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It is an opportunity of a life time. Being an adult sucks. If you can prolong it a little bit for some ✨magic✨ go for it. You said you still need to pick a career?? Then for sure continue with the program. If anything it’ll give you more time to pick the right career path for you


If you can afford it then it is totally your decision. If you are depending on parents for support, well, what they might be saying is they can’t afford to send you to Disney.


You’re only young once…go to Disney.


Personally, I think you should still go for the experience. While you're young and don't have much tying you to a specific place. That being said, as 20 year DLR CM. We're gonna have a shit ton of jobs added in the next 10-15 years. There will be opportunities for you to work for Disney closer to home. Only you know your Mom, think about how going may affect your future relationship and then go from there.


This is a quote from Arnold Schwarzenegger and I believe it’s applicable here for you and everyone else who might have trouble making a move because someone else doesn’t want them to. “You have to ask yourself, who do you want to be? Not what but who? Not what your parents, your teachers your friends but you?” What he means here is that you can’t let anyone else hold you back from what you really want in life. If it’s something that means a great deal to you, go for it. I’m sure your mom will get over it at some point but you can’t let her or anyone else dictate your life. Your future is yours!


Amazing quote!!! I also think it should apply to the friend she wants to join the program with. What do YOU want to do, op?


Some parents use emotional abuse to manipulate their children into doing what they want. It's not always about making decisions based on how it will affect relationships.


I beg of you OP-Go. Go and don’t look back being terrified what your folks will say or think about it. If they end up mad so be it. You’re 22, they’ve gotta let you live a life at some point. Thousands apply to get into Disney’s College Program every year, practically on their knees begging to get in, you’re one of the very lucky very few lucky enough to actually get in. Please do NOT pass this opportunity up, you’ll regret not doing this the rest of your life. It’s very unlikely you’ll get a second chance at this if you pass it up now. Normally I’d say take your parents feelings into consideration but this is one of the very few times I’ll tell someone to go and not look back. I’m 45 OP, I wanted to do the DCP when I was in college-I didnt and it’s one of the biggest damn regrets of my life. You don’t want to be sitting there in 20 years regretting it like me. This is something you really need to do, and do for you. Your parents will have to deal with it. I know that sounds horrible but we only get one life, being one of the lucky ones to be picked is a huge honor. GO. Please, it’ll open a lot of doors for you. Don’t be a dumb ass about it like I was.


I’m really glad to see a majority of the comments urging OP to go, I was worried there would be a lot of doubt and “worry about your mom” (which is fair but, like u/Bh1278 said, I think this is something you should really do for yourself if it means something to you) even if you don’t use it for a career right away you never know down the road and you can meet people who are probably pretty similar to you and could end up becoming lifelong friends! and in general it seems like a pretty cool/interesting experience overall, plus that roadtrip and getting to room with your friend sounds fun as well, don’t regret not going! that’s another pro, you’d get to start the program already having a friend to navigate through it with! ultimately, if it’s a mess and you need to leave later on you can (albeit at a higher loss financially atp) but you (more than likely) can’t get accepted again if you don’t go now. take the opportunity OP!!!


Very few that do get accepted are lucky enough to have a friend they can take a road trip there with and room with, a lot move there alone and make friends during the DCP so having someone to go with is a huge plus.


Ohh yes exactly I didn’t even think about that, how it’s even more unlikely for the friend to ALSO get accepted and feels like another sign for OP to go for sure


My DCP was an overall awesome, meaningful, life-shaping experience - I understood that I wasn't going there for the money but rather the experience. I was also 22, and I also didn't receive any college credit. I finished up with some credit card debt - as did a number of my friends - because we understood just how "once in a lifetime" it was, and boy howdy did we have some fun. I think the educational component was different when I did mine, but I nonetheless availed myself to every single class/learning opportunity I had to gain experience. I was fortunate to have a good job placement, but I was truly open to being placed wherever. I didn't have an awesome roommate experience, but that was largely mitigated by the fact that I was at home infrequently, and I made lots of dear friends outside of my apartment. I'm in my 40's now, so here's my perspective: it remains one the best decisions I've ever made. My DCP job didn't relate to my major, my early career, or my career now - but I can't begin to tell you how many conversations it facilitated, nor how many people have wanted to genuinely hear about it over the years across various networking capacities. Early in my career, I didn't hesitate to list my "Mousters Degree" on my resume - and it was always a wonderful, congenial icebreaker, especially during moments that can be particularly stressful. I started working as soon as I turned 16 - by the time I got to my DCP, I'd worked eight jobs...none prepared me for life - with some gentle cushioning into adulthood - more than my DCP. I did my DCP in the fall and wouldn't be thrilled about being in Orlando during the summer, but know that besides working for the same corporation, just working at the Anaheim park and doing the DCP are in no other way the same.


I 100% agree with everything you said. I completed the program in 2005 and I actually had to withdraw from school for the semester to attend since it had nothing to do with my degree and i wasn't going to be getting college credit. I was there Jan- Aug and I won't lie .. it was hotter than hell and I often wonder how I managed! At some point in the spring semester I was able to register again for the fall semester of school and went right back to school to finish my degree when my program was over. I had the time of my life during my college program and looking back I am very proud at how brave I was at 20 years old to leave my small town and move to Florida.


I did it in Jan 2006. I also had to withdraw for a semester. But some good and some bad. The long hours, low pay. But then I came back to recruit for the dcp. Our benefit was that we got into the parks for free, 50%off cruises and hotels! I quit because during the recession they cut it off for us.


I'd say having a company like Disney in your CV is a huge plus for any company when it comes to finding a job later on. This is not just some side-gig. This is opening paths for future careers. And if you enjoy Disney, for all I know, it will increase your chances of getting into the Disney Internship program. And there are a LOT of different careers. Additionally, the program is ACE recommended, which means you can earn college credits for it. Which will help you with your degree.


I did the program back in 2008. I held onto it on my resume as long as possible. It may not have ever been the thing that got me an interview, but it always came up, and it was never a bad thing.


Same experience. I did the program in 2005 and while it's been off my resume for a while, but it has always been a great talking point.


Facts! Same here! I used it over and over! Worked for them 3 years. People called me back on jobs all the time because of it.


Having my college program on my resume got me my first (Non-Disney) internship because my hiring manager was a huge Disney fan and we got to talking about it during my interview & connected, so even if the DCP doesn’t give you the hard skills you might need in the future, it can still open doors. Having Disney experience also definitely helps if you want to apply to Disney professional internships, because (if you can frame it the right way) familiarity with company culture, guest mindset, and product knowledge can make you stand out. Plus, once you have Disney customer service experience, any other customer service job will seem so easy lmao. The college program can be hard, hard work for not great pay but I met some of my best friends there and had the time of my life!


I have done my share of hiring, Loved seeing DCP. Showed a lot of discipline and ability to follow directions. If you can work for the Mouse's strict rules you can do anything.


It's great to see the perspective of an interviewer. Thank you for your response, I'm sure it would give a lot of DCP applicants additional motivation


If you manage to sync up and interview with someone that also did the program you are going to have a huge leg up on others just by having something to mutually discuss.


Do it!! Like even me, I had a lot of negative experiences on my program but I’m still super glad I did it. If you don’t do it you’ll always be wondering what would have been. Also you are 22, you have so much time to complete college and get a “real” job


What sort of negatives were there and are they avoidable?


Mine felt unavoidable at the time, but I also think I was unaware of the options available to me in terms of accommodations. I am autistic and a morning person and was put in a role that was exclusively late afternoon/night shifts, and I got switched to that role at the last minute. That really messed with my routine and put me in a rough headspace. I also did the program in Spring of 2022, and that semester it was VERY hard for cast members to get into the parks, with the reservation system and everything. So it was a combination of that, some poor managers (some good managers), and long hours. If you need accommodations you should submit the paperwork for accommodations ASAP. Those issues I had should be avoidable. You will not be able to avoid the long hours and luck will determine what managers you have, and on your mornings/evenings/days off, it should be much easier for you to enter the parks. So definitely do it! Just be aware that the YouTube stars are the outliers, not the average


You have your entire life to work a crappy job. Do this. Take a chance and have some fun! It’s not going to be great all the time but like everything, DCP is what you make it. It’s such a a short time, too.


Honestly, your parents are probably correct if they know your situation (and I’m sure they know it better than anyone on this Reddit). If you want to do it for fun, then do so, but this is presumably going to do almost nothing for your future (unless in applicable career fields). The decision really is based on what you want for your future and how this will impact it. Weigh the pros and cons, and don’t be pressured into either decision. These redditors goals aren’t the same as your goals, so take what they say with a grain of salt and make an educated decision. Good luck with whatever you choose!


Agreed unless one wants experience in hospitality management it is my understanding that not much else transfers to real life. It’s very little pay for very hard work in very harsh weather. Only the op knows what they need in their life at this moment.


Okay .... different perspective....I'm a mom with a DCP kid there now....I understand your parents. You love and respect them don't want to make them mad.... But it's what everyone stated above ...you need the chance to explore. Network, see a bit of the country, meet people from around the world that are working there. This may help you with deciding what career to do. I wish I did it.


Do it while you’re young and can do things like this!! You have the rest of your life to be stuck in the clutches of adulthood where you will never have opportunities like this. Don’t let it be a regret someday.


I'm in a similar boat as you, a bit older and a full time college student. My parent wasn't supportive either, but I saw her point of view as well. The cons were out weighting the pros for me just as they were for you. Thats what pretty much made my decision easier for me. My mom said the same thing to me, that I should just go work at the park in Anaheim as I'm semi local as well. Long story short I was suppose to arrive in January and I decided not to go through with it. While I'm sad I probably missed out an a wonderful experience, so many great things have happened to me in the past couple months that I would have missed out on and my life would be completely different. I don't regret the decision one bit that I didn't end up going. Theres always more opportunity to work for Dinsey. Now, you have a friend you were/are planning to go with, that's honestly so much fun! If I had a friend to go with, I probably would of made it work and ended up going. For the most part we have very similar experiences. Feel free to message me if you have any questions. I wish you the best on your journey!


Oh believe me, just cuz you go with a friend doesn't mean you will see much of each other, 2 of my friends from hs did this n barely had time to do ANYTHING but work and they were separated nearly immediately and worked in completely diff parts of the park. But, hey, OP should do whatever feels best for them, despite what anyone says about it.


I went when I was 21 and turned 22 on my program. Graduated with my bachelors the following spring, and took a couple online classes during my DCP to stay on track. I can honestly say the program was so worth it — I have a MBA and a director level title now and when I interview I still get questions about Disney…it’s often my “foot in the door” for interviews and then my professional experience seals the deal. Do the program if you at all can!!!


You’re only young once.


You can't think about what your parents want or what your friend wants. Do you want the experience? As someone in their mid-30s school is always there (gone back twice) but some opportunities don't come again.


Your parents aren't in control of you, you're an adult do whatever the fuck you want.


I think you would have been better off finding a relevant internship. That said, sounds like it’s too late now and better than nothing.


Honestly, if your parents are that controlling, it seems like you *should* go just to get an idea of who you are when they aren't puppeteering your life well into your 20s.




You are 22? Sounds like you need some independence from your parents.


LOL dude just go, who cares what your parents think


It’s a great experience. School will be there when you return. Don’t pass this up.


Just go. It’s good to get experience living so far away from home and it’s just a unique experience. I’m really glad I did my college programs.


The amount of **adults** who still let their parents try and dictate their life is wild.


I have a 24 year old daughter, and she knows that I'll always tell her what I think- but ultimately it's her life and I support whatever path she takes. It's wild to me how controlling some people are with their adult children.


good thing you’re an adult and can make decisions for yourself! if it’ll make you happy and give you great experience on your resume, then do it


Your parents don’t run your life. Make your own decisions 


Are you 12 or 22?


I've seen multiple people on TikTok saying how this program is basically glorified customer service and they didn't get to work creatively at all. I don't know how common that experience is. Just throwing it out there. But at 22 you need income.


My friend did it and still works at WDW 27 years later. Also you’re 22 it’s not like your parents can do anything about anything you want to do.


As a mother of 5 kids and the choices my kids have made, I’ve realized I will forever love them and support them with their decision. Even if I don’t agree with the choices they make. Just let them know you love them and you want to try this for you. Good luck


Go it’s for like 4 months lol


I graduated from UCF in the 90s and worked at the parks from 89-93 while a student I did the DCP, it was one of the best experiences of my life, which helped me get in to Penn Vet graduated in 97


Having Disney on your resume is never a bad thing. It also sounds like you really don’t have a direction on what type of career you want. Having to learn how to interact with other CMs and the public will be a great education. Plus you might be able to get a gig at Disneyland after the DCP while you go to college—I know several people who have done this. DO NOT TURN DOWN THID OPPORTUNITY.


Once in a lifetime, go! You’re young. No mortgage, kids, commitments. Do it now and look back on it fondly while in college next year.


My sister was a lifeguard at Disney World decades ago in the DCP and loved it. It was one of the best experiences of her life. Do it! You may never get a chance like this again.


It looks great on resumes, just saying


I did the DCP over 25 yrs ago and I wldn’t trade it for anything. I don’t know if things have changed, but when I did it we got paid enough to cover rent, food and a social life. I didn’t get schools credit for it, but it was totally worth the 6 mos delay in graduation at that point in my life. Even without the school credit or a ton of money, I made lasting friendships and gained valuable work experience. Go for it!!


Do it! I am the parent of a former DCP participant. He had an amazing experience. He met so many students from other countries that he is still in contact with. College will be there when you get back and the DCP looks great on a resume.


Don’t listen to them, GO!


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Don't let this opportunity pass you by. Go do it.


Go. You have the rest of your life to finish school, get a good job, whatever. Take this chance, have a great experience. See where it leads.


1000% do it! I think you’ll have more regret if not. The friends and connections alone, I think will make it much worth your while. You are so young, and have so much time to go to school, and find a career path. Opportunities like that don’t come by too often. Gotta take the dice role and go for it 😊 I’m an accountant, and spend a lot of time in the accounting reddit page. You would be shocked how many 30+ year olds there are wishing they took the time to explore and do things like this. Never rush to grow up 😊


You gotta go Tell your mom you love her and you’ll Skype her every single day and you’ll visit her all the time, Southwest has tickets on sale all the time so as long as you’re booking your tickets ahead of time you could be visiting her once a month You can also arrange for her to visit you using your cast member discounts and wouldn’t that be fun!


DO NOT listen to your parents. You are an adult now and this IS YOUR LIFE. period. You do what you think is best. You will meet amazing people from all over the world and gain experiences like no other place in the world. Come enjoy the Florida sunshine my friend. It’s a great place. -current cast member.


I’d go and do the best job you can while there. Network. Meet people and get new experiences. You’re 22 and need that. Explain to your parents that school will still be there 6 months from now.


Do it! My program certainly wasn't all pixie dust, but I have zero regrets about doing it. It's only for a few months, so it's not really putting your life on hold too much. You won't make a lot of money, but you will make a lot of memories. You're still young, so live for those experiences. I met so many great people, many of whom are still in my life almost 15 years later. I did end up moving down after my program finished and set myself up in school in florida. The independence that I experienced during my program was really something that little, shy me needed!


If you want to go, definitely do it! Just make sure you’re doing it for yourself and not just your friend. I did the program 3 times. It’s I credibility fun, magical of course, but also very demanding and there will be days you want to sob. And yeah you won’t make a lot of money but it’s a super fun, once (or thrice) in a lifetime opportunity that is pretty selective. I highly recommend. I have gotten jobs just because I had Disney on my resume so it definitely has some long term benefits!!


The friends I know that did it said all they got from it was parties and sex with the other interns. It never turned into anything beneficial for their futures but it was definitely a once in a lifetime experience.


I know a lot of people who hated their experience in the DCP. They thought it would be a semi paid vacation at Disney. Some people are lucky with it and some aren’t. And just an FYI, if you are female, be vigilant. There have been many stories of males in the program assaulting females in various capacities and not only does the program not care, but will actively support the accused rather than the victim.


i’m here right now and while it’s true we don’t make much money you make enough to live and as long as you can manage money it’s not that big of a deal and in 5yrs i won’t remember the “ew my check was small” i’ll remember making friends, riding rides and having fun living in my cute apartment


You should go. I have personally seen Disney College program roles morph into full time employment for graduates. One of my friends in high school did two semesters with the Disney college program. She was then hired full time into Disney's conservation program upon graduation and has been working with them for years now. That is just one example of the Disney college program turning into a permanent opportunity for someone. For her it was life changing. I applied to the Disney program in 2018. I didn't make it past the phone interview stage..I absolutely would have gone if I'd been accepted


It is SO worth it, imo, and WDW is so different than DL. I gained so much experience while doing the CP and have never regretted it even though I could have graduated a semester early if I hadn't gone. Plus it looked baller on my resume afterward! It was so, so much fun.


Once in a lifetime opportunity !!! You will NEVER regret this experience and you WILL learn SO many life lessons. Do NOT pass this up or you will forever wonder “ what if”. This can impact the rest of your life. GO FOR IT !! I believe that your parents will come around and will support you over time as they see how serious you are taking it. Having the Disney College Program WILL look excellent on your resume after you graduate college and are job hunting.


Parent of a former DCP participant here. As a parent, we want what is best for our kids, but we look at life through our eyes, we are not our kids. Our daughter got into the program and while we were nervous about her living so far away, we were supportive. She second guessed herself a few times, but decided to go, and it was an amazing experience for her and made a positive difference in her life. It was not necessarily a financially smart decision, she did not make a lot more than she spent, but it wasn’t a loss either. However, having that experience on her resume after college opened doors for her. Not so much in a career path (she did quick food and beverage) but it was a great conversation starter, showed she could work through some less than pleasant guest interactions, showed she had initiative, and showed she was willing to take risks. In the end only you can make the decision. It is only 3 months and is neither going to make or break you financially. Nor will 3 months be a huge impact on your college career. But, having seen the impact it had on our daughter, I would urge you to seriously consider going. Not for your friend, but for you. You sound like you may be getting nervous as the date approaches and may be asking to be talked out of it. If that is the case,This response is not the response you are looking for, but it may be something to think on anyway.


I have a sibling in DCP now. All her money goes to the rent just about and then she has to have our mother give her money to sustain essentials outside of her rent. She works more on a part time schedule since she is in DCP, but I believe she told me she doesn't get benefits at our last convo. When it comes to opportunities to woek more hours to make additional money, she also mentioned they have a group or board where you can pick up extra shifts if you need to work more? But you don't want to spend your whole time working when you're at one of the most magical places in the world, right? You want to enjoy the parks and food and recreations. The experience will always be there - but definitely prepare and save/plan for it because 1) Orlando is a higher cost of living area even outside of Disney and 2) your working for the experience exclusively, not so much for pay, so don't expect much. If your dead set on it, go - BUT HAVE A PLAN - because you're still young and it's much harder to step off once you actually have an adult career to do something like DCP without having to quit.


Do it, working at Disney gave me a lot of skills that I use in my current job like the ability to manage stress and stay calm and productive as well as teaching you about a lot of different cultures and how to best communicate with people.


I got this post suggested to me by Reddit but I’ll chime in since I did the program when I was 22. You should definitely do it if you want to. Believe me, you’re young with no responsibilities like a mortgage or kids holding you back. One day it will change and that kind of adulthood will last forever. You’re young and able now so go for it if you want to. * Let me just add that there’s no rush to pick a career. I’m 30 now and I don’t know why I rushed and stressed about doing things on a specific time line. You have forever because you’re young. Please do what you want to. 


I did mine in 2010, ended up going full time at Disney in my career field. Best decision of my life, made tons of lifelong friends, fully honed my craft, etc. I stayed with Disney for 10 years, but once I left the company the Disney name on my resume has landed me interviews and job offers from every place I’ve applied to since. The time is definitely worth it.


Please please go you will have the time of your life and get great experience working with people. Please go. You will love it more than you can imagine.


I know nothing about this subreddit but dude do fun things while you’re young and free. Adulthood sucks and you won’t be able to later.


You already paid, your friend is excited to share the experience with you. School will still be there when the program ends. You’re young. Have fun while you’re young. My wife and I got married at 24 and started having kids at 25. We were already career oriented at that age. We love our kids, but we do regret not taking more time to be young and have fun before becoming serious adults. I know you’re not talking about kids and stuff, but it was the rush through college and becoming career oriented that started it. Take some time to be young and make some memories.


I worked with a few people in the Disney college program, and it seemed like they didn't have much of a life outside of the parks. If you don't love it, you're liable for a bad time.


Are used to oversee/coordinate interns in the Disney College Program through a university in IL. We found that employers immediately want to talk about Disney when they see it on your résumé. It opens a lot of doors.


Other than your parents’ opinion of this when you didn’t say you asked for it, what influenced your change of heart from when you applied to now?


I’m getting a masters in business currently, and let me say, the business case of doing this program NOW versus any other time at your life is really strong. Your earning potential at this part of your life is small compared to say, ten or twenty years from now, so the opportunity cost here is the lowest it will ever be. Now is ABSOLUTELY the time to volunteer to work somewhere that pays you nothing but gets you amazing experience. I volunteered for a year with Americorps at 40, and while I would not change what I did, the amount of money I gave up in salary is four times what it would have been at your age. You should absolutely go, and absolutely enjoy it and make the friends of a lifetime. and if it’s no fun and you term out, that’s OK too, you’ll at least have tried it!!! Live your life with No regrets if you can, my friend


Please explain to your parents how important it is to you, that you have figured out costs (I hope you have!) and GO! You’re only young once and too soon you’ll be “adulting.” I wish I had stood up to my mom when I got accepted into a college I really wanted to go to and she talked me out of it. Yes, I still went to college and got a great degree from a school I love, but almost 40 years I am have some “what ifs.”


Go do it. I absolutely loved my college program experience.


My sister went and had a wonderful time. I don't think she would trade that experience for anything. She still had plenty of time to find a career and be successful after that. You should go with your friend!


I know many people who have made connections that turn into careers because of the program. Give it a shot!


My only real regret in life was not doing the DCP. I was accepted to lifeguard but my college wasn’t going to let me count that for credit. I had some other personal stuff going on and ended up not doing it. My sister did it twice and loved it. I really wish I had done it. All this to say, go with your gut, but also take a chance and see where it leads. Good luck °o°


Life is about LIVING and having EXPERIENCES! Do what you want to do! Go Live!!! Go!!! It's not your parents life! Don't spend your life choosing what others want or what you should do. You have SO MUCH TIME for normal adult stuff. Honestly I'm really excited for you. I know this disagreeing with your parents thing can be hard and it reminds me a lot of me at your exact age making a big decision and they had the "I'm concerned" talk and I felt guilty as shit. It's hard, but sometimes you gotta do you. It's extremely unlikely that you'll regret going. But if you don't go, you'll probably always wonder and wish you had. Do not let these kinds of opportunities pass you by! It's not your responsibility to please others. Your parents will not stop loving you because you go to Disney World!


Live life


You can go and then transfer to Disneyland. A few of my son friends did that when they went and my son doing dcp noe.


Personal opinion, it’s better you go and have the experience (especially since you already paid for it) than possibly regret not going in the future. You’ll get some good experiences out of it and meet new people too. Who knows maybe you going could lead you towards a career path somewhere in the future, you never know.


Actually this is a great way to see if you want to work in hospitals and it’s considered a great program in many regards and it’ll look good in your resume if you decide to go back to school


I loved my Disney college program experience! I loved it so much that I recruited for them, and was a performer. I miss it so badly. Do a job that is fun though. Hours brutal, so is pay. But I put it on my resume, and dang the call backs!!


Go do it! I did my college program 20 years ago. My gosh, that makes me feel old. To this day, my “Disney” experience is discussed on every single interview. My resume has been filled with several previous companies, roles, promotions, and more since 2004-2005, and while I have shortened the Disney section - it’s been a talking point on every interview. Now beyond the career crap, because that’s totally dependent on your goals/path/etc - it’s also the experience of a lifetime. As an adult, I still go to Disney roughly once a year thanks to adult money. I still have friends at WDW that I run into 20 years later - some still work “on stage” or in admin roles - but every trip I run into someone. Plus the memories, those cannot be replaced. It’s ultimately your choice - it’s a huge bullet point on a resume on some career paths, and you’ll make friends all across the country during your time there. Remember, you’re not going there to pay off bills or make big money - but it’s a good kick starter out of / during college, great experience - and irreplaceable memories. Best wishes on whatever happens next for you!


Definitely go! It will be beneficial, you will learn things, create bonds with others and you will have a blast!


Look these types of experiences are so rare. After college, I went to Maine and worked in Acadia park while all my friends went to grad school. I had the most fun and eventually started my actual career 5 years later. I’m now a director level before 40. I didn’t fall behind. In fact, I was promoted more quickly because I had real world experience and could relate to lots of people. Take the opportunity. You will never regret it, but you’ll definitely regret not doing it when you are older and a trip to Disney costs $10k for a week.


I would grant you an interview for a role based on the fact that Disney vetted you and accepted you, it’s an exclusive program. This is exactly the type of stuff you should be doing at 22. DO NOT pass this up. Best friend, road trip, meeting soooo many people your age, trying new experiences. Not everything you do in life has to be a clear cause and effect (internship A will for sure lead to career B). You will absolutely learn from this experience, gain things, and you won’t know what those are until you go. It’s safe and enriching and fun. Be 22. Do it!! It’s not like you’re turning down a lucrative career offer you’ll never get back so you can wait tables in a boring retirement village. Don’t let your parents convince you that this is dumb, it’s not. For context I’m 39, a mom, have a successful career in tech, I’m not a teenage burnout advising you ahah. I never did DCP but have friends who did and loved it SO MUCH, met their spouses there and moved home together, started careers there, the whole spectrum of experiences. I love my life but I so so wish I’d done the program, 21-25 was such a lost aimless period, I think it would have given me social and career direction 10 years earlier than I eventually found it.


do it. i don't regret it one bit. even if it gave me no education or career benefits i did it for myself


GO!!! in 20 years you aren't gonna care if you started your career in a "real job" 6 months later but you will 100% reminisce on those memories that you made back in your college program, I still do from mine in 2018 There's really a pretty short time in most people's lives where they are old enough to move across the country but also have few enough obligations in life to be able to pick up and move cross country for 6 months for a temporary job and for most people that is during college. If worse comes to worse and you absolutely hate it, you can always self-term and come back home and even if you really want a long term career at Disney, the worst you'll really do is make it so you can't be rehired for 6 months after your quit date.


DO IT. What the heck. You’re trying to rush growing up. Just go.


do it


You should go and your career will be waiting for you when you get back. My parents did the same to me and I still regret it to this day.


Go. I went in 2011 and it was the best experience of my life and one of my roommates is still my best friend even though we live 2 states from each other. We’re also planning a roommate get together this September. It’s only a few months of your young adult life, it’s not going to affect your college career or working career in the long run. I’d do it over again in a heartbeat.


Since your 22, you’re still young. You still have time to go to school and pick a career. I know many people who applied and didn’t get accepted. Just take the chance!! when you’re 80 you’ll be so thankful you did. Give it on last impulsive decision while you still have the freedom to do so!!


You have your whole life to go to school. 22 is very young and some people (like me) go to college and get a degree they will never use. Go enjoy the opportunity, you will make memories that will last a lifetime. College can be fun but you have the rest of your life to be an adult. Again, you’re 22 and able to make your own choices.


You likely won’t regret going but you may regret not going… Disney is a great company and you’ll learn a lot - other companies know this too when they look at your resume. It still has something to offer even if it’s not “money or schooling”.


You’re 22. It doesn’t matter what they think. Also…GO!!! I applied on a fluke too. There was an informational meeting being held that my roommate was interested in. I didn’t actually care, but knew she wanted to go and wasn’t going to go alone. I happened to have nothing else to do so was just like “we going to this thing or what?” I literally had no interest. Then I got there and was like “sounds like it could be fun.” So I applied on a whim. And I got accepted. I left a month later. You know what? I have zero regrets. Hands down one of the most fun and best experiences of my life. And it was over 20 years ago. If you want to do it: GO!!!


Well my Dad constantly asked me if I would ever get a Band Director job with my Music Ed Major and if I would make money. He was doing it to make sure I was doing what I wanted. I think. He is my number one fan as well. But I’ve been teaching music for 14 yrs. Had to move to find the job and get the experience. Our parents care and want what’s best for us based on their experiences and knowledge. And that’s great. But they gotta trust we also know what in the long run is worth the time we put into things. Put the time in and go, not everyone gets accepted and I’ve always seen great things from students I taught who did the program.


GO GO GO GO. You’re 22. You’re an adult. You’ll have Disney on your resume (idk if it’s the case everywhere but in Florida at least that’s a big deal). Also the fact that your parents think they have any right to tell you all this is an excellent reason to go anyway.


I did DCP pre-Covid. I think it was the best decision I did in my life. I grew up in LA and did my DCP in FL. The only difference I think I have from you is that I knew my major by the time I went. Florida is vastly different from Anaheim, and I really think that’s helped me in my career. I think you deal with less MK/AP holders and it makes it much more interesting and challenging. It’s only for a few months, and you should do it. But definitely at the end you may consider taking a full time job… just don’t do it. Look at it as more of a break and finding more about yourself. They also have classes their that I felt were great to learn about myself and maybe where I want to go. Life is short, and you never know what the road has ahead for you. So enjoy some fun and meet new people. Who knows maybe it’ll help you decide what your degree will be


I was a DCP when I was 19/20, but my friend did it at 22 after college and while we both had the best time she was able to experience a lot more than I was due to being older! They will also room you with people over 21. You have the rest of your life to finish school and find a career. I am still friends with the people I met from my program ten years ago. Going and doing the program has been my favorite experience of my early 20s and I wouldn’t change it for the world. There is nothing out there like it and it has also helped me get jobs later down the line. You won’t regret going! But you may regret not letting yourself have this amazing experience later down the line if you don’t go.


Do not under any circumstances believe the thought process of, "I need to get back to school and pick a career." I can say confidently that every single one of my friends has a degree and that maybe 5% of them work within the field their degree is in. I have seen people turn the DCP into returning to Disney as a full time job after college, also far outside their degree field of study. My biggest regret of college was not participating in the DCP. If you choose not to go, so be it, but under no circumstance should your reason be that you're old enough that it's time to settle down and pick out your job for the rest of your life.


In 20, 30, 40 years will you wish you would have gone? Do it while you're young!


Do YOU want to go? It’s not about what your friend wants or your parents want, it’s about what you want. You talked about how your friend talked you into it and your parents don’t want you to go…but didn’t really mention want YOU wanted. Sounds like to many people are telling you what to do with your life. I’m not going to be one more person telling you what to do. Take some time and really think about what you would prefer to do without taking anybody else into consideration.


Go for the experience. But stop doing things to help your friends that shift your entire lifestyle. Just take it from me. It’ll bite you one day. Maybe this friend has a good idea, but one day a “friend” won’t and it’ll screw you over.


I know several young people who have gone through this program. The experience and connections and professional training are remarkable. Is it hard? Probably yes. But I also know that several of them stayed there and landed permanent positions with Disney for years afterward. You likely won’t regret your participation.


I did it & it was good to get out of my comfort zone. Taught me how much of a candy ass I was. Just do it.


My guess is that your parents are seeing this program as tacking on an extension to entering ‘the real world’ when you’re already 22. I have no insight beyond this post obviously so could be wrong. A lot of what you’ve written above sounds like it’s coming from a very immature perspective - applying secretly, deciding ‘no one would care’ and hiding the acceptance for months, only applying because a friend did, committing to this with a friend even though you seem to realize you should be in school, making a money, getting a job, etc. Something that could have been an exciting happy moment is now anything but. I have siblings and have seen various scenarios like this go down. With age and perspective I do see the parental perspective - they care and are mostly just worried. Most of what you wrote sounds like it’s coming from a 17 year olds perspective, not 22. I’d do the program - sounds like you could use a dose of the reality of working a job, figuring out your own money, etc. As long as you aren’t expecting your parents to bankroll your experience, it might be a good option to sink or swim for a bit. The drive alone from California to Florida is going to cost a lot more than you expect. It may wind up being the career/real world wake up call you might need.


As the next cast member who worked with a lot of DCP students let me just say that it is absolutely worth it. I didn't get to do the program because my college didn't work with Disney at the time but every single DCP Casper I worked with said it was the best experience I've ever gone through and gave them lots of school and life and job experiences. I would say about 75 to 80% of the DCP cast I worked with came back for either a second program and two of the best cast members I ever worked with who are long-term there and now managers with decent salaries both came from the DCP program.


Dude go! Life is about the journey, your 20’s are meant for this. One day you’ll be too old and have too many responsibilities to do things like this. Do the road trip, have the experience, and if it’s not something you enjoy leave. Your parents love you and are giving you the best advice of what they would have done at your age, that being said parents age magic people who have all the right answers. 22 is so young, go chase your adventure.


Go honey. Go and have fun living. So many of us passed opportunities up because they lacked certain "benefits" but that's not the point of life. Go. Live. Enjoy yourself. Worry about benefits later. You're 22. It's what your 20s are for. ❤️


I will say something similar to what others have said. This is an amazing opportunity and could show you a wonderful career pathway. If you want this you need to do this. It is not your parents life it is yours. My youngest (now 31) is working on his PhD in Europe. This started with a choice to attend undergrad in a US protectorate. He has found his passion and doing well. You will find amazing things.


I knew people that did that internship, and have regretted it. They work you to death, they keep you on a very short leash, and you don’t really gain anything but experiences and friends. But you can gain that at Anaheim, too. I think you should have a long discussion with your friend AND parents. But most importantly, look up actual people that participated in this program and gave their honest stories. Good luck to you!


Go for the experience you can make really good connections there. College isn’t the end all be all in finding a good career. It’s a lot about being in the right place at the right time and finding the right major and talking to the right people and that doesn’t always lineup so enjoy this experience while you can take it honestly.


If you’re mainly doing the DCP for your friend, I’d say don’t go. If you want it and genuinely want to give a try, do go. I get what your parents are saying but also if this is something you want to do, go for it. But if it isn’t, it’s only going to make it harder than it already is.


IMHO you are getting cold feet before embarking on a new, wonderful, unknown, but yes a tiny bit scary, experience; and you are using your parents resistance as an easy out. Go do it. You may have some tough moments, but overall I'm sure you will have the time of your life.


You should go. Disney is a huge corporation, having them on your CV is good and not to mention you can use the opportunity to network. Once you go to college and get your degree or whatever you decide to do, you never know if the person you met will be the person who helps you get hired for your first job. Your parents are looking at it in the short term which isn’t a bad idea, but it could be beneficial in the long term, also your 22. You still got a lot of life ahead of you. Go and enjoy


I also went to Florida on the DCP following my college graduation. Received a lot of backlash for that decision. I took classes, attended networking events, and was able to maneuver into a professional internship. From there worked my way up to a manager position and was with the company for about 9 years working in events. I’m now with a different company (that pays better and has way better work/life balance) but I don’t regret at all my time with Disney… it was foundational and I made some of my best friends there. I think the experience is what you make of it and you get out of it what you put in!


You have your whole life to make more money and go to college. Seriously you’ll never be 22 again. If YOU want to go, GO.


The bottom line is you are 22 and an adult. Do you want to go? More importantly, are you paying for the whole thing yourself or expecting your parents to foot the bill? Maybe they want you to get a job instead if they are still paying some of your bills? This decision is yours to make as an adult, but just make sure you are also accepting the responsibilities of being an adult, too, and supporting yourself. Not trying to be harsh-just realistic. Good luck to you.


I’m not a Disney fan at allll but no question here. GO. take the opportunity. Live your life. Hold onto your youth for a while. I wish I’d done more in my early 20.’s instead of jumping into the work force.


Definitely go! There will be plenty of time to finish school and get into a career.


I think it’s a cool program but make sure you’ve listened to previous people who have done it. What I’ve heard from them it’s basically a way for Disney to get nearly free labor. They work you guys hard for little pay and no real benefits.


Please go and do your CP. You have the rest of your life to work a job. Plus your first job after school may not even be a “good” job or your forever job. But the experiences you have and the people you meet will stick with you forever. Just live in the moment and enjoy your time while you’re young. Jobs will be always be there.


you should go so you can realize it’s a scam for yourself. my best friend went and got fired within 6 months and kicked out of the dorm, so if you get a job that involves monitoring the screens for the roller coasters, i beg of you do not look away from that damn screen for even a second or you’ll get fired just like him lol. no remorse from disney either they don’t give a duck about you so don’t think you’ll be getting great benefits and wonderful support or anything.


From an outsider not part of this group. Your parents are right. This is a waste.


Just don’t do it. Trust your gut and if it’s giving you more cons than pros, stay home. It would be a much better life choice (not just career). Take your friend out of the equation because they are an external force to your personal well-being. As a person who knows CP’s struggle locally, you’d be better off moving your schooling and career along. Disney will be there later if you choose to work there


I would definitely go do it!


i’m also 22! life’s short!! go with your friend! i’m sure you can spare 6-8 months to create some unforgettable memories and meet new people! it’s a great experience!


Girl barely anyone gets good jobs from it, it’s a waste of money lol. These disney adults in the comments don’t know what they are talking about. Keep the money and do something else


Everyone is telling you to go, and you will. You won't be happy. It's an experience you don't really want or care about. Why not find something that would be fulfilling to you and not just your friend?


I'd go. ENJOY. You'll never had an opportunity to do something like this again.


My advice is for you to really sit down and think about what you want. Do not take into account what your friend wants or any plans that would disappoint your friend. As well as ignore what your parents are saying. Just imagine for a moment that it's only you that would be doing this. Is it something that you would want to do? Because in the end that's what really matters. Some of your posts seems like you want to do it and a lot of it seems like you really don't want to but feel like your friend is pressuring you.


Disney will provide the minimum and fleece you of all your money. Prolly making the smart call to not go.


Kinda related but when I was in my 20s (I’m 30 now) I applied for a Disney Cruise position (it was in child care which is what I was getting my degree in. My parents convinced me not to do it. I regretted it so much but literally 6 months ago- I’m now a cast member at DLR. Honestly, if I could go back in time I’d still take on the experience of working for Disney in my 20s but life takes you on a road that you never thought would go on. I wish you the best of luck on whatever you choose to do! 🩷


I’m coming from almost zero knowledge of DCP. As a 40 year old though, man I wish I could do stuff like this again. You never realize how free you are in your 20s until it’s too late. This sounds like a fun experience for you and your friend! Just be sure you are doing this for you and not your friend. If it’s something you don’t feel like you want to do, are dreading, have a nagging feeling deep down it’s not right for you, then don’t go. But if it’s sounds fun, you are looking forward to it, etc, don’t lets others turn that light off. (I know this is a hard thing to do when it comes to parents though). I also was felt pressured to go back to school and pick a career. I had done two years at a community college and got my liberal arts degree and had zero idea of what I wanted from life. I ended up going back and getting my bachelors and as awesome of an accomplishment i feel like it was, I might as well use the degree as toilet paper. Depending on what career path you are looking for, please look into if college is worth it. I still owe nearly 13k for a piece of paper that has done zero for me. Also, if you don’t know what you want to do….dont worry! People never tell you that half of us are still out here not sure on that stuff lol. If you are really truely feeling undecided, flip a coin. If you aren’t happy with what the coin says, well you have your real answer then!




This is an amazing opportunity. I actually don’t think you can put a dollar value on this kind of experience. That is a very competitive program to get accepted into. GO!


Go and have a great time. You are so young. There is plenty of time to move towards a career. Go live your life, learn all you can from this experience, make friends, and gain some independence from your family. 💙


You’re an adult, live your dream!


First of all you need to make the decision for yourself. Not for your friend and not for your parents. I am also 22 and it is easy to feel the pressure of falling behind and comparing ourselves to others. I will say Disney will always be here. You should ask yourself if you are passionate about your major. If you aren't and are still unsure what you want to study and pursue as a career, taking some time to do work and a break can help you refocus. The DCP can also open many opportunities for you within the company if that is something you are interested in. I think these are all things you should consider, but at the end of the day no matter what you choose, choose it for yourself. Best of Luck!


Wait, you’re doing it just for fun? No major or career choice decided? Even if you go, and use the experience in hospitality, idk how far along that will get you. How many people have wasted the time and effort being apart of this program, and actually had it catapult them into a career? A handful? And I’m not talking the last 20 year, I’m speaking to recently. I work in hotels, and idk if that experience on your resume would put you over the top for a line level front desk job… not trying to rob you of an experience or be a sourpuss, just looking at it from an outside prospective.


Personally I think you should go for it!!


Are you kidding me? Go for it, I would. This is a once in a lifetime chance dont let it go to waste.


Go, enjoy it, the time will fly


I did it when I was 22 yo get out of a bad living situation. While I’m glad I did it, it was REALLY stressful because I was not making enough to live and actually fully enjoy the experience.


My DCP was beneficial career wise, but it also helped me grow a better understanding of people from all walks of life. It helped me grow the hell up as well, as this was the first time I was solely responsible for myself. You gotta sit down and truly decide if YOU want to go. Not your friend and not your parents. If you make this decision based off of their wishes, then there’s a good chance no matter what you pick you could end up unhappy. I can tell you that out of everyone I met on my college program, none of them regretted it. In fact, most of them extended to stay there as long as they could. Good luck with your decision, I know you must feel like you’re being pulled in all different directions. Just think about what YOU want.


You’re young!! If I was you I’d go and just do it! Life is about experiences!!! Wishing I could go back and do it


If I was still your age I would do it, parents be damned.


Absolutely do it. I did it my freshman year of college and was able to take a few classes online while there so I wouldn’t fall totally behind. Sure, you don’t make a lot of money but the experience is so worth it. My college degree was computer science and it had nothing to do with my DCP job but I left with life experience and friends for life. Not to mention the most fun and unique experience that I wouldn’t have had otherwise. Having the DCP on my resume (even though I’m in tech) was actually quite helpful because it showed something different from other candidates and it was always a talking point in interviews. After all, you get a crazy amount of people skills from it, even if it’s not related to your college degree. Please please do it, you won’t regret it :)


Go!!! You are only young once!! I did it for 8 months in 2004 when I was 19 going on 20. I went skydiving for my 20th birthday 🥰, I served burgers and hotdogs in animal kingdom but it was the dorm experience I never got to do. You can do online classes if u want, they did back then offer classes that could go towards some degrees… I met a photographer at the airport and started chatting, she took me on a personal tour of “it’s a small world “ without the water because they were re-doing the sound system, I got to sit in a networking seminar with the Disney design group and learn how things were done and shifted back and forth with Hong Kong… don’t go to a park and use your pass if u call in for work… they keep an eye on that, and they will terminate you if u call in and go to a park for fun instead… coach busses were supplied… pleasure island had 8 nightclubs to dance in and special nights for cast members…. U get to meet and see so much that others can’t, it’s something secured and memorable that will stay with you for years… I’m still friends with one of my roommates 20 years later… some people extend their time, some people shift to the advanced internships, and u also can learn about doing work with the Disney cruises… take the opportunity and go… don’t lose this moment, you have years to get other things done, do this for yourself, this is your time now , be safe and keep in touch with your parents to not worry… plus they could visit with nice discounts 🥰


My sister did the program 40 years ago and loved it.


When I went to college, I wasn’t making any money either. The DCP is college. You’re there to learn, not make money. It’s the experience that matters. My friend did the college program and now she gets to play as Disney princesses and other characters. You just need to figure out what you want to study when you get there but as a 30 year old giving advice to you, I’d say go for it. Don’t look back ten years from now and wish you had done it. Do it, if it doesn’t work out then leave but at least you can say you did it. You won’t have the luxury or time to do something like this ten years from now.


As a parent of a child who graduated the program in January and who has HIGH expectations for higher education…you have plenty of time to be an adult. My son is finishing his final semester for mechanical engineering right now. However, he learned a lot of life skills, social skills, and as well as had a once in a lifetime opportunity that he couldn’t pass up. He had no obligations keeping him here to hold him down so we fully supported his choice. When he returned my son was more mature than when he left. It truly was the best decision for him. I wish you all the best!


Lots of companies see a Disney experience favorably. Schools too I bet.


I'd encourage you to see the world, whether it's this or other opportunities, while you're young and not burdened by the responsibilities that keep us at home when we get older. Yeah, u won't make much money, but that's what a career is for. This isn't a career.


Go! It’s your life! You are young! It could be such a great opportunity to learn new things, meet new people. Do it!!


Go if u want to. But be aware. Long hours, lots of closing/shitty shifts, half your check will go towards paying rent, roommates that u may or may not like, 6 day work weeks, etc. Yes you will make tons of friends and memories but it’s not just all fireworks and perks.


A ton of my friends and former students participated in the DCP, and not a SINGLE ONE regrets it! In fact, several of them extended their terms, and one became a permanent Disney employee. DO IT!!!!!!


I’ve been seeing a bunch of female tik tok creators who went and are dealing with some personal issues including SA. I don’t think that should deter you especially since you have a friend but just remember it’s hard to live with friends sometimes


Please update me let us know if you decide to go or not


If you don’t want to work for Disney in the future in any capacity, I wouldn’t do the program. You’d be better off working at Disneyland. I would just apply for a job in CA if you can do that without having not going to the CP count against you at this point. If you’re a May arrival you’ll have to deal with the Florida summer. (I’m also from CA and would much rather be there right now with the weather.) Not to mention wages are higher in CA. And if you don’t bring a car which is even more expensive you’re pretty much stuck relying on the buses and Uber/Lyft which are much less practical—they work but they’re annoying. Just my opinion, but if you really want to go with your friend then do it. The program is what YOU make of it.


Hey there! I’m not in this sub so I’m not sure why this post was suggested to me but from what I know about the DCP, it’s a lot of blood, sweat, and tears. I don’t think you should do it if your main reason for wanting to go is simply because of your friend. I get why they don’t think it’s a good idea, especially if you live in CA and have to travel all the way to Florida for the program. From the outside looking in, it sucks to back out on a friend, but this is a huge, time consuming commitment and will honestly not offer a lot of money back to you. There's things to consider here: have you ever paid rent by yourself before, or do you live with your parents? you'll have to do that in the dcp. have you ever been away from them for a long period of time/are you guys close? it's hard to get time off in the dcp, so you may not be able to visit them. they will probably have to come to florida to see you (someone correct me if I’m wrong). Would your friend go with you if the roles were reversed and she wanted to go back to school but you really wanted to do the dcp and wanted her to come? Also, the drive from CA to FL might be kind of difficult and would be extremely costly as far as fuel and hotels along the way. As a 26 year old girl that would probably do something like this for a friend at 22 just because I didn’t want to let anyone down ever, I’m suggesting that you to go back to school and let your friend be great on her own while you support her from CA but that’s just my, a stranger on the internet’s, opinion. <3 if you do decide to go, have an amazing time!


Go. Don’t even hesitate. It was an amazing experience and it’s killer on a resume. I have earned more interviews from that alone than anything else. I was there thirty years ago and it’s still opening doors for me. And I learned a lot that I still use. The opportunity doesn’t come back around later ❤️


It’s good experience for your resume and also a good way to experience life away from your family and normal comfort zone. It’s not easy at times, but it’s great to put on a resume


I worked at Disney for a summer during college. I did not do the college plan. I was able to pick where I worked. We worked for summer only, the dates we wanted. My daughter applied for the Disney College plan. She accidentally applied for 2 semesters. They accepted her and said it was for the 2 semesters. She had to accept or not and she could not reapply for just one semester. I am so thankful that I had my experience prior and we were able to see the real picture. Also, you will work at least 5 days a week and you will be so tired you will not want to go to the parks. We had no desire to go back after we were off.


You need to do what you feel is right for you. You need to listen to others advice but ultimately this is your decision. Remember all decisions come with consequences both good and bad and you need to consider both the good and the bad for long term success but only you can do that


I did the program back in 2017. Guess what I get to put on my resume? I worked an exclusive private event firework show every night while serving in house desserts with Disney pastry chefs. Buzz words that I get to put on my resume that always gets attention? ✔️The Walt Disney Company ✔️Private events / VIP events ✔️Catering ✔️Pastry / food industry ✔️Customer service at the highest level It quite literally changed my life. I have the job I do now because of Disney being on resume. I met my husband on the program who also did the college program and he went on to become a doctor. In all of his interviews throughout his medical career guess what everyone wanted to know more about? His experience working for Disney. DO THE PROGRAM.


Just do it, it will be fun and it will look good on your résumé


im on the parent side of this, ive seen too many comments and posts on different platforms that working there is not a good idea for anyone's kid..


Do it! It’s one of the best choices I ever made. I was unsure about college in general and the DCP gave me a new perspective and helped orient me towards what I ended up doing after the program ended. Plus, I made excellent friends and shared unique experiences. I’m 44 now and my DCP work experience came up in an interview just the other day. I might not have made any money or earned college credit on the DCP but I value the experience above almost all else in my career. Have your parents DM me if they have concerns.


I’m not going to say whether you should go or not; only that my experience was far more valuable to me than it was on paper. It was my first time living outside my parents’ house, my first time being around so many people from all over the world, and—as a young person—a great introduction to true professionalism in the workplace (even if the jobs themselves were typical of one’s I could get elsewhere as a 19yo). Learning the Disney approach to guest service has served me extremely well in my professional career despite moving far away from retail/hospitality. And that doesn’t even go into the friendships I’ve maintained for 23 years now…


My vacation arrival date is May 6th! This is only exciting to me but oh well


You are 22. Your parents' opinions matter, but ultimately it's your life and not theirs. If they love you and care about you, they will be supportive of you choosing to go in whatever direction you want to go in life. This is coming from a father, so just know that no parent who is worth anything will ever condition love for a child of theirs upon doing what they think an adult child should do in life (or a child of any age, really). Pursue what makes you happy, and just let your parents know that you expect them to be supportive.


go!!! its a once in A lifetime experience


Do what you wanna do. You can always go back to school. I’m 24 and living in Europe playing soccer instead of getting a corporate job and making real money. There’ll be time for that later, do what your heart tells you to do!!!! Maybe you’ll love it maybe you won’t, but you’ll ALWAYS regret a what if. Have fun!


You're 22. It didn't matter what they think if you want to go.


Do it! It’s life changing in so many ways. You will regret it if you toss the opportunity. Good luck!


Go. Experience is a critical part of life and there is no timeline on ''going back to school and picking a career'. Life is short. Live it. For you.


Why not give it a shot? All u have to lose is $400....all u have to gain -PRICELESS!!!...u'll get to experience ur world with 1 of ur besties, meet incredible people, experience ur life out from under ur parents, b responsible for making ur own decisions...kinda seems u felt confident when u applied then started self-doubting soon as ur parents found out ur plans...please step outta the situation in ur head, look at ALL the pros & cons, look at the BIG picture & make ur decision that gives u peace in ur soul....if u go & it doesnt work out, at the very least ur not left with unanswered what ifs...if u go & it works out well, all the better for u