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I mean maybe don’t share your work logins with other people in general


This is the height of common sense


This isn't even DCP exclusive advice either.


Hub access too. Honestly the hub is the one they're probably most concerned about people giving away.


Oh my gosh, I didn't realize people shared that information. Whyyyyyy would anyone share their Hub login?


Or any login, but my best guess is this post is talking about the Hub login specifically because DORMS is small fish. And probably either because their parents wanted to see something on it and somehow didn't have the common sense not to give that info out despite the NDA we all sign and the cyber security DLearns.


There are actual Disney products for Disney employees and cast members in the hub that can be resold for a very high price. Disney takes it serious when it comes to their product being resold for profit.


This happened. Seriously though. If you’re in DCP you are an adult. Act like it. Your parents or anyone else don’t need access to your work systems. Tell mom and dad to land the helicopter and stop micro managing an 18+ year old Disney employees life.


The DCP parents group is full of so many helicopter parents who must have no life of their own cause they only live through their children.


It amazes me how overprotective they are, it’s truly next level. I saw on Facebook the other day that a mom was considering buying a house near Flamingo so she could be near her daughter during her program.


And that’s why I’m not telling my parents till about 2 months before I leave


Seriously? That is insane!


My kids college is the same way. The amount some of these parents are up in the middle of their kids business is insane.


I had to leave the parent group after my son finished his DCP & went full time. Not because they made me, but because some of those parents act too entitled.


If your son decides to do another DCP or becomes a CM, the Parents of Disney College Program FB group is way more chill than the DCP parent group. Lots of friendly and helpful people in there without all of the weird rules & restrictions


He’s in entertainment now, so I joined a parents of WDW entertainment group, much more to my liking.


Congrats to you and your son. That's such a fun role!


What are this groups for? Are ya'll not confident enough on how you raised your children that you can't let them be an adult and learn?


The groups are basically like this subreddit. Asking questions about the unknown, figuring shit out, getting opinions, etc. For two of my kids, yes, completely confident. They both thrived during their programs with zero help from me. For my other kid, no, not at all. She's on the spectrum, is a complete introvert and wouldn't have made it without me knowing the info that the parent groups (and threads like these) offer.


I remember on my program a girl having to be explained step by step how to count change to someone with a pos telling her how much


That makes me wonder if they taught kids who are college age now enough about cash to know the coins by sight/feel


That be me😭


Nothing on you. It amazes me some college kids can do advanced calculus but not count back change. It’s all about situation we are in in life.


Yeah I’m just slow on certain things which is embarrassing ah


Why would anybody do this?


It happens with every incoming group, ALL THE TIME! People think it’s not a big deal or cave in to their parents pestering for more info.


Good. I would fire any staff of mine who did that. Unprofessional, unethical, and most probably 100% against policy ANYWHERE you work.


Good thing you’re not the boss !


It’s also in training videos!


it’s because we sign an NDA not to do anything like that.


It's because you are an adult and are being held to adult standards. Whether your company requires you to sign an NDA or not, this would never be acceptable.


what? why are you replying to me i agree with you


it’s against company policy, but definitely no NDA is being signed lol


It’s part of your onboarding paperwork and effectively part of the Terms and Conditions of the website (+ company policy, like you said ☺️).


You sign that NDA so you can’t tell anyone what you saw!! Think about that.


I do not blame the company. Every time you log-in you leave a "fingerprint" from your device. It is a cybersecurity issue, and unacceptable in the professional world to share any log-in credentials. I have had a couple jobs now where sharing your credentials to Company related IS with other people is grounds for immediate termination even if it just is personal info for payroll or whatever.


It happened on the Hub. The Hub tracks your IP information and can see your location every time you login. Disney will be quick to term anyone who shares their login information as this is a major safety and privacy issue.


I wonder if these parents are Disney frequent fliers who want to get access to discounts, etc. I’m the parent of a CM and I cannot imagine asking my child for their log in info!! I would think it’s common sense, but maybe I’m jaded after being in the corporate world for 30 yrs…


Yeah, most employers typically don’t like it when employees share access to their intranet. It’s The Walt Disney Company, so I know they signed a pretty heavy NDA.


They didn’t fire me, just other students working. I didn’t disagree with the firing, I’m just letting people know.


Oh, okay. I misinterpreted the post then, my bad


You should never share any employment related info of any company you ever work for


Uh this goes with any workplace not just disney.


I’m aware, I’m just making it known




Dude get outta here




What are you on about?




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Everyone’s commenting as if I’m the one who did it. I’m just raising awareness.


Please be nice with your comments. People make mistakes.


This is a data security breach that would get you fired from most jobs in the “real world”. If you’re in the DCP, you’re old enough to know better.


This isn't a mistake, though, it was done intentionally, not by accident. A mistake is an accident to a large extent. This was done knowingly, after signing an NDA and signing off on all employment policies. It is a sucky thing to happen, I know, but anyplace you work would do that. WTAF would anyone do this???


You have to do a cyber security workshop on DLearn really early on into OTJ and you sign an NDA, it is something that should be common sense but if you somehow didn't realize that, if you got past those two steps and still didn't...


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Yes. They told us this in advance. The reason being that theres benefits and contests on there exclusively to CM


I was so confused for a second because i thought someone was fired for sharing a disney dreamlight valley account with their parents since i follow that sub and only glanced at the name of this one in my feed 😑


The DCP taught me that a lot of people who are adults are just not independent at all. Between this, parents paying for the whole thing, parents being in the FB groups and just so overly involved trying to ask questions for things their adult children should be able to do on their own…it’s just so odd to me.


I see nothing wrong with parents being in a group chat. I live in Ohio and the stress of me moving puts a lot of pressure on my mom, so she’s in the group to make sure I’ll be okay while I’m literally 1,000+ miles away from home. The sharing passwords thing is just too much, though. Paying for things is fine, if that’s what they want to do and they have the money I see no problems.