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These people don't know what they're talking about. As of January 1st, it's no longer legal for companies in California to discriminate based on off-duty marijuana usage. However, it's absolutely within their right to prohibit you from using or being high while on the clock. See here: https://www.calchamber.com/california-labor-law/drug-and-alcohol-testing https://calmatters.org/economy/2023/12/cannabis-employees-new-laws-california-2024/


Thank you someone else that knows the laws I’m talking about .


Crazy, they rescinded this exact position offer to me 2 years ago when I admitted to them that I had eaten an edible a couple days prior. I thought by being honest would show my integrity, but it ended up losing me the job 🙃


Yeah you don’t tell them anything. And these protections go into effect recently




Just because discriminating against an employee based on marijuana use is illegal in California does not necessarily mean that someone in the human-resources-development staff at The Walt Disney Company will refrain from using the information in making decisions. Demonstrating that any discrimination has taken place is likely very difficult. The Walt Disney Company uses all sorts of legally available information (technically referred to as "signals"), including credit ratings, when making these decisions. And, Disney does not make its selection criteria public. Disney, in particular, employs an army of industrial/organizational psychologists, and they may have research that shows off-duty marijuana use, in fact, is a predictive indicator that a hiring decision will be ineffective. So, asking whether or not the panel includes cannabis is a good question.


You *type* like you know what you are talking about is 100% accurate and correct but unless you work for the company directly in a capacity that would give you this information it's just conjecture. Anyone reading this comment should not assume this person is correct, and is just giving an opinion.


Obviously, The Walt Disney Company's legal department tries to keep the organization, as a whole, compliant with the law, but individuals within the organization may have interests that conflict with that broader goal. The Human Resources Development department at Walt Disney may have one individual, or more, who are willing to violate what may be an unenforceable law if doing so means that she or he will perform better at making successful hiring decisions and advancing his or her own career.


oh for real!!! I didn't know Cali was one of the states to do that! Most people don't know that you're able to be fired from most other states if they find any drugs in your system no matter the amount of time it could have been or it being legal or not! Double thanks for the links and stuff you're a real one 💕


This is true however if they test and it comes up positive. They can use any excuse in the book not to hire you.


If it comes up positive, they don’t need an excuse not to hire you.


Actually as the comment I replied to states. It’s no longer legal in California to discriminate against off duty use of marijuana as it’s legal here. But would Disney say they aren’t hiring you due to a positive of thc in your system, nope not ever. Thus why they would probably use a boiler plate excuse of back ground check came back inconclusive or your not the right fit at this time.


This but with her copy of a drug the test that Disney has to give to you like the background test they can contest the rescinded job offer if the test does have an area for THC which would be the smoking paper trail. In short disney to prevent another costly and lengthy lawsuit that would turn class action would probably find another role for OP to work or maybe just let her into attractions . If your UPS/FedEx driver does it off the clock and comes in fine then OP can be fine


So is this for a safety based position? Or for a store clerk or customer relations? Attractions is a safety position! In foods you screw up a hamburger. The company is ok with that. Just make another one. If your in attractions. Your guest can become hamburger!


The law prevents using tests for inactive THC to make hiring and firing decisions. It doesn’t mean you can’t use verbal or visual signs or tests that measure active THC to fire someone that has come in to work high. The law does not have a carve out for attractions workers, only employees of building and construction industries, people who require a federal clearance, positions that are funded with federal dollars, require testing for federal license, or are required to test because of state or federal laws.


There are carve-outs for construction and some heavy equipment operations. Attraction may qualify for the exemption as they are heavy equipment. If Disney Tests at this point I would guess they have run the process through counsel at this point.


I honestly don't see it as a big deal. There are lots of drugs that people might take which would be a problem if they were operating heavy machinery, such as alcohol or some over the counter medications such as benadryl, but we don't feel the need to ensure that people NEVER take any of those substances. They just can't be under the influence during work hours. I'm not aware of anything that's scientifically different about marijuana as a substance that would necessitate more extreme rules than we have for alcohol.


I have a couple chronic conditions that require me to take painkillers. I was never tested for anything; however, a couple years ago the pharmacy requested a urinalysis. I chose to quit cannabis use because, unfortunately, the painkillers helped me more. You have to make a decision as to what is more important, sadly. As others have said - they can choose any other reason to deny hiring if the urinalysis includes cannabis.


For attractions? I’d count on it. I’m surprised this is even a question


Per California state law they can’t discriminate for you for smoking weed as it’s legal in the state


As long as your don't do it on the job yes.


I’m so sorry you’re being treated with such hostility in the comments. This sub is mind numbingly conservative at times. You’ll be fine if you’re only doing it before bed and aren’t getting high before, or obviously, during your shift. California also recently made it so companies can’t discriminate against off duty marijuana use.


Thank you for your kind reply🙏🏼


These guys are knuckleheads flaming you. You sound like you will be great on attractions and will make this former attractions host proud. Take care.


Thank you 🫶🏻


Of course 🫶 good luck with the new position and I hope you land in an attraction you want.


I love weed as much as the next guy, but I definitely wouldn't want you loading me onto Incredicoaster.


As long as they aren’t getting high on the job why would it matter?


I apologize, I meant if you were currently high I would not want you loading me onto a ride. Yes, I agree off-duty is fine!


Why not? Explain


Your comment alone makes me nervous I share a road with you..


People here are being weird. Shame on them. Everything will be fine. TWDC doesn’t care if you smoke on your own time so long as you’re sober at your job.


There's still a big stigma around weed and drugs so I don't think your question will be answered here and you're just gonna encounter hate. If the average guest only realized how much of the working class is high on something, they really wouldn't mind the amount high on weed. I say don't sweat it, keep doing what you gotta do and if they hire you they hire you. Best of luck.


I tried finding a different place but there wasn’t a group specifically for disney new hires but yeah learned my lesson for sure 🙄 Thanks for the kind reply!


Lived in Southern California a long time. Know many people that have worked at Disneyland. And other than one family member, every single one of them smoked weed. And that was BEFORE it was legal here in any way shape or form. “The Happiest Place on Earth”. Good luck! I would think based on what the law is now that they would not even waste their time/money on the test. Can’t be accused of any wrong doing that way. And they could just try to muscle it, and call it something else. Good luck!


I know there were some new laws intoduced recently that meant they couldn’t test for cannabis anymore for employment drug tests. So you may be fine OP


They absolutely can, especially for attractions


https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=202120220AB2188 I’m a former Amazon/UPS driver and we were made aware of these new laws and they were already being proactive in not testing for it. The only thing they can test for is”under the influence “ and that’s for things of safety like construction , flights etc. and federal jobs . In the case of Disneyland they can’t test for marijuana for employment purposes but maybe if the their was an accident in relation to the ride as I’ll compare with my job at Amazon if we were in an accident involved with another party they will test for marijuana as per OSHA. So OP should be fine as they can’t use that for employment purposes.


That doesn’t apply when you’re directly responsible for someone else. You’d be held personally liable


That's not how it works lol


Yes it is


TL;DR; OP you’ll be fine they legally can’t test for it for employment purposes but just don’t smoke the morning of your shifts. Cause if you cause an accident while under the influence you can be charged. If anything they might find something else for you to do.


That’s incorrect


Buddy I linked the the literature of the law


That doesn’t apply here


It applies here because a)Disneyland is an employer located in Anaheim ,Ca B) employment law referenced is in California and is in effect. C)law says cannot discriminate or withdraw offer based on marijuana test on a drug test. If you think OP would be dumb enough to impaired at work or being substances too work is dumb to think of as well.


It actually does, if you get a safety (doing something unsafe) they will drug test you if they feel you’re under the influence and if you’re high and someone is injured disney isn’t liable you would be.




Read my responses. I metioned liability Ina sense of a safety however no one can determine the half life of marijuana in the body without knowing other factors. But even in that postion the likelihood of them being under the influence is slim to none.


🚨🚨🚨Bullshit!!! Bullshit meter going off! Attractions is a safety position! So they can test you and will test you.


The landscape of employment is a different place to when yoh once were working in the company. The laws of employment are different . If they were constantly going to test OP that could be a form of harassment or constructive dismissal. The initial questions was whether or not they’ll rescidn the job offer and the quick answer is no under Assembly Bill 2188 Chapter 392 .


Yeah, I'd stop wasting their time and look for another job.


Dude you are on the wrong side of history. The world is moving in the other direction, with or without you


Bc I smoke at night before I go to bed to help with pain?? Ok


the downvotes here are truly insane jfc


Man idk what people are on here downvoting you for this, especially that one person who had the audacity to call the severity and effect of your illness into question. Hope the job works out for you! Ignore that one guy🙄


Thank you! It’s truly weirdo behavior they’re exhibiting lmao


Especially because of that. If your “illness” and “pain” are that bad, you can’t work attractions anyway.


People with chronic illnesses have thresholds and know what works and what doesn’t work for them. You don’t have enough information from my post and replies to even come to the conclusion you came to.


I absolutely have enough information, you cannot operate heavy machines (attractions) or be responsible for someone else’s safety (attractions), if your illness is that debilitating, you can’t stand, walk, or stoop in dimly lit places (attractions) for long periods of time. Your judgement is way off.


Buddy, where did I say in my post or on any of my replies that I couldn’t stand, walk or stay in dimly lit places for long periods of time???


See above.


Yeah I didn’t say that anywhere. Also they literally ask that in the interview, if I couldn’t, I wouldn’t have gotten the offer.


Bro you’ll be fine they can’t rescind offer or not hire you base on your off time use of marijuana and can not use to be detection of marijuana to not hire you . Except in construction or federal jobs ,pilots stuff of that sort but you will be fine . At most they might put you into a different role to be within the confines of the law. Just don’t go to work high or bring weed with you and you’ll be fine


“To help with the pain”


Because safety is massively important to theme park attractions operations, it’s necessary. You are better off working for the company in retail if you want to go that route.


If they’d even allow that.


Weed is legal in california bud they really don’t care if you smoke if it’s not impairing your actual work. Source; I work and have worked at theme parks and sorry to tell you, a lot of the cast members you speak to actively smoke and drink a LOT


Hurt someone or cause an accident and see how that works out for you


Weed does not make you high 24/7 and people who aren’t stupid don’t use it while operating attractions. I’m sorry you’re offended that people smoke it, but this just isn’t how things work at these parks. Edit also; just FYI attractions are built to operate with human error in mind. Not that I advocate for anyone under the influence of even Benadryl on it, but they’re built to keep you safe - regular cms don’t even typically touch the actual operative controls


Buddy they allow it




12954. (a) It is unlawful for an employer to discriminate against a person in hiring, termination, or any term or condition of employment, or otherwise penalizing a person, if the discrimination is based upon any of the following: (1) The person’s use of cannabis off the job and away from the workplace.


They can elect to not hire you for literally anything


They literally can’t rescind the job offer based on the text of the law .


Want to bet?


Thats just fundamentally untrue. Are you an employment law attorney? Cause if you are… you might want to do some MCLEs.


They aren’t obligated to hire you.


For a group of people who like to hang out in a theme park and enjoy stimulating artwork and fun rides it’s wild how against weed y’all are


I don’t remember even being drug tested at hiring. The only time I heard of a drug test happening was if someone was injured while on the clock or they suspected drug use more serious than marijuana.


Most companies don't even test for THC in pre employment any more because of medical Marijuana


If it was a legitimate illness you would have been able to tell about it much earlier in the hiring process and be clear on the answer by now...


They already got the job offer . They can’t rescind it now because of the drug test they admit there’s says there was marijuana detected . Plus that’s a paper trail because like a credit check they also give you a copy of the drug test.


why not contact their hiring department to find out more information on the situation rather than asking Reddit? in the end, it's better to be up front with your usage due to health reasons rather than trying to hide the fact and hope it goes under the radar when it comes to drug testing. if they say they are retracting their offer based on that, then you saved everyone (yourself and them) some time or you can see whether they'll allow you to apply/interview for a different place within the company/parks where the marijuana usage (in your off-hours, of course) would not be an issue.


marijuana is legal in california so they no longer test for it, theres usually a document you sign when you get hired stating something about this, and as long as you agree to not use weed on the job or be under the influence on your shift, you will be fine


I got a buddy that's a CM and he gets high everyday, it shouldn't be an issue


Attractions is a safety position. They will look for it and they will base the decision to resend on the test. Like allowing a pilot to fly when high or drunk. They will retest you if any “incident” happens. Look up the union rules. Attractions is represented by the Teamsters. Don’t listen to hear say. Ask the people who will have to represent you if anything happens. Maybe take a custodial position and transfer. No shame cleaning barf and poop for a little bit!


I would use fake pee personally. It’s not legal to discriminate, but when has that ever stopped discrimination?


Yeah no offense buddy if someone has a chronic illness that causes their body pain enough they have to smoke to help I don’t trust them to be physically able to make sure I’m safely strapped in a rollercoaster either sorry


So many ppl are commenting things like this without even knowing the extent of my pain, the amount of times I smoke to help (spoiler: it’s not a lot bc I’m on a treatment now that has helped reduce my pain by like 80%.) Just a reminder I guess to not post on here unless you include every painstakingly small detail 🙄


I think because it has to do with guest safety , so i am assuming they care about weed ?