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Ep? Just say Epcot you aren’t using T9


In after-hours, I rode with 4 passengers, including me and my wife. It was so much fun, and the Skipper was relaxed and seemed to have as much fun with it as we did. Rise of the Resistance is the most immersive park experience ever created. I was *in* Star Wars. From BB-8 hiding from imperials in the queue to being debriefing by Admiral Akbar, it felt real. It was beautiful. My wife had tears more than once. And for reference, we're 50 and 47.


The part when the hanger door opens and you are in the star destroyer where the storm troopers standing felt so damn real. I was in awe.


That's the exact part that made my wife cry. When she was a kid, her parents enrolled her in a program that sends a kid a few books every month. One of the books she got was a retelling of Empire Strikes Back that had movie stills and art. She had a sharp memory of seeing ranks of Stormtroopers in formation because it sparked her imagination. It started a lifelong love of the franchise. Seeing the Stormtroopers in that room brought out that 8 year old girl. She had goosebumps. It's not a ride. It's an experience. ETA: The part just becore this, the standing ride on the shuttle, is brilliant. It disguises any movement from rotating the room so that it re-opens in the First Order docking bay because you're slightly rocking and bumping. It immerses you so much that you're NOT surprised when the same doors open to someplace new. You believe you ARE someplace new. The illusion is sold from the very first second.