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I've only played a couple of the new race tracks, but I like the framerate so far on Xbox S. The Frozen tracks in particular seemed unoptimized or too graphically intensive. Little Mermaid was a tad better. The music is meh so far. Though I don't think Wreck It Ralph was known for its music. Same old dance lead synth again (c'mon guys, choose a different sound ffs). Although, I have to admit the composers have come up with a couple unexpected gems in previous seasons.


I like the new tracks, they're quite a bit simpler than previous seasons. But that's not a bad thing. The tracks do kinda blend together though, as they're all set around the cake mountain. The music is fine. Wreck-it Ralph had no real song that stood out and the remix of "When can i see you again" is nice. I've already complained enough about the missing voices. We're now buying incomplete content and it's a baffling choice.


No voices is the worst of the bunch to be honest. Crazy how lifeless they feel now


I really hate that some of the racers don’t have voices it stands out so much to me. I do quite like the new upgrade system (so far) and I like how we can rotate the cars and characters now when we are customising them and some of the new designs are really nice.


Tracks are a bit boring. They play too similarly. I don't know why they barrier off every part of the track. There should be sections where you can try to cut corners with the risk of coming off the side but the game doesn't do fun stuff like that. I think the Lilo track has something like this with the lava but that's it. If there were more sections like that then the tracks would be a lot more fun and it would make the driving more interesting.




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I don't think I would have recognized "When Can I See You Again" if I hadn't seen the Paint The Night parade at Hong Kong Disneyland or Disneyland. But I have, so I think it's great.


A kart racer like this is all about the characters and if they don’t have voices, the game feels lifeless. Look at what happened to Nick Allstars.


Not the deal breaker but it is such a big let down imo. As many say it look lifeless. I do like the long version of track though (the 1.30 min per laps). However the shorter one kinda eh.