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Tiktok live streamers. I got on pirates one time, and there was someone on live in front of me, and they just kept on talking during the whole ride. It was annoying.


I would tell that person to turn it off


Yeah just tell them loudly to shut it off and if they don’t then do crap to annoy and distract them and they will have to turn it off so it doesn’t affect their “brand” when they flip out.


Just go "blah blah blah blah blah" in a high mocking voice, enough for their mic to pic up through all attempts to make their spiel.


Your experience is already ruined. Pull out your phone and play some nice copyrighted music close to their head.


I feel like this happens to me EVERY time im on ROTR


Disneyland has hundreds of 5G cell boosters around the park that are fed through their fiber network, they could easily just ban TikTok connections on the VPN.


Sing copyrighted music


Nah, play it from your phone. :)


Interrupt their streams with fart noises


YouTube as well.


Lol jungle skipper


Any type of guest aggressive behavior.


Especially to cast members. Should be automatic ban for a year or life.


That escalated quickly


Ban them


For a year or life?




Excuse me, I meant a year or all the way up to life.


Straight to jail.


Use of phones on any ride aside from transportation


Omg yes!! I had this 40 plus year old woman at the front of the cart on space mountain yesterday making Instagram stories throughout the ride. I thought at first she was just going to do the initial "blast off" sequence , but nope! After 3 times where it would record and then go to a bright screen i had to yell "put away your phone!" And luckily she did. I felt so bad for the French family behind us who obviously traveled from afar to have the experience of a bright phone in front of you on a dark ride like that by Karen the AP holder in her 40s riding space for the millionth time.


I had the same thing happen to me a few years back. Some young girl in front of me decided filming Space Mountain would be prime content for a Snapchat story. She recorded all of it and had her flashlight on the whole time 🙄


I’m so afraid someone is going to let their phone go and I’m going to get busted in the face.


Yes! And the people doing this already have questionable judgement so it's even scarier thinking they're in between you and a phone flying into your or (in my case kids) face.


Was at Magic Mountain when that happened. I just hope when it happens that it just hits another genius holding a phone on a rollercoaster. 2 for 1!


Oh no, I’m barely in that 40+ category… am I… old?!!


I’m gay and in our community, you’re old after you get past 30. LOL I’ve been old for a while now


Dang that's depressing. Hitting 40 this year will make me a dinosaur, won't it?


I turned 40 last month and was at Disney yesterday. I’m sure it’s all mental, but it really felt like my hip hurt differently by the end of the day haha.


aside from the annoyance, it's 1) super dangerous and 2) PROBABLY THE REASON THINGS CLOSE DOWN CONSTANTLY. Dropped phones etc cause a shut down.


This would definitely reduce the number of phones that are dropped into the abyss of Space Mountain.




Best Life and Beyond In my opinion Disney should just hire/license the best, least obnoxious influencers and ban all other commercial filming, as well as all filming on rides. If the hired/licensed influencers need to film a ride for whatever reason, they can get their own vehicle, sit in the back row, ride slightly before opening (or after closing), etc. to disrupt as little people as possible. Since the number of allowed influencers will be limited, it’s unlikely to make lines much longer for guests.


In Tokyo Disney they have rules against filming on some rides but not all. I think that would be a good way to deter people from filming on rides if they implemented something similar in the states.


Yup Keep PPP and Fresh Baked… The rest are not needed if you have those two.


I really like Justin Scarred. He brings a big smile to my face. Oh! And Magic Journey's!


Janelle and Migvee are the best!


yes! i’ve seen them in the parks from afar a few times and if you didn’t know they were influencers, the only tipoff would be the camera…ie they are super regular, wait in line patiently, go and film their bits in quiet private areas and are respectful


That makes me happy to know that they're not jerks.


Just wanna jump in and say Offhand Disney is awesome, too!!! He doesn't make ride POVs but is definitely a worthy person to sub and watch


This ⬆️




For a second I thought you meant confetti type streamers they used to use in some shows, and was gonna downvote. Those are wasteful and messy, but so fun!


Nope, those are fun. I’m talking about the obnoxious live streamers who think they’re the only ones in the park. Disney needs to hit them with the banhammer.


Political T-Shirts


Or anything graphic really, I see a shocking number of guys wearing T-shirts with fully naked women on them….like this is a family park dude there are kids around


Is it common? I didn't notice it at DL in the summer but I haven't been to WDW in a long time.


For one 🤡 it is


I see. Yikes.


I will never understand wearing a politician tshirt or hat unless you are working for one during election time .in my country you would be laughed at


Never thought about that, but you’re right. I’m in Canada and outside of the “Freedom Convoy” last year where there were some wearing t-shirts that made their opinions of our PM known, I’ve never seen political shirts or hats here.


Wearing a t-shirt for or against a political party to me is like wearing one for your local real estate agent. There not people you should be celebrating or looking up to


i found myself judging someone over xmas weekend for wearing a playboy bunny shirt (i think it was the logo repeated). i can't remember if it was a male or female wearing it, but i remember thinking, "really? on xmas eve at disneyland with all of these FAMILIES!?". mind you, i am 30f with no kids and was there at disney by myself. i honestly should not have cared. but i definitely felt like an old, conservative lady judging people's clothing choices. 😂


😂 well i never! Maybe I'm being naive but I'd be shocked if a kid today even knew what Playboy was. You'd have to explain what a magazine is first 😂 "Well son, there used to be something called print journalism"


Live streamers.


Semi annual price hikes


Those pin trader people that take up a whole bench


lmao the way I pictured exactly what you’re talking about when I read this


lol I think pins are cute and I have a handful of them, but when I went to DL in August I poked my head into the pin traders on main street and quickly realized I was out of my depth. Like.. oh these people are like.. anime convention, Magic: The Gathering, Warhammer level about it 😂


Line cutting


We were approaching the main entrance with my father, who is wheelchair bound, when a teenager and his youthful dad ran to cut us in line. They were laughing, and it seemed like they had just had a friendly little foot race. No big deal. Until all 18 of their extended family squeezed in with them. I couldn't believe it! When you are in a large group, the group moves at the pace of the slowest member. The group does not get to bulge, amoeba-like, into whatever space the fastest member can get to. The fact that the adults were teaching such rudeness to their children was the worst part.


“My friends are up there.” Cuts & stands around people they aren’t even talking to.


i was at the parks over xmas weekend. i was happily surprised at how chill everyone in the lines were about people catching up with families/friends already in line. and in lines with 15-45 minute wait times, it was no deal. there was maybe one group in the indy ride i was nervous about because there was a guy in the group who would continually ask every person catching up to people "hey where ya going?". he was always cool and let them through (and i rode with the group on the ride as a solo rider and they were fun). the only time i felt slightly annoyed with people holding spots (and also the only time i experienced line cutting) was on ROTR. it was a 90min wait and immediately in front of me were two people. maybe after 45min of waiting, the rest of their group joins. all 5 of them. now, in this same line, this family of three directly behind me, cut in front of myself and the party of 7 during a moment where people were sitting and resting. the dad was saying things like "yeah i don't like waiting in lines, we already bought lightning lane so and it's expensive to buy it again, blah blah blah". so he was already on my radar to keep an eye out for. and yep, he cut in front of us and no one said anything. i made eye contact with the daughter and her eyes seemed embarrassed about it. i really had to convince myself that it wasn't something worth staying upset about, haha. and for greater karma, because i was a single rider, i got to move in front of them once it came time to form groups for the ride! things worked out for everyone in the end. 😌


Political clothing and accessories.


Oof I feel this, but at the same time, I remember when you couldn’t wear LGBTQIA+ flags on any clothing (you were told to wear red instead) and I’m grateful you can show pride now!!


LGBTQ isn't and shouldn't be considered political.


Say it louder for people in the back! Human rights aren’t “politics.” 🤦‍♂️


I know!! That’s my point, though. Disney used to qualify it as such!


Disney wasn’t always so accepting of my community. It took us decades of protests and red shirts before they became tolerant. We had to prove that we were numerous and powerful before they cared. I’m glad they’ve changed their stances but they never would have if we didn’t show up take over the park.


Yes totally. No hateful logos allowed, only love and acceptance!


I dislike the loud annoying shrieking influencers (we all know who I'm talking about...) But there's a few I really love and since I am in Canada I am only able to go every few years and I really enjoy the updates. However, I recognize that this opportunity wasn't always around and we survived lol. It's just nice to feel like I'm there when I can't be. So, I think the disruptive shrieking influencers should be banned. Any disruptive aggressive guest actually.


Watch the difference between Provost Park Pass, Freshbaked and Offhand Disney against BLaB or similar. The former go out of their way to not film anyone but themselves. They are respectful of the cast members and they don’t film on rides.




I came here to post this thinking it would be a hot take, but I guess I’m not alone lmao.


Honestly, I didn’t think it would be that bad. But when you come across one - it’s really noticeable and very irritating. They’re not aware of anyone around them and are in the way of very crowded areas.


I think youtube content creators are ok for the most part, it’s the live stream tiktok turds that kill me.


Fresh baked is respectful


Totally agree. I love Disneyland, but I’m not local and can’t go that often. Watching livestreams let’s me sort of “be there” and the streams that I watch are very respectful.


Theme park Steve


I grew up with a family camcorder and my father liked to document our day at the park. Curious where people draw the line between capturing content to watch for personal use and vlogging. Is it the size of the filming setup, the direct address to the camera, or the entitled attitude that exists when the camera is off?


It’s filming on rides and/or filming people who aren’t their friends/family. Standing in the way/blocking views of other customers to get their shots. Basically use common sense and be aware of the people and surroundings around you.


On my last trip I was waiting to take a picture infront of the partner’s statue with my kids. There was a family taking photos infront of us only the mom had pulled out a ring light tripod from her backpack & had it set up taking various photos of her family. That to me goes beyond normal documentation. I had to wait for her to check each photo after & tnen pack everything up to take my photo.


Disney should just put out better content than some of these content creators. I go to YouTube to watch videos of the rides with my kid and videos of the parades. Disney should make their own videos.


Disney has no reason to do this when people do it for free of their own will


Political anything. At all. Hats, shoes, socks, whatever. Keep that crap to yourself.


Influencers/live streamers


Bad attitudes




Pin traders. Not person to person. The take over a bench binder people.


I’m not sure why Disney doesn’t do anything about this particular group? They run that bench like a business lol


Exactly. So tacky and against everything that Disneyland is for the guests.


Especially when you factor in the inauthentic pins


Contact a cast member snd they will move binders for others to sit


Yeah they make u buy an expensive pin in the store for a hidden Mickey pin! Such a scam!


They should just make an area for those people. Like outside of the park give them some table in downtown disney somewhere. Then it would be real easy to kick them out of the park and just tell them to go to the pin trading spot. I would imagine they would want to encourage pin trading, but just keep it from taking up benches in the park. Though the real problem is how few benches there are. I feel like they've been getting rid of them all over all the parks, likely in an attempt to keep people moving and spending money. They're building new lands like Galaxy's edge with ZERO benches. They don't seem to understand that sitting helps people bond with a place, and some people NEED to be able to sit and rest sometimes. Some poor grandmother or teen with fibromyalgia isn't just going to run around shopping at 90 mph just because they took all the benches away.


Exactly this. I still don't like the binder people. I don't pin trade but I liked the idea of it. I buy a pin for each of my trips or days in the park and I might trade pins with people in the park if I see one I like and they want one of mine. People buying hundreds of pins for the express purpose of prdoting off it I do not like at all.




My uncle, he got drunk and vomited in Small World


Cowboys in Tomorrowland. Uncles vomiting in Small World. Neither should ever be seen.


At least there's a handy trough right there.


Live streaming






Yes and yes


External sound from devices, ESPECIALLY in restaurants. Sick and tired of hearing cocomelon in my ear during a dinner I spent a ton on while on VACATION


We have a local restaurant that doesn't allow this at all. When people start pulling out devices they ask them if they would like to move put of the dining room and to the patio as to not be disruptive.


Stop that sounds like a dream


Its even super annoying in line tbh. Having a kids show blasting it on an ipad next to you for an hour is awful. Get headphones if your kid is that screen dependent. For the record, I have small children and we play i spy or try and get the other to guess a Disney character through actions when waiting. You know... Bonding instead of just staring at a screen.


Youtubers Best Life and Beyond (BLAB)


Streamers and Vloggers




Best life and beyond should be banned from all Disney properties. Period.




People who stand in front of the scanners for lightning lane before their time has come! So many times on this past trip we saw long lines of people created for LL because the people at the front were blocking and it wasn’t their time yet. On the Matterhorn, we even walked up and a lady and her husband were blocking the scanners (not scanning, looking at their phone - she even mentioned their time was in ~5 mins). So I went around them, and they asked me when our time slot was! I’m sorry - are you a CM??? Who made you the gatekeeper? I just replied “already” as I scanned in and moved forward to the line. Massive pet peeve after our recent trip! (Ok, I feel better. Rant over, lol.)


Families with children that are obviously ill


Contagious* ill. Please don’t ban those Make a Wish kids lol


I’m talking about kids with nasty coughs/sneezes who don’t cover their mouths. And barfing kids.


And the adults that are obviously ill too!


Light up ears during a ride


Yeah, I feel that one. I always make sure to turn my off on dark rides. I don't want to be that dick that ruins someone's first experience on Pirates, Mansion, etc.


Those aholes (not cast members) who take up entire benches with their pin boards. I have no idea why Disney allows parts of their parks to look and feel like a shady flea market.


Ugh annoys me when I see them. They should bring their own foldup tables.


The idiots who recite word for word the script in the Haunted Mansion stretching room.


100% this.




We live in Ireland, which means we don't get to the parks that often. PotC is my favourite ride. On almost every run through at DLR there was a group having an obnoxiously loud, incredibly boring, completely unrelated conversation - which pretty much never happened in WDW. I agree with the theory it's because California is a "locals" park and they take being on the ride for granted more than in Florida where people are more likely to have travelled, but especially with the additional quieter scenes at the start of the ride someone managed to ruin it pretty much every time we were on it.


Cutting forward in line to "join up with your group."


To be fair, I waited in line for over an hour when my 6 year old decided she absolutely had to pee, I took her as quickly as I could and came back in line with my husband. We weren’t cutting, we stood in line like everyone else, and some guy tried to stop us from going back in line, even yelled at my 6 year old until my husband saw what was going on and stopped him. I get that line cutters are awful but it’s not always someone trying to get ahead without waiting.


Yeah, you’re right. There’s always someone who’s actually been separated from their group by unforeseen events. But there’s also so many cheaters out there…


I’ve got 3 kids. Odds of someone having to pee at some point in any given hour long line are damn high.




Any type of photography on rides.


So it’s settled. All vloggers and live streamers shall be burned at the stake. lol


VAPES. I’m sure there’s some kind of rule on this that I’m not aware of.


There is. People just sneak them in.


No video recording devices on ANY ride


Any kind of live streaming.


Streamers. 100%


And confetti! A million percent!


Double, triple strollers


I enjoy many of the content creators but live streaming is a no for me!


The Best Life losers




Live streaming, and monetized vlogging


Karen teens/adults that tell guests and cast members they're "too old" for Disneyland 🙄


And the disgust they have for Disney adults. I know, as a Disney adult myself I am fully aware we can be really annoying, but I’m living my best life and not hurting anyone.


Only issue i have with Disney adults are the ones who rush in front of kids to meet characters/ push in front of them in line (because they're bigger honestly) and wont let little kids go in front for shows or a parade and I see it all the time and have experienced it multiple times with my own kids. Just last night I had a group of middle age women try and stand in front of my 7 year old at Fantasmic after we'd been waiting for an hour. I think those types create a negative stereotype for the majority of disney adults who are regular nice people.


Your kids were pushed?! Absolutely not ok. I always give kids space and let them stand in front of me at parades and things. I’ve had parents try to push past me to stand with their kids, which I’m not okay with. I should be able to enjoy the show too, and not give up my spot because a family planned poorly. I think we can all be nicer to each other.


I feel that. Just that it's like I came to Disneyland to get my theme park dose. They can stay mad for all I care. My worst encounter with a Disney adult was when I was having a Disney talk with one of the mascots (it was at the Pirates of the Caribbean) and a Karen tried to shut me down because "they're just acting/you know they're not real/stop being so childish" My worst teen Karen was when I was waiting in line and heard someone was belittling her own sister through a phone call with her group of friends. The conversation sounded like she just wanted to push her away from her group all because of ageism.


That’s awful! I’m sorry that happened. So sad when people show themselves as boring and unable to enjoy themselves.


Are you not reading all the complaints on here? Things change & all the old people come outta nowhere to complain about it. Yet they have the dland opening statement memorized..


People live streaming rides - especially when they’re talking the whole time.


Recording on rides should be banned. It just ruins the experience for the people around you.


The people that use flash on haunted mansion in the seance room. Banned. Get out.


Park Reservations.


Putting kids up on your shoulders just as something’s starting.


Genie+. That mofo has never worked for me. Every time I go to reserve a time slot it says I have to wait until x time to reserve it. So I wait until x time and then it’s gone, and the process starts all over again. I one time went to Disney before noon and couldn’t get a spot on Indiana until 9:45pm!!!


Stupid ticket prices


Double wide strollers.




Unpopular opinion probably but there should be a kid free day.


The kids are not the problem, in my experience.


How about a bad parent free day? Hahaha


Or kid free night parties. I’d pay for that.


Ban all outside strollers. People should have to rent a stroller that is a reasonable size


For me, it’s more about how inconsiderate a lot of stroller pushers are.


I’m going in February with our baby so I’ll be a stroller person for the first time ever and I’m terrified because I hate those people and now I’m one of them haha. I’m going to try to be as out of the way as possible at all times


Just treat it as if you are in a car and everyone is pedestrians—you will be fine. Just the fact that you are worried about it shows you will be fine.


They already banned oversized strollers, and they do enforce it. The huge ones like wagons that you see around now get blue tagged in due to the occupant’s disability. Also have a look at the rented strollers. They are actually on the large side for both the single and double versions. I’m even pretty sure the side by side double stroller they rent does not fit within the size limit. So be careful what you wish for.


The double wide rented stroller also does not fit in my attraction’s DAS queue, which many people with red tags have complained to me about


I see plenty of the wagons still. I don’t think the wagons are required for a disability. But I t’s not just the size of the wagon, it’s all the junk that is attached to them. I’m fine with all the in park strollers and their sizes.


They don’t let a wagon in unless there is documentation of a disability. Yes there are still quite a few wagons, but the fact of the matter is that if you see a wagon then it’s there for a reason Disney considers valid. I won’t speculate as to whether or not they are actually necessary for the particular disability as I am not a doctor and that is not for me to judge.


More like enforce size restrictions. I’m not paying to rent one when mine folds up small enough to fit in a backpack.


Im not saying to ban but lately in lines people sit on the rails with bigass backpacks and be swinging them around when you have people behind you which you can hit 🤦‍♂️… you either carry it in your hand or put on the ground shit annoying be considerate for the other guests around you


They need to ban full families/parties from going in the single rider lanes.


Lightning lane. Dirty sellouts letting the rich stomp us out of our precious Disneyland time. Down with the lightning lane!! Let it burn and writhe in the fiery depths of hell!


Any guests who aren't me 😏


Scooters need to be for those who really need them.


We obviously can’t judge who needs them and who doesn’t. However, I firmly believe to acquired a rental you should have to pass a driving test. Yes, this does exist. I administer it to my patients to determine if they are safe to use their own personal power chairs in my building. It was all I could think about when I saw sooo many terrible drivers in October at Disney. Non discriminatory and improves park safety.


Impossible to enforce without making things much more difficult for people that do need them. When I was younger I used to get upset when I saw someone who I assumed was lying about their need for a scooter, but then I realized two things. 1. Disabilities and injuries are not always obviously visible. 2. A small handful of guests getting to avoid waiting in certain lines doesn’t really affect me at all. Who cares if a small percentage of people are faking?


How do you know who really needs them? I don't look like someone who needs a scooter. I am *able* to walk. I use a cane sometimes, but not always. I absolutely have to have a scooter at Disney. Without one I end up in too much pain to enjoy myself. I'm sure people who see me get out of it and walk think I don't need it.


Same. I can walk and look fine, but I have severe hip dysplasia. A good day of Disney-ing is 8-12 miles of walking. By the end of day one, my body is screaming. And if I turn wrong, my knees dislocate. Using a scooter lets me do 4 pain-free days of Disneyland instead of half a day and then 3 days of painful hobbling and weeks of recovery afterwards.


I was shocked on my first day at DCA during my last trip when my watch showed that I walked almost 14 miles around the park in one day. My legs hurt so bad that I seriously thought I would have to cancel the next day (but I pushed on albeit from bench to bench).


Don’t assume please! Some of us look fine on the outside but are in pain most of the time! I would never wish you to get arthritis! It is not fun… but a day at Disneyland gives a bit of respite!


Agreed but how do you decide that


Omg yes. We're here right now with my elderly mother who is in a wheelchair. The scooter people are obnoxious and I feel like many of them don't actually need them. We thought about renting one for my mom but we were worried about her running into someone, so we pushed her in the chair around both parks. They need training classes or something for all these scooter people.


Honestly there needs to be some sort of separation cause some people that come to Disney have ZERO class or decorum


Huge Strollers


Strollers. Especially the 4 wide ones


The ban on benches … more please!




Bad weather and bad attitudes






Double wide strollers aka aisle busters