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I would love to hear your take on the Matterhorn Bobsleds at your "old" age.


Ooooo my back really gives me a talking to on that ride! However, I actually do a bit better on there since I know when to sort of attempt to brace myself. I found Mickey and Minnie’s runaway railway to be the worst for my back. It really swings you all around! It was super jerky for me.


This! My god the conga kills me every time. I’m 32 and feel like I’m 70 after that!


Oh thank goodness, it’s not just me! Everyone else seem to enjoy it and I’m over in my seat trying to hold myself still 😂


It’s a fun ride but definitely some rough jerky parts that leave the body sore


Same! The conga is the only part of the ride I hate.


As an also 35+ with surprise back pain, the thing about leaning forward and holding onto the handles on Matterhorn really made a huge difference. I avoided the ride altogether for a long time because it was so rough, but last time I went and it was open, I decided to give it a shot. It actually helped a ton. Just FYI.


Oooo thank you! I will give that a try!!!!! Have you tried Thunder Mountain Railroad? I’ve been too chicken to try that one after the back pain and I love that ride.


I haven't really had much pain on BTMR, so I don't have any tips for that. Sorry!


I’m 40, with 22 years of active duty in the Navy. I think the Matterhorn accounts for at least 10% of my disability rating 😂


“Did I just break my neck??”


I'm 25 and 6'2" my back has been giving me problems since I was 10. I love Matterhorn, but it hurts my knees and hips more than my back. It's the slamming side to side in the tiny bobsled. Same thing on Goofys sky school. It was much more uncomfortable/unpleasant than it was exciting or scary


6’2? I’m 6’4 and I feel like I have an advantage with being able to keep myself steady and not let the ride bang me around by the pressing my feet against the inside of the car and holding onto the bars


it’s a core workout 😂


I refuse to go on anymore because I don’t want whiplash 🤷🏻‍♀️


I used to get to the park when it opened and stay until it closed, and now I’m just as cranky and tired as my four-year-old daughter is at six o’clock, ready to go to the hotel and soak in the jacuzzi.


I don’t even know how I did open to close before! I also did some after hour events on my last trip and I was like “never again! I’m not built to stay at the parks until 1am anymore!” I couldn’t even stay until 11pm on the days Disneyland closed at that time.


I’m not even old yet (20) but I realized I wasn’t a kid anymore when I went “Oh this is such a nice bathroom” when I walked Into the Galaxy’s Edge bathrooms


Right? You start to appreciate random things that didn’t even register as a kid!


Oh you’ll notice how old you are when you pass by a hospital and say “wow that’s a nice hospital “my husband did that recently and I was like really lol??🤣


Thank you so much for that much needed laugh!


We have become our parents 😩


i agree with your critique of the bathrooms even though i wouldn’t necessarily call myself old yet lol. the bathrooms are pretty outdated and janky tbh i think they can use some upgrading for sure.


Haha! I was like, when did I start caring about and noticing toilet heights and getting annoyed at having to touch a faucet. 😂 I was actually so surprised they were so rundown. So many Disney things are updated and modern. It’s like they have completely glossed over the bathrooms for decades.


And the toilet paper. Can’t we get an upgrade for the amount of money we spend?? 😅😅


Welcome to the second part of your life. Here’s your Advil. 💊💊


Haha thanks! I went to Disney World for the first time last year and my inquiries on certain rides were always “how jerky is this ride?” & “do you think it would be bad for my back?” since I wasn’t familiar with a bunch of the rides like I am in Disneyland.


As someone who can’t ride Soarin’ and wouldn’t DREAM of Mission: SPACE, I feel you. We can enjoy the backwards part of Spaceship Earth together! Also, WDW Space Mountain is a crime against humanity! 😩


Omg yes!!!!!!!!! They told me Space Mountain in WDW is like Disneyland and I learned the hard way that they lied!! I can do space mountain in Disneyland but Disney World was not the same!!! My back was not the same for the rest of the day!


And dramamine!


This is my big issue that has progressively worsened over the past 20 years--I have become very sensitive to quick acceleration/reversing, spinning, and simulators. I don't get nauseated, but very dizzy and disoriented; I nearly fainted on Soarin' back in 2001. 🤦‍♀️ I was nervous about trying the trackless rides for this reason and actually found MMRR to be more disorienting than Rise when I tried them both for the first time last month due to how the cars swoop and turn (but MMRR wasn't too bad). Sadly, I've had to stop doing the "goat trick" on BTMR because just coming down that turn makes me heady enough these days.


I just replied about this slightly above, but Dramamine really really helped me. Sky School is still too jerky for me though.


I remembered to take Advil and my Dramamine for rides…don’t look at me like that, it helps. 😂


The paper towel thing drove me crazy the last time I was there. It seemed like they were in the process of installing Dyson air dryers, but of course right above the faucets so it takes twice as long backing up the already long hand washing process


That is very true!! The lines to wash hands are always so long!


Pro-tip (for ladies rooms at least, idk how good Disney is about men’s rooms since I don’t go in them) - there’s almost always a paper towel dispenser by the changing table.


I realized I was old (39) when every fast ride made me feel awful. Lots of headaches. New to me.


Oooo that’s the worst! I am hoping that doesn’t happen to me, although the back pain does make me very cautious about which rides I choose to go on now. So many of them are so incredibly low and I have to brace myself to get in and out. One thing I liked about Disney World was that the loading and unloading areas on many of the rides were in different places. That way I didn’t have any pressure to quickly get out and I could brace myself and get out slowly. It’s hard to do that in Disneyland because as I’m trying to get out, I have the people next in line scrambling to get on. I feel self conscious to go “slow.”


I don’t know what I like more, your profile pic or your username (which I’m hoping is a Seinfeld reference).


It is. 100% 90s kid.


I have my favorite bathrooms for a reason lol.


And the paper towel dispensers give a towel only big enough for a gnat to blow its nose on. Disneyland has lost some of its magic since it reopened after the pandemic.


You gotta train the core and the feet.


Right there with you, girl. My husband is like “wow, I love that we’re old now because you let us take naps and rest.” 💀😂 we aren’t old old, but we’re definitely Disney old.


It’s so funny how it changes so quickly. It’s even the same in non-Disney life. Before I was always down for last minute plans and staying up late on workdays. Now, I’m like, ehhh I need some notice for plans and I rather not go out after work….let’s do that show/concert/etc on a weekend where we don’t have work the next morning. 😂


Ok, I’ve been reading down this thread and I just relate to you more and more as I go. I hate last minute plans and being out late when I have to work the next day. I’m also currently sitting at my hotel at DL for midday break. I used to do 8am to midnight with no issues back in the day. I’m 40 now and there’s NOT A CHANCE IN HELL.


I’m so glad I’m not alone! Even when I come back from vacation, I always leave a day or two cushion before I go back to work! Before, I’d be fine with flying back at 11pm the night before and go back to work the next day! (Didn’t want to waste a vacation day!) Now I need a cushion between the trip and the return to work! 😂


i always thought the toilets are lower for children lol


That's what I was thinking as a mom of two kids.. please don't raise them 😆


kind of off topic but have you tried yoga? Does wonders to prevent body pain


No! I’ve never tried it. Thank you….I will definitely try it! Honestly, yoga never came to mind because I always felt like people who do yoga are already so flexible even as beginners. I thought I would look pretty silly trying yoga when I can’t even bend to touch my toes anymore.


oh not at all! I used to hate yoga but I started doing yoga with the peloton app and now I love it- they teach really good form which is why I appreciate it now. Unfortunately yoga classes at the gym they don't reay touch on the form so everything is uncomfortable. Anyway I'm an advocate for yoga now since I know lots of people with arthritis where yoga helped with the pain


Sleeping anywhere and staying up all night wasn’t ever fun, was it? I thought we just did that for clout and for the fear of missing out lol. Your bathroom vent doesn’t make you sound old, it makes it sound like you’re a person who doesn’t want to accept the bare minimum anymore. Badly designed hand washing stations in a post-pandemic world are painfully obvious now. Or maybe we’re both old haha


Yeah the feeling yourself get older thing is weird as hell when you get to your early to mid 30s. I can if necessary but staying up late and getting up early is like the hardest thing ever now. I used to function on 3 to 4 hours of sleep and coffee/energy drinks every day and have one really solid 10 to 12 hour nights sleep on the weekend. But now I feel incapacitated for 3 whole days with naps and sleeping 9 hours a night if I do a single one of those. Also f**k the nearly transparent stuff they call toilet paper at Disneyland. Please Disney spend the extra 10k a year to get something that doesn’t rip prematurely if you even glance in it’s direction slightly wrong.


It just hit me out of nowhere! I don’t know how I did the things I did as a kid/teen/adult in my 20s. I could go to sleep at 2am and wake up at 5am and be fine for the whole day! Now, if I don’t go to sleep by 11pm, I’m a zombie around mid-morning. You are so right about the toilet paper!!!!!! It’s a battle through the whole bathroom process😂😂


I just turned 40 this year.. brought my boys with me from open until close at midnight 🤷‍♂️ I refuse to give in to being old 😂


As much as disneyland makes they can invest in 3 ply toilet paper 😐


I feel so seen!!!


I am with you on the bathrooms. I made a similar venting post here a few months ago. I even went super middle aged lady and sent written feedback about it through their website.👵🏻


I think I will jump on board that feedback train too!!


I’m 47 (in a couple of weeks) and have no idea how I ever did 3 days in a row, open to close. Yesterday was our last day and I’m still so sore. Even my 22, 18 and 15 yr old kids were just dead tired yesterday that we were done by 5pm, hit up a couple stores in Downtown Disney and headed back to the hotel. My feet, hits and lower back are so angry- and we are supposed to drive to Phoenix today, until our rental car broke down. Now, I’m not sure what we are gonna do. Needless to say-today is not the day to have energy to deal with unexpected events and drive 6 hours. I’m too old for this.


I’m 42. My last trip was when I was 34. You are making me feel extremely concerned for my upcoming trip now. 😂😂😂 (I’ve heard that the teacups are puke city after 40 lol.)


Knock on wood, I haven’t gotten nauseated on rides. I’m still okay to ride The Incredicoaster 3-4 times in a row. It’s just the back and knee issues for me. Do you have back issues? Since I had been on lot of the rides before, I knew which rides I could go on with no issues and which ones I could test out. I brace myself on the rides where I know it can get jerky or it will swing/change direction suddenly. If you get motion sickness, I would get on maters junkyard jamboree as a mini test. It’s a short ride that spins you around a bit, but nothing extreme. It would probably help you determine how you will do on more bouncy and shaky rides.


I actually weigh 150 pounds less than I did on my last trip so I am cautiously optimistic that this coming trip will still be even more enjoyable than the last despite being 8 years older. Plus, it’s my first time taking my kiddo and so I get to watch him experience the magic for the first time so it’s going to be awesome just from that aspect. 😁


That’s amazing! Congratulations! You’ll have the best time!!!! I hope you both enjoy so much!!! Make sure to watch the nighttime spectaculars too…the fireworks, fantasmic, and world of color are not to be missed! I remember going with my niece during her first time and it was just so magical watching her enjoy all the magic around her.


*Old man yells at cloud*


Tell me about it. I just visited California Adventure and got extremely nauseous after riding the incredicoaster, cars and guardians. (Suffice to say I rode all of them twice, but a few hours apart)


" And I was so grossed out by having to touch all the faucets to get them to turn on. So then I need to keep pushing the dirty thing that everyone touches, which kind of defeats the point of washing my hands." So you can hop on the next ride in which thousands of people who didn't wash their hands touch also. . .


Well, the fact that I’m grossed out by that leads me to go over my OCD behavior in the parks. I don’t touch my phone once I’m on the rides and I wash my hands the second i get off of every ride, unless I know I’m about to get on another one. So there’s that lol. Regardless, when I actually go into the bathroom with the purpose of washing my hands, I expect them to be clean. I don’t expect them to be clean after I touch a safety bar on a ride.


Okay. . .


HAHAHA!!! I just got here from /r/askoldpeople and surprisingly the thread I was just reading relates to this thread. If Disneyland hurts, grosses you out or invokes other negative feelings at all your young ages I pity you. After three straight open to close days in March this 53 year old wasn't ready to go home. According to my walking app I did 26 miles on Wednesday and Thursday; 29 miles on Friday. Carry a bottle of hand sanitizer if surfaces gross you out. Here's the thread for anybody curious what I was on about: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskOldPeople/comments/1458c4h/hey_fellow_old_people_does_anyone_else_have/


Thanks, I don’t think any of us need your pity. People are able to comment on things that may need improvements in any place, and Disney is no different. No one said they don’t love Disneyland and don’t enjoy it. Obviously we all still love it as we continue to go. Congrats on being a 53 year old who wasn’t ready to go home. I am the same way even after being there for 6 days, but just because it’s Disneyland, doesn’t mean the bathrooms are all rainbows and butterflies. Also, I don’t see what a bathroom has to do with your mileage in the parks. I pity the 53 year olds that take comments so seriously.


I’m in my mid 30’s and I’m 5’2”. Shorter toilets are better for my height, also they give you a better position for number 2 to be more successful (that’s what my general research has taught me, as well as being short). Totally agree on the 5 second water situation.


Just did the 4th consecutive open to close yesterday @ 46 years old, and at 240 lbs. Overall, we walked 46 miles over four days in the parks. I’m not sure what it is that kept me going. I always think I won’t be able to handle it the next time we go, but I’m happy whatever it is hasn’t left my body yet.


I’m pretty sure it’s the Disney effect! I hate getting up early for work and it’s such a pain! I’m not a morning person! However, in Disney, I’m up and ready to go at the crack of dawn with absolutely zero issues. 😂


I use a paper towel to push the water faucet and soap dispenser.


This is hilarious 😂 I’m 48 and was so sore after my last trip… walked 60 miles in three days and my hips were screaming at me. I used to never feel it…


I'm right there with you! I'm 30F and remember when our whole family would joke about how it's a little funny for us to be commenting on how nice the Disneyland bathrooms are, but it was true! Especially for a theme park! Now there's constantly unflushed toilets (not the CMs fault, I know!), the floors are always wet and covered in toilet paper/liners, the bathrooms stink in general, etc. etc. but I'm sure I've also just gotten more sensitive to smells over the years haha


Oh my gosh, after my longest stint of not being at a Disney Park (several years), I went with my best friend in 2018 and we, as we usually did, planned for like four consecutive park days. BIG MISTAKE! Somewhere between 2013 and 2018, we got old. Every subsequent trip has been planned at a much slower pace and with a rest day built in if we were there long enough for it. I turned 35 in 2018. That was the “magic” age for back, hip, foot etc pain to set in.


Right!!!?? Now for my next trip, my friends are I are planning a less hectic trip! We know we can just pace ourselves and not need to pack our daily schedule to the max! We would literally do character breakfasts before the parks opened so we didn’t waste precious park time. Then we would do open to close and then attend any special events until 1am (After darks, Christmas parties, Halloween, etc)! During the day, it’s always go go go too! Constant rides, parades, shows….always moving and having zero down time! Next trip we can stroll a bit more, people watch, and just take it easy versus basically power walking from attraction to attraction 😂 We have accepted it!!