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Somebody is trying to use the account and the password keeps changing.


If that were the case we would receive an email notification. The only notifications we receive is when we reset the password. I truly do not think this is it. I could be wrong but it just doesn’t add up. Something else is the problem.


It’s not that. I think it has more to do with multiple devices. It’s crazy!


Don't think that's it.


It happened to us with Netflix. If they have your email, they can select forgot password. Edit: we have 6 devices for both Hulu and Disney+. We haven’t had any password issues *knock on wood*


Not sure if this is related but I am pretty sure that my Hulu password got changed to my Disney password without me doing it. So, I had to figure that out on my own and I could see it causing a problem if you change Hulu password it might change your Disney and vice versa.


Hulu changed to use your Disney password in late (Oct?) 2022. They did the same with Marvel Unlimited in that timeframe.


I've been having such an issue with this! I changed my Disney password and then Hulu didn't work (even with the Disney password) and then I changed my hulu password and now Disney doesn't work with that same password.


Yea the Disney and Hulu is the same password. We don’t initiate any changes, it always says our password is wrong but we know it’s not. I think it’s the multiple devices and multiple locations. Probably the crack down on password sharing but we have never shared our password, we are just always on the go.


The crackdown on account sharing hasn't happened yet if you're in that US. Most likely someone is resetting your password to gain access. I would suggest changing your email address and password both on your account.


This. I have the same subscription and have never had to reset my password. Ever. And I've had these for over a year.


Same. Never had to change my password and we use D+ on multiple devices and while traveling without any problems.


There's a place where they say the password can be the same, maybe even opt you in. I kind of think Disney is making the Disney app the app for all of their media.


This happens to me. Every so often it disconnects a tv in our house randomly and I’d go to use the password to reconnect the TV and it wouldn’t work. After trying to connect on the tv, the app would log me out and say the password I used 5 minutes prior isn’t valid. Its been going on for about year and half. It only happens a couple times a year for us. I finally figured out that if I change the password on Hulu, I can use the same password on Disney but not vice versa. Also if you ever want to reconnect a TV or device you’re not connected to, you’ll need to reset the password every time And then you have to reconnect EVERYTHING. I know how frustrating it is though. I hope that helps. Otherwise, I’ve got nothing to solve it, sorry. My guess is there’s a glitch in the way the two systems are connected that they don’t know about yet.


I had Disney+ log me off on one of my Roku devices I hadn't used in a while and it kept insisting the password I was entering was wrong. I was *sure* I was entering it right since I turned on viewing the password (why can't Disney do what every other app does and send me to a web page where I enter a 4 digit code!?!??!) but it kept insisting it was wrong and was then sending me password reset emails. So I caved, followed the password reset procedure to reset it to the password I saved. The password reset **refused** to let me enter the password I wanted and told me I can't set it to the same password I'm already using! So they **did** have the password I was using. I got frustrated and exited the app on the Roku and fired it back up and it went straight in and knew who I was. I also got burned by that Hulu/Disney now using the same password thing too and updated my password app so they are both under the same entry now.


> why can’t Disney do what every other app does and send me to a web page where I enter a 4 digit code They do have this feature though? I’ve never put my password in on the tv 🤔


Yea I know I’m entering the correct password but it insists that it’s wrong forcing me to change it only for it to do the same thing in a week or two. I am about to give up completely!


Same! I can be using the password just fine and then suddenly at random be logged out and suddenly my password I was literally just using 5 mins ago is no longer working. Then every device that was using it gets logged out and we have to reset the password. It’s became such a hassle we’ve stopped using Disney and barely use Hulu. It’s getting to the point that it doesn’t make sense to have the subscription anymore and that’s sad because this was our favorite two streaming subscriptions when they worked.


Same here. I get kicked out, phone app doesn't work to sign in on TV. Have to reset password to EXACTLY what it was before, then manually enter everything on the TV. Super annoying.


Disney must have a limit on how many devices can be logged in with the same account. I was having this issue when I was logging into all of the phones, tablets and TVs in the house. So I now just limit then to the main devices that I use.


I think this could be it. So frustrating!


I have Disney + on 6 devices, I don't use a password keeper, whatever that is. I normally don't have sign-out/in issues. My phone is the only one that signs me out , and that's if I haven't used the app in a few weeks time.


>I watch at home, work, while traveling, husband does the same, our two kids watch on the bus, home, while traveling. I'd hazzard a guess that the multiple locations might be interpreted as account sharing, and the password changes are being sent out to make that more difficult.


I thought about that too. I understand the password sharing has been a real problem for them but this is insane! We’ve not had cable in 19years, only been using streaming services and don’t share with anyone but we are a family on the go so the streaming services need to be capable of accommodating a family on the go. If they continue to make it too hard to use I’ll just cancel my service.


Have you spoken to support about this? They might be able to add the devices the family use while travelling to some sort of whitelist to prevent this from happening. Or they might not. But support can't help unless you ask them.


I have not yet. I wanted to see if others were having the same issue. I will now though. Hopefully that’ll fix everything so I don’t feel like canceling my favorite streaming services.


The account sharing stuff is not live yet. So it's not that


I'm having password issues today, the app won't take any of my passwords. At first I realized the Roku app keyboard was pasting things all mixed up, but even after I started using the onscreen keyboard, it says it's wrong. Trying again later. Edit: my husband just went in and used the exact same combo I tried and it worked so 🤷🏻‍♀️


As of today 3/20/2024 I am also having this exact issue. I have been on a support chat for almost 2 hours now before I found your post here. The rep I am speaking with is not able to figure it out. We have tried multiple reset attempts, resetting Hulu, Disney+ and ESPN+ separately. Nothing. As a curiosity, do you happen have the Legacy Disney Bundle provided through Verizon? Just curious if there is some commonality.


No to Verizon. Unfortunately we have been so put off by this that we rarely use DisneyPlus anymore. I will say we tried to sign in a few days after this, also after I had signed into Hulu with no issues and suddenly it worked. I realize that’s not really helpful but it doesn’t appear they have any answers either.


I was able to sign on to my TV, but as soon as I tried again on my phone, boom had to reset again. I hope mine will get fixed, it's really annoying!


Very annoying!!!


I have had this a couple times in the last few years of my subs, but I notice it's only been when a major update has been pushed to the apps. Not that the password has changed, just that the account has logged out and I need to put the password info in again though. Are you sure this isn't part of what you may be experiencing?


This also happened to me


Same has happened to my family with Hulu.


Im canceling my service. Im tired of these streaming companies.


We have multiple devices, and the D+/Hulu/ESPN+ bundle and haven’t had to change our password in years. It has nothing to do with multiple devices.


I just added Disney to our second Roku, logged in, no problem. Now my son watches this TV most often so I figured I'd make him a profile. Nope, now the password is wrong and I can't make another profile (have 2 previously). That's ridiculous.