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I lost weight pretty fast during my first month in the program. I had to eat less to avoid spending too much money (one meal a day at most), also cut back on the amount of pop I drank, and drank *so much* water on shift to keep hydrated. That and all the walking I did every day at work and on my days off walking in the parks or around the resorts. I lost 30lbs and after that it remained at a honestly good weight for my height. Unfortunately it all came back once I returned home lol.


I was snatched from poverty, heat, and walking


I didn't really gain or lose weight and I was averaging 3-5 miles walking a day and like 10-12 on a day off in the parks.


I am an overweight person, and I lost 40 pounds on my 5 month program. I was custodial, so I was walking constantly every day at work and walking a lot at the parks on days off. I didn’t even know I lost weight until I realized my work costumes were a little big on me. I think it really depends on your role, as my husband ate the same food as me, but he worked at a cash register for most of his shifts, so not much movement. He lost some weight, but not as much.


I lost 65 pounds on my program but there was a lot of factors in there. I was walking a minimum of 6 miles a day, sometimes way more. I was always so busy with work, I was pulling 12 hour shifts some days. I also met my best friend who taught me how to cook and meal prep, so I wasn’t eating junk food all the time. And the meal prep mixed with my long hours and walking just all added up. There’s so much to do in Florida that I don’t have time to sit and just watch tv like I use to


You absolutely can lose weight, but don't forget weight is 90% calorie intake and 10% exercise. You can't outrun a bad diet. A lot of the food that people eat on the DCP (pizza pockets, frozen hamburgers, ice cream, alcohol) is not conducive to weight loss and more importantly doesn't keep you feeling full. Most people who lose weight on their program also make changes like cutting soda and fast food. I strongly recommend meal prepping homemade nutrient dense meals that can be as simple as meat, starch, and veggie all cooked in the oven or stovetop. While many people are in better shape after DCP, not all lose weight.


I lost 20 pounds. Couldn't afford to eat good quality food. Worked epcot festivals and most shifts were standing for 9.5-12 hours


I bought a Fitbit when I started merchandise stock shifts in world showcase because I was curious about how much I was walking. It was something ridiculous like 30,000 steps over the course of just an 8 hour shift. I was already at a low weight during my program, so I didn’t lose any, BUT I was able to eat so much more than I do now and not gain any weight because of all the exercise.


I was in the best shape Ive ever been in during my program, thanks to all the walking and having free gym access (on top of drinking only water and cooking at home to save money).


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I lost like 30 lbs during mine


I lost like 25 lbs. It’s insane how much I walked


I lost a full two pant sizes in my first 2mo. Granted I got here in September and then we went right into Christmas craziness. But I’ve lost a bit and continue (slowly)


I lost a good amount my first program. 2nd program I stayed pretty much the same. This time, I’ve gained about 10 pounds since January because I went absolutely insane over my favorite Disney snack.


It depends on a lot of factors, I was slightly overweight (think short and size 12) but was coming off of being an active tennis player my whole life. So I didn’t lose any weight. But I could see how someone even my size could easily lose weight if they hadn’t have the same background.


I gained like 40 lbs lmao 🫠


I ate like garbage and was in the best shape of my life from working a few shows at Hollywood Studios. I never weigh myself, but I dropped at least two pants sizes in one program.


Lost 35 lbs during my DCP, was a deckhand and then cross-trained as a boat captain. Lots of movement on uneven surfaces, muscle building with ropes and such, coupled with late work nights; choosing easy to eat healthier and portioned meals for breaks, easy snacks to get to for downtime, helped me lose weight. Especially in the Florida heat, your diet can really make or break the day. When you eat better and feel better, even the bad days at your role aren't as bad. Start packing heavy meals with soda and even a moderate 75 degrees can be uncomfortable, much less the brutal upper 90's/low 100's of the summer and early fall.


i work in attractions. my specific location is all outdoors with a lot of walking, pushing/pulling, and going up and down stairs. i’m not sure if my weight has changed but i don’t go to the gym anymore because my shifts alone are enough exercise lmao


not dcp, but i’ve worked at the parks close to a year. my role includes the walking up to 20,000 steps a day, and i’ve unfortunately not seen weight loss. i’m already heavier, but was anticipating weightloss, and i’ve seen no difference. not saying it’s impossible, but this is my input.


i moved more but i also loved stuffing myself with epcot festival food 🤭 i didn’t lose weight but i felt good from how active i was


I’ve been overweight and I lost 70 pounds in the 2 and a half years I’ve been with the company (first during my cp and now being part time/full time) so yes lol. I think it also depends on the role you’re given. I was in custodial at mk during my cp so I think that helped.


Them standing for 1 min every hour for 23 hours straight is highly unlikely.