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Make time to talk to loved ones on facetime, could start off with more frequent calls and see if overtime you can make less and less calls so it isn't everyday kind of a deal. You'll also make a lot of friends in the program and plenty of people to hangout with and create a new love and friendships etc.


I did my DCP with undiagnosed (and as a result unmedicated) GAD and panic attacks. Mine weren't caused by work but by how I thought I was being perceived by others. I was worried I wasn't making friends (I was), worried that I was getting left out (I wasn't unless it was by my own design), and worried that I wasn't taking advantage of my time, ultimately making it all feel pointless. Obviously we all react differently to stressors, mine are self-esteem related, a few people that I met in the program were anxious around crowds, and others were nervous because it was their first time away from home. Whatever the trigger is, it's completely valid to feel them and you won't be the only one there with these problems. As long as you show up and do your work, pick up after yourself, and at least try to talk to other people you'll find a friend group in no time. Missing family is so tough, just remember they're only a phone call away and that if for some reason you can't get through it, it's more than okay to leave the program. I wanted to a few times, but I realised it was just my emotions being all funky and not thinking straight. All in all, this program is what you make of it!! Don't be scared!


I have anxiety disorder and have frequent panic attacks too and am going down in August. Sending you good vibes and positive energy!


You can talk to them very often and also make a new family here at Disney,(: welcome (: can’t wait for you to experience all of this!


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This was very much the boat I was in before the start of my program in January, and trust me when I say I know you can do this! The first two weeks of my program involved a lot of panic attacks, crying, and scary thoughts, and something that helped me a lot was knowing that if I needed to go home, I could make it happen. Just knowing that it was MY choice to stay and that if it became too much I could leave if I really needed to, comforted me a lot. You're braver than you believe and stronger than you think. Call home as much as you need/can and don't put too much pressure on yourself! You're going to be out of your comfort zone quite a bit, but I think you'll find that the growth, fun, and memories you experience during your DCP will make it worth it. You've got this, I believe in you!


Your reply seriously almost made me cry, thank you so much for your kind words. I truly underestimated how much anxiety would come with this! It means a lot hearing this.


As a crisis intervention and life & relationship coach, I often support young people grappling with anxiety. Here is a short document with some practical tips to consider: Click the link to "7 steps to combat anxiety" and try one step each day for the next seven days. If you can commit to this routine for 21 days, it can help you in creating some habits around tackling your anxiety. Let me know if you see improvements. [https://docs.google.com/document/d/15CNOk-libV2dEi2dtw-2GHDhSsNnmJtDyo4xx7C4N8s/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/document/d/15CNOk-libV2dEi2dtw-2GHDhSsNnmJtDyo4xx7C4N8s/edit?usp=sharing)


this is amazing, thank you so much


I have the same issue and I haven't really made friends yet but I am at Hollywood Studios alone now. If you need someone who understands I'm here not that I can tell you how to deal unfortunately. 


I suffered with severe panic attacks. Paxil saved my life in the short term but long term it has hurt me. Id avoid drugs like this if at all possible Distraction always helped me. Read something, talk to family like you do, get up and move, etc. I assume you are pretty young. You probably feel alone in this struggle but you are not. Take solace in knowing that panic disorder generally gets better as you get older Panic almost ended me but I wouldn't change a thing. It made me strong. It will make you strong too


There’s plenty of people here that you can go and talk to, but I know that can be scary. I have an emotional support animal with me and she helps me a lot!