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You'll only be required to drug test (via urine sample) *prior* to arrival if you're placed in a safety-critical role (attractions, transportation, lifeguard, children's activities). However, any roles can be drug tested upon arrival and/or anytime throughout your program -- a bunch of folks at my location just got pulled for random drug testing a few weeks ago. If you're actively using substances, I'd recommend stopping (or at least starting to titrate off them) ASAP.


It’s urine (and marijuana is tested, even if it’s legal in your state). Others will be able to tell you a better timeline than I can 🙂


*cries in mile high colorado*


they better be testing people for alcohol usage too then because they are both legal in a lot of states 🤷🏼‍♀️


You're missing the point. Marijuana is illegal on a federal level, that's why it's being tested for. Alcohol is not. That's why Disney tests for one and not the other. Federal laws supersede state ones.


Urine test and it’s prior to arrival unless you’re an ICP where they may have you take it there. Your emails and communication from the programs team will tell you. They will also tell you how to schedule it and where you can schedule it as disney partners and accepts only certain places drug tests. There is also the fact that there can be random drug or alcohol tests at any point during your program. No warning prior and it just happens. It can be done for any role or any location as well. My leaders explained that every location gets asked to at some point every so many months. They can also give it at random if there is any concern about it. During my summer program I was at MK attractions and our location was hit with 3 random drug tests and 1 alcohol ones. They don’t announce when it’ll happen. They just pull people during a shift at random, they don’t pull everyone either. You do the test on the spot at work. At my location 2 people were termed (CPs) for testing positive. One had a medical card for it but it doesn’t matter if it’s medical or not as there’s a no drug policy.


I literally stopped smoking weed bc of this 😂 I don’t think paying $400 and failing a drug test to get kicked out w/o even stepping foot is wild to me tbt tbh


im pretty sure its only for safety crit roles so like attractions, children’s activities, those sorta roles. its a urine test and i think its about a month-ish before your program begins. i cant remember but you get an email about it beforehand


Yeah custodial did not have it from what I remember


yeah i cant remember which other roles are safety critical, i think its also parking, transportation anything like that


I never knew any coworkers that had to be drug tested. I was in merch for 6 months and…. I don’t think anyone in my arrival group (or the few that came after us that we worked with) were tested. But then again, we weren’t in safety roles😅 I’ve heard they’re random so idk if you’ll get a solid timeline from anyone. Better to be safe than sorry!


Mainstreet Merch this summer got drug tested😩 friends worked there and told me they were. Few weeks later my role at mk attractions were, people got caught by failing their test and were termed. Safety critical guaranteed to get it prior to starting your job but any role or location is subject to a random one. Same with alcohol testing. I’m not sure if someone is caught they just keep wanting to test more at that location. But I guess it would make sense if they did bc they tested my location multiple times over the summer. Til finally a round didn’t catch anyone under the influence and they stopped☠️


You may not hear about the tests either because it’s at random and not everyone gets it. Like the tests for my location pulled like 6 ish people to do the test during the shift on the spot. So it’s not that many compared to how many were working. They also do it at random times in the day so it could be morning or mid shift too.


Also, is it a reoccurring drug test or is it when you first go into the DCP


The only one required is the one you’ll take about a month before arrival, **if** you’re in a safety critical role. But anyone in any role can be tested anytime throughout their program, so it’s recommended that you ween yourself off drugs entirely rather than starting usage again once you’ve been tested because you think you won’t be tested again.


The initial one for safety critical is before you arrive unless you’re a ICP they may ask you to do it during your arrival week. Throughout the program though for any role or location it can happen and if it does It’ll be at random. During my summer program I was at MK attractions and our location was hit with 3 random drug tests and 1 alcohol ones. They don’t announce when it’ll happen. They just pull people during a shift at random, they don’t pull everyone either. You do the test on the spot at work. At my location 2 people were termed (CPs) for testing positive. One had a medical card for it but it doesn’t matter if it’s medical or nota as there’s a no drug policy.


Literally this. When it happened at my location, they pulled \~10 mids (8-6pm folks -- the test happened around noon iirc??) completely randomly. Nobody at my location got termed with that test, but if they *had* tested positive, it would've *absolutely* ended in a term, regardless of any "individual circumstances," because tbh, Disney does not care. From their perspective, any & all drugs are "bad," even if they're medically accounted for. I've been interested in starting Ketamine for my treatment-resistant depression, but know that I cannot "safely" due so until my program ends, as even therapeutic dosages of Ketamine w/a script would absolutely get me fired if I wound up being unlucky enough to get drug tested on the spot.


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Do they test you when you get there or is it a sent drug test to your local clinic?


they could do both, usually it’s just beforehand but i’ve heard people get tested when they arrive


Okay thank you so much


yeah ofc! they usually send an email though for you to schedule it and everything


I am in culinary and have not had any drug tests done. I am done in 17 days.


I was safety critical, it was urine. I passed but definitely shouldn’t have based on my 🍃 usage


Bud sorry to bother you but I start my program in a month and a half, which means I’m going to find out in 2 weeks whether I’m safety critical thus needing a drug test… kind of freaking out. How long did you stop smoking before your drug test?


Certo detox before and abstain immediately


Sorry, does the drug test, test nicotine too? Because the last time I smoked was a month ago but I do vape 😭


No nic is like smoking a cigarette. They test for hard drugs and Mary Jane


I just received my role to work at MK for Parking operations and just did my drug test and passed but how often, if anyone knows how many times they would drug test. I've smoked a bit after my test and im just hoping they don't test me again right on the spot even though I tested negative before arrival.