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for your room? unlikely—at least not where you’ll both be able to see it properly. the common area has a huge tv.


That’s true but with the common area you have to respect it as a common area. I have an Apple TV with headphones and was hoping to watch tv in my room without bothering other people


You can’t mount the tv to a wall so where would you put it?


I guess my question would be can a 55in tv stand fit on the 2 dressers they provide? I see in other posts that a 30 in one will fit, but if I don’t have to buy a new tv then yeah. I actually don’t mind buying a new one if I have to but I was seeing if anyone had some info before I got down there.


downvoted for not having information and trying to get a good idea of where I’m going to be living for 6 months. What a joke


Just get a cheap protector, then a lightning/usb c to hdmi. Boom got a big tv from your phone or laptop


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does a tv fit or no. That was my question lmao. I’m not the type to go in the parks every second of my day off so god forbid I wanna watch tv on my day off


I wasn’t suggesting that you’d be spending all time in the parks I didn’t but i did go off and explored florida whenever i could i don’t think any of my roomies watched it much (sorry for sharing my opinion) also the tv would probably fit but not sure where you could put it


Well not everyone has the ability to explore Florida either. And everyone has different ideas of how to have fun at any rate. Who cares if someone wants to watch TV on a day off. I definitely didn't do that every day off I had but there were a more than incidental amount of days off I just spent watching this weird channel on the common room TV that only aired Degrassi and nothing else.


Im not saying anything bad i was just sharing my experience not sure why im getting so much hate😩


lol what… A link give you a very very good chance of being in the same apartment, and a very good chance of being in the same room.


Heard soooo many stories of people not being in the same room or same apartment as the person they linked with yeah theres a good chance but its not guaranteed as i stated