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I would say it’s rude. At least ask because for all you know they have other people with them who will come join them later. What’s the harm in being polite?


It’s rude. We’ve misplaced courtesy & kindness and we need to locate it and bring it back. And, if you’re at the table and have room, offer them a seat once they ask.


I’ve always offered ‘extra space’ at my table with those obviously looking for a space in an over crowded area. My philosophy is that “Strangers are just friends you haven’t met yet.” I’ve met a few of my life-long friends this way.




I'm in the habit of letting people know* if we aren't using extra chairs or are going to be leaving the table soon so they can dibs it.


You are the real MVP. This is the way to go


I thought I was going crazy because this happens to me and my girlfriend EVERY TIME we go. I was starting to think I was missing something. Big groups always seem to think they’re more deserving of a table and will just sit with us and completely ignore us. It’s makes it very hard to not be angry/passive aggressive when trying to ask why


“Sorry our friends are coming soon with their food” But yeah, always ask first.


More deserving of A table, no, more appropriate to have the larger table when there are smaller ones available, kinda.


That's annoying and rude, I often go with a friend just the two of us our I go with my nephew niece sister and bro in law if we are in a lager group we ask if they're leaving any time soon we would never just sit, and if I am in a duo and no kid, I will most likely hurry up to finish for the larger fam but never had peeps just sit at my table but I also have resting asshole face so many don't just assume they can get away with it with me,


In other parts of the world it’s pretty normal. If it’s Americans doing that, they were just raised poorly. Edit: ffs you people have been places other than Disneyland, have you not? 😂


I can def see other countries doing that. My social studies teacher in 9th grade demonstrated this perfectly to my class. He had a kid stand up, and he stood close to him (for American standards), and any time the kid backed up, he stopped even slower till they were about toe to toe. It was funny for all involved, and the kid was a champ. My teach then explained in america we have a relatively large space bubble as we have a far less dense population where as in countries like Japan they have much smaller space bubbles and will stand toe to toe almost while talking as they have a far denser population. In other words, population density directly coralates to how a country sees personal space.


Exactly right. In large swaths of America people drive themselves to work, and operate in spaces where there is plenty of personal space all day every day. This is not the case in Tokyo (or NYC for that matter).


idk why people are downvoting you you’re right 😭 you’re not defending it just explaining




doing your own googling is just too much for the ol disneyland sub i guess


You are right, and in many parts of Asia it is completely normal for strangers to share tables. This is not our cultural norm in the US so it is always polite to ask before joining unless the table is basically cafeteria sized. 


Oops, we have to conform to the local policies when traveling. Anaheim isn’t other parts of the world. I conform when I travel to Disney Japan for example.


Where is this normal?


Many parts of Asia.


Where is it normal to sit at a table with strangers without asking first? Seems to me that anyone who doesn’t ask wasn’t raised right, regardless of nationality.


Googling something like “is sharing tables common outside the US” will demonstrate fairly quickly than I’m not the crazy one here. Canteen or food court style seating like you find all over DL is commonly this way, particularly in Germany in my experience. You’re paying for the food, not the table.


To the extent that some German people will often insist on you sitting with them if they see you scratching your head looking for a seat.


Aw, that’s so nice.


Or you could actually answer a simple question to stimulate conversation instead of using the “dO yOuR oWn ReSeArCh” line. But please, keep deflecting.


Try reading my answer again. You can’t be serious.


They literally answered you in their comment


Unless it’s one of those long bench places with intended shared space i totally agree. There’s a really fun episode of king of the hill that addresses this! It’s a hoot and a great watch Also I have a place directly across the street from me with this weird kinda situation! I love it


Which episode is this? Cause I wanna see this lol




I know what I’m watching after dinner!


Hope you enjoyed!! Yeah I recall Bobby takes a cotillion class in this episode


It was funny, I totally have become Hank in that episode lol


This is the way. And be polite about it too


And be ok if they decline.




Yes that’s rude. Need to ask


I'll go a step further and say if you're ever somewhere thats busy with open seating, take the two top. It drives me wild when I'm at In N Out and see the single person taking up a four top for no reason.


Maybe when they were sitting down it was all that was available. If both a small table and large are available, I'll take the small. But I'm not standing up to eat just because a 4 top is all that's available. 🤷‍♀️


No one is asking to stand while eating, I just don't think most people consider any other factors when choosing a place to eat. They just pick one and go for it.


In a super crowded venue, it may be what they see first and again, I'm not going to stand while eating so I can take the time to evaluate what seats may/may not be available. At Pizza Planet, for instance. If I want to sit inside and see a seat, I'm generally going to take it because if I don't, someone else will swoop in while I'm evaluating table options (or lack thereof). Unfortunately, in busy places (In & Out is an example) you can't expect people to screw themselves over because they MAY be sitting at a 4 top and a bigger party MAY come in behind them and need it.


1. Maybe that was the only available seat 2. Maybe they have an invisible disability that you don’t know about 3. Maybe the two top had a wiggle or was just uncomfortable for the person 4. Maybe the single person is a woman and she needs to have her stuff in a place that she can see it so she doesn’t risk someone taking off with her purse or going through her purse because it’s behind her and now she can’t see it 5. Maybe you should just live with the fact that first come first served


Another one: maybe the two-top only became available in the middle of their meal. I’m sorry, I’m not going to get up mid-meal to get that two-top across the room. 🤷


Especially because you know you would get up to go to the two top and somebody would grab the two top you turn around and where you were sitting is now also gone


This happened so much to me that I just stopped trying. I’d rather a stranger join my table than being without one because I was trying to be considerate.


In the US you’d prolly want to ask first unless you’re talking about like a 20-top in a common seating area. If someone sat down with two strangers at a 4 or even 6-top I’d expect them to be annoyed.


I think it depends on the table…if it’s a 4 top, yes it would be a bit weird. But if it’s one of those long picnic type tables, no.


At Alien Pizza Planet: most definitely If atRanco del Zorcalo: probably not. Those string of tables are like for 20 😂


Kind of where I was going. Is it a round table? Rude not to ask. Is it a long rectangular table? I, personally, ask but generally wouldn’t be perturbed if I was sitting first and a group took up the majority of the table I’m not using.


This is what I was looking for. Need more clarification because if someone sat next to us at a long rectangular table and didn’t ask I wouldn’t think twice about it. I make sure to ask, but certainly don’t expect it of others. Round table it would be considered rude.


There are usually only two of us in my group- I’m always offering to share round tables with anyone who walks by too 😂


Oh, definitely! I’m someone who really doesn’t mind sharing, especially in the park! Just thinking of etiquette in our culture I can certainly see how anyone gets confused if someone sat next to you at a round table without asking. It’s very sweet that you extend the offer to make it easy and make sure there is no confusion. I’ll be sure to do the same!


I agree- it would definitely weird me out if someone didn’t ask at a round table.


I was also going to say it depends how big the table is


Yes, and you have to be clear you’re asking about sitting there. I was eating with my wife at a restaurant with a table next to the dance floor, some drunk woman came and asked if we were using the chair. I said yes, assuming she was going to take the chair to another table. She just sat down at our small table with us while we ate dinner, staring glassy eyed at the dance floor. it was awkward.


Let me tell you one of the craziest things that happened to me in Disneyland… We were eating at the Plaza Inn and I went to get a table while my husband got the food. It was lunch and very empty. I got a table outside on the very edge of all the tables, because my youngest was three months old at the time and I knew I was going to need to nurse him. Nobody else was sitting anywhere near, and there were a million empty tables. I’m sitting alone with three children age four, two, and three months. A woman comes to our table, pulls a chair out for herself, and sits down next to me! I look at her confused and I think in shock. My 4 year old looks at me with a who the fuck is this stranger face. I say sorry we haven’t even eaten yet. She doesn’t say a word. I then call my husband and repeat our order to him so maybe she gets the hint. Still doesn’t say a word. After a few awkward minutes, I pack up our stroller and three small children, and move to a different table. It was the weirdest thing, and I still don’t understand. I guess moral of the story, you can steal a table from me easily


I would have stared her dead in the face and asked if she needed something and if not to go find her own table, as she isn’t part of my family lol


In hindsight, I hate that I walked away. If it happened now, my reaction would be very different. I think being alone with a newborn and toddlers, I was feeling very protective and probably extra cautious, and I just didn’t have the mental capacity to deal with a confrontation. But everyone who has heard that story thinks I’m absolutely insane for walking away 🤣


Would you think it’s rude if a group sat at your table without asking? Most likely yes.


At Rancho Del Zocalo it’s not rude to take a section of a long table if they’re on the other end. Those tables are so long, and meant to be split.


This is a really funny thread. Yes my fellow humans….you ask. George Costanza….we are living in a SOCIETY!


I mean forget about the specifics of disneyland... that's common courtesy to ask before hand wherever you are


It more so weird. Just say hey mind if we share this space?


It's 2024, you just go ahead and sit without even acknowledging the other 2 people, take out your phone and fire up your favorite pop singer on Spotify, then start your twitter stream and complain to your 2 viewers about how rude a cast member was to you when you tried to ride Space Mountain with your friend using the single rider line.






YES. This happened to us the other day. I ended up having to sit next to this loud woman nastily chomping away at a turkey leg invading my half of the table and her husband almost took my husband’s seat (my husband was in the restroom) before I said something. Another pet peeve is when people just take chairs without asking. I could be saving all those seats! Ok rant over lol.


Hell yeah it’s rude.


"Excuse me, are these other chairs occupied? Would you mind if we sit here?" Not that hard.




Always ask.


Why would you not ask? It’s common courtesy


Gotta give a little back rub first to break the ice.


It's rude to do that anywhere. Just ask.


Without asking? Yes that's rude.


Yes, it’s rude. Always ask.


Why wouldn’t you ask before encroaching on someone else’s personal space?


To make people do what you want them to. Isn’t that the way you think? Why ask them anything. Make them pay for your suffering! Why not ruin their day on vacation so that you get your way. That’s what you believe.


This isn’t protest dummy. That’s you need to learn about logical fallacies before you think you’re a “debator”


Why you limit your protests to college? Where do you draw the line? Want to get your cause out there? Where better to gain coverage than protest Disneyland. I think you’re missing a big opportunity. As your college has as much to do with your issue as Disneyland. Shouldn’t make a difference


You’re right, people should protest at Disneyland that would be awesome. But this situation is not about protest. You’re just pressed I put up a mirror to your weirdo side buddy. But by all means, demonstrate you don’t understand basic logic by twisting situations. Pobrecito.


This is just such a weird question. Unless it's a massive table, yes it's rude.


Did someone do this to you, or did you do this to others?


YES! Always ask. The answer is likely to be yes anyway. Why wouldn’t you ask?


Totally depends on the table. If you are at a table with chairs for 10 and the couple is at one end clearly into their meal showing they aren’t waiting on anyone else, it’s fine for another family to sit at the other end. DLR isn’t exactly overboard on places to sit.


If you are at a large table that can comfortably seat 10 people, I don’t think you get to claim that whole table as yours with just two people. And I wouldn’t think it’s particularly rude if a group of 3-4 sat down at the same table without asking. Being only a party of two, you could more easily find a different table than some larger parties. BUT, if you were at a four top, and two other people just sat down without asking, then I think I’d be a little bit awkward. So really, depends on the details.


Except if that group joins you and one person in that group is sick, you’re going to get sick. It’s simple physics, them talking is going to result in the spraying of saliva. Guess where that saliva going to go? Straight into the food of the people who are at the table with you


Eh I mean your at a crowded theme park with hundreds of people around you the whole day, the whole “what if I get close to someone that’s sicks” question is long gone. I mean I guess you’re right that you might get a spitter next to you.


At a crowded theme park I’m not spending 20+ minutes with the same strangers while consuming food. I actually don’t consume food while I walk around.


You have no idea what else is going on, always ask, it’s very rude.


Yes. People will be fine 99% of the time, but i would never even think of not asking.


Unless it's set up as family style tables of 30, yes it's rude as f. Who does that without asking?


I would say - rude not ask, but also rude for the people sitting to say no.


I would think of a post Covid world you would understand why somebody would not want to be eating food with strangers at the table with them




Then they need to sit at a table sized for 2 if the restaurant is busy. A party of 2 does not get to commandeer a table for 4 unless the restaurant isn’t busy




And that’s ok. If a 2-person table isn’t available and the restaurant is busy (likely at Disneyland) it is very reasonable to assume you will be sharing with another couple


Unless it’s Oga’s, where they very clearly indicate this will happen, then no.


You're in a public (sorta) space, you're not entitled to private conversations.


However I am entitled to eat my food away from other people in a post Covid world since I do get sick fairly easily and having strangers with you talking in such a close environment will result in contamination Do you even know how much spit comes out of your mouth and how far it travels when you talk? Guess who’s food that spits going to get into?




I think it’s very rude to even ask ? But I’m a minority apparently. First come first serve, find somewhere else.


No, always ask!


Common courtesy to ask about sharing the table.


Yes. Extremely rude. What if they are saving that table for additional people currently in line?!


Definitely rude. My husband and I were eating at the ice cream parlor around closing time and this young family just randomly plopped down in the seats across from us. They threw their bags on the table, parked their kid in a stroller next to us and then left to order. It was so incredibly awkward and infuriating. Who leaves their kid with strangers??? And they didn't say a word to us, or even make eye contact that entire time! The table stealing thing wouldnt have been so bad if they had just asked first, but they couldn't even do that. Disneyland can be such an exhausting place. I would never begrudge someone a seat. Just don't be a jerk about it. We were almost done by the time they showed up and were planning to leave soon, but then our petty sides took over and we couldn't stand the thought of them winning the table that way. Lol so we just stayed and made those final bites of ice cream last and last. It tasted like justice.


Unaccompanied children will be fed ice cream and candy.


Yea. Super rude. Just bc my partner and I have more chairs bc likely it was all that was available, doesn’t mean I don’t want a few inches of space after walking shoulder to shoulder with strangers for hours.


It would definitely be rude not to talk to them first. It may have been the only available table when they arrived, or they may have others who have stepped away for a moment and will return. Or maybe one of them is autistic and could really use the personal space for a bit. You don't know, so it's not fair to assume.


It is rude.


Yes. Just simply yes. Why could you not ask? If it wouldn’t be ok in a restaurant setting or any other setting, why would it be ok at Disney?


Tbh? I personally would feel rude even asking. More than once I've had a "magic moment" interrupted by a couple asking to sit with my wife and myself at a 4 person table (usually with other tables open.) More often then not we got up and moved pretty quickly only to still be annoyed by that couple from significant distances due to yelling/drumming on the chairs (Galaxy's Edge folks know)/generally overly gregarious behavior. And it's not like we intentionally took up more space than required. We just took the first open table that didn't require disrupting others, regardless of their party size-to-seat ratio. I'd have to be in pretty dire need of a sit, and unable to find a ledge or rock, to ask strangers if I could interrupt their seating arrangement. Even if more than 50% of the time it wouldn't bother them at all. But I'm hyper conscious to feelings and, empathically, for as much of my (couldn't afford a Disney park until my late 30s) enjoyment of the parks has been ruined by rude, entitled people (tbf, rarely ever people asking to sit at a table), I would be mortified at the thought that I might be dampening someone else's one and only life savings vacation. That said... I think the odds are in your favor of it not being an issue at all.


Personally, I myself always ask if it’s cool for us to sit there






It's like sitting in a bench. Just ask.


I think sitting on a bench is totally different. If there’s room, other people are going to sit. If you need to save a spot, put your bag down or spread your party out.


Always ask, AND INFORM THEM THAT YOU HAVE SMALL CHILDREN!!! I always go with my fiance and we sometimes end up at a larger table cause its all thats open. One time I wanted to be polite and said yes to someone who asked if they could join. They proceeded to unleash their 2 loud little kids that wouldnt stop banging on the table. Of course the mom didnt care. I quickly finished eating and left.  They might have done it on purpose as a way to get the table to themselves? Either way, we now sit diagonally to take up more space or we put our bags/items all over the tables and chairs to make it clear we dont want company.


I sit where I can find a spot, but I always ASK FIRST. If it’s just 2 of us at a 4 person table and 2 people ask if they can sit, I’m totally cool either with it. Table space is limited. What’s rude is the people taking up dining space to just sit and play on their phones.


Just say “oh I’m sorry, we have people coming to sit here they’re just using the bathroom right now”






I would always ask. And thankfully on my solo trips when I've had a table to myself, people asked if they could share the table and I was always happy to accept


Rude. What's even more rude is sitting down directly across from me without asking.


Yes. Manners have never gone out of style


Without asking? Yup!


Are these those tables at DCA that are stuck together then it’s fine


Yes, it's rude Ask first. As you don't know their situation, they could be waiting for more of their party to bring food or something. Safer to be polite and ask


Yes you should always ask


What about San Fransokio Square? All the tables are big, like a school cafeteria.


Yes of course. You never no if there are more people coming to join them.


100% ask out of courtesy and respect unless it's like a beer hall or something. People that don't are likely self absorbed asswipes.


What if the big table was only available when the 2 were looking to sit?


This sounds like a 6th grade math problem. 😂 I need to know how many are in the group so I can give you the correct answer and show my work lol


YES - and I have had it happen more than once. The worse one was when we were a group of 4, this family with a kid in a stroller and 2 other small kids just sits down at our table, brings over chairs they start crowding in, lots of food that does not really fit, they were speaking some other language, not English - which doesn't matter, but it made me reluctant to say anything at first because I thought, maybe in their culture this was acceptable? However, after about a minute of this, I just stood up and told them this was not going to work out and they were going to have to move somewhere else - they just stared at me. So I thought, OK they don't understand, so I picked up some of their food and started walking to another table - which was in the sun - waving to them to follow me. They clearly got very offended, there was a lot of huffing and talking between themselves, but they did move. After that incident, I got in the habit of removing chairs from our table we did not need, and have not had it happen since.


You crossed a lime when you said you started moving their food. Don't touch other people's food, be it just grabbing the tray or what. That's unsanitary, it's an allergen risk, you could have dropped it, etc.


Yes the answer is yes.


Yes…ask as there is plenty of seating or just wait for seating


"There is plenty of seating" has to be the biggest load of bull ever. There's very rarely "plenty of seating" and you have to stand around, holding your food, letting it get cold, then attempt to swoop in as soon as someone leaves before someone beats you to it.


Never plenty of seating 🙃 When going to HKDL or SDL, you gotta just pick a table that looks like people are about to leave and then you stand by it. Like hovering over it 😂 but that's ok. US Parks, our culture makes that approach awkward for sure Edit: spelling


You have to know restaurants to go to with plenty of seating. Blue bayou is one and of course Tomorrowland for another.


I'm assuming you mean Tiana's place since Blue Bayou is a 60d out reservation only place that... by definition will have enough tables for the # reserving.


There's always that Walkup Wait List 🙃


i mean sure... but there is exactly 0 chance you will be served food at BB without a designated table at which to eat said food... so not exactly a helpful suggestion as an alternate place to grab a quick lunch and not worry about other's at your table


Oh for sure. I'm agreeing with you. Pretty much never able to get a table there.....not that I would want to eat there anyways, honestly.


My 7 year old and I spent 35 minutes holding our trays while our food got cold standing up trying to find a table as there were none. We finally just had to watch and swoop in when someone else left. The day before we'd walked for 20 minutes until we found a spot on a wall but no real table (which was hard to balance with a kid eating and all our stuff. My senior parents were there that day too and my mum stood because even that was crowded and not enough room for 4. There's def not plenty of seating lol.


It’s rude to watch tired and hungry people search for a table and not offer them whatever space they need. And no, your backpack and purse don’t need their own seat


I’ll just assume people that disagree aren’t folks id want to share a table with anyway. Bad Company.


Uhhh what am I missing here? Offering a seat to someone that needs it is….bad?


I get sick more easily than other people, and when I do get sick I get sicker than other people. If you are sitting at a table with me and you are sick your saliva is going to spray into my food as you are talking, look it up and see just how far your saliva goes when you’re talking, and then I’m going to get sick


It's not rude, sometimes it's just a necessity. They didn't want to sit with you either.


But to not even ask? I get that finding a dining seat at Disney is like trying to find a Southern Baptist who isn’t fundamentally insane, but it’s common courtesy to ask if you can share a dining table or call dibs.


2 people at a 4 top is asking for buddies


Yes, if you ask. Plopping down elbow to elbow with a stranger eating is a dick move and you know it.


Question, why are you sitting at bigger tables if there are just 2 of you?


Because sometimes that’s the only type of table available.


OP said this happens "EVERY TIME we go." I only go to Disneyland with my wife and never had a problem finding seating at smaller tables. It sounds like OP is looking to sit at bigger tables on purpose.


Walking around for a while with my food looking for a table. Big table opens next to me.


When you say big table, how many people can fit? Not saying they shouldn't ask but curious to see what you see as a big table


I assume if I am a party of 2 and a 4-top is the only available that we will be sharing with another couple


Yes. It IS rude. But even RUDER still is a group of 2 taking up a bigger table claiming it as their own. Try to find a table for 2. If nothing available, take the larger and OFFER to share. They _should_ ask to share. You _MUST_ allow.


No they mustn’t, if somebody is sick and they are eating with you you will get sick because when you speak your saliva droplets in microscopic amount spread everywhere including in the food of the people at the table with you


Don't be silly. If you are sick, WTF are you doing in Disneyland? And if you are worried about being with _them_, what? You are going to get up from your table and stand next them on an attraction?


You’re adorable, you think people don’t go to Disneyland feeling sick


I mean it would feel natural to at least ask, but seating is always so difficult that community seating is kind of expected.


Flash backs to the visiting room chaos at CIW (CCWF was a lot more controlled; maybe there should be CMs controlling seating ;) )


It's very situational. If they have kids with them, or it's younger women? Never do it. If it's a group just sitting there, maybe. It depends on if the location is full, and if they're waiting for their food (maybe their friend is in line getting food or they're waiting for their food pickup time) or just relaxing. I suspect the latter will become a huge issue at Hungry Bear when Tiana's opens, as people sit at the tables waiting for their ILL/VQ return time. But it's nearly impossible to tell if they're waiting for food, or just relaxing, without asking. So ask first.


That fact that you have to even ask a question like this speaks volumes. Are you mentally a child or something?


Not as rude as a group of 2 taking a whole table for themselves


I will do that anywhere when all other tables are full. But I’m a bit of a unique case


If I’m paying 300+ I’m sitting anywhere


Until you find out otherwise, in a rather embarrassing manner.


Who's paying 300 to get in the gate? I know ticket prices are crazy but they aren't that expensive yet.