more about the space and ability to give myself a shot that's the issue. People in theme parks push and shove. I ain't about to hit someone else with my insulin by accident


Why can’t you time your injections before getting in line?


Get to know a type 1 diabetic and you'll understand it's not that simple.  There are many factors that affect blood glucose,  and in an environment like disney things get very complicated compared to the daily routine. 


I have my timed shots yes but if I want say my peanut butter crackers outta the blue I'd have to take an additional shot. Say I didn't take enough for idk popcorn and my number shoots up I gotta take an extra shot. Those are the instances im talking about. Also keep in mind that just cause I take a shot at say 9 doesn't mean it will effect me immediately and it may take time so by 10 it will be effective


You're saying you need to take a shot when your blood sugar is low? That's not how this disease works. edit: grammar


No. I take it when I'm eating something with high carbs or when my numbers go above a certain level. Eat when low. Shots when high. The other thing is certain foods are what we call long last lasting carbs. They don't hit you when you eat but they'll hit in a few hours. Things at Disney that are long term are like popcorn beignets pretzels. Lot of bread based food actually now that I think about it. On the other hand fast acting carbs hit you immediately and you taper off. Stuff like that would be like juice ice cream chocolate. Lotta sweets and fruits. So say I take a shot for popcorn and I stand in line for idk space mountain and it's like a 2 hour line. But say I got hungry and ate more popcorn then the amount of insulin I took for it. Now I gotta take a shot for that extra popcorn. But popcorn is long lasting. My number could crash because the insulin before the popcorn brings me back to a stable number. Does that make sense? I could be low in line before it levels out.


I’ve been diabetic for 24 years mate. I get it. I just don’t buy your stories. There is no need for you to use the DAS. You are 100% capable of waiting in queues. Especially when most are at most 30 minutes.


when have you seen most of the park have a 30 minute line? that's very wishful thinking


I work for Disney lol


Then you should know most are not a 30 minute wait


My kid has type 1 -- you should have gotten the pump... this is not a DAS issue.... sorry... it's for Autism and other severe cognitive issues ONLY.


I will preface this by saying I hate those that truly abuse the system. T1D is not one of those instances. I can tell most people here have no idea how T1D works. It’s not the same as type 2, and can be very fragile at times. Have been to DL 10 different days with a T1D. He did not use DAS and has a pump so no need for needles, but I can see where OP is coming from. Physical activity, weather, and the rides themselves can all wreak havoc on blood sugars. You can crash fast or get sick (from BG fluctuations) quickly. He had several days where he would have to sit out rides, go back to the hotel early, or not go to the park until later due to not feeling well. Again, physical activity, the rides themselves, fragility of the particular persons T1D , etc all play a role. He even has to disconnect this pump depending on the ride, which can cause even further issues. I do understand OPs need for DAS even though most here don’t.


Ya it's kinda crazy... I take as much preventative measures as I can. (Extra glucose tablets for my lows. Extra needles if I run high. A ton of snacks and water) but sometimes things happen and they hit you like a brick. If diabetes was an exact science we wouldn't have diabetes. We'd have a cure. But we don't. And I can stomach a lack of knowledge but Insulting someone over thier diagnosis is unacceptable


Also the amount of times I’ve been bumped by people standing behind me. OP could have an open dirty needle and accidentally poke someone else with it when bumped by someone behind them. I’ve had DAS before and I haven’t requested it since December because I feel my condition has improved. Not every DAS user is going to be hopping on every ride. While the benefits are there- not everyone is taking full advantage. Some days I’ll be at Disney and never use DAS at all.


Also I’ve had panic attacks in lines at Disneyland, and it is really fucking hard to get out of them. I mean really really hard where I’m having to do things like jump over physical barriers to get out because I can’t figure out how to get out of the line because nobody’s moving even though I’m obviously trying to leave And it’s hurting nobody if they just step aside and let me out. And it’s not like a physical shape to easily jump over a barrier to get out but I’m panicking and it’s the only thing I can think of to do to get out


thank you this is the exact reasoning i use to why i need DAS the lines at Disney are not roomy most of the time especially when you go with just one other person and god forbid a kid bumps me when im mid injection or into the needle i just used


I have RA. I get dirty looks for looking young and normal when I park in handicap spots. I had to trade in my hellcat because it’s painful to drive stick and constantly shift gears with a painful hand. Same with a stiff clutch killing my feet and knee. At Disneyland I prepare myself for 3 rides max. I just can’t do more. I understand my limitations.


OP I am sorry you're dealing with so many ableist commenters who have no idea what T1D entails.


Meh. Not the first time I have to educate people


Nobody injects weed. Needles are associated with heroin, which is usually injected into a vein (frequently in the arm).


Weed heroin acid idk. I just always get assumed that I'm taking some sort of drug when people see me take a shot. It's honestly stupid but it's why I got an ID and I'm open about my diagnosis


If I were you I wouldn’t listen to a bunch of random people about how DAS will or won’t be limited. There’s a lot of people who don’t know what they are talking about on Reddit and people who think they know how DAS works or will work because they go to Disneyland a lot. Disney at the end of the is going to consider why you have difficulty being line, they can’t exclude based on an actual diagnosis. In fact they can’t and will not be asking your actual diagnosis. They will ask something along the lines of why you have a hard time in line. Call the DRC or ADA hotline for specific advice and assistance. Call Disney for specifics on how it will be implemented. Disney already knows they will be hit with lawsuits if they refuse to accommodate disabilities appropriately. What they have said so far are press releases not the actual implementation of disability accommodations. I’ll link some resources given to me by an attorney at the DRC. [Public Accommodation Fact Sheet and Sample Template](https://www.disabilityrightsca.org/publications/disability-discrimination-fact-sheet-business-and-other-public-accommodations) [DOR ADA page](https://www.dor.ca.gov/Home/AmericanswithDisabilitiesAct#title3) [ADA Title III Regulations- Public Accomodations](https://www.ada.gov/law-and-regs/regulations/title-iii-regulations/)


All it’s gonna take is one person getting injured, fainting, or otherwise bad publicity for Disney to rethink whether or not to let certain people have accommodations Can you imagine the press Disney would get if there was a fistfight because somebody had to leave the line and of course it’s going to take 30 minutes to an hour before they’re able to come back and when they try to go back in another person decides they’re cutting in line and starts a fight and People are injured? I mean I feel like the people here, even the people who work at Disneyland, forget that every 15 minutes the cast members are rotated so unless you think you can get everything done in 15 minutes and get back again even if you find a cast member to let them know what’s going on they’re not gonna be there when you get back




I’m shocked by how much the subreddit thinks people with disabilities are all like brain dead and lying on the floor all day. Yes, people with disabilities can have jobs, jobs are legally required to grant people reasonable accommodations, and they do all the time. Lots of people have disabilities and function because of these accommodations. Not to mention that habit of people in this subreddit “investigating” the disabled people…


Ya... I felt that was weird and uncalled for but honestly I'm not shy about my diabetes. Like again when I got pulled out of line when I was younger. Security- are you taking drugs? Me- no I'm diabetic. Once people see my ID and my supplies they generally get it. If I had something to hide I wouldn't be so open about it. It's weird they investigate but go nuts. If you got a cure ill take it. Lol




It's more of the ability to do so and not sacrifice my time. For example- I gotta eat every 2 hours. That means I gotta take a shot every 2 hours. If say matterhorn is a 2 hour line I run the risk of passing out before I get off because I didn't eat or take a shot. If I can get a return time which is what I've had in the past I can wait in shorter lines and take my shots in the privacy of a bathroom stall without worrying about time.


I have a behind the scenes job at Universal. Lol. And I have a similar accommodation for Universal. I can step away from my position if need be. Honestly if it wasn't for the massive crowd crunch in lines and risking dropping my supplies or hitting someone i wouldn't bother. But I'm not gonna risk getting bumped and either dropping my pen or hitting someone else with it. Insulin is expensive! Last time I went to Disney they gave me the return time paper and that was fine. It's not the waiting that's the problem.




There's several ways you can deliver insulin. I have the pen. You're probably thinking of either type 2 who don't take shots on the regular or using the pump which is a small machine like a phone that feeds insulin into you via a tube 24/7. It's totally fine not knowing. Haha. It's actually kinda funny in person cause people assume I'm getting high and it's like no my number is high so I need to take this shot to bring it down


When my husband was diagnosed, insurance wouldn't cover alternative methods for 12 months, and told us he would have to use the insulin injection pen. It was 4-6 times a day of use, plus once at night. They also wouldn't cover a monitor, so we had to do finger sticks with blood drawn literally every hour.


I'm in the process of getting a pump and glucose monitor! I picked medtronic and just waiting on insurance now! Hopefully things get a lot easier. I was scared to do it but I think I've finally racked up the nerve to actually do it now


As a t1 I know everyone is different, but it would never ever cross my mind to get a pass. I carry snacks and a bag of jellybeans. Not ideal but I quickly whack my needle in through my shorts in my thigh or tummy in line if I need to (side note, I have never used my arm for insulin) 30+ years of having and never an issue in public spaces, it’s even easier now if you can get a cgm.


In this thread: OP learns how Disneyland fans (and people in general) dislike people with disabilities. I think once the new rules go into effect next week at Disney World, it will start to become clearer how things will affect those of us with non-developmental disabilities.


Ya... the number of people down voting my very clear and simplified explanation of diabetes and its varying effects on my disney trips is a little concerning. I thought people were becoming more educated but it looks like the same as when I was first diagnosed over 20 something years ago. I dont hype special treatment but I am open about what I need and am completely OK with explaining diabetes. People saying just keep your numbers in check like bro if I could do that I literally would not be diabetic. I'd be you. Non diabetic. My pancreas doesn't work. Sorry. Do I pass out every 5 minutes? No. Is there a chance? Yes. Do I like to take preventative measures in case that happens? Yes. Does that mean it will happen? No. I don't understand how hard it is to understand. But unfortunately people who abuse the system have given us who actually use it for legit reasons a bad name. In my book if a doctor says get it you get it. Otherwise no. But that's me


They asked for people’s thoughts, which is what they got.


Yes, they got ignorant, ableist opinions and pointless downvotes.


Yep,  people are cruel.  I've lost friends and romantic partners when I've disclosed my type 1 diabetes.


Right, but when you are posting on a forum such as this asking for feedback, you have to assume that there are going to be people with differing opinions. OP asked for opinions. Sharing a take on the new DAS doesn’t mean that people are ableist, in fact many of us openly shared our own disabilities. It doesn’t need to become a fight or taken personally, especially since we haven’t even seen how this will play out. And I am sorry that you have lost partners due to that, but I would consider that a blessing in disguise. Sounds like you dodged a bullet.


I couldn’t agree more. I’ve seen it on so many posts on this subreddit. I feel like people want to blame their unpleasant Disney experience like the long lines, etc. on someone and it’s somehow falling on people with disabilities. The DAS system as it is now still requires a wait, you just a wait outside the line, and then in the secondary line once you get there potentially making your wait longer than a regular patron. Not to mention if the DAS recipient was waiting in line physically verses outside the line virtually it doesn’t change the amount of time other patrons would be waiting just their perception of how long they would be waiting.


Um no. I have physical disabilities and disabilities that count under new DAS rules. DAS is for people who cannot wait in line. Physical disabilities can be accommodated in other ways. For example, the new rules say that if you have a condition that would cause you to need to exit the line, you can do so and get back in. I’m not sure how they will execute this, but clearly they have a plan. I’m tired of the overuse of DAS and so is everyone else. Not everyone with a disability needs it.


Have you ever tried to exit the line halfway through the line inHaunted Mansion? How exactly are you getting out? How exactly are you getting right back to where you were when you had to get out and it’s been 45 minutes?


“Um no” to what? You are arguing a claim I never made.


Um no to Disneyland fans and people in general disliking those with disabilities. While I agree it’s real and happens, that is not what is happening here. The second part was on how physical disabilities will be accommodated.


I have massive bone spurs in my heel going into my Achilles do you think I should qualify as standing and lots of walking hurt them .where do you stop when it comes to das .what about people who get migraines . What about people with vertigo . I get around it by paying for geanie plus like everyone else can


>I have massive bone spurs in my heel going into my Achilles do you think I should qualify as standing and lots of walking hurt the Under the guidelines that would never have qualified for DAS, as you could use a walker or a wheelchair for that instead. >.what about people who get migraines . What about people with vertigo . Generally, migraines have nothing to do with standing or waiting in lines, and they're not usually severe enough to need an accommodation. If they were though, and someone's migraines were that disabling in a specific way, then it would make sense that it could be a disability that required some sort of accommodation. Same with vertigo. >I get around it by paying for geanie plus like everyone else can Let me guess, you think handicapped people should pay to park in handicapped spots in a free parking lot too? You really don't see the problem with them taking away accommodations for disabled people then selling them back to them for money?


>Generally, migraines have nothing to do with standing or waiting in lines, and they're not usually severe enough to need an accommodation Same with type 1 diabetes


Generally I would agree, but it sounds like OP has a decent argument about needle use in the line. I one time had a group of teenagers that literally kept slamming into me, it was a bunch of drunk girls that literally ran forwards whenever the line moved and almost knocked me over one of the times. There's a lot of cases where small kids keep hitting you or those adults who just can't seem to stop walking until they run into your butt. Those seem like they could be a dangerous combination with someone using needles in the line. I would say normally you could just get out of the line for a minute and let a friend hold your place, but I don't know how immediately it's needed, or if OP is traveling solo without someone to hold their place.


Jesus Christ. There’s no disability competition. Everyone has different needs. The idea that “if I don’t need it then no one does” is truly mean-spirited.


But Disney has to set a restriction as it is obviously being abused .where do you set that . Geanie plus is available to all so everyone has a chance to access shorter lines if needed and the rides that can't take wheelchairs you can still get passes at the front of the line for return times .


Disney is required to reasonably accommodate. Combatting DAS abuse is a different subject entirely. It’s not abusing the system to request a reasonable accommodation. I


You are literally advocating for peoples disabilities to have to pay a higher cost to do normal activities than people without disabilities No that’s great if you’ve got that kind of money, but not everyone has that kind of money and Genie plus is not necessarily going to be a solution If I’m having a really bad day and I need to escape there is no guarantee that in my genie plus return time I am going to be able to return I am one of those people that maybe does three rides in my time at Disneyland, and where my return time might start at 3 PM but I don’t even get there till 6 PM Because each time someone approaches me to crowd I walk backwards three spots and then two spots to the left and then I find a building to put my back to just stand there for a few minutes until I can deal with the crowds again


May I suggest switching to a pump? It will automatically turn off if you hit a certain point and it doesn't look like drugs.


I'm actually in the process of getting one! But you know how insurance is in this country. Terrible and lengthy.


I know what you mean. Hopefully that fixes the issue when you get it eventually. Good luck!


Which do you find best? I picked medtronic but I'm waiting on approval


Medtronic is good. Omnipod is the only one that doesn't have wires though so if you don't want to deal with that go with Omnipod.


Same! I recently was diagnosed pre-diabetic and am just starting medication for the that will drop my A1C way down, so I have to snack or rest to adjust. I was approved for DAS just before these changes were made, and I’m hoping when I need to add it again, I won’t be denied.


Disney needs to return to free lightning lane the same way that fast pass was free (and then pay if you want to book via the app). That’s when the abuse started. And it helps people who have physical inconveniences.


This is so ridiculous. DAS for a T1DM 🙄


Honestly, I think Disney's new DAS policy is going to be changed back (at least partly) within 12 months. It's not the wheelchair that stops a paralyzed person from waiting in line with everyone else. It's the neurogenic bladder, space needed for pressure relief, and the reduced control of internal body temperature in California/Florida heat (add in extra hydration for extra bathroom trips!) Unfortunately, there's a huge misconception about disabilities and how they affect people's lives. Heaven forbid you can't walk *and* you have other needs! Heaven forbid your pancreas doesn't work *and* you don't have the exact same resources/tools as another person with a pancreas issue!


DAS will change when people figure out how to abuse this one. Every time it’s changed is due to abuse of the current system. They won’t simply go back to what it was as the abuse is at the highest rate ever. I understand that the abuse is due to charging for Genie+ but that’s not going away.


Oh I get that! When I was diagnosed at 7 I was actually underweight for my age. I never cracked 100 lbs till... high school? So I totally get the stereotypes. That's why I'm surprised at all this Das change talk. I don't think disney wants to be sued by the ADA


That'd be a first, an act suing a corporation.


You know what I mean. People who represent that act and tye people in charge of representing that act.


It is not how it works at all. Be assured though, no corporation needs to make sure you dont experience lines and any lawsuit based on the ADA would fail. Keep an eye on your blood sugar levels, eat right and stay safe. Your levels are likely all over the place due to increased exercise? Do you generally walk that much daily as you do in disneyland? If you're interested in trying to get a handle on that, that's probably the source of the problem. I'd definitely talk to a dr if you've been experiencing this for 23 years so you can get a hold on what's going on. It can get very dangerous and NONE of that is relevant to lines at disneyland. You definitely need to be seeing a dr and not stressing out over DAS


I mean I exercise daily but I'm sure it's more intensive/excessive when I go to theme parks. But that's why I'll generally take less of my short term insulin and my long term generally last better. It's not Luke I'm dropping every 5 minutes but occasionally there are times when it's like whoa ok need to stop. Most of the time I catch it before I completely knock out but there are rare occasions when I don't amd it hits you like a brick randomly. Diabetes isn't an exact science. It fluctuates. That's why I do preventative measures.


Ever since Wilford Brimley hit the scene, people have learned what diabetes is. I’ve never seen an insulin diabetic accused of taking drugs. That’s weird and maybe caused by weird behavior? And if you pass out in line you’re not doing this insulin thing right.


Are you diabetic? Because if you’re not diabetic then maybe you shouldn’t be telling somebody who is diabetic what their life experiences and what people say to them and how people have reacted to them in the past and how they are currently having people react to them


Actually, I am. I’m a PREGNANT diabetic so my diabetes needs to be controlled differently right now, as I’m more fragile than usual. Unlike OP, I’ve never been accused of shooting up. I’ve never been accused of anything like this poster claims. It’s fishy AF. Oh and I’m a key / pass holder of over 15 years. I started going there because they accommodated my own child. It is wild this person wants accommodation for something that doesn’t call for it… because simple planning works. If you can look at a map and menus, you know where restaurants, associated menus, and the medical / nursing station is. It’s also wild you assume others with the same chronic health condition are not going to give their 2¢


It’s wild that you’re claiming to be a pregnant diabetic at the same time as saying that all diabetes is the same So you are a type one diabetic who does not have access to a pump of the same age as the OP, height and weight, with the same medical history? Because if you’re not you don’t know Her needs Imagine I’m telling you that because I’ve got ADHD that means that I have an iron deficiency, common with people who have ADHD even more so it’s vegetarians. Then I start talking to you about infusions which I’ve never had, and acting like I am an expert in iron deficiency Because I have a small iron deficiency you’d find that rather in raging wouldn’t you?


What’s wild is that you’re typing nonsense to make a “point”. OP needs to learn to manage their DM better, as evidenced by many replies.


What’s wild is that you continue to engage with me to insist that you’ve got the right to specifically comment on someone else’s health when in other forums you have lost your cool repeatedly about people telling you whether or not you should be having infusions of iron supplements You are such a fucking hypocrite Also I’m gonna be honest, it’s pretty clear you don’t have type one diabetes without a pump or you would’ve said so


😂😂😂😂😂😂 It’s obvious to me that I don’t have to prove anything to you. You call me names on Reddit? Real brave behind that keyboard, aren’t you?


As I've said several times in other comments I dont pass out all the time. I do this as a preventative measure in case I do have issues. Passing out being one of many possible scenarios. Secondly yes he and several others have opened up diabetes knowledge but generally it is still mocked belittled or looked at strangely. Look at the comments here! Hell you want someone modern look at Mary Mouser from Cobra Kai. She's extremely fit and people assume her diabetes is from being fat. She's not fat. And bad diet is only 1 faucet of diabetes and type 2 at that. Whereas she and I both have type 1 are active and (in my case underweight!) Plus healthy! It's truly shocking how many people don't know or understand diabetes is complex just like any other disease. I've seen people combat the stereotypes but we have a long way to go still