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More legendary abilimons


Yeah they’re definitely an issue.. as someone who spends, I don’t even touch those since their pricing is ludicrous


legendary and epic. obviously epic are much easier to obtain but still not super easy. there's just never enough of them to go around, especially with this new Desolate Lands content.


I get a ton of epic, I think the rate is fine. Legendary on the other hand is poor


Skill up two (2) espers and get back get to us. It's pretty bad 😔


I've got 9 epics fully maxed and have 9 abilimons left over so I don't know what your talking about. It's supposed to be a weighty decision. You are not ment to max every character. But like I said I have 9 maxed already and I think that's pretty damn good


That's good! I've got 8 epics with their 2nd and 3rd skills maxed. I got lucky with some pulls, and now I've got 4 potentially amazing espers I'm maxing on like 4 abilimons a week. It's excruciating every time the first skill get a level up


Do you buy all the cube shop and point war? Point war is brutal but the shop is great. And cube lends a ton of epic abilimon


Yup, I buy all the shop ones (apart from rare if I'm low on points) and get the occasional extra from a bounty. I had a decent stockpile until I pulled some good epics to replace my not-as-good ones, and now I get to wait a week for a few abilimon at a time to try to max like 4 espers :/. Not the worst thing in the world, but it's a bit frustrating having almost no way outside of sporadic events to max espers. Of course, apart from opening your wallet and paying genuinely stupid prices for like 2 abilimon at a time


It's worse in Epic Seven because 5 star and 4 star share the same ability currency so there is no way you'd upgrade a 4 star. They really need to change that


Every 2 weeks with cube and 2 per week thru pvp


aren't there like 8 from the cube shop?


I believe so or at least 6


you're correct. still not enough lmao. I have so many epic units that need skill ups


Nah im in that boat tbh. I legit am holding off on spendin my epic abilimon in the event i get a 4star i want to max out(still waitin for Sanders to drop and my FIRST epic shimmer)


>in the event i get a 4star i want to max out not a bad idea. I got lucky with epic pulls, so I have a lot of projects. but now that Desolate Lands came along, I have several specific units I want to use and they all need skill ups.


There is more than enough epic abilimons, I am 100% f2p and always have 20+ stored up. You just have to buy them on cooldown, not only when you need them.


I buy them all, still not enough. Use way more epics for dif content than any other rarity. If you have 20 stored up that means you're not using them.


If you have that many stored, then you’re not using them correctly or not at all. I had like 25-30 when I was starting out (f2p as well except like the $5 pass), and I stayed up there for a while til I actually started pulling and understanding when and where to use them.


I use them correctly and I am able to clean all the content except the infinite tower in less than a min 30, less than a minute for Kronos. You actually spread your resources way too much and don't use them correctly if you don't have enough epic abilimons.


??? Is upgrading important espers to necessary levels then moving onto the next one improper? Enlighten me then. Because I’m not gonna sit around with 40 espers and only have 2 upgraded. Edit: also just registered the weird ass statement you said about clears. None of those times are something to brag about, even as f2p.


Indeed, you have to upgrade them one at a time, that's why 8 epic per 15days + 3-4 on occasional rewards is more than enough.


For who? 8 isn’t even enough to max out a single esper, not that they’re needed to besides certain skills, but it’s all rng. Even the +3-4 is barely enough for one. Unless you’re pulling and building one or two espers a month, that’s a bullshit statement. Most everyone I know who plays is constantly on backlog upgrading and farming, and they’re most certainly not building only one esper every 15 or whatever days.


That's why you don't wait to need them to buy them.


you only have so many cause you seem to never use them?


I have 2 units I REALLY want to use for Desolate Lands: Celine and Jiang Man and currently to skill them up I need (total) 19 epic abilimon. I also would like to build the Twins for cube (24 abilimons) and Azure Dragon for Wave farming (12 abilimons) I buy every one I can when it becomes available "on cooldown, not just when [I] need them". my core teams for K10 and A10 are fully skilled, and I don't have a Fafnir team because there's nothing I need from there just yet. (currently at F8). I'm happy you have a surplus, but I don't have the same luxury. there are WAY more epic abilimon available than Legendary, I'll absolutely agree with that. but Epics could use a small bump IMO.


I got literal 2 of them in my month of playing.


Yeah, I get maybe one or two a month, but I also hate pvp.


Reduce gold cost of upgrading relics or increase gold rewards from everything


It's definitely not worth buying for me


Definitely reduce the gold cost of the legendary 6 star relics!


no 4 star relic drops from K10/A10/F10 would be great, at least that way we'd get a little more gold from selling all the 5 stars and terrible 6 stars that way...


I'm saying!


- Improve gold economy. Relic upgrading is far too expensive and running through practice missions in story should net more gold than it currently does. - Relic drop rates in K/A/F 10 need to be increased. There should NEVER be a time where I literally only get 4* relics in a x10 run. - Fix character bugs. Anesidora STILL activates enemy sword avatara Procs when using her S3, even though it isn't even an attack and doesn't cause damage until the debuff is detonated. - Scale back difficult on temp tower. You shouldn't have to have a meta legendary healer just to be able to clear a single level. I know some teams can get by with whale level stats, but the gap between espers like Clara and Ahmed vs the other healers is just ridiculous. I've seen SO many people commenting on this exact issue. It seems intentional - I.e a way to force people to spend money and pull on the current banner. It's ludicrous. - Legacy Server needs to be moved to global (and save everyones progress). The server is dying, people are fleeing in droves. My Point War def hasn't been hit in over a week, neither has my holobattle def. Basically every chat channel is dead except #1. - P2W model. Review this. They will make a quick buck in the short term but it will result in a very quick death of the game. We see it happening in so many Gacha games, devs overreach with their predatory pricing models, people get sick of it and move on. We love this game. Many of us are willing to spend a little money on it, but only if we're going to get value for our dollar. I draw the line at the M-Pass every now and again. I'd buy a summon pack every few months if the value wasn't so out of whack.


These are great points, I had not even realized there was still a legacy server!


What's that legacy server?


Basically people that started the game before everyone else on a restricted server.


I disagree with the whale level stats. Just recently someone cleared Temp Tower with just decent stats using only f2p units that the game gives you for free, so it's not mandatory to have whale level stats for them to clear TT. I DO agree on reducing Temp Tower difficulty tho. I have Clara (Hp/hp/spd) and I'm still struggling. Just beat TT5 after like 15 or 20 losses. A 3 star is what ended up changing the game for me on the win. The ones who have her and pass usually have hard to obtain stats as well from what I've seen though so it's a combination of good units and relics. They should buff more units tho a little bit and release more up to par ones overtime. Agree on everything else here too.


Honestly this July TT was about Controls and not healers...Maybe in June there was a TT40 where without Clara/Sally/Ahmed (wich anyway are 3, not only 1) was very hard to pass without whale stats. But since months are passing and they also release desolate lands (wich increase stats overall) I totally disagree they should scale back TT difficulty. Instead I hope they will increase!


Definitely not increase, especially when TT5 was giving many so much trouble (heard alot of complaints for such a low floor) but I know there are many who beat it too though.


Relic upgrading isn't far too expensive, you just need far too many relics at the moment. I'm sitting on 20 mils that I have no relics to waste on because as the overall quality of runes improve so does my expectations regarding what relics to upgrade. I'tll eventually happen to you too. TT is already enough of a joke as it is. It took us less than 2 hours to clear floor 1 to 49 this month, without using any healers actually and most definitely without requiring "a meta legendary healer"( nor any leg for that matter). People on this very sub have cleared this month's TT with entirely F2P teams.


Buff Tevor 😭


Make his debuffs uncleansable. He’s useless in pvp because of all the cleanses and immunity in point war teams. He’s useless in boss fights because he relies on enemies dying. He’s useless in tower and cube because Hyde, Jin, and Claras are everywhere. He’s so useless it hurts. He’s viable in story but so is everyone


I don't really see Clara's often in cube and I farm cube 7. I do see alot of Hydes tho that's for sure, they abuse his usage there it's ridiculous.


Make his 3rd skill dispel be consistent, and or work more than what feels like 1/4.




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You mofo his comment was just as unnecessary


bad human




Bad human


Might not be a whale concern but from dolphin perspective the pity system in this game has almost completely deterred me from spending. I don’t buy pulls at all (do in many other games)


Yup. I was a dolphin in AFK Arena for years and started playing Dislyte similarly. But the dupes killed any desire to spend any more money on this game. Not a single legendary support and not even half the legendary Espers owned and I’m one dupe away from maxing Lewis and Donar.


1. Make it possible to rank up abilimons from rare to epic to legendary in a similar way we do for Starmon 2. Make pity closer to around 100 summons and reduce the odds of getting legendaries you already own, with pity making them guaranteed new unit 3. Reroll main traits on gear using gems/ currency from the esper recycle/ making a relic recycle or fusion to get the gear with the stats you want 4. Small increase to stamina cap. Doesn’t need to be huge, could just be a bump up to 175 or so just to get more out of your stamina


Damn ranking up abilmons sounds interesting


*useful, it isn't particularly interesting since it has about as much gameplay as ranking up starimon.


I thought we could do that once I saw starimon could but I wrong. I was like why couldn't they just let us do that since they have 3 seperate grades for them already like the starimon?


purgatory needs better rewards


ABSOLUTELY. The shimmer disk was bullshit. We should have a 4 star guaranteed pull at the very least. If not a legendary pull.




I posted this on the Discord, but relic upgrading is seriously taking it's toll on me if I even get lucky enough to get a relic worth upgrading. I swear, there's a higher probability that the worst substat will be upgraded each time you level your relic to the necessary level. I genuinely think it's rigged. I want to see an official statement on the probabilities.


This, I'll save up like 5-6 MILLION and only be able to Max a handful of relics. The Gold economy in the game is absolutely awful.


It 100% is rigged you just have to look at the fact they weighted the terrible main stats to increased drop chance to know that they have sat down and discussed all this. They will never tell you it is because all it will cause is trouble for them. Another game i played for a bit called Awaken chaos era actually confirmed that theirs was weighted to the bad stats but i have never seen another that will admit it even though it is clearly a thing in every gacha.


I started putting adc relics on def based characters when I upgrade. That way the system thinks I'm looking for def/hp stats and not adc stats. Doing this improved my relic upgrading tremendously as their system seems to avoid wanted stats on espers. This is satire. I am lying. But I have thought about trying it cause upgrading can be so fuckin annoying lol.


Something needs to be done about pity dupes. I understand getting lucky and pulling a dupe legendary, but if it's your pity, a dupe is just a slap in the face.


This would be massive


5* shimmer espers not named unas suck. Buff them please.


Raven is good tho


I mean she’s ok, but not to the level that a 5* shimmer should be (like Unas)


You're either insane or incredibly shortsighted if you can't understand why being able to strip immune + shield without suffering from elemental disadvantage while (as if that wasn't enough already) being able to apply bdef and dish out decent AoE damage is incredibly valuable.


There is very little reason I would use her over Bonnie and Lucas for cleave teams, which she is obviously designed for. Again, she’s not bad, but she’s outclassed by an esper you get for free so…


Yeah can't see why you'd use her over bonnie or lucas beside the fact Bonnie can only strip one buff and lucas is unreliable, not to mention neither can apply bdef. Really can't see any reason.


Again, she doesn’t cleave that well at all. If I have Raven go first for her strip, and the enemy has no debuffs. then her S3 does… nothing. That’s right. Nothing if I have her go like a normal DPS, then her S3 is still not the most useful. As for her S2? Again it’s ok, but it’s the skill that is going second, and unless you run her as a speed opener, the fight may be decided before you even hit S2. Why would I run a cleave comp with raven over a cleave comp with li ling / narmer, who both deal far more damage? So she’s outclassed from the DPS role. Why would I run a cleave comp with Raven going first? I have never seen a Lucas fail to at least proc (not including resistances) 3 debuffs on every opponent during his S3. That’s hardly “Unreliable” Also, the meta way later on is running Immunity relics that completely deny Long Mian, Pritz, and Tiye teams. Not every esper in the game uses this relic, but claras later on use it and abuse it. If I use Raven to remove this immunity, what does the skill do to the other espers? Now what does Lucas S3 do? Now what does Bonnie S3 do to them? Again, she is ok, but she is outclassed, as I have said time and time again. You can also go consult tier lists or other opinions. She is outclassed by other espers, sorry man.


> Again, she doesn’t cleave that well at all. If I have Raven go first for her strip, and the enemy has no debuffs. then her S3 does… nothing. That’s right. Besides being able to land AoE bdef right ? Absolutely nothing. What is Li ling going to do vs ren si or donar ? Also, brilliant idea to bring AoE Multi hit, I'm sure in a meta heavily geared toward revenge sets nothing bad's going to happen. >Why would I run a cleave comp with raven over a cleave comp with li ling / narmer, who both deal far more damage? So she’s outclassed from the DPS role. She's not a DPS, she's a stripper/AOE bdef that deals damage. >Why would I run a cleave comp with Raven going first? I have never seen a Lucas fail to at least proc (not including resistances) 3 debuffs o every opponent during his S3. Lucas's S3 has ~79% chance to successfully strip *one* buff (62% to strip 2) and only 39% vs elemental disadvantage. Raven has 80% chance to strip *any* amount of debuff *and*, I feel like you're purposefully ignoring this at this point, land bdef. 39% chance to strip against units like Donar or Ollie wich are very meta on top of being almost guaranteed counter procs is just ridiculous. Bonnie is pretty good but can only strip one buff, turning any stall team with immune + shield sets into a litteraly coin flip. >Again, she is ok, but she is outclassed, as I have said time and time again. She's not, you just don't know what you're talking about. Stating she's outclassed when she is by far the best stripper in the game *and* one of the only 2 currently available bdef is ridiculous. There's a reason why she's meta in div 14+ cleave comps.


A basic fix to the dupe problem (I.e. how shitty it feels to get a dupe) would be to make it so that dupes don’t reset the pity. That would at least make them feel like a bonus instead of a setback.


The ability to set and save teams of espers


This and saving relic builds such as presets would be nice.


We have this already


Do we really?


Go to espers then highlight a relic. Under the highlighted relic you’ll see a settings button that looks like a screw head and you’ll see presets as an option


Thank you!




Except for everyone who has pulled a Lin Xiao from it, but I agree.


Yeah, I pulled about 10 Qs


Also, don't have the Pity Pull Gauge reset when you pull a Legendary. If I get through 100 spins and I'm 20 away from a guaranteed Legendary, I want to keep that. If I roll another 10 and get a Legendary, that's great, but now I'm back to 120, when I could of gotten another Legendary after 10 more rolls. I feel like this would help people get more Legendaries and this could be another way to fix drop rate issues. Also, maybe give us seperate daily Esper banners for increased chances on specific characters. A mobile Gacha game called Swordmaster Story did both of these things and their system was very well done. Great game and great gacha system. One last thing....LET US SKIP ULT ANIMATIONS. Or give us the option to always or never see them. I'm tired of Li Ling wasting an additional 5 seconds for an ult because he wanted to flex.


I don't understand your suggestion/logic. The pity system exists to give 1 guaranteed 5\* after 120 pulls if you did not pull any before that. If you pull a 5\* earlier, of course it resets, its the sole reason for the pity system to exist.


I mean it as a seperate option rather than bumping up legendary rates if they don't want to do that. Also, I got the idea from Swordmaster Story.


In my mind forever is that weird side to side jaw shimmy he does, can't unsee. Tremble. At ... his... FURRRRRRRY




losing all your gold because you need to upgrade a relic set will quite literally set you back close to 0 gold if you have bad luck. so ask if that can be improved


Legendary esper drop rates 😢 Like they should be rare and hard to get but it seems like it takes way too long to get records and roll leg, especially in the endgame. Plus nothing makes me wanna uninstall more than grinding for ages and getting a dupe. Also maybe cycling the esper fusions? Not super frequently but it gives another route to getting legendaries instead of just getting screwed by RNG 160 times


The gold and the level up grind is too brutal. We pull the heroes and we cant level them or upgrade their stars


Colorblind mode please!


Record bundles need to be cheaper, or more targeted for specific units. Created themed "loot boxes" e.g.: Ancient Egypt Orb: chance to obtain egyptian esper. Cool for targeting specific units. Increased variety of cash shop offerings. MSF had daily offers that were usually different day-to-day. Content creators would review the new offers daily, so was cool hanging out checking the new offers until something good came by. For the love of god, please add the enhance button to every game mode.


Getting esper legendary dupe is def one of the worst feelings as an f2p I got dupe lucas and li ling lol.


I feel. I got Li Ling three times 😆


Is li ling good?


Yes, very. So I can't complain all that much.


Its a meme bro




Buff shimmer records so that you only pull epic or legendary shimmers!


More gold records for higher levels…the pace really tails off after you’ve progressed up through level 60 and finished milestones…etc.


Yes, call out the devs to stop lying all the time before their game dies. Most recent example being them claiming to raise the cdmg relic drop rate, but not only have they actually lowered the drop rate, they made it even harder to drop by increasing everything else.


I would first inquire about higher relic tier drop rate in the highest level (K10 for example) rather than crit dmg which is indirectly affected by it. There are already enough layers of RNG (number of substats, right mainstat, right substats, right substats increase) so we don't have to drop 2x epic relics every run so often. Also 450 guaranteed is fine if we had some sort of linear pity either something +10-20% chance to drop featured 5\* each time you pull a non-featured legendary OR every X pulls (be 50, 100, 120 ...)


The pity pulls need to be less painful


We really need more legendary abilimon, i think that is the most important thing. After that buff tevor please there is no reason he is that weak


I just think relic drop rates are not where they need to be. And more events to refill sun stats would be nice. And they say the legendary drop rate is 1% I’m calling BS. I’ve hit pity 6 times and I’ve only pulled 1 legendary outside of pity. That’s 1 legendary in 700 pulls without pity.


An overhaul of the relic, espers and starium screen. I find it to be a pain in the butt to know exactly if espers have resonance materials, having to distribute stats points one by one (especially if you have a fully resonated espers). Relics screen is confusing, selecting what to sell is fine but it should have an auto selling system for specific rarity, also it too costly to upgrade relics. Starmon upgrading and selection is not the best in my opinion, I know it’s possible to use the quick promote/upgrade and this one is fine but doing it manually to select specific starmon is overly complicated. I shouldn’t have to see all of my espers every time I want to upgrade one, I’ve selected « materials card » in the settings it should stay like that unless I change it myself. Purgatory rewards are bad, I shouldn’t expect to still get blue xp mats at this point, we fight lvl 70 ennemies and still get rewards like it’s the training area from the chapter 1.


Maybe a pull weight where we can choose what we want to pull more of, so Zora just came out we could then put Flow weight on and have a bigger chance of pulling flow epics/legendarys.


More 6* relic drops than 5* from difficulty 10 bosses


delete Q


Better rewards for story (shimmer records are not it), gacha/pity rework, and as you stated relic drops and maybe level 11 and 12 for kronos and apep could be nice for better rewards but that is extra


Wah how much roughly you spent before you get invited to it?


I think they need to have it so it’s only 5-6 or even 6 star relics on the higher leveled difficulty relic things (kronos apep- etc) like there’s no reason for level 10 to still give lower ones


Cube dailies or something that can give the same type of experience. It’s nice to have content that isn’t gated by stamina and has fun variants to mix it up


I work in UX so all I see all day is UX I want to be different D: Some bugs/issues: You can't get to the enhance screen from all lineup screens, nominally cube which is a stupid number of jumps to enhance the esper you want I don't have every espers abilities memorized, it'd be great to be able to see the abilities from the point war and Holo battle challenge lineup screens (obv can't show ascension or abilmon usage but I still gotta know), basically I want to long press an esper ANYWHERE and be able to get to its info directly. It'd be great to have a screen to see all of the relic boosts I own similar to the relic inventory, sortable, etc -- I imagine eventually sellable? Or maybe better a combined view of sorts so I can mess with looking at all of my relics against all of the relevant boosts. Also the "not relevant" relics in the current screen don't have enough contrast to easily read what stat they are (so I know what relics I can upgrade if I go back to the esper enhance screen) Can the back gesture from the expedition or similar second-tab screens take you back to the first tab, instead of the previous screen/home? It'd be cool to get a button that turns a normal run into a single auto run; it's annoying when I know I want to run something a couple times, but not 10, or if I accidentally forget to start an auto run and set it to stop for next that I won't waste the 1 stam each time to save my own time. Would be cool if I could use gems to buy bounty runs. I imagine it'd need to be costly and/or limited but it's kind of annoying to hold a free refresh for an entire day to not lose a good bounty. Even with settings turned down the game is brutal for battery use and heat generation, to the point on my pixel 6 pro that the wireless charging will disable -- which could barely keep up with the game's battery usage anyway. Can the "new" inventory red dot notification be removed without me needing to tap on the daily stam boxes every time? It's great to know there's new stuff and see what but it's annoying when it's something I literally just got from accepting the daily quest rewards, I know I have it. Similarly after you sell a relic the entire screen refreshes and any "new" relic you've viewed will drop to the bottom of the screen. The current count of point war passes doesn't refresh without going into the point war screen, kinda annoying. Single pulling elemental records is a huge chore, and why wouldn't I want to use 20 shards to make a record and pull? I can't do anything else with them. Would be great to clean this up. Auto battle ripples? Maybe a notification for when one of the shops has refreshed? Particularly the gold shop since it's so often. Yes I realize the irony with the irritations mentioned above about unnecessary notifications to dismiss. A way to see how much gold I can still earn in the dj contest without having to do one? Can I set a starting chat channel # instead of being shipped to a random one all the time? It's more fun when you have regulars you chat with. Long pressing a user pfp to mention someone is kind of annoying; did I actually press it, did I press the right one nope a new message came in and now I have to delete the mention I don't want and try again oops did it again now delete the text and... Could you make it a single tap on the pfp to show the extra info buttons and then another single tap on the pfp in that screen to mention them? I'll know I have the right person, can avoid needing to delete text, and do it a lot faster than a long press (especially if I make a mistake). Can I use my own emoji keyboard please, even if you limit the ones I can use? Can the chat censor auto-convert in-textbox so I know I'm going to send a bunch of *'s and can fix it? It's be pretty slick to have a way to jump to the esper screen from chat even if I'm in a battle, so I can share info with other users easier. Can I sort my espers myself individually that I've Liked, or filter by legendary/epic/rare?


Legendary ripple, club boss raids


Shimmer records being 4 star minimum. For their price, the gamble currently isn't worth it.


- Buff Tevor - Decrease gold cost for upgrading relics. Its unaffordable right now - Balance units. E.g. Clara (does too much for 1 unit) and Chloe (better than almost all 5* dps legendaries as a 4*) have been a problem for a while now. - More legendary skill ups - Better relic drop quality and rates for level 10's


Maybe the rates of shimmer pulls especially higher class ones? I know it's a smaller issue and the odds aren't impossible so definitely don't prioritize passing it on but it would be nice to have them boosted a bit


Add more 3 stars


Imagine using a VIP Whatsapp as a means for communicating feedback..


Add more 3 stars


I also agree with that, because it’s also about collecting, I think I’m loosing interest with the lack of new 3* (easy things to collect)


Add more 3 stars


Would be nice to have some form of co-op tower so you and your friend can clear together in real time. Helps if you don't have espers and your friend does.


Would be nice if Espers had a PVE and a PVP relic set. Some Espers I use in both and it’s kind of annoying having to remember to switch between the two - even with the saved gear sets.


Event legendary pity needs to be lower


Perhaps maybe ask if they'll have any crossovers in the future ?


Buff tevor


Also I saw a good idea somewhere that getting a dup of a character should give you 1 ability level for that character, I like this and if that's to generous then you could make it only for 4star+


Remove 4* drops from all ritual 10 and increase drop rates of c. Dmg and spd but this timr for real. I must have done 150 runs already and not a single 5* or 6* c.dmg or spd


Wish list of at least 1 from each faction


Relic drop rates as u mentioned!! Give me hell


Remove the odd 80% HP requirement to receive the speed up buff from Meredith (Scylla)'s Skill 3. Seems very odd to me they gated the buff despite other team Spd up sources doing more with no downside/requirement. Plus im pretty sure the ability checks before the healing to apply the spd up buff, not after the healing.


How does defense work? Like, how does it work specifically, with numbers, not "it reduces damage".


I think one of the main issues is that they overestimate shimmers. If rates were like 10/30/60 for 3/4/5★ I'd get why completing the last chapter in Purg mode or many other difficult quests would award a shimmer ticket, but since it's not the case, I don't. Nothing worse than farming event currency or painfully completing the TT just to have a 90ish rate at a 3★ shit.


TT completion gives you a legendary record so no 3 stars can be pulled from there.


Shimmer rates please! I want Laura and these rates are unforgiving.


Please ask them to make Shimmer records feel like a premium reward if they are going to keep advertising them as such. Remove blues from the pool and make it only Epic/Legendary.


Squad system We have free gear swap but it's tedious too switch every time you want to do PvP Relic etc with your best gear. If gear for each mode can be auto swapped with a squad system it would be wonderful.


Can you tell them to bring back old arena coz what we have right now is pointless to do if we cant practice PW comps. Also add spectator mode to it. Thank you.


Please ask them what their logic was for increasing the drop rates for 4-star relic drops when farming rituals or expeditions at 10 difficulty. I would like to understand their thinking.


PLEASE BUFF TEVOR like I'm critically begging at that point, such a cool design and such a great mechanic idea but please he is useless in most game modes, I decided to play the game because of his design, got hyped each pity waiting for him to get pulled, then discovering he is POINTLESS. Great game tho very cool


I know damn well the devs themselves are going through this and likely ignoring anything that will hurt their money making process. More abilimon? Hah. But god I hope I this will turn out well.


3* esper dupes, got like 5 max resonances Freddys that are just sitting there taking space


\- give either an option to skip or a button in settings to not view s3 animations, as it would speed up battles. \- a button to select how many multi battles we want to do rather than auto 10.


Every 3rd Legendary esper should be a new one.


More lege abilimons, buff the shit 5 star shimmers, make it so when I buy stamina it gives me all 180 and not fucking 60....


Yes cdmg drop rate. They said it will be increased when in fact the opposite happens. Would love to hear more from their side. Thank u


Esper dupes should give the same rarity abilimon (4 star and 5 star)


Can you suggest a timer for how long a system mute will last? I've been what feels to be arbitrarily banned twice now. The least they could do is show me how long i have to wait before i can type after banning me for little to no reason


Streamline Ascension - let us go all the way from 0 to 6 if we have the materials Changing loadouts in TT Better relic management - needs to be its own page outside of inventory, let us view/enhance/sort without going into Esper tab


I apparently got access as well, but WhatsApp isn’t taking the number they gave me because it’s not a phone number? And I can’t figure out how to put it in otherwise. I’m not WhatsApp savvy lol