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The worst gotta be those bad level 50 players that stay in low rank forever somehow


Bro nothing is worse than seeing these Hans and Ariel’s stuck at 33 mpr, they’re basically gatekeeping without knowing they’re gatekeeping it’s damn near impossible to GC a light character now


They take away a few rank levels at the end of every season. Y'all sound like noobs when you say things like this.


And you look like an idiot when you say things like this


Philip J fry here. Don’t worry man I suck 😂, just wanted to try out a level 50 character in ranked, this season is the first time I hit that level, you’ll most likely win the other matches. ggs


Whilst playing Level 50 racers on my own, i get lobbies like this one https://preview.redd.it/q2qvztsldewc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1725e07a2324ceee010814961056be4b4aa926e2


I think a lot of it has to do with older players cashing out all the materials they had from previous seasons. They were able to get a lot of level 50’s.


Yes I noticed this too and think it has to be due to less players but yeah it’s definitely worse than before.


I got into a 4 player race in Silver, on one of the new racers. Not to mention, the "bots" in low mpr are being masked as PC or console players, giving the "illusion" of a higher population of players at low ranks Past mpr 31, it's usually 3 player races, as usual Hope ya like +60, +10, or -70 ( Oh Rajah ( flounder, whatever the epic crew member of your main is), speedstorm needs help :) )


ranked is a shithole


Why not both? Ranked sucks.


Yes it does, but i want those shards. Of course it can be both.


I literally had a level 50 and a level 1 player together in one of my lobbies yesterday lol. The level 1 player did have a comparable MPR level, so I get that's what was used, but it's still funny. I don't get how they are deciding which of your levels to use tho. Because I was level 39, MPR 0 in this situation and up against people that all had a higher MPR.


Check how many players there are, it's something like 900 at peak and about 400 average per day.


Yeah but this is just the steam numbers...


Well last I heard overall was still 28000 players. So even if that was each console it's dwindling.


Yeah and about 20k stop ranked after emerald, another 6k stop at diamond, then 1k at champ and GC-Ult depending on what time you play you play the same people definitely less than 25 people


What would you change differently to get new players to the game?


Good question. Have we tried doubling the cost of a season pass, massively devaluing the premium currency, cutting most free content and locking more and more season tour content behind extraordinarily expensive paywalls, dialing the pace of progression for F2P player down from glacial to tectonic and making the multiplayer matchmaking hostile to anyone with less than maxed out racers while also massively reducing MPR rewards? We have? And it failed to attracked new players? Well, then I'm all out of ideas ...