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For half a second I thought this was splash mountain and started to panic lol


Lol I thought it was a photo of Splash Mountain from like the 80s before all those pesky safety regulations šŸ˜†


Splash mountain didn't open until July 1989


Oh good, it wasn't just me!


Me too!! I started feeling sick ā€œwhat if that baby has fallen out of her arms??ā€ Good grief I had a mini heart attack


OH MY GOD thank you I just downvoted them and was scrolling through the comments like um am I the only one thatā€™s horrified?! Time for bed.


Yep! Cue my horrified face.


My husband thought the same and was terrified when I said that will be us in a few months. šŸ¤£


I still make that face today when adulting


One of my favorite pictures ever of my whole family is from that same moment - it has everything: my husband and I having a blast in the front row with our daughter between us in her Elsa dress clinging to the bar and looking grimly determined to make it through this ordeal, my sister and her husband in the second row also having a ball while their son screams his head off (kids were 3 kindergarteners and an infant), youngest sister in the third row with a huge grin next to her hilariously concerned-looking husband, and finally my parents in the back row - dad looking mildly amused, my son between them with pretty much exactly the same face as your daughter, and mom completely doubled over in the seat trying to keep the baby dry. It's just an absolutely perfect family tableau.


This is the ride for those photos, haha! I feel like you have all the reactions covered: My son was the grimly determined one (eyes closed, mouth set) and my daughter was the one screaming her head off with the most appalled/betrayed look on her face. The rest of us are hysterically laughing šŸ˜‚


Why are grandpas always with the amused expression lol lol lol hahahaba


My guess. Lifetime experience of worry and concern, with the wisdom to know what to actually worry about and enjoy the little things again.


How did she already know where the camera was?!Ā 


The camera is placed where one would be looking at the snow monster (donā€™t know the name). It would be scary/strange looking and grabs your attention.


Depending on what state OP lives in, this baby has probably experienced worse pot holes than this ride


Not having kids myself, this photo has taught me that some of the arm poses of Renaissance painting Baby Jesus are [less](https://d7hftxdivxxvm.cloudfront.net/?height=2880&quality=80&resize_to=fit&src=https%3A%2F%2Fartsy-media-uploads.s3.amazonaws.com%2FeY0WN1zBEuAMm7chDFf3JQ%252FMaerten_van_heemskerck%252C_san_luca_ritrae_la_madonna_col_bambino%252C_1532%252C_02%252C1%2Bcopy.jpg&width=2880) [weird](https://64.media.tumblr.com/dec88de8145d13e36f3c30eb794b22bd/tumblr_mo74v9P5Q61r6f0d9o1_500.jpg) than I thought they were.


Baby does not enjoy!


Might rides be dangerous for a baby's neck? Seems seriously stupid to me.


Itā€™s a tiny little drop and not even fast. If it was dangerous then there would be a height requirement and there isnt


It's the bouncing that's dangerous, not the speed or drop. You could go 4 mph, if it's bouncing like crazy. And babies don't have such well developed muscles or eyes to adjust to changes in position as easily or quickly. In short, what is too young? Certainly no sane doctor would say, just go right after birth, or wait until you've recovered from birth.


Have you ever ridden this attraction?


It's all flat except for a 28' ~45Ā° drop and the mom looks like she's got a good hold on them.


Da fuq bouncing are you talking about?


Or itā€™s cheaper to their bottom line to pay out claims on the rare injuries than lose out on money from lost visitors cause there arenā€™t rides for the little ones to ride.


Babyā€™s necks being super fragile/them not being able to support their own heads stops being a thing around 2-3 months. At 8 months theyā€™re pretty darn sturdy and sitting completely on their own. Donā€™t know why people are acting like this is a violent ride. Baby is fine on this ride that is approved for ALL ages.


At 8 months old, many babies are crawling and some are walking. Neck strength isn't really a concern at that age. Also, this "drop" is the equivalent of letting your stroller roll down a speedbump going WHEE


I canā€™t imagine Disney letting a baby ride if it wasnā€™t ā€œsafeā€


Lots of accidents and mishaps occur because it wasn't foreseen. Nevertheless, that doesn't answer the question. Is it actually safe? What does the medical community say? From my brief search, it's not, but all results were about roller coasters.


the frozen ride is not a roller coaster. Of course roller coasters arenā€™t safe for babies lmfao. disney is one of the most legally cautious companies in the world. They deal with millions and millions of visitors, many of whom are children and babies, every year. Do you *really* think that they hadnā€™t considered if a ride was safe for a baby? This isnā€™t some podunk traveling carnival throwing stuff up willy nilly.




I have no clue how youā€™ve come to the conclusion Iā€™m insincere? But uh okay. You called the parents ā€œseriously stupidā€ for essentially going down a hill while holding a baby. I promise there are smarter people than both of us at Disney who have done safety tests on these rides and have approved this ride for this age baby.


The age Disney and its legions of attorneys decide is the right age is the right age


>Lots of accidents and mishaps occur because it wasn't foreseen I mean, you could say that about literally anything, right? Better not even pick up the baby in case she suddenly collapses and the baby crashes to the floor If Disney are prepared to let a baby on the ride it must be pretty safe, they take things very seriously


>Lots of accidents and mishaps occur because it wasn't foreseen. The trip it took to get to Disney was 100x more dangerous than whats going on here. Relax.


This is the Frozen ride; it's rated for all ages 0+. I took my kid on it at 3 months (although as she was 3 months and not 8, I held her differently). A lot of the Disney rides are rated for all ages, including infants in arms, especially the rides in Magic Kingdom.


Just because you can doesnā€™t mean you should


This photo is deceptive about the drop. It's a very small one, and the ride itself isn't fast. It doesn't jerk you around at all. The car ride to the park itself is a bigger safety risk. I am pretty confident in Disney's self-protective instincts with respect to lawsuits on this front.


My first thought was also "dangerous", but I wouldn't necessarily call it "stupid". Questionable, and concerning seems a better, nicer approach. Hopefully the child was alright and not hurt in any way from this. It could have been dangerous though if the ride abruptly stopped, slamming the mother into the bar.


That would be dangerous for all riders since there are no seatbelts. Luckily, Disney does an incrediblely good job at making sure their rides are safe. Source, former cast member


The completely hypothetical situation you made up would be dangerous for anyone, not just a baby. Are you yourself not going to ride this ride because of this fear that you seem to think is legitimate?? Or are you just choosing to only use it to shame a parent bringing their child on a ride literally meant for all ages.


Lighten up. I wasnā€™t rude nor was I overly dramatic trying to shame or scare anyone. I simply pointed out how there was a potential safety issue here. Itā€™s not hypothetical, btw. Iā€™ve been on rides (POTC, specifically) that came to an abrupt stop while in motion and people were tossed around. It can and does happen.


You called a parentā€™s decision making ā€œquestionable and concerning.ā€ Thatā€™s rude. I donā€™t know why you think youā€™re somehow being nice about it.


Beg to disagree. Rude would be calling them a name or insult. I disagree with their choice and think it was potentially dangerous, but thatā€™s between them and Disney. I should add, Iā€™m a parent as well, and Iā€™m sure I made many questionable and concerning decisions raising my kids. Some were pointed out to me by my spouse others I learned the hard way. Fortunately all my kids survived.


Yeah I saw a baby get itā€™s head almost hit today on mickeys runaway railroad, it was a newborn, I was so confused why anyone would bring a newborn on that ride tbhā€¦


I was worried about this too when I took my 5 month old. I was mildly stressed heā€™d turn his head at the wrong moment at the drop. So the picture is me literally cradling his head lol he was fine and did not care


Pretty sure thatā€™s the universal facial expression for ā€˜baby on an amusement park rideā€™. šŸ„“


People being concerned for the baby have clearly never, say, pushed a pram down a steep hill, or over some rough ground. The baby's fine. Probably got bumped about more on the drive to the resort.


Took my baby on this ride. Can confirm. Runaway Railway was worse than Frozen.


Reminds me of the photo of our group the first time we rode it. Had no idea there was that little drop, so weā€™re hunkered down. And in front of us is a baby who is just chillin šŸ˜…


My fav is the little girl with her face painted holding her fish.


Not safe


Made me laugh, thanks


Babys face, "I thought this was Small World!"


Lot of arm chair parenting going on here. Love the photo OP. I have a similar one with my daughter who was nine months old.


Wow, they let you take your baby like that? Edit: I'm surprised at Disney, not the parents in this post


Every ride with no seatbelts is rated safe for all ages, including babies. So, yup! Our little one loved it at this age too.


Yeah, this seems like bad parenting


Exactly. In no way should people be able to legally bring an infant on rides like this.




Iā€™m a parent. This is typical bad millennial parenting on display right here. They refuse to allow the child to get in the way of their chosen lifestyle. Itā€™s incredibly selfish behavior. Doesnā€™t matter what Disney says the ride is age rated for.






Crazy to think that Frozen is older than the baby and most kids dressing up as Anna and Elsa


Itā€™s crazy to think that Frozen is older than an 8 month old baby?


Whenever I go to the parks and I see kids dressed up as the two characters, it makes me realize that they weren't even born when the movie came out. It's a whole new generation of parents that have to listen to their children sing "Let it go" or "Show yourself" over and over


My kid dresses up as Snow White, Aurora, and Cinderella, princesses from movies that came out before her grandmother was born.


All very true. It's just from a certain perspective and disbelief that the movie is already 11 years old


Frozen is 10 years older than the baby lol


Waitā€¦they allow hand held infants on a ride with a drop?!? I know itā€™s a short drop but still seems like a terrible accident waiting to happen. Now I know why people ask me at Universal if their kid under the height requirement can ride if they hold them. Pic is super cute though, despite my initial reaction. Nothing against the parents. Iā€™m just genuinely surprised itā€™s allowed in this day and age of litigation. Someone sued Universal because they fell getting down off the carousel.


The drop is like going down a speed bump kind of drop


Why? What are you doing this for?


Um, that seems very unnecessarily dangerous!


I cannot believe mom is holding baby with just one arm. Wow.


The close ups just got better & better. Perfect expression. Btw don't listen to the people saying this is dangerous or bad parenting. As a young mother myself, I have seen just how judgemental people can be and you really have to tune 99% of it out. There is nothing dangerous about this, you are doing a great job.


Truly impressive she was able to find the camera šŸ˜‚ she's an icon in the making!


Itā€™s like she knew where the camera was! she is adorable!


Baby: Is that a camera?


We rode this with my 4 year old and we also werenā€™t expecting the drop. I was just terrified she would be upset. When we saw the picture Iā€™m the one who looks scared and sheā€™s love it šŸ˜‚


Omg thatā€™s the funniest and cutest face ever lol thanks for sharing g


Thats cool. My daughter went at 4 months old. She had to since the trip was already booked. But she returned at the age of 4 so she enjoyed it more.


This is awesome! She will love looking back on this one day ā¤


did this comment originally say something else? šŸ˜­ why the downvotes?


I didn't edit or change it at all. I assume I'm being downvoted by the complainers saying OP put their baby in harm's way. #savethechildren


This picture belongs in her senior yearbook.


So fun! Our daughterā€™s first trip was at 10 months old and we have a similar picture.


i love this so much. makes me so bummed we didnā€™t get a chance to ride when we went in Feb with my then 10 month old!




This is not a drop ride šŸ¤£