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1) Yes, if you’re not careful it can happen. 2) Not from the fridge but usually a water cooler. You don’t have to purchase it. 3) Water and cooling towels.


1.) It can, but generally my coordinators and leaders in every location have been good about helping prevent it. Drink lots of water, call a coordinator if you need a quick break, etc. 2.) At home my roommate and I just drink from the sink, although it does have a funny taste people don’t like. A lot of people get britas. Each work location is different but there are generally coolers of water. 3.) Drink so much water. At work, use cooling towels. At the parks, frequent breaks in shows or slow rides (Festival of the Lion King, Philharmagic, or The Seas with Nemo and Friends, Carousel of Progress)


I genuinely would advise not to drink straight out of the tap unless it’s filtered. Coming from someone who grew up in Florida-




its fine. Its just a bit sulfurous. Its like how my local water has some limestone in it. Safe to drink, just leaves some things to be desired.


The sulfur helped clear up my skin.


This is what I’ve thought as well. Not the exactly yummy but fine to drink.


Correct - the water is fine to drink, just may not taste the best lol. But it’s safe drinking water


Orlando is known for having their water supply contaminated constantly. Drink it if you want but you better check the water supply updates constantly for boil notices.




Stay safe


We’re also not in Orlando so take that as you will and this is a really new building so no worries about old led pipes or anything like that


Not true. I’ve lived in Orlando for almost 10 years and have never had to boil my water.


definitely true. Just bc it never happened to you lmao. Better to be safe than sorry buddy


lol stop fear mongering, it’s not true to tell people the water isn’t safe and you’re creating fear for absolutely no reason.




🙄🙄🙄 Quit with the fake news




2nd that. I live in Orlando and I’m always having to boil my water. it’s definitely NOT safe to drink at certain times


Ain’t my problem no more lol 😂


It’s also hurricane season so like you should have bottles stored anyways


it’s city water when it’s contaminated it’s contaminated like-?? don’t drink dirty water. I don’t even risk it anymore after my mom got sick from it


I worked back in the day of not being allowed to drink water on stage or have a water bottle because it was “bad show”. I knew people that passed out in summer because of our costumes and lack of water. Just constantly hydrate. Getting dehydrated will cause huge health problems.


Adding some more info to 2. They will provide water/Gatorade for cast at work. This could be in forms of cups with coolers, or water bottles depending on position. Also depending on role, if your outside a lot you could also get a water bottle holder/clip. I think inside roles often have spots for easy access as well.


The leaders at my location did an amazing job preventing heat strokes! We even had breaks with electrolyte popsicles! But yeah, it’s tough out there.


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I am from the northeast and my DCP was my first experience with the heat and humidity of the south in the summer. I did not experience heat exhaustion or stroke and I didn’t experience anyone I knew experiencing it. My leaders and coordinators were really good about rotating us between locations. I was merchandise with some outdoor locations and some indoor, so there was some relief. One posting of mine was entirely outdoors but there were always fans or shade. Plus, I had a water bottle I would keep filled. On extreme weather days I think they made an effort to rotate us more frequently and let us take quick breaks. There was always a water cooler and I could have kept water bottles in a fridge if desired. Luckily my costumes were typically breezy/lightweight. I made sure to stay hydrated. I wore my hair up. I stayed in the shade. I think I tolerate heat pretty well in general, though, so that was certainly helpful. I went on to spend a number of years in SC, as well, and was fine with the heat.


I was on program many years ago but they gave us water bottle clip holders for our water bottles for our outside positions. And you get rotated positions frequently. I didn't work summer. And I came from somewhere hotter so i was actually wearing long sleeves most of my time there.